Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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Swedish woman who accompanied two Afghans to prove that xenophobes are wrong, is raped and abused

Via Voice of Europe

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A middle-aged Swedish woman was raped and abused by two Afghan asylum seekers in their asylum accommodation, Fria Tider reports. The woman, who was a member of a Facebook group against migrant deportations, tried to prove that xenophobes are wrong about the fact that Afghans are dangerous.

The woman was raped and harassed on 26 December last year. She wanted to meet someone during a night out and when she was unsuccessful, decided to go with the two Afghan men, she told the police.

She met the two unaccompanied refugees from Afghanistan outside a pub and decided to accompany them to their asylum centre in Ljungby.

The woman, a member of an anti-deportation group, told police: “I have never been afraid or worried about people from other countries” and “I thought it was quite interesting to talk with them”.

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March For Our Masters

Guest Post by The Zman

When I was a kid, I always wondered why the people in the Soviet Union just put up with being ruled by the commies. Even discounting for the propaganda, the evidence was clear that Russia was remarkably poor, by the standards of the West, and that the Russian people knew it. There were too many stories from defectors about how Western goods were smuggled into the Iron Curtain countries. Even if the material stuff did not matter, the thuggery should have pushed people into revolt, but it never happened.

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German school postpones traditional Christmas celebration after complaint by Muslim student

Via Voice of Europe

A school in the German town of Lüneburg, has rescheduled a Christmas celebration after a Muslim student said its songs are incompatible with Islam.

Yesterday German radio and TV broadcaster NDR, reported on its website that after the complaint the school postponed the Christmas celebration and made it a voluntary activity. Students are now free to choose if they want to take part in it or not.

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In Part 1 of this article I provided the background regarding the phases of Fourth Turnings and where we stand nine years into this period of crisis. I will now ponder what could happen during the remainder of this Fourth Turning.

“History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The most important point to comprehend is the death of the existing social order always occurs during the course of a Fourth Turning. Thus far, those constituting the Deep State hierarchy have fended off their demise. They are utilizing every tool at their disposal to retain their wealth, power and control. As their mass media propaganda machine falters, they have redoubled their rigging of financial markets to promote a narrative of economic recovery, while further enriching themselves and their cronies.

It is clear they have reached the peak of financial manipulation, money printing, and artificial interest rate suppression. The narrative is faltering. Their last and final option to retain power is war. As their “everything bubble” (stocks, bonds, real estate) inevitably implodes, civil and/or global military conflict will be utilized to distract the populace from their Deep State domestic disasters.



“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

This Fourth Turning was ignited suddenly in September 2008 as the housing bubble, created by the Federal Reserve and their criminal puppeteer owners on Wall Street, collapsed, revealing the greatest control fraud in world history. A crisis mood was catalyzed as the stock market dropped 50%, unemployment surged to highs not seen since 1981, foreclosures exploded, and captured politicians bailed out the criminal bankers with the tax dollars of the victims.

The mood of the country darkened immediately as average Americans flooded their congressmen’s websites and phone lines with a demand not to bailout the felonious Wall Street banks with $700 billion of TARP. But they ignored their supposed constituents and revealed who they are truly beholden to.


Cliché Series # 3: Dissimulators Dispersing Disingenuous Dangers

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

The 2016 Presidential Election was quite the spectacle. During the primaries we watched Donald Trump go politically-incorrect Rambo on sixteen milquetoast republicans whose names I can’t recall right now.  During the Democratic Primaries, Bernie “Santa Claus” Sanders kept winning state after state; yet the superdelegates all fell into Hillary’s column.  In fact, after Sanders won eight out of nine primary contests by double digits, Clinton received more superdelegates in an electioneering process that even the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, admitted was rigged for the politically elite against “grassroots” candidates.  What a con.

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A Battle Hymn: The Anthem Against the Inappropriately Entitled

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

Growing up in a small Midwestern town in the fading light of Norman Rockwell’s America, I came of age during the saccharine seventies amid the cannabis-crammed rock and roll arenas that were, seemingly, counter-weighted by endless replays of ABBA and The Bee Gees within the Frequency Modulated atmosphere of that era.  During the eighties, I became an optimistic young Republican under the stewardship of Ronald Wilson Reagan; a moderately successful businessman in the nineties; and, later, a concerned patriot of the new millennium.

Immediately following the subprime mortgage crash of 2008, the election of Barack Obama and, especially, after the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/2012, I became increasingly aware of the tectonic shift beneath the American landscape and soon realized that Norman Rockwell, like Elvis, had left the proverbial “building”, never to return.  The best way I can describe it is that the real power structures behind the United States, Inc., as well as the globalist, collectivist, political left, finally took their “their gloves off”, so to speak.  Indeed, their “masks” were removed and nothing was hidden anymore.

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Dish Dropped: Pork banned from Austrian kindergartens sparks outrage

A pork ban on kindergarten menus is stirring controversy in the Austrian city of Saltsburg. The rule has been force for 5 years but only came to light last week after parents filed a request with the mayor’s office. They were told the decision was made on health grounds but also to meet the needs of Muslim children.

Sweden Wins Award For ‘Best Country To Be A Migrant’

Tyler Durden's picture

We have written frequently on the topic of migrant crime in Sweden over the past several months.  From attacks on journalists and cops, to the development of so-called “no-go zones” where basic police and postal services have been suspended due to soaring crime levels, parts of the otherwise quite Nordic country have been literally transformed by an influx of migrants over the past several years.

So, what’s attracting the droves of migrants to the frozen tundra of northern Europe.  Well, luckily U.S. News & World Report has an official ranking to help answer that question and turns out it’s not just the allure of Swedish soccer, or their fans…


Shipwrecked in the Sands of Time: Lessons from History

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

Today, across the globe, there remains a clash of cultures as ancient as religion; as violent as tides crashing upon the shores of nations; islands separated within seas of humanity.  Ongoing wars rage on in the middle-east as democracies fight theocracy, and waves of Islamic immigrants flood onto the shores of western nations like tsunamis.  Although oil and water will not mix well, there are those who perennially hope to try; and, if history serves as any right measure, the blending will continue to roil and boil like ships on fire in perilous ports.

Will the captains in the Western nations lead us safely on our journey?  I think not. To know where we’re going, we must first understand where we are, and where we’ve been.

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Stop Lying To Us

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The most significant revelation that came out of the most recent London massacre of disarmed British subjects was not the bloodshed itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah.

The left would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live.

It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?

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Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

Last year the people of London knowingly elected a Moslem as Mayor. Early this year his fellow Moslems murdered many of their kids in Manchester with a bomb. This Saturday night they—diversities named Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane—killed and mowed down their “fellow” Londoners with a van and butchered them with knives. .

In response, Sadiq Khan, the duly elected Mayor, said there’s no reason to be alarmed by these events and the massive police presence. Good advice. London insisted they have diversity, now they have diversity. I, for one, am not alarmed.


Springtime in the Ghetto

Guest Post by The Zman

Queenie has an afro the size of a beach ball. It’s more like a head full of soft, fuzzy springs that wave back and forth as she moves. She also has an ass the size of a small car, which she manages to stuff into skin tight jeans. It’s not a pleasant image in the abstract, but her big smile and sunny, black lady disposition makes it work. People like Queenie. Even when she is bossy, which is most of the time, it is impossible to be mad at her, because she fills a necessary role in the only way possible.

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