Never Hire a Powerskirt

Guest Post by the Zman

Looking back, we had, in the person of Teddy Roosevelt, the finest President in the history of this country. He had the spirit and determination that matched the times and the land. Then the women got the vote, and everything went to hell. While our boys was overseas fighting the Kaiser, the women got Prohibition put in. Drinking and gambling and whoring were declared unlawful. All those things which come natural to men became crimes.

–Judge Roy Bean

A quarter century ago, I was sent to my first reeducation camp. The company I was with at the time had been infected with the virus so everyone in a management position was sent off-site to be hectored about the importance of tolerance in the workplace. We did not yet have the word “diversity” to throw around as we were still in the “tolerance” stage of multicultural lunacy outbreak. At least that was the case in my part of the world so they called it “sensitivity training,” which everyone said using air quotes.

The people responsible for starting the sensitivity training were the women in the human resources department. They had changed the name of it to something stupid like “people and relationships” but it was an HR department. For reasons I’ll never understand, the men in charge of the company decided to pack the HR departments with women who immediately started making mischief. Talking to friends at the time, this was happening all over the business world. HR departments full of hens were morphing into sensitivity department full of bitter shrews.

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