If you are allowing close to 1% of your existing population to come into your country as immigrants on an annual basis, and they are mostly poor, uneducated, and Muslim, your country is screwed. The socialist countries of Europe will be bankrupted, as crime and violence increase dramatically. Norway, Germany, and Sweden have written their own death warrants.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

The questions on the topic of immigration, as we’ve seen in the United States, are challenging to answer even at the best of times. The situation becomes orders more complex when millions of refugees or migrants are seeking asylum from civil war, poverty, and other terrible conditions.

It is the latter situation that Europeans find themselves grappling with: after many series of escalating incidents, the refugee crisis facing Europe has been described as the worst since World War II.

According to the EU Border Agency, the amount of people taking the Greece-Western Balkan route to Europe has shot up 10x. Hungary responded by building a 175km (110 mile) fence along its Serbian border to keep them out.

Illegal immigration routes map Europe
Sentiment has now reached a boiling point, with the Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán writing yesterday in an op-ed essentially that Muslim migrants threaten Europe’s cultural identity as Christians.

Meanwhile, many other countries have opened doors to refugees from the Middle East and Africa. Germany took in over 40,000 asylum seekers in 2014, which is more than any other country. Sweden accepted a higher percent of applications than anyone else (76.6%) and as a result has more than 300 asylum seekers for every 100,000 of population.

However, these countries opening their doors are in a different situation – they aren’t on the front lines like Greece, Italy, and Hungary.

In terms of inflows of all foreign people incoming in, which our chart today depicts, a similar story is told. Hungary (0.21%), Slovakia (0.05%), and Poland (0.12%) received very low inflows of migrants as a percentage of their total population in 2012. Meanwhile, Germany and Norway accept the highest amounts of total migrants in Europe as a percent of their population: 1.18% and 1.39% respectively.

What is the right amount of immigrants and asylum seekers to accept?

It’s a nuanced and complex conversation – and human lives, culture, politics, and the economy are at stake.


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September 6, 2015 4:22 pm

The right amount is zero. It’s moratorium time, until sane government can figure out what benefits it’s own citizens

robert h sddell jr
robert h sddell jr
September 6, 2015 4:29 pm

There are dozens of Muslim countries they should be going to or being sent to, PERIOD.

September 6, 2015 4:34 pm

If you follow the money as to who is really behind this invasion you will see a group of elite Anglo Saxon , Jewish business owners as well as politicians and Arab elites from Saudi Arabia to name one.The UN may be organizing this effort but the money is coming from a small group of men who want to make the world in their image. They want to destroy any nation that has social cohesion and trust. They are trying to get Japan to open its doors but so far the Japanese have said Fuck you to the UN.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
September 6, 2015 4:48 pm

The videos on youtube look like scenes from The Walking Dead and World War Z.

I’ve long wondered why we are being bombarded by zombie movies for years. It was to get us used to the sight. It’s now real.

Trying to think this through to the inevitable consequences makes me shiver.

September 6, 2015 5:06 pm

The war machines and covert operations of the so-called christian, so-called civilized western nations have systematically destabilized the countries of the middle east, removed their political leaders, and provided massive supplies of weapons to the multiple opposing factions. Having sown the seeds, the west now is reapnig the harvest of their politics. From a distance, its pretty funny ….

September 6, 2015 5:06 pm

When I hear that Germany is taking in 800,000 Syrians, I’m blown away. Then, as I realize that the US has taken in 11,000,000 undocumented Mexicans, it puts everything into perspective. However, it could get a lot dicier.

Without NAFTA, and if pot were legalized in the US, Mexico’s economy would collapse. The country is already getting killed with low oil prices, and the peso has been sinking like a rock. Also, Mexico has no shortage of narco-war refuges (that country’s version of asylum seekers), just waiting to march into this country. Meanwhile, Mexican farm workers, IN MEXICO, make only $8 a day. So the median migrant worker salary of $7,500, that is paid here in the US, is more than enough to motivate those crop pickers to sneak across our border. Consequently, if the Mexican economy ever tanks, for any reason, many more millions of illegals will pour over our southern border, long before anybody can erect some kind of great wall.

September 6, 2015 5:23 pm

Don’t think we won’t be getting some of these “immigrants” ourselves. I’ve been reading that Obammunist is coming under heavy pressure to take allow a bunch of them into the USA. Obammunist will probably demand full compliance on Russian sanctions before agreeing to accept a few hundred thousand of them. Actually, I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t do some stupid shit like this. Probably hold a big “humanitarian crisis” speech and everything!

September 6, 2015 6:57 pm

Kind of like how America is letting in millions of low skilled excess legal immigrants and tens of millions of excess low skilled and criminal illegal ones.

In addition to the offshoring of as many good jobs as possible and exponentially increasing wealth disparity can anyone still believe that wrecking first world nations wasn’t the plan all along?

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 6, 2015 6:59 pm

Important question about this article: Are those statistics DOCUMENTED immigrants? If so, then you can bump the USA number by a factor of 10, I’d bet.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 6, 2015 7:06 pm

This guy has another take on the migration to non Muslim countries.

