Benefits of Fasting and Beets as a Legitimate Super Food

Tech Digest: Benefits of Fasting and Beets as a Legitimate Super Food

By Patrick Cox


Excuse me if I ramble on today. Finishing the book project, on top of my writing and research routine, is putting a lot of pressure on me, so I’m sort of making it up as I go. Another consequence of a busy work schedule is that I occasionally skip a workout. I didn’t do that today, however, for several reasons.

The most obvious is that exercise is one of the most effective anti-aging therapies known. I’ve previously cited some of the studies that show the inverse correlation between strength and mortality. In simple terms, that means the stronger you are, the longer you are likely to be healthy and alive. Not exercising, in my opinion, is as self-destructive as smoking.

So I started the day by setting a “PR” for deadlifts. PR in fitness circles is the acronym for “personal record” and I did three sets of five deadlifts at a heavier weight than I’ve ever lifted before. If you don’t know what a deadlift is, this video shows good form for the exercise.

This amuses me because I wouldn’t have predicted 30 years ago, when I was in my 30s, that I would be the strongest in my life today. I’m more convinced than ever that this has a lot to do with the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors I’ve been taking for several years, though I won’t revisit the science again today. I’ve written about these compounds and their effects on cell health and performance extensively. Animal studies, in fact, have shown that aged muscle cells undergo a quite remarkable rejuvenation when NAD+ levels are restored to youthful levels.

Continue reading “Benefits of Fasting and Beets as a Legitimate Super Food”

Why Mitochondr​ia Matter

TransTech Digest: Why Mitochondria Matter

By Patrick Cox


I may sound like a broken record saying this again, but it’s critical that we realize that scientific understanding of the biological world is increasing at an exponential rate. For younger readers, I should explain that the term “broken record” is a reference to a common failure of the old pressed-vinyl audio recording technology. Occasionally, the spiraled groove on a record imprinted with physical representations of sound would be scratched or otherwise damaged. As a result, the needle that transferred analog information to the amplifier would be knocked outward from the groove to play the same section of the recording over and over again.

For those of you who already knew this, it’s useful to realize that the technology of audio recording that was once universal is not just obsolete, most younger people don’t even know what a skipping record is today. The reason that this is such a useful realization is that biotechnology has undergone even bigger changes than the transformation of recorded music from bumps in vinyl grooves to streamed electrons. Most people, however, have no real appreciation of how big the ongoing biotech transformation really is.

New tools let us see deep into the atomically precise world of molecular biology. Just as important is a growing base of biological knowledge that is available to anybody. Though Google Scholar is only 10 years old, I find it hard to imagine a world without instant access to peer-reviewed literature. GeneCards, which is only 15 years old, puts the combined body of genomic knowledge at your fingertips and has recently added cell development and disease pathogens as well as analytical tools to its master databank.

Among the most exciting areas of modern biological research is mitochondria and the role of a molecule critical for their function, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). In terms of scientific research, our growing understanding of these tiny bacteria-like mitochondria inside every cell of the body is breaking news. Weekly, we seem to be learning something critical about the relevance of metabolic efficiency, on the biochemical level, to long-term health.

Only recently have we learned that mitochondria play a much larger role in the diseases of aging than previously known. This means research into the mechanisms of mitochondria and their interactions with the rest of the cell may lead directly to extended health spans. This is why I think that you should be interested in this subject. As scientific knowledge grows, and the popular media is increasingly overwhelmed by this explosion of data, individuals will need to keep abreast of science to take advantage of new possibilities. This may not have been necessary in the days of vinyl record, but those days are gone.

A few years ago, we saw a number of papers like this one. The authors, in 2009, proposed that protection of mitochondrial function would result in increased longevity. The article describes how mitochondrial function in muscle cells declines over time, suggesting that it may be related to oxygen uptake. This leads the authors to recommend long-term aerobic exercise as a solution. While I believe that exercise, though not solely aerobic exercise, is an important part of health maintenance, more recent research suggests that there are other effective ways to prevent the decline of mitochondrial health.

Before I get into the intricacies of just how mitochondrial function can be affected positively, we should go over background information on what a mitochondrion is and how, in layman’s terms, it harvests energy from sugar molecules to power cellular processes.

The Mitochondrial Basics

The discovery of mitochondria occurred over the second half of the 19th century as the improvement of microscopes and associated technologies provided insights into the world of cells. In 1894, the scientist who developed new ways to preserve cells for microscopic analysis, Richard Altmann, coined the term “bioplasts” to describe mitochondria. What these cells within cells actually did, however, was not clear.

