America’s Problem Is Systemic Liberalism

Gust Post by Kurt Schlichter

America’s Problem Is Systemic Liberalism

Forget the bizarre and evil concept of national original sin that is the malignant idea that America is built upon “systemic racism.” America’s true systemic flaw, arising at the time of those miserable progressives of yesteryear and continuing up through the miserable progressives of this rotten year, is what we now call “liberalism.”

Oh, it’s not classical liberalism, with its concern for expanding economic and personal rights – you know, individual liberty. The current inverted mutation of liberalism is all about constricting economic and personal rights and forcing individuals into collective boxes where their individuality is subsumed into an easily exploited and manipulated conformist whole. Want to test out this hypothesis?

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The Morality Of The Madhouse

Guest Post by The Zman

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu outlined the motivations that drove citizen behavior in the three types of political systems known at the time. In republican forms of government, love of virtue is what motivates the people. In monarchies, it is the love of honor that motivates the actions of the people. In despotism, the people are motivated by fear of the ruler. He argued that the political system must match the inclinations of the people or it would not last.

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Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

The media are outraged that President Trump is talking about re-opening the country, following their previous position that he sure was taking his sweet time at opening up the country.

Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s death forecasts from the Wuhan coronavirus have shrunk from 1.7 million Americans in mid-March; to 100,000 to 200,000 two weeks ago, provided there were massive suppression efforts; to — most recently — 60,000.

Every week, it seems, we’re another two weeks away from the “apex.”

According to a model recently published in The New York Times, if Trump had issued social distancing guidelines just two weeks earlier — on March 2, rather than March 16 — instead of 60,000 Americans dying from the Chinese coronavirus (projected!), only 6,000 would have died.

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Putin Says Multiculturalism is “No Longer Tenable”

Guest Post by Paul Joseph Watson

“The liberal idea has become obsolete”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that liberalism has “outlived its purpose” and that multiculturalism is “no longer tenable”.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Putin explained what had caused the rise of the “Trump phenomenon” in the United States as well as the success of right-wing populist parties throughout Europe.

“The ruling elites have broken away from the people,” he said, adding that the “so-called liberal idea has outlived its purpose” and some western leaders had acknowledged that “multiculturalism” is “no longer tenable”.

“[Liberals] cannot simply dictate anything to anyone just like they have been attempting to do over the recent decades,” said the Russian President, branding Angela Merkel’s decision to allow over a million migrants to enter Germany as part of the refugee wave a “cardinal mistake”.

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Immigration and new job creation

Hat tip Boston Bob

Via Vox Popoli

This is why you can’t trust one single thing the media says about immigration. Or, for that matter, economics. First, consider the assertions made in a ThinkProgress article attacking Bernie Sanders’s moderate position on immigration. I’ve emphasized the two of interest.

Sanders’ position on immigration has been called “complicated” and he has been criticized by immigration activists for supporting the idea that immigrants coming to the U.S. are taking jobs and hurting the economy, a theory that has been proven incorrect. Both of his leading Democratic challengers, Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley, have recognized that new immigrants coming to the country actually boost the economy. But Sanders continues to align himself more closely with Democratic positions of the past.

“I frankly do not believe that we should be bringing in significant numbers of unskilled to workers to compete with [unemployed] kids,” Sanders said. “I want to see these kids get jobs.”

Studies have shown that immigrants actually create jobs for American workers. Researchers recently found that each new immigrant has produced about 1.2 new jobs in the U.S., most of which have gone to native-born workers. And according to the Atlantic, an influx in immigration can cause non-tradable professions — jobs like hospitality and construction that cannot be outsourced — to see a wage increase because the demand for goods and services grows with the expanding population.

Sounds pretty conclusive, doesn’t it? The “theory” that immigrants are taking jobs and hurting the economy has been “proven incorrect”. Not only that, but “studies have shown” that each and every new immigrant creates 1.2 new jobs!

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