One Killed, Three Stabbed At German Train Station By Knife-Wielding Assailant Screaming “Allahu Akbar”

I heard about this attack on my local MSM radio station this morning. It’s funny. They didn’t mention anything about the killer being Muslim and yelling Allahu Akbar. I guess that would damage the MSM storyline of loving Muslims integrating into German society. The MSM is nothing but a fucking joke at this point.

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One man was killed, and three were stabbed A German national stabbed three passengers at a train station near Munich early on Tuesday, after a 27 year old knife-wielding assailant reportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar” attacked people at Grafing train station 32 km southeast of Munich at about 5 a.m. local time.

The attack might have an Islamist motive, officials said. “The perpetrator made remarks during the attack which point to there being a political motive,” Bavarian police said in a statement, adding he had been arrested and there were no further suspects.  Apart from “Allahu Akbar” the man was heard shouting “unbelievers,” Das Bild newspaper reported, citing local witnesses.

The prosecutor has confirmed the death of a 50-year-old man. He added that “two people are badly wounded, one is in critical condition.” The three injured are aged 58, 43 and 55. The “assailant made remarks at the scene of the crime that indicate a political motive – apparently an Islamist one,” Ken Heidenreich, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office, told AFP. “We are still determining what the exact remarks were.”

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Berlin police RAID APARTMENTS and ARREST residents for ‘anti-refugee’ social media posts

Hat tip Francis Marion

Via the Rebel

Censorship in Europe is out of control and in Berlin things are getting downright scary.

According to a report on Breitbart, Berlin Police conduced a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday and ransacked ten different apartments.

Mobile phones, narcotics and weapons were confiscated. Nine suspects, aged 22-58, were arrested and are accused of posting messages critical of migrants, migrant helpers and anti-semitic slogans on Facebook and Twitter.

RELATED: UK police hope arresting man for ‘offensive’ Facebook post about refugees ‘sends a message’

Police spokesman Stefan Redlich said that while the men did not know each other, they shared anti-migrant views and were considered by police to be “right-wing extremists”. There was no evidence of a planned conspiracy to commit crime among them.

Redlich justified the raids by saying they were potentially “people who just once expressed their hate-opinion.”

Of course, as we’ve documented in the past, Facebook and other social media sites have been actively censoring opinions that go against Angela Merkel and the German government’s view on refugees.

Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To “Cause A Credit Event In Greece And Destabilize Europe”

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One of the recurring concerns involving Europe’s seemingly perpetual economic, financial and social crises, is that these have been largely predetermined, “scripted” and deliberate acts.

This is something the former head of the Bank of England admitted one month ago when Mervyn King said that Europe’s economic depression “is the result of “deliberate” policy choices made by EU elites.  It is also what AIG Banque strategist Bernard Connolly said back in 2008 when laying out “What Europe Wants

To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

  • environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
  • terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
  • global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
  • EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

This morning we got another confirmation of how supernational organizations “plan” European crises in advance to further their goals, when Wikileaks published the transcript of a teleconference that took place on March 19, 2016 between the top two IMF officials in charge of managing the Greek debt crisis – Poul Thomsen, the head of the IMF’s European Department, and Delia Velkouleskou, the IMF Mission Chief for Greece.

In the transcript, the IMF staffers are caught on tape planning to tell Germany the organization would abandon the troika if the IMF and the commission fail to reach an agreement on Greek debt relief.

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“60 Minutes” crew attacked by Muslims in Sweden while shooting PRO-migrant propaganda

Hat tip Francis Marion

Via The Rebel

A six-minute segment of this attack appeared on YouTube yesterday.

(Here is the full segment of the show on Vimeo.)

The reportage is stunning: A pure whitewash of the culprits.

Ironically, the crew that was attacked had gone there to create pro-migrant propaganda.

Was the segment written in order to maintain the “Nothing to do with Islam or mass-Muslim immigration” narrative?

Here are other recent examples the state media warping foisting the “correct” opinion on the public.

Contrast how Germany’s equivalent of the CBC covered events at the Greek Macedonian border on February 29th with what actually occurred:

Now we start to get a clearer picture.

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A Long, Hot Summer is Coming

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Whatever happens, it’s going to get ugly.long hot summer

If Trump is nominated, there will be riots – the Perpetually (and professionally) Aggrieved will take to the streets.

If Trump is denied the nomination, there will be riots – as the people come face to face with the true nature of the system they were taught to respect since childhood.

Not since 1861 has America been so clearly divided. These divisions transcend mere political differences of opinion over this or that policy. There is a fundamental schism. Irreconcilable differences. The two sides detest each other, have almost nothing in common. And so can no longer live together.

Trump has been likened to Hitler – which is unfair. He is no Hitler. He is a crony capitalist and some other things, too. Mussolini, maybe.

