Via Branco

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August 16, 2017 1:24 pm

Liberalism is a failure to observe surroundings and events, then correlate those observations with similar happenings that occurred in the past. Thereby laying a foundation to predict outcomes whereby one can advance learning and human progress.

Liberalism is the rejection of logic and reason for the passions of man. If only they had just done this or that, utopia could have been achieved! We can do it better if those other damn people would just have done what we said. The only lesson learned: Kill those other damn people quicker next time.

August 16, 2017 1:37 pm

Obama tweeted this “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…”

However when you mature, and see the awful / violent behavior of the neegrows (4,000 murders in Chicago, many functionally illiterate, 78% born with no father in the house, section 8, SNAP, free phones) and to boot we have to pay for all their shit. Then you have a very negative image.

Dislike for niggers is completely provable. Same for illegal aliens – they cost us money and have no right to be here. And then there are the Somalis – people with stone age beliefs – most of whom are supported by our tax dollars.

August 16, 2017 1:41 pm

Those Who Forget The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It

For some reason, those who are pushing CWII keep inserting this into every article, cartoon, blog post.

They must have forgotten the past.

August 16, 2017 2:04 pm

BS. It’s a belief system which WAS good until it got corrupted, just as Catholicism/Communism/Capitalism have all become corrupted. And whether it’s ISIS or some other whack-job group that decides It has all the answers, the common thread is: “I’m better ‘n you and I can subjugate/kill/steal-from ( fill in your own self-serving atrocity) you. Not new, woofiepooz!

August 16, 2017 2:44 pm

It’s an ideology that is both arrogant and insecure, like fundamental islam. You may recall that the Taliban blew up some buddhist statues in Afghanistan in an attempt to erase that troubled land’s pre-islamic past. ISIS did similar things in Mosul, which is the location of the ancient Assyrian city of Ninevah in Iraq as well as a bunch of cool shit in Syria. Fuckers. After the 1979 revolution when Iran was under the influence of religious whack jobs, they wanted to bulldoze Persepolis. The people ran them off under a hail of rocks. Today Iran spends millions preserving and restoring ancient landmarks. This would seem to indicate that extremism in any assault on history is a temporary insanity that reflects a cultural transition is taking place. As far as liberals are concerned, I think they are feeling that they are losing their grip on society so they are lashing out.

The answer: Lash back. Hit the fuckers and hit em where it hurts.

August 16, 2017 3:55 pm

The paid communist activist finally kicked the hornets nest and are getting exposed in spite of the lying MSM painting all of us counter revolutionaries as KKK and Nazis but it ain’t sticking; the sheeple are waking up to the fact that the leftist are doing to the monuments what they have been doing to White Culture for decades; and what they want to do to all conservatives; it’s past time to fight back by getting in their faces every time, everywhere until we drive them back into their commie rat holes. God bless America. RHS JR

August 16, 2017 4:38 pm

Yes, it is a disease.

Q: What is the cure?

A: There is none. 98% of people afflicted with it never recover.

Solution: Quarantine. Or, death. So solly, snowflakes.

August 16, 2017 8:24 pm

Seriously? Ya’ll sound like toads trying to explain what it’s like to be a frog. Dogs explaining cats. Nuts explaining raisins. Nuts explaining seashells. Nuts explaining… Eat a Snickers or something.

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 16, 2017 10:01 pm

Choose where you plan to fight carefully.

I think the call to take action is on on everyone’s hearts and minds, but I have a bad feeling about this. It feels like we are being led into a trap of sorts; maybe similar to what the white identity protesters walked into at Charlotteville. But to do nothing seems just as wasteful in giving more ground to the opposing force. It seems that the more we respond in force, the more the media will demonize the patriots into hiding by turning public opinion against them; Eventually making them targets for the military to take out. Alas, I am no general, but willing to follow orders of others more competent than I. As to the time and place, better minds than mine will need to be employed to work out those details.