“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.” Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow

As I have witnessed and lived through the last three dystopian years of mass hysteria, mass delusion, and mass mental illness, I find myself drawn to the same thinkers, social commentators, and musical artists over and over. The wisdom, wit, and clarity of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Roger Waters in describing a world gone mad makes me feel less alone in my observations about humanity, politicians, governments, bankers, billionaire funded NGOs, war mongering psychopaths, and entities intent on shredding the social fabric of this country and the world.


COVID deaths up 39% after vaccines rolled out in Ontario Canada

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Weren’t the vaccines supposed to REDUCE deaths from COVID? Oddly, there was no press coverage on this. I wanted to make sure you knew about it. Tell your friends.

Executive summary

The official government numbers show COVID deaths are up in Ontario by nearly 40% since the vaccines rolled out.

Both hospitalization and deaths from COVID were up dramatically.

You can see it yourself (see the red box below):

Deaths went from 5,485 in 2021 to 7,625 in 2022.

Could that be statistical noise? Not likely. Sigma is 74 so it’s a 29-sigma increase. In other words, this increase in death didn’t happen by chance; something caused it.

Continue reading “COVID deaths up 39% after vaccines rolled out in Ontario Canada”

The Medicare records clearly show the vaccines are killing people

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The CDC could instantly make the death-vax records in Medicare public. But they won’t. I’m going to show you why in this article in a way everyone can understand.

Executive summary

Every state has both death and vax status databases. A simple merge of the two tables (using name, SSID, DOB, sex, etc) tells us, for each person who died, how many days elapsed from each vaccine dose. When you plot this for the Medicare data, it’s “supposed” to be dose independent because the vaccine is “supposed” to have no impact on mortality. It should be just the background death rate perhaps with the COVID deaths flattened if it works as advertised.

The reality is that the curves are not horizontally shifted versions of each other. That means the intervention had an unintended all-cause mortality effect when COVID wasn’t present (i.e., to kill people).

This is why they aren’t showing us the raw data.

Because they don’t want anyone to know the truth.

Continue reading “The Medicare records clearly show the vaccines are killing people”


Virtually no one under 65 years old died from Covid. And these numbers are even over-inflated by hospitals classifying every death as Covid, even if you already had stage 4 cancer or died in a motorcycle crash. They are still spending millions of your tax dollars advertising for you to get your jabs. Why? These figures (FROM THE CDC) prove this was the annual flu. Why the full court press to get children jabbed?

No need for wild conspiracy theories. This was the greatest Big Pharma/Bill Gates depopulation grift of all-time and 75% of masses fell for it. You could show these figures to them and they will still see themselves as virtuous and noble in getting injected with an experimental gene therapy that has a greater chance of injuring and killing them than the flu it was supposed to keep you from getting.

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Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled

Via ZeroHedge

A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion.

Research firm Phinance Technologies, founded and operated by former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, Yuri Nunes (PhD Physics, MSc Mathematics) and Carlos Alegria (PhD Physics, Finance), split the impact of the vaccines into four broad categories to estimate the human costs associated with the Covid-19 vaccine; no effect or asymptomatic, those who sustained injuries (mild-to-moderate outcome), those who became disabled (severe outcome), and death (extreme outcome). Data on vaccine disabilities and injuries comes directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), while the excess death figures are derived from official figures on deaths in the US via two different methods (methodology here).

Continue reading “Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled”

The Schwab study proves the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Will the CDC ever acknowledge it? No way! Their evidence to debunk this study? None whatsoever. They simply ignore it. So does the mainstream medical community and the press.

Executive summary

I’ve written about the Schwab paper before, but I wanted to put it all in an article to make it easy to reference.

Basically, this study, written by top German scientists and published in a prestigious German peer-reviewed medical journal, proves that the COVID vaccines kill people. They basically started with 35 bodies who died within 20 days of a COVID shot, and focused on 5 where no other cause of death could be ascribed. All 5 had similar findings consistent with a vaccine injury and inconsistent with any other known cause of death.

Continue reading “The Schwab study proves the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people”

New Israeli MoH study shows COVID vax increases your risk of death over time

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

A new study covertly released by the Israeli Ministry of Health confirms what we know from the Medicare data: the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death over time.

Executive summary

In an earlier post, I analyzed the Medicare data that the CDC refuses to disclose. I found that the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death over time.

Now, the Israeli Ministry of Health has covertly released a new study showing the same thing: that the COVID vaccines significantly increase your risk of death for at least 180 days post vaccination.

Here is an English-translated version of the study so you can read it for yourself. Note that many important details are omitted in the report.

The study shows the vaccine gradually increases the risk of death over time with a peak at 4 months from the shot. This is why it is so hard to see compared to a vaccine which causes a massive number of deaths shortly after the shot. But they don’t blame the vaccine. Instead, they claim that the increase in mortality is due to the healthy vaccinee effect (HVE). This is a “hand-waving argument” which has no evidentiary basis whatsoever (any HVE effect would be very small and very time limited).

Continue reading “New Israeli MoH study shows COVID vax increases your risk of death over time”

The “safe and effective” mRNA “vaccines” caused more Covid cases and more deaths than the virus itself

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

“The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.” — Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology

Dear Readers:  As you know, I early reported on the strong warnings by independent medical scientists of the dangers of the mRNA “vaccines.” Some of you thanked me for saving you from the fate of the vaccinated.  Here are two sentences from the latest published research report:

“A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

“An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.”

