I notice that some of the conservative websites I follow are not outraged in the least by the coup in Egypt. This is one of those situations that separates the phony Constitutionalists from the people who believe in the Constitution. The neo-cons hate Muslims in general and religious Muslims in particular. They hate Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. I’m sure he’s an asshole and his followers are dangerous fanatics. I’m also sure the Egyptian generals that backed Mubarek and his dictatorship for decades are also evil fuckers. The entire Middle East is a religious clusterfuck of dangerous fanatics who blow each other up. The Egyptian people elected Morsi through the democratic process. Many Egyptians hate his guts and hate his policies. The American people elected Obama. Many Americans hate his guts and hate his policies. The Egyptian military overthrew Morsi last week and placed him under arrest. They are now killing his supporters as they riot. Is it OK for our military to overthrow Obama because his popularity rating is now only 40%?

For the slow witted (Congressmen, MSM pundits) here is the definition of a coup:

The sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military.

There is absolutely no doubt that a democratically elected leader of Egypt was overthrown and deposed. Our LAW states unequivically that foreign aid of $1.5 billion MUST be stopped immediately. Obama, his minions, Congress and the mainstream media tell me that laws must be followed when it comes to my every day existence. But the slimy snakes in Washington DC from both parties have decided they can ignore laws when they interfere with their agendas. The $1.5 billion will continue to flow to Egypt because our owners think it’s good for business. Most of this money benefits our Arms Peddlers in the military industrial complex. The lesson from this episode and dozens of other episodes over the last few years proves that the rule of law is meaningless in this country. Numerous laws will be enforced on the peasants but will be ignored and flaunted when they apply to the lords of the manor. Laws are designed to control you and allow the oligarchs to pillage without consequence.

In case you hadn’t noticed:

  • Wall Street bankers engineered the largest control fraud in world history and not one banker has gone to jail. Over 1,000 bankers went to jail during the S&L Crisis of the early 1990’s.
  • Mortgage brokers and the Wall Street banks colluded to create fraudulent mortgages, package them as MBS, paid off rating agencies to get a AAA rating, sold them to clients, shorted them knowing they would explode, and destroyed the lives of millions in the process. No one was prosecuted or went to jail. 
  • Wall Street bankers have commited foreclosure fraud on a grand scale (robo-signing) and not one banker has gone to jail.
  • Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson lied to Congress and the American people about the true implications of the September 2008 meltdown and neither has been held accountable.
  • Eric Holder gave assault weapons to Mexican drug lords, which were used to kill U.S. law enforcement officers, and no one has gone to jail.
  • The government is illegally collecting meta-data from all Americans in violation of the 4th Amendment. No one will be prosecuted.
  • James Clapper lied to Congress about spying on the American people. There is no effort to prosecute him for this crime.
  • The Obama administration has used the IRS to punish political opponents. No one will go to jail.
  • Jon Corzine stole $1.2 billion directly from the accounts of his clients. He is not going to be prosecuted.
  • Wall Street banks are caught using inside information on a daily basis to generate billions of illegal profits. The government fines them a few million. No one goes to jail.

Tacitus was right:

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”

Our state is corrupt to its core. A true patriot, Edward Snowden, reveals the illegal traitorous actions of the government (Obama, Congress, NSA) and he is vilified by the oligarchs and their MSM mouthpieces. Edward Snowden should be hailed as a hero, but those in power will use their interpretation of the LAW to throw him in prison for life.

The message is obvious to anyone who chooses to think. THEY will use the law to crush you and keep you controlled, but the LAW does not apply to them. THEY are above the law. You are not free. You are a slave. The democratic process does not exist in this country. The system will never be changed from within. Their power, wealth and control is immense. The future will resemble Orwell’s vision unless enough people like Edward Snowden make a stand.