Portrait of a “Representative”

Guest Post by Eric Peters

“Nimrata” must mean something along the lines of I don’t care who you want to represent you. . .

How else to explain the refusal of this woman to concede that GOP voters do not want her to represent them?

Italics to emphasize just that fact as well as an implication. Is it not remarkable that Nimrata insists – channeling Nixon – that she’s the one when it’s clear it’s someone else? The audacity is as remarkable as it is revelatory. These people – and she is an archetype of them – think of themselves as born to lead (paraphrasing Springsteen) and us to follow.

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Trump Totally Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Let me make it clear from the beginning that I think Nikki Haley (R-Boeing) is a vapid establishment automaton who is basically the Kamala Harris of the Republican Party, a Bushesque mediocrity who represents a dying ideology that peaked in 2005, and good riddance to it. She’s the worst – self-righteous, annoying, always spewing grrrl-power nonsense and hack clichés salvaged from the back catalog of the Weekly Standard. She’s a disaster on every level, one of those people who is both very aggressive and always wrong, the worst possible combination. That being said, should he win the nomination, Nikki! should absolutely be Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick.

Stop laughing. I am serious. I am not being ironic. It makes sense. Hear me out.

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Haley Vows War With Iran, China, Russia and TikTok

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

GOP mega-donors are appalled that Gov. Ron DeSantis prohibited kindergarten teachers from sharing anal sex cartoons with their students. Must be some kind of fundamentalist nut.

But a candidate who wants to entirely ban a social media app as bad for children? That’s our gal!

Nikki Haley has vowed to shut down TikTok, right after she declares war on the entire world.

In case you are not one of the 150 million Americans on TikTok, it is a China-based video-sharing app, primarily used by teenagers to post short reels of themselves lip-synching, pranking, dancing and creating optical illusions. Also cute animal videos. Also book reviews. #BookTok has multiple billions of views every year.

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Nikki Haley Wants Social Media Users to Verify Identity with Government

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


Nikki Haley is a dangerous person who is pro-establishment and anti-American. Haley is eager for war with all of America’s adversaries simultaneously. This top Neocon would also like to place harsh restrictions on Americans, including our freedom of speech. Her most recent braindead idea states that all social media users should verify their identification.

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