Continue reading “The “safe and effective” mRNA “vaccines” caused more Covid cases and more deaths than the virus itself”

Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The only way to explain the sudden rise in deaths in June/July 2021 that fits the data is the COVID vaccine, AFAIK.

Executive summary

The chart below is from a Substack by Andrew Madry entitled Excess Dementia Deaths in Australia:

Excess dementia deaths (cumulative – cumulative) rose dramatically in 2021 starting at the time of the vaccine rollout and continued to diverge. If it wasn’t the vaccine, what was it?

Continue reading “Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation”

Why is everyone so afraid to talk about the elephant in the room?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Executive summary

Yesterday, I gave a presentation at the Senate in Mexico City with Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Alex Diaz. It was a big hit.

The presentation has a few slides summarizing the data, but the bulk of the presentation is simply me asking questions that nobody wants to talk about like this one:

Continue reading “Why is everyone so afraid to talk about the elephant in the room?”

URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Covid vaccines are linked to a 20 percent rise in new diagnoses for at least three months after vaccination; a second report finds even higher risks for people with preexisting autoimmune problems

Adults have sharply higher risks of being diagnosed with heart, skin, and psychiatric conditions for at least 90 days after they receive Covid jabs, a peer-reviewed study of almost 300,000 people in California has shown.

The researchers examined new diagnoses given to the same people before and after they were vaccinated to see whether the shots changed the risk of new health problems.

They found that people were about 21 percent more likely to receive a new diagnosis in the three months after a shot, compared to the three months before. With almost 240 million American adults jabbed, the rise translates into millions of extra new medical problems found in the months after vaccination, and tens of millions worldwide.

Continue reading “URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows”


The good news: death rates have now fallen far below normal. The bad news: only in Bulgaria.

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

True story. No points for guessing what product Bulgaria hardly used. Here’s a hint: mRNA Covid jabs.

Bulgaria is good at counting its dead.

The country’s National Statistical Institute compiles death figures weekly and releases them in English once a month.

They tell a story that mRNA jab advocates may not want to hear.

Bulgaria has very low Covid vaccination rates, likely because generations of Communist misrule left Bulgarians deeply suspicious of government promises of miracle cures.

And Covid hit Bulgaria hard from late 2020 through early 2022. The epidemic tore through unhealthy middle-income Eastern European countries, and Bulgaria has rates of smoking, obesity, and cardiovascular disease that are off the charts. Its Covid death rate was more than double that of Western European countries like Spain, and its overall mortality rate higher still.

But now the epidemic is over. And deaths in Bulgaria are plunging – not just to normal, but well below it.

(Weekly deaths in Bulgaria over the last six years: the red line is 2023. The second chart is just a highlight to show just how far below normal deaths have now fallen. They’re low even by summer standards.)

Continue reading “The good news: death rates have now fallen far below normal. The bad news: only in Bulgaria.”

What funeral directors know that you don’t

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

In 78 years, they never had a 15 year old who died from a heart attack. In December 2022, they had 1 a week for three weeks straight. Nobody is talking about it publicly.

What Does a Funeral Director Do? Role and Duties | LoveToKnowFew funeral directors are saying anything. I just talked to the owner of a large number of funeral homes in the US. They know what is going on, but are not going to say anything publicly.

Executive summary

Ever since the vaccines rolled out, deaths are up, particularly among young people.

I talked to the owner of many funeral homes across the US; collectively they handle over 3,000 funerals a year. He asked that his name be kept confidential for fear of retribution.

Overall, their business is up by 50% after the vaccines rolled out and it’s not proportional… young people are a greater portion of the deaths.

For example pilot deaths at Southwest Airlines are up six-fold after the vaccines were mandated.

My source said that normally they’d see 1 stillbirth/month pre-vaccine. After the vaccines rolled out, they were seeing as many as 12 stillbirths a month. But they noted that many hospitals will dispose of these cases directly and NOT involve the funeral home, so they are only seeing a fraction of these deaths; the actual increase could be much larger than the 12X increase they observed.

Continue reading “What funeral directors know that you don’t”

EXCLUSIVE: Stunning new data pulled from the Medicare database shows how each shot increases your risk of death

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

We can now see very clearly what is going on. Shot #1 bumps your risk of death by around 20%. Shot # 2 bumps it another 20%. Shot #3 bumps your risk another 10%.

Executive summary

I’m still gathering data from Medicare, but a consistent picture is emerging for Medicare participants under 80 years old:

  1. Shot #1 increases your risk of death by around 20% with an exponential time constant of around 150 days.
  2. Shot #2 increases your risk of death by an additional 20% with a time constant of around 100 days.
  3. Shot #3 increases your risk of death by an additional 10% with a time constant of around 50 days.
  4. Due to the limitations of the Medicare data (missing vaccination data on nearly half the records), it’s not clear whether the shots reduce your risk of death from COVID. We need data that the public health authorities refuse to provide. If the shots worked, they’d want to make this data public. Keeping the data under wraps suggests that the shots not only make you more likely to die from all causes, but they also make you more likely to die from COVID.

Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: Stunning new data pulled from the Medicare database shows how each shot increases your risk of death”