The State of The World



The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorised from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.

The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.

The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from “Run” to “Hide.” The only two higher levels in France are “Collaborate” and “Surrender.” The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France ‘s white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country’s military capability.

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There Goes Europe

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The desperate wish in what is loosely called the West to at least appear morally correct is unfortunately over-matched by the desperation of people fleeing unstable, overpopulated places outside the West, and it is a fiasco beyond even the events of the moment.

The refugee / immigrant crisis around the Mediterranean is a preview of a horror show to which there is no end in sight, and is certain to escalate. So anyone who indulges in fantasies about organizing an orderly, rational distribution of displaced persons for the current wave, is badly missing the point. Wave beyond wave awaits after the this one. And then what will the well-intentioned sentimentalists say? We wanted to do the right thing… we meant well… we cried when we saw the little boy dead on the beach….

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The Real Refugee Problem – And How To Solve It


Last week Europe saw one of its worst crises in decades. Tens of thousands of migrants entered the European Union via Hungary, demanding passage to their hoped-for final destination, Germany.

While the media focuses on the human tragedy of so many people uprooted and traveling in dangerous circumstances, there is very little attention given to the events that led them to leave their countries. Certainly we all feel for the displaced people, especially the children, but let’s not forget that this is a man-made crisis and it is a government-made crisis.

The reason so many are fleeing places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq is that US and European interventionist foreign policy has left these countries destabilized with no hopes of economic recovery. This mass migration from the Middle East and beyond is a direct result of the neocon foreign policy of regime change, invasion, and pushing “democracy” at the barrel of a gun.

Continue reading “The Real Refugee Problem – And How To Solve It”


If you are allowing close to 1% of your existing population to come into your country as immigrants on an annual basis, and they are mostly poor, uneducated, and Muslim, your country is screwed. The socialist countries of Europe will be bankrupted, as crime and violence increase dramatically. Norway, Germany, and Sweden have written their own death warrants.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

The questions on the topic of immigration, as we’ve seen in the United States, are challenging to answer even at the best of times. The situation becomes orders more complex when millions of refugees or migrants are seeking asylum from civil war, poverty, and other terrible conditions.

It is the latter situation that Europeans find themselves grappling with: after many series of escalating incidents, the refugee crisis facing Europe has been described as the worst since World War II.


Pictorial Essay: GERMAN SUICIDE

So, I’m sitting here this morning eating an omelet with farm fresh eggs I bought at the farmer’s market on Saturday (such bright yellow yokes!!), to be followed by a cup of coffee and a peach-blueberry cobbler I made last night.  In the background the teevee is humming, tuned to Al Jazeera, when suddenly I almost threw up in my mouth.

I can’t find the video.  Basically, it was a story of African refugees in Germany.  They put on a play about their plight …. doing their African jigaboo dances (is that raayycisss?) to a mostly elderly white German audience, and in front of a big sign “Willkommen” … “welcome”, of course. Like the picture below. Welcome???

These people??


Who start making demands for Free Shit the MOMENT they step foot on German soil?

Story accompanying below picture — “As activists accuse the German and Austrian governments of failing to take adequate care of refugees arriving from North Africa and the Middle East, some are taking matters into their own hands: by inviting the migrants to live in their homes.” —– here;

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The anger and disillusionment will grow. Nothing has been solved. The debt continues to accumulate and young people have no hope. Hopelessness leads to the rise of extremist parties, which leads to war. It’s coming.

Infographic: Youth Unemployment Still Unrelenting in Europe | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


It’s not the un-payble debt that is bringing down Europe. It’s their addiction to porn. They are so busy watching porn, no one is working and no one cares about fixing their economic system. As long as they can watch titties on their TVs, all is well.

When it comes to seedy late-night television, nowhere in Europe compares to France. According to the European Audiovisual Observatory, France has the most adult TV channels in Europe – 71. Germany comes second with 60 while the United Kingdom has 36. Read more in the Independent.

Infographic: The EU countries with the most adult TV channels | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


The Choice Before Europe

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Washington continues to drive Europe toward one or the other of the two most likely outcomes of the orchestrated conflict with Russia. Either Europe or some European Union member government will break from Washington over the issue of Russian sanctions, thereby forcing the EU off of the path of conflict with Russia, or Europe will be pushed into military conflict with Russia.

In June the Russian sanctions expire unless each member government of the EU votes to continue the sanctions. Several governments have spoken against a continuation. For example, the governments of the Czech Republic and Greece have expressed dissatisfaction with the sanctions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged growing opposition to the sanctions among some European governments. Employing the three tools of US foreign policy–threats, bribery, and coercion–he warned Europe to renew the sanctions or there would be retribution. We will see in June if Washington’s threat has quelled the rebellion.

