Humans are flawed

Humans are flawed {beyond belief!}

[Note: To all the TBP readers – Read about how TBP has been shut off by Goog and Amaz – The same is happening to us. Unless we start a site about LGBT or whatever (is not natural to us), we are all suffering. Holy crap. What is happening in our stupid world? I penned this piece a few weeks ago – but as I try to think about the “world” as a place – I cannot escape the concept that this stupid specied “WE” are – is just flawed beyond belief. No amount of logic and printed text can change us. No matter how accurate it is! CAN ANYONE DISPUTE THIS? If so, tell me YOUR plan to change the minds of 7 billion people – or at the very least the 350 million mornons in the United States of America!]

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