Given the size of a mitochondrion and the primitive tools available for studying them, this was not surprising. Mitochondria measure one micrometer across. That’s one thousandth of a millimeter or a micron. To put that in perspective, the size of a human red blood cell is usually about five microns.

In textbooks and in many diagrams on the Internet you will see one or two mitochondria in the cell. In fact, there may be thousands of them, all converting stored energy in the chemical bonds of our food into usable energy currency called ATP, which is short for adenosine triphosphate. ATP is comprised of an adenosine molecule with three phosphate groups bonded in a chain to it. Inside the outer membrane of the mitochondrion resides yet another layer of membrane, which folds up into itself many times. This layered membrane is referred to as the matrix, and it contains within it enzymes that work to further break down glucose molecules.

In most biology 101 classes you will get a review of all the “organelles” of a typical human-like cell. One of the most important is the mitochondria, which function as the power supply to the rest of the cell. The average human contains only about half a pound of total ATP in their body, but the astounding fact is how much that ATP turns over. In just one day, the average human goes through about 60 septillion molecules of ATP. This equates to our own body weight in ATP being processed and recycled each day.

Mitochondria, the Aliens Within

Mitochondria are fascinating not only because they are so vital to virtually every biological process, but also they are distinct from all other organelles of a cell. Two peculiar things about the mitochondria’s structure stand out.

First, there’s the matter of packaging. Every large organelle, including the nucleus that protects the DNA, is contained with a membrane. This is the same kind of membrane that surrounds, and encapsulates, the entirety of the cell. Mitochondria are the only exception. Mitochondria, for some reason, have two membrane layers surrounding them, just like bacteria. Secondly, mitochondria are the only organelles that contain DNA besides the nucleus. Whereas the DNA of your genome is linear (with a beginning and an end), mitochondrial DNA is circular, just like bacterial DNA.

The similarity of mitochondria to bacteria is extremely important. Bacteria are independent organisms, but they can cooperate in quite astonishing ways by transferring chemically coded information among themselves. This ability helps them, for example, pass immunities to antibiotics to others of their species. Scientists have actually harnessed this ability to build a type of bacterial computer capable of solving complex problems.

This is not simply some bit of interesting trivia. Perhaps the central realization in the new science of mitochondria is that our mitochondria function like a biological computer network. Singly, a mitochondria has 37 genes, compared to the tens of thousands of protein-coding genes in the DNA of the nucleus. Mitochondria, however, often have multiple copies of their circular DNA plasmids, and there can be thousands of mitochondria in a cell.

Mitochondria, like bacteria, split and merge and repeat the process with other mitochondria innumerable times. Unlike bacteria, however, they operate in conjunction with the master genome in the cell’s nucleus. We are only beginning to understand everything that mitochondria do, but only a few percent of the mitochondrial DNA is involved with the critical production of ATP. This leaves a lot of computation capacity for other functions. So we are beginning to see this mitochondrial network in a new and far more important light. More importantly, we’re beginning to understand how this network fails as we age and how this failure impacts many areas of health. We’ll get to this later, but I will say here that there are ways to rescue this network even when we are quite old. To understand how we can do this, we should understand at least the basics of mitochondrial energy function.

Cellular Respiration: Three Not-So-Simple Steps

Mitochondria are found in human cells, mammal cells, animal cells, and plant cells. In fact, the presence of mitochondria is one of the characteristics that biologists use to distinguish eukaryotic cells (these are the cells that make up all animals, plants, and fungi) taxonomically from prokaryotic cells like bacteria. There are a few other distinctions, the most important being the presence of a nucleus in our cells (eukaryotic cells). As you know, the nucleus contains and protects our entire genome like a vault or an encrypted hard drive.

Mitochondria are the power grid for the entire cell including the nucleus, which uses the energy for numerous and complex molecular biological processes that go on within. They take in molecules of glucose through the several metabolic pathways, harvest the energy, and store it as ATP for intercellular use.

The first step in converting glucose into energy is called glycolysis, which actually doesn’t happen in the mitochondria but in the cytosol of the cell (the cytosol is the liquid that fills up our cells). Glycolysis basically works like a pair of scissors, cutting glucose molecules precisely in half from six carbons long to only three. These chopped up glucose molecules are now called pyruvate, and these are the molecules that actually enter into the mitochondria’s matrix.

Once inside the mitochondrion, the pyruvate goes through the citric acid cycle, a set of biochemical reactions far too complex for me to even begin to explain here. Instead I’ll just tell you what the results are. We do get a little bit of ATP from the citric acid cycle, but not nearly as much as in the electron transport chain.