Europe has to consider the strength of Washington’s threat of retribution against the cost of a continuing and worsening conflict with Russia. This conflict is not in Europe’s economic or political interest, and the conflict has the risk of breaking out into war that would destroy Europe.

Continue reading “The Choice Before Europe”


Nothing like letting 3 year olds hold machine guns. Your military dollars being well spent. We are only spending $1 trillion per year. Why not $2 trillion? Imagine how safe from invasion we’d be then.

A convoy of US Army military vehicles, mostly IAV Stryker armoured personnel carriers (APCs), departed the military base in Tapa, Saturday, on a 1,770 km (1,100 miles) tour through six European countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Germany) in total, with the final destination Vilseck in Germany. The trek is being called the “Dragoon Ride,” after the unit’s name – the Dragoons. The tour is aimed at demonstrating strength and solidarity to US and NATO allies in eastern Europe, according to U.S. Army Europe spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Childs.

Is Peace or War at Hand?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

King World News illustrates this article with photos. If you enjoy visuals, go here:

At this time we do not know the outcome of the meeting in Moscow between Merkel, Hollande, and Putin.

The meeting with Putin was initiated by Merkel and Hollande, because they are disturbed by the aggressive position that Washington has taken toward Russia and are fearful that Washington is pushing Europe into a conflict that Europe does not want.  However, Merkel and Hollande cannot resolve the NATO/EU/Ukraine situation unless Merkel and Hollande are willing to break with Washington’s foreign policy and assert the right as sovereign states to conduct their own foreign policy.

Unless Washington’s war-lust has finally driven Europeans to take control over their own fate, the most likely outcome of the Putin-Merkel-Hollande meeting will be more meetings that go nowhere. If Merkel and Hollande are not negotiating from a position of independence, one likely outcome after more meetings will be that Merkel and Hollande will say, in order to appease Washington, that they tried to reason with Putin but that Putin was unreasonable.

Based on Lavrov’s meeting in Munich with the Europeans, the hope for any sign of intelligence and independence in Europe seems misplaced.  Russian diplomacy relied on European independence, but as Putin has acknowledged Europe has shown no independence from Washington.  Putin has said that negotiating with vassals is pointless. Yet, Putin continues to negotiate with vassals.

Perhaps Putin’s patience is finally paying off. There are reports that Germany and France oppose Washington’s plan to send weapons to Ukraine. French president Hollande now supports autonomy for the break-away republics in Ukraine. His predecessor, Sarkozy, said that Crimea chose Russia and we cannot blame them, and that the interests of Americans and Europeans diverge when it comes to Russia. Germany’s foreign minister says that Washington’s plan to arm Ukraine is risky and reckless. And on top of it all, Cyprus has offered Russia an air base.

Continue reading “Is Peace or War at Hand?”

Gorbachev warns of major war in Europe over Ukraine

Fourth Turnings ALWAYS lead to a major war. 

Via Reuters

BERLIN (Reuters) – Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that tensions between Russia and European powers over the Ukraine crisis could result in a major conflict or even nuclear war, in an interview to appear in a German news magazine on Saturday.

“A war of this kind would unavoidably lead to a nuclear war,” the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner told Der Spiegel news magazine, according to excerpts released on Friday.

“We won’t survive the coming years if someone loses their nerve in this overheated situation,” added Gorbachev, 83. “This is not something I’m saying thoughtlessly. I am extremely concerned.”

Tensions between Russia and Western powers rose after pro-Russian separatists took control of large parts of eastern Ukraine and Russia annexed Crimea in early 2014.

The United States, NATO and the European Union accuse Russia of sending troops and weapons to support the separatist uprising, and have imposed sanctions on Moscow.

Russia denies providing the rebels with military support and fends off Western criticism of its annexation of Crimea, saying the Crimean people voted for it in a referendum.

Gorbachev, who is widely admired in Germany for his role in opening the Berlin Wall and steps that led to Germany’s reunification in 1990, warned against Western intervention in the Ukraine crisis.

“The new Germany wants to intervene everywhere,” he said in the interview. “In Germany evidently there are a lot of people who want to help create a new division in Europe.”

The elder statesman, whose “perestroika” (restructuring) policy helped end the Cold War, has previously warned of a new cold war and potentially dire consequences if tensions were not reduced over the Ukraine crisis.

