Starring: Paul Krugman As ‘The Idiot’ & Justin Wolfers As ‘The Hack’

Submitted by Thad Beversdorf via,

Well this election certainly clarified a few things for the people of the world.  Most notably is that the experts are clueless. 

Paul Krugman, notable ‘expert’ on all things economic has almost 2 million followers on Twitter and an op-ed with the NY Times.  This means he has a platform of great influence.  And yet, time and time again, he does well to prove he’s an idiot.  The following piece posted on election night.


Well “Never” or by noon.  So he overshot by eternity.  None of us are perfect eh?  Now I shouldn’t single out Mr. Krugman as almost every market pro and economist on Earth has predicted that a Trump victory results in complete financial and human obliteration.  At least that was the message leading up to the election.

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