Official Say Something Nice About The Government Thread

Many of you (including me) are headed for the FEMA Camps when TSHTF.  You use nasty words and have bad ideas about those elected to govern us.  “So what! We still have freedom of speech!“, you say. Oh, really?

The man in the video was just arrested by the FBI.  No reason for his arrest has been given. None.  However, we do know that he is extremely distrustful of the government.  He has tweeted such horrible words as this —–“This country will NOT be fixed by down loading an app. or playing with your keyboards. GET INVOLVED! Be one who actually did something! CALLING PATRIOTS TO UNITE.”  Clearly, this man is demented, and his arrest is warranted.

Here is a 90 sec video of Bill talking about making a fallout shelter in the mountains. Who needs a stinkin shelter when our government is here to protect us with thousands of nukes? He’s a batshit crazy dude, fer sure.

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