The diplomatic standoff over Ukraine is the worst between Moscow and the West since the Cold war ended more than two decades ago.
(Reporting by Erik Kirschbaum; Editing by Sam Wilkin)


We are all Idiots who Have to be Saved from Themselves


“Forced by the verdict of a German court, a long-established fishmonger in Hamburg had to attach a sign above his shop’s counter recently, which informs his customers that “fish may contain fish bones”. Packs of peanuts meanwhile contain, as requested by law, the hint that they “may contain traces of nuts”. For the same reason, irons nowadays often bear the request to please not iron things while one is wearing them. Who would have thought?”


The above is from a recent report in the Austrian press. German best-seller author and journalist at “Der Spiegel”, Alexander Neubacher notes in his new book “Total Beschränkt” (“totally restricted”) that this “over-protective policy” actually creates the very helplessness which it ascribes to citizens. He asserts: “Prohibitions are triumphing over reason – the more restrictions, the more morons” (in the German language, the sentence lends itself to word play: “je mehr Beschränkungen, desto mehr Beschränkte”).

He points out that “the State wants to wean us from thinking with ever more regulations, and makes us into idiot citizens who have to be saved from themselves”. The paternalistic infantilization of citizens by the Nanny State is nothing new, but it has become such a scourge in Europe that it has actually spawned an entire literary genre of complaints by now, one that is apparently selling extremely well.


wmiccjCitizen, you clearly need help: the image Europe’s bureaucrats have of their fellow men

(Photo via / Author unknown)


According to the article, Mr. Neubacher’s book should be regarded as the new “standard work” on the topic. The bureaucratic nannies in the EU have provided him with a formidable wealth of material.

Thus the reader learns e.g. that on German territory, bicyclists using an electric bicycle that “only supports pedaling” may have a blood alcohol level of up to 1.6 per mil without being in danger of losing their driver’s license, whereas drunkards using an electric bicycle that “also works while idling” may not exceed a 0.5 per mil threshold. In parts of Berlin, no second bathrooms, no open chimneys and no elevators may be added in apartment renovations; on drilling platforms and wind farms in the North Sea there not only have to be medical supplies and cookies in storage in case of emergencies, but also a “pack of cards”. Prohibitions, says Neubacher, are generally overrunning our daily lives like “knotweed on a cemetery wall”.


knotweedBeware the giant knotweed

(Photo via


Responsible Parties

Montesquieu, who died in 1755, formulated a general rule for a well-run state that has been long forgotten: “If it is not necessary to make a law, it is necessary not to make a law”.

Neubacher not only provides an extensive encyclopedia of the protective siege, he also names those responsible and their motives: politicians, he says, believe they need to be seen to “do something” – and it is easier to pass rules and regulations concerning completely unimportant details of life, than actually doing something substantive. So these regulations are in a way decoys, designed to distract from the politicians’ ineptitude.


portrait-of-charlesmontesquieuCharles de Montesquieu: purveyor of good advice that has been ignored

(Image © Bridgeman Art Library / Versailles)


With regard to this, we would however note that we are even more worried that they might actually do something “substantive”, so our concerns certainly differ from Mr. Neubacher’s in this particular respect.

Neubacher also points out that an entire industry has sprung up under the guise of supposed “consumer protection”, with numerous influential industry lobbies benefiting greatly from regulations and paternalism, which have created “profitable, crisis-resistant business segments, that make a lot of money on the back of Nanny State regulations”.

This is e.g. immediately obvious when considering the ban prohibiting the use of incandescent light bulbs in the EU: allegedly introduced to “save the planet”, the ban’s man aim has always been to “increase the profits of Osram”, which along with other lighting producers lobbied heavily for its introduction. Ever since, Europe’s citizens have been forced to sit in lighting reminiscent of a morgue. As Lord Christopher Monckton remarked to this, given that this morgue-like lighting is highly likely to discourage reading, the continued dumbing down of the population has probably been given a major shot in the arm by the light bulb ban.

Among the many examples for connoisseurs of the prohibitions and regulations created by the “preventative-bureaucratic complex” in Neubacher’s book, we also find the recent establishment of a cemetery for lesbian women in Berlin – where men, you guessed it, are prohibited from being buried. Thus the bureaucrats have ensured peace of mind for members of Berlin’s lesbian community even after they have shuffled off this mortal coil. One cannot even escape the nannies by dying anymore.


Germany-opens-lesbian-only-cemetery.-Photo-SMHInauguration ceremony of the new “lesbians only” cemetery in Berlin.

(Photo source:  AFP)