Textual Recollections for the Graduate

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

My oldest graduated from college last weekend so my family and I attended the convocation for the College of Business on Friday and the commencement on Saturday.  It was a great few days with us hosting a dinner party for family and friends at a restaurant in the lively college town after the ceremony; and followed by relaxation in and around the hotel pool later in the evening.

With the college courses taken during high school, my graduate finished a semester early with two majors and a minor, Magna Cum Laude (3.89 / 4.00 GPA), and with Honors (i.e. – through the Honors Program); plus, was nominated by the faculty to be a Convocation Student Marshal for the College of Business.

Amidst all of today’s ceaseless millennial bashing and never-ending doom porn, I was reminded this past weekend regarding the relevance of milestones, of personal achievement, and succession, against the larger cincture of generational gyrations; this current Fourth Turning in particular.

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Guest Post by The Tumbleweed

Up to a few years ago I thought the Millennials would turn out to be the “Hero” Generation described by Strauss & Howe. Around 2014 I realized this would not happen; they are indeed a zero generation instead.

Their work ethic is a joke. They show up late, want to leave early, check their cellphone at every opportunity, socialize constantly, and want to take days off every other week. They believe personal crises like their kid needing to be picked up from daycare or needing to run to the bank is the employer’s problem. They don’t like their jobs, but don’t realize that the nature of a “job” is to not like it. That’s why you get paid in exchange for doing something you don’t like to do. If you totally loved it, it would be called a hobby. Their guidance counselors never revealed this basic fact to them.

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