Jade Helm Alert: Military Denies Media Requests To Cover “Texas Takeover”

Tyler Durden's picture

Between Greece’s tragic, Berlin-mandated descent into the Third World and the epic meltdown in China’s equity markets, it would be easy to forget that the US government is (re)annexing Texas next week.

For those unaware (or for anyone who might have lost track of the US Spec Ops schedule), the military is set to kick off Jade Helm 15 next Wednesday, which means the Lonestar lockdown is less than one week away. If you’re unfamiliar with the operation, here are the barebones basics:

Jade Helm is an eight-week joint military and Interagency Unconventional Warfare exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. Essentially, from July 15 to September 15 some military personnel are going to take a trip out west and pretend like they are conducting covert operations overseas.

On the surface, that doesn’t sound too exciting, but thanks to some very unfortunate wording in an official US military slide deck and an even more unfortunate map which designates Texas as “hostile” territory (of course the same map also identifies San Diego as harboring a militant insurgency, so the US Spec Ops Command probably assumed it wouldn’t be taken literally) quite a few Texans came to believe that the federal government was up to no good with Jade Helm.

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Let Us Salute the Flag

Guest Post by Fred Reed

On the Nobility of Motives

Aaaagh! Enough. I keep reading that I should Honor Our Troops. On airline flights, I am asked to applaud Our Young Men in Uniform. Why, for God’s sake? What have Our Troops done for me except cause me great embarrassment, cost money better spent on anything else, and kill millions of people that I have had no interest in killing? For this I am to thank them?

No, they don’t have noble motives. Men join the military because they need a job, because they want money for college or because they are bored or want to prove their manhood or go to exotic places and get laid. Basic training, jump school, being a tank gunner or doing nocturnal scuba insertions are much more appealing to a young man than selling fan belts at the NAPA outlet.

Patriotism? “Love of country” is an after-market add-on, good for a drink or a pat on the back at the Legion–nothing more than an expression of the pack instinct that makes men in all places and times join in groups to fight other groups. The pack instinct is why tribal warfare is continual among primitive peoples, why war, otherwise inexplicable, remains incessant between modern countries. It is why the gangs of young males in Chicago mirror military hierarchy, with territory to be expanded or defended, with leaders and insignia (e.g. black and god jackets for the Latin Kings ), with hand signs to signify identify and loyalty. It is why people join  screaming mobs in political conventions, why they become wildly emotional over football teams consisting largely of convicted felons who have nothing to do with the city.

Continue reading “Let Us Salute the Flag”


And while I am eligible, as a retired member of the armed forces, to be buried in Arlington as my final resting place, I won’t choose that option.

Let me be clear, while I served my country with honor that included two combat tours, I survived. Those who didn’t and perished in the many, and sometimes foolish, wars my country has waged, it is THOSE people who belong there. I do not deserve to share their hallowed ground. Period.

Leave it to the US government to fuck up what should be the easiest decision ever and create rules to degrade what should be one of the most sacred plots of land in the U.S.

Isolated – China and Russia Demonstrate Closer Relationship with Joint Military Exercises

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

Screen Shot 2015-05-08 at 3.38.45 PM

BEIJING — When a Chinese honor guard joins a military parade in Russia’s capital this weekend, watched by China’s President Xi Jinping, it will mark more than just a symbolic recognition of the two countries’ contributions to the Allied victory in 1945.

China’s participation also reflects an upgrade of its military ties with Russia, including joint naval exercises and a revival of arms purchases, that could complicate U.S.-led efforts to counter both nations’ expanding military activities, analysts and diplomats say.

They’ve basically come to a consensus that despite their differences over some national interests, they really face the same common enemy,” said Gilbert Rozman, an expert on China-Russia relations at Princeton University.

– From the Wall Street Journal article: China Parades Closer Ties in Moscow

One of the key themes here at Liberty Blitzkrieg has been the carelessness and ineptitude of those in charge of crafting U.S. foreign policy. I’m not naive, and I fully understand that the world is a dangerous place. Just as I believe individuals should have the right to defend themselves and their families with the right to bear arms, I also understand the importance of strong national defense.