But he isn’t Hitler.Kasich

However, he is riding a wave – make that a tsunami – similar to the one that led to the chancellorship of the German Reich (as it was styled in those days) falling into the hands of the former gefreiter. The people of Germany had been driven to a state of desperation and frenzy by decades of economic evisceration of their country and thus, of themselves. Their country had been ruled over by a revolving, insular cabal of greedheads and frauds, some nothing more than puppets of financial interests, who milked the cow for their and their masters’ benefit.

Sound familiar?

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Angela Merkel suffers dramatic setback in regional elections

This Fourth Turning continues to intensify across the world. It seems more and more Germans don’t want the Muslim hordes invading their country. Merkel’s time is growing short. A war between left wingers and right wingers is brewing across the globe.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends a session of the Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, in Berlin, Germany, February 17, 2016. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY©Reuters

Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered a dramatic setback in German regional elections as voters backed rightwing populist forces in protest at her contentious refugee policies.

The anti-immigration Alternative für Deutschland party looked set to beat forecasts in all regions voting on Sunday — and score the biggest electoral success for the populist right since the rebirth of German democracy after the second world war.

The domestic setback comes as Ms Merkel is struggling abroad, battling to secure EU partners’ support for a controversial deal with Turkey to staunch the migrant inflows.

According to exit polls, the AfD won 23 per cent of the vote in the depressed eastern region of Saxony-Anhalt, where the radical right has long been active. But it also exceeded expectations in wealthy western Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, scoring 12.5 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively.

The AfD mobilised droves of former non-voters, boosting voter participation as high as 72 per cent, far above normal levels for regional polls — a sign of how deeply the refugee crisis is shaking Germany.

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They Thought They Were Free

Via Jesse

“You see,” my colleague went on, “one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.

“Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there would be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things’ or ‘You’re an alarmist.’

“And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have.

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Germans Cheer As Refugee Center Burns, Crowds Stop Firefighters From Extinguishing Blaze

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Over the past two months, Europeans have become completely fed up with the wave of refugees streaming into the bloc from the Mid-East.

After demonstrating a remarkable degree of restraint and tolerance in the wake of the attacks that left 130 people dead in Paris in November, the string of sexual assaults that swept Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve was the last straw for a German populace that had, until this year anyway, largely remained supportive of Angela Merkel’s “yes we can” approach to settling the 1.1 million asylum seekers that the country took in last year.

That’s not to say that there aren’t still large swaths of the German population that support the migrant cause. It’s simply to note that the general consensus is no longer teddy bears, water bottles, and hugs. Discontent with the Iron Chancellor’s approach is growing and the tension is palpable. Renewed support for PEGIDA is emblematic of the direction in which the country is headed and this weekend we got the latest evidence that Germany’s patience with migrants is wearing increasingly thin.

Residents of Bautzen (in Saxony) cheered on Saturday night as a planned migrant center burned in what very well may have been an arson. “Some people reacted to the blaze with derogatory comments and undisguised joy,” Deutsche Welle notes, before adding that “the incident in Bautzen comes shortly after a mob shouting anti-migrant slogans blocked a bus full of refugees in Clausnitz, also in Saxony.” Here’s the video of the Clausnitz incident:

Reports indicate that a number of witnesses in Bautzen attempted to prevent firefighters from extinguishing the blaze.

Saxony’s chief minister, Stanislaw Tillich, called both incidents “disgusting and hateful.

Yes, “disgusting and hateful,” which is precisely what the German people are saying about the string of sexual assaults and the threat of Islamic terrorism.

Needless to say, when German citizens are actively attempting to keep firefighters from curtailing a blaze, it says something profound about public opinion. Then again, we suppose this isn’t anything new. As Deutsche Welle goes on to report, “there were more than 1,000 arson attacks on planned and completed refugee shelters across Germany in 2015.”

Perhaps support for Merkel’s open-door approach was never that strong in the first place.


Hat tip Boston Bob

From Youtube:

According to a Russian source on this video: ‘this takes place in Germany at a public skating rink. The man standing with his wife takes offence when a muslim brushes his hand against his wife. Hilarity ensues as the fellow puts on a martial arts display par-excellance, opening up a steaming can of whoop-ass on these migrant racists who thought they could have a great day beating up a white guy after molesting his lady friend.’

Very brave couple of white tourists was attacked by muslim niggers – migrants. Invaders didn’t expected that the couple will fight back! Just two of them managed to beat 4 niggers! This is what happen when migrants mess with brave Europeans. Don’t be afraid of migrants! They are weak cowards. Always fight back!!!

Germany’s Demographic Cliff

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist
Last week’s chart showed that the world is turning Japanese with tales of economic malaise, extreme monetary policy, and negative rates. Germany, with its 5-yr government bond currently trading at a -0.33% yield, is no exception to this story.

However, negative yields are not the only concern that the country has in common with Japan. It’s the overall demographic picture that is worrying, and it could have a big effect on Germany’s economic future as well as the tough choices that must be made today.