The most important part of the citric acid cycle is the transfer of hydrogen atoms from the pyruvate to NAD+ and FAD+, which then turn into their reduced forms NADH and FADH2, respectively. In chemical terms, reduction/oxidation reaction is defined as the transfer of electrons to or away from a molecule. In many biological functions, however, the transfer of entire hydrogen atoms is also considered reduction or oxidation. So when a hydrogen is transferred from a pyruvate derivative, it’s considered to be reduced. And when that hydrogen atom bonds to an NAD+ molecule, it’s considered to be reduced.

After they receive the hydrogen atoms, they become NADH and FADH2. NADH and FADH2 then head into the electron transport chain, which you might guess concerns itself mostly with the transfer, or transport, of electrons.

Again, without getting too far into the nitty-gritty biochemical details, the electron transport chain works essentially like a water mill. The water mill harnesses the energy of water flowing toward a lower state of potential energy. The water, which starts at both a higher elevation and a higher energy state, performs work on its way to water’s ultimate resting place: ocean level. The electron transport chain works exactly the same way but with the flow of electrons instead of water. Electrons, because they are negatively charged, want to “flow” toward the nuclei of the atoms they surround because nuclei are made of positively charged protons.

You can think of electrons as screaming fans, the nuclei as the Beatles in the mid-1960s, and the electron transport chain as the box office. The electron transport chain lets them get closer to the positive charges, but before it does, it must stamp their tickets and receive payment in the form of energy.

Today I have attempted to give a very broad overview of the processes involved in cellular respiration, the main function of a mitochondrion. I want this information to be the backdrop for the new and exciting story of repair, which I intend to tell you about in next week’s editorial.


Patrick Cox

To learn more about the new research driving Patrick’s investigations at his Transformational Technology Alert letter for Mauldin Economics, click here.

The article TransTech Digest: Why Mitochondria Matter was originally published at

TransTech Digest: What Do You and the Energizer Bunny Have in Common?

TransTech Digest: What Do You and the Energizer Bunny Have in Common?

By Patrick Cox


While it would be a stretch to say that you run on lithium, you may stand to benefit greatly from it. Human biochemistry is one of the most complicated systems in existence. Certainly, it’s the most studied of complicated systems. As the tools available to biotechnologists increase in power exponentially, the pace of discovery in all the biological sciences is increasing dramatically. The science of nutrition is no exception. In fact, it appears to be one of the biggest and earliest beneficiaries.

The term bioinformatics refers to the application of computer technologies such as advanced correlation analysis to biological data. In conjunction with increasingly sophisticated databank software, the ability to collect more accurate and meaningful data has also improved due to the falling cost of high-tech biotech tools. One field that is experiencing major transformations due to bioinformatics is the science of nutrition. As scientists turn their investigative attention to our diets, we’re often very surprised to learn which chemicals are beneficial and which are detrimental.

Over the past decade, it’s become increasingly clear that lithium has various neuroprotective abilities, meaning that it helps preserve the health and function of the electrically activated neurons of our nervous systems. Neurons differ from most cells in that they do not replicate via cell division, or mitosis. Instead, they can increase through a process called neurogenesis that involves the neural stem cells and progenitor cells. At one time, it was believed that adults couldn’t grow additional neurons, but recent discoveries, including the mitochondrial breakthroughs I’ve written about here, have shown this not to be true. Nevertheless, the health and function of our neurons is of critical importance because these critically important cells give us our power to think and sense.

Lithium, a metal so light that bars of the element float in water, is found in varying concentrations in soils. People ingest lithium either directly through drinking water or indirectly by way of plant foods that absorb local water.

Another possible way to consume lithium is by smoking tobacco that has high lithium content. Let me be very clear that I’m not recommending that you smoke anything. In fact, I’m recommending strongly that you don’t. Nevertheless, it may explain the unique reputation that Cuban tobacco has among many cigar smokers.

Many cigar connoisseurs believe that Cuban cigars stand apart from the rest. This is true despite the fact that seeds from Cuban tobaccos have been replanted elsewhere with very similar climates. Those tobaccos do not, however, enjoy the same esteem. One theory is that high lithium concentrations in the Cuban soil, and therefore tobacco, promote neuroactive and pleasurable effects.

While the lithium cigar theory is only interesting speculation, there is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that areas with more lithium in the ground and water correlate with lower incidences of violent crime and suicide. To understand the weight of this relationship, it’s important to put it in pharmaceutical context.

Lithium has been successfully used for years to treat disorders such as bipolar depression. The logical follow-up question, therefore, is whether nutritional lithium would benefit the general population as well. Another way to phrase this issue is whether or not lithium is an essential nutrient. In my opinion, there is now an accumulation of evidence indicating that it is.

