Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Cabal’s Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics

Guest post by Sasha Latypova

Link to video on Bitchute

Catherine Austin Fitts is a legend that needs no introduction. She has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience, both as an investment banker and working in government, and then being prosecuted by the government (former Assistant Secretary of Housing) for trying to uncover and fight corruption. She is currently the publisher of the Solari Report.

I set up this conversation because I wanted to learn about the tactics that the criminal mafia posing as US federal and state governments are currently using against the people. We focus on the US, but many of my readers can probably recognize these tactics being applied all over the world. The goal of the criminal cabal is well advertised: “save the planet, reduce carbon” by which they mean “we need all the real assets and resources for ourselves, and fewer of you plebs around”.

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Via State of the Nation

DEW-Triggered Firestorms Cover Up
Multiple Stealthy Pyroterrorism
On Lahaina, Maiu

First: Just like Paradise CA, Maui town has been ‘wiped off the map’—Whodunnit & Why?

Second: WATCH! Video Proof of DEW-triggered Firestorm Infernos in Lahaina, Maiu


Fourth: MUST VIEW: At least 36 people confirmed dead in devastating wildfires: Maui County


Maui DEW Firestorm Levels Lahaina

Guest Post by James Grundvig, American Media Periscope

The Maui fire investigators and local government will soon label the firestorm that nuked Lahaina but left its green trees standing in place but wilted, either as arson or climate change. No matter what, Big Media will amp up the verdict, pre-conclusion, as “climate boiling.” They gaslighting jackals will not wait for any type of investigation, whether rigged or not, to hive-drone the noise that the world is coming to an end due to overpopulation and dwindling resources.

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OPERATION TORCH CANADA: This is the big one!

Via State of the Nation

*All of the following photos were taken throughout the Spring of 2023 of the manmade Canadian firestorms. 

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Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

Submitted by Mark M.

There are different types of directed energy weapons which include extremely low frequency (ELF), microwave, scalar, voice-to-skull, lasers and more (all these can be found on this site). This page will cover the attack in California and a few other places by way of fire created by directed energy weapons as this relates to Agenda 30 megaregions and the destruction of areas through weaponizing of weather with use of chemtrails and frequencies.

This page includes, but is not limited to, Lockheed Martin bragging about and demonstrating their directed energy weapons, a History Channel documentary on directed energy weapons, people’s footage of lasers in California the night the fires started and of the strange and unnatural aftermath of the fires. The videos people took of the laser matched the demonstrations given by Lockheed Martin and other official sources.

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