The problem with current U.S. foreign policy is that it is not defensive in nature. Rather, all indications are that the U.S. government is acting offensively; primarily driven by ego and the will to dominate. Much of the world has come to see the U.S. not as a powerful partner, but as a narcissistic master. What American leadership fails to understand, is that by taking such a posture it is simply making others overseas feel paranoid and threatened, thus drawing them closer to each other and farther from the U.S.

The examples of U.S. foreign policy disaster since 9/11 are many, and I have listed several of them at the end of the post. However, the one I want to highlight today is the ongoing slow motion train wreck with regard to Russia.

Continue reading “Isolated – China and Russia Demonstrate Closer Relationship with Joint Military Exercises”


The pussification of males in America continues. I wonder if Russian soldiers are walking around in pink high heels to pacify militant women’s groups. Don’t these soldiers realize camouflage clashes with pink? I wonder if they will be sauntering around campus in bras and panties once some women’s rights group tells them to. America’s military – keeping us safe in pink high heels. I’m sure the Muslim terrorists are quivering.

Arizona State University’s Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) hosted a “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” event Monday to raise awareness against sexual violence and abuse in the community and the military. ROTC members sported heels and walked throughout the Tempe campus to draw attention to the cause.

History senior and ROTC member Tanner Bailey said despite the pain he felt running in heels, it was a great experience because he enjoyed running for an issue that was not just important for the military.

“(Sexual assault) is something that the Army has made very important recently,” Bailey said. “I didn’t mind running in shoes because of the message behind the event. I would definitely do it again.”



Know your enemy. They know who their enemy is – YOU.

Via Daily Mail

Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

  • Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July
  • Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks
  • The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law

Seven Southwestern states will soon be infiltrated by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians.

Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training.

But with residents of the entire states of Texas and Utah dubbed ‘hostile’ for the purposes of the exercises, Jade Helm has some concerned the drills are too realistic.

Hostile: An unclassified military document reveals the states involved in a controversial multi-agency training exercises that will place 1,200 military personnel into 7 Southwest states–with residents of Utah, Texas and part of Southern California designated as ‘hostile’

Special ops: Operation Jade Helm will involve Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines starting in July and lasting 8 weeks

Special ops: Operation Jade Helm will involve Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines starting in July and lasting 8 weeks

Headlines like Freedom Outpost‘s ‘Operation Jade Helm—military trains for martial law in American South-west’ abound across the Right-leaning blogosphere and Info Wars warns that Jade Helm is simply ‘an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques’ on the American public.

Continue reading “OPERATION JADE HELM”

American F-35 vs Russian SU-30. Who wins?

I want to introduce you to a website I just found a few days ago that deals with Russian-American politics.  I’ve thoroughly perused the site, and I greatly enjoyed it. Lots of unique stuff.  The video section is great. I think you’ll like it also.  You’ll probably add it to your favorites folder. Here is the main page;


Amerikan war-whores keep on declaring a defacto  war on Russia. First with sanctions, which truly are an act of war, and yesterday the House Of Prostitutes voted overwhelmingly to arm Nazi Ukies with lethal offensive weaponry … despite their prohibition in the Minsk agreements.  Amerika does what it wants, when it wants, to whom it wants … fuck you very much.

We’re poking a bear with ten thousand nukes. But, forget about that for now.  What about their conventional capabilities?

To read virtually any MSM press, you would be led to believe that while somewhat formidable, the Russian military is comprised mostly of old rusty junk which can’t possibly match Amerikan modern technology especially in radars and electronics, troop morale is bad (it’s always bad, they say), and a rather inept leadership.

Amerikan military sites are even worse.  You would be led to believe that the Russkies never recovered from their own Afgan debacle almost four decades ago, and that they are at best, a second-rate wannabe military  power.  If we ever entered into a real war with them … we would kick their sorry asses back to the Stone Age. It would be quick, surgical, … and only last a few months. USA!USA!USA! Hooah!!

This is all a massive load of BULLSHIT.