In fact, lithium might be just as important, if not more so, than other minerals in our diets such as sodium or calcium. On the surface, this might sound odd since lithium is best known as an anode in batteries. It is, however, only part of lithium’s story.

Lithium is the lightest of all metals, being composed of only three protons and either three or four neutrons, depending on the isotope. More specifically, lithium belongs to the same group of alkali metals as the essentials, sodium and potassium. In fact, if you take a look at the periodic table you can see that lithium sits in the column all the way to the far left directly on top of the essential nutrients sodium and potassium and near magnesium and calcium.

The biochemical relevancy of lithium and its neighbors represents far more than mere coincidence, however. Elements are arranged on the periodic table by similar characteristics, so if we think about the element lithium from a physical perspective, its role in our bodies seems natural.

In fact, it most certainly is natural. While lithium has been found over the counter in treatment for bipolar disorder, depression, and evencluster headaches since the 1800s, it has been present in our ground soil and water supply for much longer. More recently, however, we have learned that living in an area with particularly high levels of lithium in the drinking water has statistically significant benefits, as theBritish Journal of Psychiatry makes clear.

This study from 1990 looked at 27 counties in Texas. It found that the geographical regions with higher levels of lithium in the water, and sediment, demonstrated a suicide rate 82% lower than in regions without lithium in the water supply. That study has been followed up much more recently by a Japanese study looking at lithium levels in tap water in 18 municipalities of the Oita prefecture and the suicide standardized mortality ratio (SMR). The findings were in complete agreement with the Texan study, reinforcing that lithium negatively relates with suicide rates in the general population. That is, as lithium levels go up, suicide rates go down.

Suicide is just one manifestation of neurological disorder, though. A larger Greek study published in 2003 addressed deficiencies in the British and Japanese studies, finding a significant inverse relationship between natural lithium levels in drinking water to homicides, rapes, drug crimes, and, in juveniles, the rates of runaways.

As the abstract to this study references, lithium has also been found to be useful in the prevention and treatment of ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. This study reports a correlation between low lithium levels and Parkinson’s disease. Perhaps most exciting is the emergence of evidence that lithium helps prevent dementia, a particularly important area as Alzheimer’s disease is the most expensive disease in the US as well as the fastest-growing threat to an increasingly older population. Here are two studies about this important subject.

Our brains are hugely complex chemistry sets, the parts and functions of which we have only begun to completely understand. Because of this, learning of lithium’s benefits doesn’t particularly surprise me, but it does increase my interest in chemicals we might now perceive to be biochemically inert. One of the biggest surprises for me personally in the last few years is the emergence of extremely powerful and efficacious naturally occurring substances such as anatabine and oxaloacetate.

Lest you run off to buy one of the many available lithium supplements, however, I should point out that there are still things about lithium that we don’t know. There are hints, for example, that lithium may worsen some conditions, such as thyroiditis, in some populations. I’d love to see this sorted out as soon as possible.


Patrick Cox

To learn more about the new research driving Patrick’s investigations at his Transformational Technology Alert letter for Mauldin Economics, click here.

TransTech Daily: Oxford Paper Shows Oxaloacetate Feeds and Grows Brain Cells

TransTech Digest: Oxford Paper Shows Oxaloacetate Feeds and Grows Brain Cells

By Patrick Cox


Oxford Paper Shows Oxaloacetate Feeds and Grows Brain Cells

The headline above is good news for those of us who want to proactively protect our health and extend our lives. I remain pretty cynical about the vast majority of supplements that claim life-extension benefits, but this compound is one of the rare exceptions. Before describing this important paper, published by in the Oxford journal Human Molecular Genetics, let me explain a bit about oxaloacetate, which John Mauldin and I both take several times a day.

Oxaloacetate, also called oxaloacetic acid and abbreviated as OAA, plays a central and critical role in metabolic processes shared by all animals, including humans. Probably the best known of these processes is the citric acid cycle, which is part of a greater process by which your cells make the only kind of energy that your body can actually use. This greater process, which takes place entirely inside the tiny mitochondria in every cell of your body, is called cellular respiration.

Included below is the Wikipedia graphic of the citric acid cycles. You’ll notice that oxaloacetate is at the juncture of two critical subsystems. If you would like to know more about cellular respiration, I recommend that you go to the Khan Academy website and search for the series of videos on cellular respiration. You should, in fact, have a basic understanding of cellular respiration because we are experiencing a scientific revolution right now concerning mitochondria that is going to change everything from life spans to our electrical power grid.

