
Via The Feral Irishman

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More evidence Fauci, Daszak, and the NIH are STILL lying about Wuhan

Submitted by Dirtperson Steve

Via El Gato Malo

Since the moment this all began (and likely quite a ways before any of us knew about it) fauci, the NIH, ecohealth (EHA), and a cast of who knows how many have been in full cover up and deny mode on what what happened and precisely who funded what at the wuhan institute of virology (WIV). and their claims keep falling apart as the facts come out.

this improbable pivot was one of desperation:

yes, we funded the gain of function research there, but we did not know it. “we wuz lied to.” EHA sucked up 10’s of million of government grants to do exactly this. everyone knew it. they were bragging about it openly.


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The Ignoble Lie

Guest Post by Victor Davis Hanson

The Ignoble Lie

In a controversial passage in Plato’s “Republic,” Socrates introduced the idea of the “noble lie” (“gennaios pseudos”).

A majestic fiction, he says, could sometimes serve society by persuading uninformed citizens of something good for them.

Ever since, many prevaricators have used the excuse that they lied for the common good.

Take Dr. Anthony Fauci, our point man on the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines

Guest Post  by Raul Ilargi Meijer

There’s something mightily ironic in me getting sick to my stomach when I read about sadistic experiments on puppies by Fauci et al, while at the same time recognizing it’s the same thing that he – and they- have been doing to the America people for 20 months now. Sadism rules under the guise of The Science, faithfully covered by the media, and spread to 200 million Americans, let alone the much larger numbers worldwide.

I don’t have the stomach for this, really, I’ve been literally sick about it all day, but I can’t not talk about it either.

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Why Fauci and the global cabal insist your children be injected for ‘protection’ against a disease that poses no threat to their health

Submitted by Brewer55

Guest Post by Leo Hohman

Ronald Reagan once said, “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.”

He made the statement in his farewell address on Jan. 11, 1989. He was giving advice on how U.S. foreign policy should view the former Soviet Union as it tried to shed its image as a brutal totalitarian society.

What Reagan was trying to say is that if it still looks like communism, then it probably is. Don’t pay attention to what they call it. Pay attention to how it looks, how it feels to those living under the regime.

Freedom-loving citizens of America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Canada would do well to heed Reagan’s advice and apply it today.

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Consider the Lowly Sandflies

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Some flinched when Dr. Fauci commanded the children of America to take the mRNA shots fraught with deadly side effects, but now it’s out that the agency he has controlled for decades like a Byzantine despot, the NIAD, gave a $1.6 million grant to a lab in Tunisia — that world-beating center of the bio-sciences — to study what happens when puppy-dogs are pinned down so that ravenous sandflies can chew their snouts off.

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Fauci Says Attacking Puppy Torture Is An Attack On Science

Via The Babylon Bee

BETHESDA, MD—Concerned citizens are raising questions about some experiments conducted by Dr. Fauci’s NIH, including one where puppies were tortured to death, their vocal cords severed to mute their screams. In an interview, Fauci said that anyone who attacks puppy torture is attacking science itself.

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Fauci Funded ‘Cruel’ Puppy Experiments Where Sand Flies ‘Eat Them Alive’; Vocal Cords Severed

Via ZeroHedge

While recent attention has been focused on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health funding the genetic manipulation of bat coronaviruses in the same town as the bat coronavirus pandemic emerged, a bipartisan group of lawmakers have demanded answers over ‘sick’ experiments on drugged puppies, according to The Hill.

“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive,” writes nonprofit organization the White Coat Waste Project. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies.”

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In Part One of this article I described the fraudulent world we live in, and postulated we are moving from Huxley’s “soft” dystopia towards Orwell’s boot on the face “hard” dystopia. This pandemic of fear initiated by the Davos crowd over the last two years is following the path I have laid out.

WHO team visits Wuhan virus lab at center of speculation - World News

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell

All the examples of truth suppression and silence regarding the truth pale in comparison to the massive conspiracy of silence related to this build back better pandemic scheme. From the outset, when ZeroHedge and a few other alternative media outlets postulated the virus had escaped from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab, a conspiracy of silence was initiated to cover-up the facts. Twitter crushed anyone who put forth this possibility and suspended ZeroHedge from posting for months.

Why the cover-up to protect the communist party of China? As usual, it’s about the money. These media companies, universities, politicians, mega-corporations, Biden and Fauci are all bought off by China. The lies and misinformation continue to this day, as China’s control of major players within our government, media, academia, and corporate America is deep and broad based.



“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”George Orwell, 1984

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”George Orwell, 1984

I never thought I would experience the dystopian “fictional” nightmare Orwell laid out in his 1949 novel. Seventy-two years later and his warning about a totalitarian society, where mass surveillance, repressive measures against dissenters, mind control through government indoctrination and propaganda designed to convince the masses lies are truth, fake is real and the narrative can be manipulated to achieve the desired outcome of those in power, have come to fruition.

Everything is fake. I don’t believe anything I’m told by the government, the media, medical “experts”, politicians, military leadership, bankers, corporate executives, religious leaders, financial professionals, and anyone selling themselves as an authority on any subject matter. We are truly living in times of mass deception, mass delusion, and mass willful ignorance.



Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Hilarity ensues.

Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

How obvious does it have to be before even insouciant Americans realize that there is something seriously wrong about the Covid vaccination program?

One would think we are already past that point even for the mentally-challenged.

Consider the many things we now know that make it clear that the vaccination program is a horrendous mistake.

We know that the vaccine does not protect.  Dr. Fauci himself, a leading proponent of the vaccination program and Chief Shill for Big Pharma, admits this.  This is why he says the double-vaccinated should wear masks and should have booster shots.  If the vaccine protects a person from Covid, why do vaccinated people need to wear masks and have more vaccine shots?  In Israel the Health Minister is already advocating a second booster shot which makes four jabs of the Pfizer “vaccine,” and the alleged “pandemic” is 3 months short of being 2 years old. Pfizer itself now admits that its vaccine looses its effectiveness over time.  According to Fauci it is only good for 8 months, and you can expect to see that period grow smaller.

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