There are dozens of militaristic capabilities one can compare. The Russian Navy is being thoroughly modernized. New nuke subs are being built. No one will admit it, but the Russians have missiles and torpedo technology to take out an Amerikan aircraft carrier rather speedily.  Russian anti-aircraft batteries are equal to, or likely superior to, anything in the Amerikan arsenal.

But, let’s keep it simple. This copy and pasted article from Russian Insider will focus only one particular piece of hardware. An airplane. Their best vs. our best.

Please do spare me the obvious comment that this website is probably biased.  Duh!!  But, on the other hand,  there are countless Amerikan websites which proclaim the F-35 to be one of the biggest duds in military history.  But, the whores in Congress will continue to move forward on this trillion dollar shitpile.

A war with Russia either in Europe, or on Russian soil, will result in a modern day Trail Of Tears …. only a thousand times worse. Amerikan blood will flow in the Volga for the next hundred years.



The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away

This article is an excellent read to understand how Russia’s technological level is best in its class in many military sectors, especially with regard to fighter jets.  It originally appeared in Russia & India Report. The SU-30 continues to be the number one choice among global buyers.

Russian Sukhoi Su-30 Fighter Jet


Built to be the deadliest hunter killer aircraft of all time, the F-35 has quite literally become the hunted. In every scenario that the F-35 has been wargamed against Su-30 Flankers, the Russian aircraft have emerged winners. America’s newest stealth aircraft – costing $191 million per unit – is riddled with such critical design flaws that it’s likely to get blown away in a shootout with the super-maneuverable Sukhois.

Continue reading “American F-35 vs Russian SU-30. Who wins?”

Why Do American Weapons End Up in Our Enemies’ Hands?

undefinedIt happens so often you wonder whether it is due to total ineptness or a deliberate policy to undermine our efforts overseas. It’s most likely a result of corruption and unintended consequences, combined with a foreign policy that makes it impossible to determine who are our friends are and who are our enemies. One would think that so many failures in arming others to do our bidding in our effort to control an empire would awaken our leaders and the American people and prompt policy changes.

A recent headline in Mother Jones read: “US Weapons Have A Nasty Habit of Going AWOL.” The report was about $500 million worth of military equipment that is unaccounted for in Yemen. Just as in so many other places, our policy of provoking civil strife in Yemen has been a complete failure. At one time it was announced that there was a great victory in a war being won with drones assisting groups that claimed to be on our side in the Yemen Civil War. As usual, we could have expected that these weapons would end up in the hands of the militants not on the side of United States and would never be accounted for.

There are numerous examples of how our foreign intervention backfires and actually helps the enemy. Just recently a headline announced: “CIA cash sometimes refills al-Qaeda coffers.”  This was a story of our government helping pay ransom to al-Qaeda for the release an Afghan diplomat. However this was a measly $5 million so it was not considered a big deal. Another headline just recently announced that, “Iraqi army downs two UK planes carrying weapons for ISIL.” The Iraqi army is supposed to be on our side, and many people believe the UK is also on our side as well. One thing for sure the American taxpayer pays for all this nonsense.

Continue reading “Why Do American Weapons End Up in Our Enemies’ Hands?”

American vs German War Songs. Who does it better?

I’m feeling war-like today.  I am tired of fighting against my over-lords. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Fuck it, let’s bomb the fuck out of Ukraine!  Kiev today! Tomorrow …Moscow!!!

But, America’s Ministry Of Propaganda MUST get their shit together!! When was the last time we had a really decent War March ballad? WWII?  Maybe the Vietnam era Green Beret song?

NEVER underestimate the power of song to unite people.  Joan Baez! Bob Dillon! Pete Seeger! CCR!  Barry McGuire! Cher!!  These folks ended the Vietnam War, baby!

Oh wait … fuck ’em … we need songs GLORIFYING war.  That will get folks engaged, trust me. The Germans were really, really good at it.  So was Amurrika, at one point. We need to bring back the good old days, if we hope to Conquer The World.  Forward! March!!

