Open Letter: An Overdue Apology to the World’s Children

Guest Post by Lucy Davies

This is a bit embarrassing to be honest, but it needs to be said. To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…


Sorry we told you it was dangerous to sing.

Sorry we made you stand in hoops in the school playground so you couldn’t go near anyone.

Sorry we padlocked your swings together.

Sorry we taught you that human bodies aren’t capable of fighting off a virus without the use of weird AI stuff & what we now know to be incredibly dangerous chemicals that don’t even work.

Sorry we danger-taped the toys in the supermarket.

Sorry we inverted the responsibility of health in old age onto you in the most misguided way possible.

Sorry we encased you in plexiglass cages whilst being fitted for new shoes.

Sorry we shoved sticks covered in carcinogenic chemicals up your noses.

Sorry we isolated you from your friends.

Sorry we made you scared of going near other people.

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The Demonization of the Unvaxxed

Guest Post by Karen Hunt

“Children are the vessels into which adults pour their poison.”
Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children

In The Silver Chair, book 6 of CS Lewis’s magnificent The Chronicles of Narnia, the first pages describe a “mixed” school, meaning for boys and girls, that was…

not nearly so mixed as the minds of the people who ran it. These people had the idea that boys and girls should be allowed to do what they liked. And unfortunately what ten or fifteen of the biggest boys and girls liked best was bullying the others. All sort of things, horrid things, went on…[and] the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases and sent for them and talked to them for hours. And if you knew the right sort of things to say to the Head, the main result was that you became rather a favorite than otherwise.”

The school is called Experiment House and it’s a drab, dull place where, even though it gives the appearance of “everyone doing what they liked,” it’s really a place where everyone must fit in and those who don’t are singled out and persecuted.

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Check out this receipt and you realize why the country just elected Donald Trump. Liberal Democrat scumbag mayor Jim Kenney and his entirely Democrat city council thought it was a brilliant idea to ram a beverage tax down the throats of Philadelphians last year. They were doing it for the chilruns. It’s always for the chilrun. The ignorant masses bought the load of bullshit because they don’t understand maff. They understand it now. The tax went into effect on January 1 and the sticker shock is infuriating the ignorant masses.

This receipt for a 10 pack of flavored water shows a 51% beverage tax. It gets even better. PA has a sales tax of 6%. Philly already charges another 2% (for the chilruns) to make the sales tax 8%. These bastards now charge the 8% on the original price plus the beverage tax. Last week this purchase came to $6.47. Today it is $9.75.

Now ask yourself, who drinks the most sugary drinks? That’s right. Obese uneducated poor people who are likely to be scraping by on food stamps or very low incomes. Kenney and his liberal minions have fucked over their main voters. This tax is going to drive grocery purchases outside the city and hurt small restaurant owners. It isn’t benefiting kids. It’s funding the bloated pensions of teachers and government employees. Overall tax revenue will decline. Democrats are complete idiots when it comes to economics. Taxing their people to death is destroying Philly.

As a side note, PA, which already had the highest gas tax in the country, increased it by another 8 cents per gallon on January 1. I’m sure the corrupt PA Dept of Transportation will spend the millions wisely on bloated union construction contracts for sub-par work that is only two years late getting completed. Happy New Year from Taxylvania!!!!


Pennsylvania, Illinois Usher In The New Year With Record Budget Impasses

Tyler Durden's picture

We’ve written quite a bit this year about the fiscal crises unfolding among America’s state and local governments. Illinois became something of a poster child for the problem when, in May, the state Supreme Court struck down a pension reform bid, triggering a Moody’s downgrade for Chicago.

After that, the situation in Springfield worsened materially and before you knew it, the state was paying out lottery winnings in IOUs and missing hundreds of millions in pension payments.

The Illinois high court decision effectively set a precedent. “My reaction was, ‘Yeah, that’s going to play here,’ “ John D. McGinnis, a lawmaker in Pennsylvania, told The New York Times back in May. As the Times went on to note, Pennsylvania “has been diverting money from its pension system, setting the stage for a crisis as more and more public workers retire.”

“The judiciary in Pennsylvania has been solidly of the belief that there are ‘implicit contracts,’ and you can’t deviate from them,” McGinnis said. “If lawmakers in Harrisburg were to unilaterally cut pensions now, they could be taken to court and be dealt a stinging rebuke, like their counterparts in Illinois.”

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