September 6, 2015 7:06 pm

German first followed by many other should just give up calling themselves Germany and go to calling themselves EUland. They are going to be unrecognizable in the future as Germany.

Rick Caird
Rick Caird
September 6, 2015 8:06 pm

I call it cultural suicide, but death warrant works, too.

September 6, 2015 9:47 pm

This is the plan, to destroy Europe by immigration, courtesy of the Jews. Organized Jewry, well funded of course, wants too see the white race exterminated. If not by Billy clubs and bombs, then by other means.

September 6, 2015 10:22 pm

Who is going to pull the Jews asses out of the ovens next time?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 7, 2015 2:38 am

rich says: Meanwhile, Mexican farm workers, IN MEXICO, make only $8 a day. So the median migrant worker salary of $7,500, that is paid here in the US, is more than enough to motivate those crop pickers to sneak across our border.

$8 per day is good money in Mexico. That you call $7,500 a ‘salary’ is a hoot, more so because you call it the median without specifying what the other amounts are. Perhaps you meant the mean, or you could have just said, the average salary…
Your point about narco war refugees is better, although the folks applying for asylum are journalists.
The narco wars have died down considerably as the economy improved.
Crop pickers are the lesser threat, it is actually drug smugglers, these are not your grandma’s drug smugglers, these are guys setting up supply lines, distributors and new stash centers as far north as Vermont and Washington state.

September 7, 2015 6:03 am

“That you call $7,500 a ‘salary’ is a hoot, more so because you call it the median without specifying what the other amounts are. Perhaps you meant the mean, or you could have just said, the average salary…”

I meant exactly what I said, median, which is half above and half below, not mean and certainly not average. I rarely cite the “average” for anything, because the average is usually a skewed statistic. For example, let’s say that our cohort study was comprised of only two individuals, one who earned $5,000 and the other who earned $25,000. Their average salary would then be $15,000. That result wouldn’t tell us much of anything. As for the difference between “mean” and “median”:

“Let’s say we have a set of numbers:

The mean, sometimes called the arithmetic mean, of this set is 33. The mean is the sum of all the numbers in the set (167) divided by the amount of numbers in the set (5).

The median is the middle point of a number set, in which half the numbers are above the median and half are below. In our set above, the median is 30.:”

The “median” number was the number that was stated in the article I read; not the “mean” number nor the “average” number.

September 7, 2015 6:41 am

“This is the plan, to destroy Europe by immigration, courtesy of the Jews. Organized Jewry, well funded of course, wants too see the white race exterminated. If not by Billy clubs and bombs, then by other means.”

Why would the Jews want to have more Muslims pouring into Europe, when the Muslims in France are driving the Jews out of Europe?

Syrians, are Caucasians (white race), so technically, it would not be in their best interests to “see the white race exterminated” . They may not be European Caucasians, but they are Caucasians none the less. Race, by the way, has no genetic markers. Ethnicity, on the other hand, does. Here is Syria’s ethnic makeup: Arab 90.3%, Kurds, Armenians, and other 9.7%. Like it or not, Arabs (Hamites) are considered to be members of the “white” race.

Still, in my opinion, Germany is in for a terrible culture shock, and it took Germany a long time to get over the culture shock of an amalgamated Germany, after the fall of Berlin Wall. But, believe it or not, Germany feels the need to increase its population through immigration, because Germany now has the lowest birthrate (even lower than Japan) of any country in the world. Germany, in the future, will need young people to work in their factories, if the are to remain the world’s premier quality manufacturing nation.

September 7, 2015 7:48 am


September 7, 2015 4:38 pm

Rich, I defer to you on the race question. The matter is not a concern of mine. If you like ill use ethnicity instead of race. Now, in answer to your query, I will make it short.

Zionist Jews want Jews around the world to return to biblical Israel. Therefore, the internal strife in Europe, including the anti Semitic kind, serves their interests. If you recall, Nutteryahoo urged French Jews to come to Israel after the alleged Muslim Charlie hebdo attacks (cough cough Mossad job cough cough).

In addition, if I may indulge in a little psychology here, the elite Jews care little for the normal Jew. Elite Jews hate the European man, so much so that if the destruction of Europe entails the death of a few Jews, it matters little. Mission accomplished. You recall that it was the Jews who campaigned for the 1965 immigration act decades prior. Hitler complained in mein kampf that it was the Jew who brought the negro into the Rhineland. It was the Jews who brought Jamaicans into England. It was the Jews who were at the forefront in ending apartheid in South Africa, the result of which has been the endless bloodbath of whites. In my view there is a genetic component at work here, but that is pure speculation.

Lastly, have you considered that queers and feminists stand the most to lose from a foreign invasion, whether from Muslim fanatics or hordes of Mexicans? And yet, do you see them protesting said invasion? I don’t. They hate the “oppressive” white man very much more, on account of the extensive brainwashing they receive from beginning to end in the Jew dominated media. It will be their ultimate undoing if the Europeans lose this titanic struggle. Only then will they rue the situation. I see Jews in the same light.