I know most of you ADD curs have the attention span of a gnat. So, I purposely picked two songs just barely over two minutes each. Even so, they are so damn sweet you should be in a War Mood in no time at all. For the record, I’m voting for the German song.








I’d love to meet the 6% of people trust Congress more and the 13% who trust Obama more than they did a few years ago. Why do almost a third of Americans have more trust in a military that hasn’t achieved any success in the last 14 years?


Which institutions do Americans trust least in 2014? According to the Harris Poll, trust in Congress is waning – 72 percent of American adults reported a decline in trust over the past few years. The White House has also experienced a major deterioration in trust with 53 percent of people reporting that they trust it less than before.

Considering the magnitude of the financial crisis and property slump, it comes as little surprise that trust levels in financial institutions have also plummeted. Mortgage lenders have done especially badly in the trust stakes, along with banks. This stems from personal experience coupled with quality, service and poor customer care, according to the Harris Poll.

Infographic: Americans' Trust in Congress Is Waning | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista


Whenever a politician opens their mouth, you know they are lying. Every initiative, law, war, or stimulus package is designed to benefit their benefactors. You are not considered in the equation. You are a cow to be milked for the taxes needed to pay-off the corporations and special interests who will keep the politicians in office. Ask yourself who benefits from the new war on the dreaded 30,000 member ISIS army? Your leaders spend $1 trillion per year of your money on the Dept of War and they can’t defeat a bunch of ragheaded donkey fuckers in the desert??? Defeating them would really put a dent in arms dealer profits. So, they’ll never be defeated.

It is exactly one month since the U.S. started its bombing campaign on Islamic State in Syria. And it’s been quite a profitable operation for the arms industry of course – on the first day 47 Tomahawk missiles worth over 65 million dollars were dropped. One month on and the jihadists are still in place.

But the war has produced new contracts for American weapon makers.

Pictorial Essay: Russian Military Equipment

This thread is based on recent news events.

The Saker ( http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/ ) just posted a video;  “Sunday evening with Vladimir Soloviev”, one of the most watched shows on Russian TV.  Here’s the bottom line:  Russian politicians, Russian media, and the Russian people believe that the USA! has declared war on Russia.

They are correct.  No one disputes that a Naval Blockade is an act of war. Economic sanctions attempt to achieve the same goals. But, instead of warships, it is done with banks. So, since we are at war, let’s look at some of our enemy’s armaments.


Almost all the pics and data are sourced from Russia Today.  Therefore, what you are looking at is 100% pure propaganda.

If you want truth, you must go to one of these sites;

—– www.usa.gov …… www.cnn.com ……. www.foxnews.com

Do not despair at what you are about to see.  The USA! is the most powerful military on earth. We can kick anyone’s ass.  Just ask ISIS. We can easily CRUSH Russia.  A ground war with Russia would be over in a few weeks … two months, at most.



USS Mount Whitney.(Reuters / Rafael Marchante)
USS Mount Whitney

Yesterday, the USS Mount Whitney docked in Georgia’s Black Sea port of Batumi. Why? According to  the US Embassy in Georgia it is to “promote peace and security in the region” . Bwahahahaha! It’s purely a show-of-strength, meant to intimidate.  Which is weird because if a war broke out, a ship in what is basically a Big Lake, could (and would) be sunk by Russian forces within a day or two. The USS Sitting Duck.  The USS Sacrificial Lamb.


The U.S. Embassy in Moscow (RIA Novosti / Iliya Pitalev)
U.S. Embassy in Moscow

Maybe that’s one (of several) reasons why Russians consider the USA! enemy Number One. According to the research conducted by the influential Russian VTSIOM center, the number of Russians who think that USA is their country’s main foe grew from 25% in 2008  …. to 73% percent currently. (Any linkage to President Oreo is purely coincidental.) More than half name China as Russia’s main friend.


