Whenever a politician opens their mouth, you know they are lying. Every initiative, law, war, or stimulus package is designed to benefit their benefactors. You are not considered in the equation. You are a cow to be milked for the taxes needed to pay-off the corporations and special interests who will keep the politicians in office. Ask yourself who benefits from the new war on the dreaded 30,000 member ISIS army? Your leaders spend $1 trillion per year of your money on the Dept of War and they can’t defeat a bunch of ragheaded donkey fuckers in the desert??? Defeating them would really put a dent in arms dealer profits. So, they’ll never be defeated.

It is exactly one month since the U.S. started its bombing campaign on Islamic State in Syria. And it’s been quite a profitable operation for the arms industry of course – on the first day 47 Tomahawk missiles worth over 65 million dollars were dropped. One month on and the jihadists are still in place.

But the war has produced new contracts for American weapon makers.

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October 23, 2014 9:33 am

Such an endless cycle of despair ! Our leaders are so free with spending the tax payer’s money – they have no guilt what so ever in the bankrupting of the USA.

Just like Saddam Husein and so many others, we initially funded them for our own short sighted terrible reasons and then, they turned against the mad men in power pulling the strings behind the curtains.

What a terrible path our leaders have brought this country down.

October 23, 2014 9:47 am

It is impossible to govern a human society much larger than a small town.

Large scale leads to anonymity, and anonymity in political order always produces graft and corruption on a massive scale.

Our rulers are the choke-point for trillions of dollars of spending. Even a rounding error on that figure is many times a King’s Ransom, wealth that sets up a family for elite status for generations to come.

The USA is the first-ever empire based on a weird mercantilism; foreign lands are largely not occupied to extract their wealth or even develop new markets for domestic goods. They are just the places where old inventory is used up, so that new inventor can be ordered and sales quotas met.

Think about this for a moment !!

Those ignorant of Bastiat’s Broken Window Fallacy would have us burn down our homes so GDP can grow due to rebuilding activity, right?

Of course, no one could get that notion to pass the laugh test, but what the USA empire really does is use foreigners’ homes as targets to burn down the bombs, missiles, MRE’s, etc., so GDP rises due to replenishment of the military’s stocks of weapons and stuff.

All in all, the US DoD budget is Bastiat’s Broken Window Fallacy writ large. The USA is being bled out two ways: Mostly, the DoD budget is consuming capital (seed corn) like there’s no tomorrow, and to the lesser extent, direct payments to people (welfare) are training tens of millions of people to be domesticated pets—permanently unproductive subhumans.

All this can easily be traced to the anonymity of the decision-makers and the opacity of their actions….which are largely a result of a scale too large to manage and track.

October 23, 2014 10:11 am

@dc.sunsets: “Those ignorant of Bastiat’s Broken Window Fallacy would have us burn down our homes so GDP can grow due to rebuilding activity, right?”

Exactly correct! By not consuming (because you fix stuff yourself, or make it yourself) the GDP is going negative.

Today the Minneapolis Red Star (Star & Tribune) was touting how many new restaurants opened this year. Like a restaurant is an economy. The stupid Millenialls spend their money on eating out, rather than using it for better purposes.

October 23, 2014 11:30 am

I read a book called the RULING CLASS a couple years ago about how they had already seceded from America and our constitution. At first I couldn’t believe these leaders we trusted would intentionally do us and our republic harm.Slowly I began to realize the RULING CLASS has betrayed us and our nation. The are lying pieces of shit at best and traitors at worse. The Ruling families like the Rockefellers and others who own the Federal Reserve have spent billions and billions undermining our nation. Now with
Obama set to bring in untold millions of Third world people they finally destroy what’s left of our nation.When this house of cards finally does collapse our nation will be so diverse culturally there will be nothing to unite us as one nation. America will be history .A violent third world nation will emerge.
I hope I am already in heaven….You have to admit it was a good run for the last 70 years.