Hat tip Boston Bob

From Youtube:

According to a Russian source on this video: ‘this takes place in Germany at a public skating rink. The man standing with his wife takes offence when a muslim brushes his hand against his wife. Hilarity ensues as the fellow puts on a martial arts display par-excellance, opening up a steaming can of whoop-ass on these migrant racists who thought they could have a great day beating up a white guy after molesting his lady friend.’

Very brave couple of white tourists was attacked by muslim niggers – migrants. Invaders didn’t expected that the couple will fight back! Just two of them managed to beat 4 niggers! This is what happen when migrants mess with brave Europeans. Don’t be afraid of migrants! They are weak cowards. Always fight back!!!

Stucky Question Of The Day: An Ass Whupping

There’s a dozen fresh roses on the dining room table.

So, after telling Ms. Freud all about my adventures in NYC yesterday with TBP’s Finest, we went to bed.

This morning she told me about her Stucky-less day. I asked about the roses.

She went to the indoor Farmers Market.  She pays for her fruits and vegetables.  The cashier hands her the bouquet; — “The man in front of you bought them for you, and he said, ‘A lady like that deserves flowers’.  Reluctantly, she takes them.  She goes outside, and he’s there.

He’s probably in his 60’s. He gives her a story about his wife recently dying. Says that he’s afraid he’ll never fall in love again, because his wife was so wonderful.  Said that Ms. Freud reminded him of her.

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