The Mistral-class helicopter carrier Vladivostok is seen at the STX Les Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard site in Saint-Nazaire, western France (Reuters / Stephane Mahe)
Mistral-class helicopter carrier Vladivostok in French shipyard

“Sanctions are working!!”, says The Liar In Chief and congressional warmongers. All our allies are working as One Solid United Unit, they told us.  Remember when the French said they won’t deliver the under-construction helicopter carrier to Russia?  Well, they changed their mind. And, in a Big Fuck You to Amerika, they’ll be building the other one also.


Russian Akula Class Submarine

A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise missiles operated UNDETECTED in the Gulf of Mexico for SEVERAL WEEKS  …. just miles from the US strategic nuclear submarine base at Kings Bay, Georgia, the home base for eight of America’s nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. Armed with various types of torpedoes, including those with nuclear warheads, anti-submarine-warfare missiles and long-range (3,000 kilometers) nuclear cruise missiles, Akula-class subs are capable of destroying both nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. The Russians are building the next generation submarine …. seven of them.


T-90S Battle Tank

Russia unveiled the latest version of its T-90S battle tank. The tank’s new features allow the T-90S to increase its precision during long-distance fire. The tank is also capable of automatically raising a screen against laser-guided missiles and is equipped with electromagnetic mine protection. This system includes infrared jammer, laser warning system with four laser warning receivers, grenade discharging system which produces an aerosol screen and a computerised control system.It is also fitted with NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection equipment. The T-90S gun can also fire the 9M119 Refleks anti-tank guided missile system. The range of the missile is 100m to 4,000m and takes 11.7 sec to reach maximum range. The system is intended to engage tanks fitted with ERA (explosive reactive armour) as well as low-flying air targets such as helicopters, at a range of up to 5km.


A Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet (RIA Novosti/Lesya Polyakova)
Sukhoi Su-25 Fighter Jet

I am including this story for it’s value as humor.  Russia just delivered five Su-25 fighter jets to help Iraq fight ISIS.  Some Iraqi douchbag General said they will wage a “massive attack” on insurgents with the help of the jets and “with God’s help”   defeat ISIS in the next few days. You do see the humor here, right? 


A Sukhoi Su-35 fighter takes part in a flying display, during the opening of the 50th Paris Air Show, at the Le Bourget airport near Paris, June 17, 2013.(Reuters / Pascal Rossignol)
4++ gen Su-35 Fighter

Russia’s Sukhoi rocked the 50th Paris Air Show last year. Industry experts from around the world were reportedly wowed by the jet’s performance. This 4++ generation aircraft uses fifth-generation technology, and its advanced avionics, new engines, and remarkable weapons array mounted on 12 external hardpoints outperform any existing fourth-generation fighter.   The only major feature that the Su-35 lacks – and which prevents it from being labeled fifth-generation – is limited stealth capability, as only some parts of its airframe are made of composite material. Nonetheless, it can detect stealth aircraft such as the US’s F-35 at a distance of over 90 kilometers. 

Russia is also finalizing an advanced air engagement system (air-to-air missile) combining “fire-and-forget” guidance and “single-shot kill” ability within a single air-to-air missile. The system will frustrate ANY missile evasion maneuvers enabling a target to escape.


Possible PAK-FA appearance visualized by Aleksandr Dultsev (Image from www.duler.ru)
Sixth Generation unmanned Attack Jet

On the Drawing Board, 10-15 years out.  The general characteristics of a 6th generation fighter are as follows:  ‘extreme’ stealth, multimode fighting capabilities, the ability to destroy any kind of target in all flying regimes, from subsonic to up to 5 Mach, – about 6,000 kilometers per hour – possible fuselage self-healing potential, combined with ‘morphing’ and smart skins capabilities. The 6G aircraft is expected to boast extremely far-reaching sensors that would give a highly detailed picture of the battlefield, where every highly networked 6G aircraft would be a part of a bigger network. 