Germany’s Importance

Germany is the most populous and productive economy in Europe, with 80 million people and a GDP of almost $4 trillion. It’s also the world’s third largest exporter, and that’s why it had the largest trade surplus globally in 2014 with $285 billion.

For all of its economic power, Germany has a key weakness that could potentially be its Achilles heel: it’s projected that Germany’s population will decline significantly over the coming decades, and the ratio of workers to dependents will become one of the worst in the world.

Town Hall Meeting Erupts After German Mayor Says Schoolgirls Should “Not Provoke” Refugees

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As Europe struggles to cope with a migrant crisis that’s already the worst refugee catastrophe since World War II and which threatens to spiral even further out of control once the weather turns in the spring, officials have offered a variety of possible “solutions” to the various refugee-related “problems” that have cropped up.

Some are better than others.

One idea that didn’t go over too well was a suggestion by Cologne mayor Henriette Reker, who last month said it was German women’s responsibility to keep would-be assailants at arms length and to adopt an appropriate “code of conduct.”

That, some said, was an abhorrent attempt to blame the victims of the New Year’s Eve sexual assaults for attacks authorities should have prevented.

In yet another instance of officials blaming the victim, a 17-year-old girl in Denmark was told she would have to pay a fine for using pepper spray to deter a man who allegedly tried to rape her.

Well, European officials just can’t seem to get out of their own way when it comes to addressing the bloc-wide epidemic of sexual assaults and harassment that has the public at wit’s end. On Wednesday, Bad Schlema mayor Jens Müller caused an uproar at a town hall meeting when, in response to one concerned grandfather’s question about cat-calls from a local migrant house, he said children should “not provoke” the refugees.

“You’re not allowed to walk in your own city anymore! Go home, boy! Who the hell elected you?” one man shouts, in response.

“What kind of mayor is this?,” a woman can be heard yelling.

“Well, it’s technically not necessary for the girls to walk there,” Müller said, digging himself an even deeper hole.”There are alternative routes for going to school.”

It doesn’t fucking matter if there are other routes!” was the response from the crowd, which at that point was irate. You can watch the entire exchange below.

Bad Schlema has 5,500 people. They’ve housed 85 refugees thus far.

As RT reports, “prior to the event, a demonstration of around 100 people gathered outside the meeting hall with signs reading ‘Merkel must go.'”

“Bowels Emptied! Women Molested!” German Media Reveals “Monstrous” CCTV Footage Of Refugee Pool Mayham

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Europeans are struggling to come to terms with the wave of Mid-East refugees that have inundated the bloc over the course of the last 12 months.

The challenge, for those inclined to believe that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s multicultural utopia is feasible, is to adopt an open minded approach to the prospect of integrating millions of Muslim asylum seekers into a largely Christian society while retaining a healthy level of skepticism with regard to the prospect of unifying two vastly divergent cultures.

Even those who are predisposed to being patient with the integration process are beginning to question the wisdom behind Berlin’s open-door policy.

Interestingly, it wasn’t the murder of 130 people in Paris that served as the catalyst for what amounts to a wholesale shift in sentiment towards migrants. While there was certainly a public outcry in the wake of the Paris attacks, the backlash coalesced after New Year’s Eve, when scores of women were reportedly assaulted by men of “Arab origin.”

Since then, voters have moved to express their discontent with the bloc’s handling of the refugee crisis by taking to the streets in what on many occasions have turned out to be violent protests.

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Germany Lost Track of 600,000 Refugees; Who knows Where they are Now?

German Transit Zone

The German government has now admitted it cannot account for 600,000 of the 1.1 million migrants who arrived into the country last year. And people wonder why the borders are closing? Germany has become one giant mess – a transit stop who what purpose? Germany was not equipped to handle these refugees and this is now raising concerns sky-high behind the curtain. Now 600,000 refugees can be anywhere throughout the EU. That is bigger than any army in history. Was Europe just invaded? This is beginning to look like the invasion of the Huns.


Guest Post by Thinker

Hitler came to power for a number of documented reasons, some of which are rational, others of which are emotional. Either way, the world continues to question how a vicious madman could rise to power in Germany during this time, most of all the German people who, to this day, will do almost anything to prevent another authoritarian movement. Though I believe that is being used today against them as a bigger authoritarian movement gains hold (migrant fundamentalism), the German people seem to be either blind to a new definition of totalitarianism or are so terrified of it happening again in Germany that they are incapable of resisting it.

Following WWI, the following issues remained from the 1920s or were present at the time:

Long-term bitterness

Deep anger about the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles created an underlying bitterness to which Hitler’s viciousness and expansionism appealed, so they gave him support.

Today, we have deep-seated anger at a number of things: government over-reach, the broken rule of law, inequality, crony capitalism, lack of meaningful representation from elected officials, degenerated race relations… we all know the many things that have created the seething undercurrent in this country.

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