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General Milley Tells Congress to Be Careful Who You Shake Your Fist At

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Ukraine’s foreign minister boasts that in the past few months Western governments have handed over $1.5 billion in bribes, that is, aid, and “more than 1,000 tons of arms and armaments” to keep the pot boiling. If the tons are US tons, that comes to 2,000,000 pounds of arms and ammunition.

As I have written repeatedly, as have The Saker and Andrei Martyanov, the Russian military can conquer all of Ukraine in a few hours with very light casualties. The money and arms being sent by Washington and its puppet states in Europe could not affect the outcome.

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Send the Incompetent Brass a Message: Don’t Enlist

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Send the Incompetent Brass a Message: Don't Enlist

Sometimes they need to learn by pain. There are only two ways we patriots can force our failed military leadership to learn its lesson until 2024, when we get a real president in office who is not bedazzled by medals and impressed by a bunch of guys who had two decades to exterminate a crew of fanatical banditos and failed. We can starve the brass of treasure, but expecting the Republicans to impose that penalty in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle is – to evoke another famous failure of planning and arrogance – a bridge too far. Or we can starve them of blood – our kids’ blood, which for too long has been put at unnecessary risk by unserious military senior leaders consumed by unserious elite fetishes like “white rage” and “climate change” at the same time the Chi Coms are seriously prepping a slaughter of our troops that you can barely conceive of.

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Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter


Rip those stars off your pathetic nostalgia costumes and resign. Quit. Tell that crusty Pinocchio in the White House and the faculty lounge Geppettos tugging his strings that you will have no more to do with his human centipede of failure in Kabul.

It’s not hard – your stars are right there, generals, right on the shoulders of those new uniforms you decided to adopt with the express purpose of evoking World War II and the memory of victory over a modern, peer-competitor military. Maybe, you thought, wearing winner’s gear would ease the pain of getting creamed by a bunch of Seventh Century throwbacks.

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Save the Military By Starting with a Woke Purge

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Save the Military By Starting with a Woke Purge

Our military has descended into this kind of morass of failure before – maybe not this deeply, but deeply enough that the last time we also allowed a pack of medieval throwbacks to giggle at us in front of the world. That was at Desert One, the smoldering Iranian debris field where Jimmy Carter’s post-‘Nam military announced to the world that the U.S. armed forces were no longer ready for primetime. Yet, just over a decade later, that same military dismantled an entire national army not far away in southern Iraq in 100 hours, taking casualties that barely amounted to a rounding error.

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The Decline and Fall of America’s Military: The Last Sacred Institution is Collapsing

Via Gen Z Conservative

The faith that ordinary Americans have in their government has been degrading precipitously since the 1950s. Congress, the Executive Branch (tarnished severely by the repeated abuses of both LBJ and Richard Nixon), the courts, the bureaucratic agencies, the media…all of it has collapsed into near-single digit approval ratings.

Like Rome at the time of its fall, we view the faltering power wielded by our government not with awe and respect but with equal measures of disgust with its impotence and hatred for what tyrannies it is still able to inflict.

The courts uphold bad policies while keeping leftists out of jail and locking up conservatives.

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