Iskander Tactical Ballistic Missile

This week Russia’s Chief of General Staff Nikolay Makarov stated that Russia might consider a pre-emptive strike on Europe’s ABM defenses in certain circumstances. Even the US Military considers this the most advanced missile of its kind.  The Iskander was designed to overcome air defense systems. Missile files at supersonic speed, excessively maneuvers in the terminal phase of the flight and releases decoys. It’s equipped with two short-range ballistic missiles, which can be fired 16 minutes from moving, each missile can be targeted independently, and are capable of hitting moving targets, as target coordination can be adjusted while the missile is in-flight. The Iskander has several different conventional warheads, including cluster, fuel-air explosive, bunker-busting and electro-magnetic pulse. It can also carry nuclear warheads.


TOR-M2 missile system (RIA Novosti / Andrei Aleksandrov)
New TOR-M2 Missile System

Tests of a new missile for the advanced version of the Russian air defense system Tor-M2 proved it is capable of shooting down challenging targets with amazing precision, hitting moving missiles …… HEAD-ON.  Modern defense systems destroy targets via shrapnel from exploding warheads. Shooting down maneuverable missiles via a direct hit is a phenomenal achievement which, until now,  has eluded even the most advanced military technologies.  The mobile launcher currently stops for two or three seconds to launch a missile.  The next version will be able to fire while moving, without stopping. The new missile’s smaller size allows for the increase of Tor-M2 ammunition from 8 to 16 rounds.


(RIA Novosti / Igor Mikhalev)
Future: Sea-based missile and space defense system

Russia is developing a sea-based missile- and space-defense system, which will be deployed in international waters. The system is expected to become an integral part of the Russian Navy.

S-400 system

Part of that sea-based defense system will be an upgrade to the S-400 … the S-500 ‘Prometheus’ system, which features space-defense capabilities.  The S-500 will be able to engage targets in low earth orbit flying at speeds of up to 7 kilometer per second – the highest speed achievable by a ballistic missile at its highest trajectory in space.


Conclusion:  There’s NOTHING here that scures me as an Amurikan.  To quote our country’s best ever Commander-In-Chief;

Putin is SCURRRED of this man!




Ferguson – Missing the Point

ferguson-Aug-2014 Militarization

A few people have sent emails justifying the killing of Brown saying they will prove he was dangerous and on drugs. It really is irrelevant. Aside from the fact there is the little Commandment that says thou shalt not kill with no exception if you have a badge, the only justifiable reason to kill someone is in self-defense. Ferguson is a flash-point. Justifying the shooting is irrelevant. This is no longer a race riot, it is being seen worldwide as war waged by military troops pretending to be police and this crosses the line for that same level of force will be used against white protesters when the economy turns down. The goal is to be so harsh and cruel, like in Donetsk, anyone who disagrees better not show their face.


Ferguson is a flash-point in the cycle of war. It is becoming the government against the people. Police have been mandated to militarize under 1033. We have the police forces going simply nuts. In Florida, police bought 8 Apache Attack Helicopters for Brevard County. When you have every person armed walking around town, shit happens.

I was in Washington DC and one of these police was walking around at the train station with a bullet-proof vest and a machine-gun. He did not look to be as smart as an average teenager, just mean, nasty, and looking for a fight. The typical school-yard bully type. He gave the impression that if you spit-out hot coffee on you and jumped up suddenly, he would shoot first and ask questions later. There was nothing going on there that day. Just this one power-crazed guy. I have been in countries like that. It is never a safe feeling.

This is not whether Brown was a good guy or bad. This is a flash-point and it is moving beyond racism. This is something that is spreading once again into 2017-2018.


$40 Million Lawsuit Filed in Ferguson


Missouri police have been sued for $40 million over actions in Ferguson protests by several people alleging civil rights violations through arrests and police assaults with rubber bullets and tear gas adopting ”militaristic displays of force and weaponry,” and engaged U.S. citizens “as if they were war combatants.”

It will be interesting to say the least for this is the trend in motion – the militaristic police that have taken this to a whole new level. Even the tiny town of Keene, N.H., it was reported that Mayor Kendall Lane whispered to Councilman Mitch Greenwald during a December city council meeting that they were going to get their own tank,.The town is tiny with a population of just 23,000. They have had only two murders since 1999. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security gave them a $285,933 grant to purchase a Bearcat manufactured by LENCO, an eight-ton armored personnel vehicle.

Homeland Security

It is clear. Homeland Security is arming against the people on a grand scale. The definition of “terrorist” is now anyone who disagrees with the government. The plain truth is they have seen the riots in Europe and Thailand watching how people rise up when the economy turns down. They know that is coming in this direction.

What we saw in Ferguson is how the police are now trained and operate no different from a standing army. They are no longer “civil” in nature. Homeland Security has also militarized the nation and proof this is not a black or white issue as it was in the 1960s, is the simple fact that they are militarizing even small all white towns.


Via Zero Hedge

View image on Twitter

As Michael Snyder asksHow is it possible that our once very peaceful nation has fallen apart so dramatically?

Let’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at unarmed protesters. Yes, the rioting and looting in Ferguson needed to be stopped. If order had not been restored, more stores and businesses would have been destroyed. However, there is no excuse for the brutal tactics now being employed. At one point, police snipers were even using laser scopes to target protesters that were obviously unarmed. Sadly, this is just a preview of what is coming to America in the years ahead. As the economy falls apart and people become even more angry and even more frustrated, there will be a lot more incidents of civil unrest like we have just witnessed in Ferguson. And in response, the federal government and our overly militarized police will seek to crush those uprisings with overwhelming force. …

when police get all of this equipment, it is inevitable that they are going to use it.  One result of this has been the astounding increase in the number of SWAT team raids in America.  The following numbers come from my previous article entitled “10 Facts About The SWATification Of America That Everyone Should Know“…

#1 In 1980, there were approximately 3,000 SWAT raids in the United States.  Now, there are more than 80,000 SWAT raids per year in this country.

#2 79 percent of the time, SWAT teams are deployed to private homes.

#3 50 percent of the victims of SWAT raids are either black or Latino.

#4 In 65 percent of SWAT deployments, “a battering ram, boot, or some sort of explosive device” is used to gain forced entry to a home.

#5 62 percent of all SWAT raids involve a search for drugs.

#6 In at least 36 percent of all SWAT raids, “no contraband of any kind” is found by the police.

#7 In cases where it is suspected that there is a weapon in the home, police only find a weapon 35 percent of the time.

#8 More than 100 American families have their homes raided by SWAT teams every single day.

#9 Only 7 percent of all SWAT deployments are for “hostage, barricade or active-shooter scenarios”.

#10 Even small towns are getting SWAT teams now.  30 years ago, only 25.6 percent of communities with populations between 25,000 and 50,000 people had a SWAT team.  Now, that number has increased to 80 percent.

And of course African-American communities receive a greatly disproportionate amount of attention from our militarized police.  Just imagine how you would feel if every time you saw a police officer you cringed in fear because you might be about to get searched again.  The following is how author Michelle Alexander put it in her book “The New Jim Crow“…

Ultimately, these stop-and-frisk operations amount to much more than humiliating, demeaning rituals for young men of color, who must raise their arms and spread their legs, always careful not to make a sudden move or gesture that could provide an excuse for brutal – even lethal – force.


Like the days when black men were expected to step off the sidewalk and cast their eyes downward when a white woman passed, young black men know the drill when they see the police crossing the street toward them; it is a ritual of dominance and submission played out hundreds of thousands of times each year.

So what can we do about this?

How can we change the system?

How can we reverse this alarming militarization of our police?

Unfortunately, our system has become so corrupt that there is very little that we can do.  In fact, one newly released study discovered that average Americans have a “near-zero” statistical impact on public policy…

A startling new political science study concludes that corporate interests and mega wealthy individuals control U.S. policy to such a degree that “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”


The startling study, titled “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” is slated to appear in an upcoming issue of Perspectives on Politics and was authored by Princeton University Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor Benjamin Page. An early draft can be found here.


Noted American University Historian Allan J. Lichtman, who highlighted the piece in a Tuesday article published in The Hill, calls Gilens and Page’s research “shattering” and says their scholarship “should be a loud wake-up call to the vast majority of Americans who are bypassed by their government.”

*  *  *

This is America…