Source: “Citric acid cycle with aconitate 2” by Narayanese, WikiUserPedia, YassineMrabet, TotoBaggins


Mitochondria convert the food we eat, which is useless at the level of molecular biology, into the only form of energy that our cells can use. Simplistically, we might say that this energy is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but that isn’t the real story.

Adenosine triphospate starts with adenine, one of the four nucleobase letters that our DNA is written in. To this adenine three phosphate groups are attached. The third of these phosphate groups has an unstable but extremely useful molecular bond. Under the right circumstances, it can break free, releasing the electrochemical bonding energy that held it to the adenine and two phosphate groups.

This electrochemical energy can be transferred to other molecules, so they can do what they need to do. The separate pieces can then be recycled by the mitochondria to make more ATP. The mitochondria do this by attaching another phosphate group to the two phosphates left on the adenine handle.

This molecular bonding energy, derived from ATP, runs the biological world. It powers your muscles, your genome, and your very consciousness. When we are young, our mitochondria are literally dynamos. Hundreds to thousands of mitochondria in each cell provide all the power we need to function optimally. In the average human body, there is only about eight ounces or a cup of ATP at any one time. Its energy is utilized and the molecule recycled so rapidly, however, we process our body weight in ATP every day.

Mitochondria are enormously interesting. Functionally, they are remarkably like bacteria and even have their own independent DNA, very similar to bacterial DNA, arranged in a circular plasmid. This, along with the double layer of membrane surrounding the mitochondria, is evidence of the theory that they were once independent bacteria that early eukaryotic cells engulfed. While there are 70 thousand or so coding genes in our genomes, located in our cells’ nuclei, human mitochondria have only 37 genes. Lacking the complex repair mechanisms of the genome, they are unfortunately subject to deterioration as we age.

Though we have traditionally thought of all these trillions of mitochondria in our cells as tiny separate organ-like structures, called organelles, it is more useful to think of them as parts of a network or system. When we, and our mitochondria, were healthy and young, the entire energy grid constantly communicated, via messenger proteins, with its various parts as well as the master genome.

When they function optimally, mitochondria respond to situations, merging and dividing. When we need more energy, they can increase through a process called mitochondrial biogenesis—which is the subject of the paper that spurred this article.

The biological revolution I was referring to earlier is a more complete understanding of the mitochondrial power grid. A critical part of that revolution is the dawning realization that mitochondrial function, degraded due to age or injury, may be repaired if the components needed to produce ATP are abundant.

One of those components is a naturally occurring substance, oxaloacetate, which has been used by significant numbers of people for some time now. A lot of supporting scholarship and research on OAA has already been done by important scientists and I’ll include links to a few papers at the bottom of this piece. The new paper just published in the Journal of Human Molecular Genetics is particularly interesting.

Frankly, the title alone was enough to command my attention. It is, “Oxaloacetate activates brain mitochondrial biogenesis, enhances the insulin pathway, reduces inflammation and stimulates neurogenesis.” In other words, OAA increases energy production in the brain, improves processing of insulin for greater energy and resistance to type 2 diabetes, lowers autoimmune inflammatory disorders associated with a variety of diseases, and helps grow new neurons in mice.

Yes, there have been drugs that worked in mice but not in people, but the mitochondrial processes are so similar across mammalian species, I don’t think this is a particularly relevant concern. Moreover, this study explains a great deal that we have seen in other studies and, anecdotally, in people. Even if you only read the abstract here, it’s worth your time.

If, in fact, you are going to research oxaloacetate, you’re probably going to have to rely on the studies. This is not simply because this is new science, it’s extremely hazardous legally for companies that own rights to such natural products to make statements that might be interpreted by the FDA as medical claims—even if they’re true.

We have just seen, in fact, one of the most important nutraceuticals ever discovered, anatabine citrate, withdrawn from the market due to an FDA request. What provoked the regulators was not an exaggeration or false claim but a link on the company’s website to an accurate statement by one of the world’s leading neurologists at an important international conference. Here is a link to that story published elsewhere.

This is by no means, by the way, the only astonishing research regarding the naturally occurring alkaloid anatabine citrate. Here are stories about just a few.

The company that owns rights to the nutraceutical anatabine citrate is also involved in the process of taking the molecule through the regulatory process to drug status. To get that done, it had little choice but to comply with the FDA’s requests to stop marketing the nutraceutical version of its biotechnology.

If this strikes you as infringing free speech, you’re not the only one. My wife, a nutritional biologist, has long complained to me of what her profession calls regulatory information hoarding. I’ve written previously about the negative impact of this policy on public health.

A prime example is the regulatory attitude about vitamin D. Despite the emergence of a true consensus among top researchers that current government-recommended doses are causing, through vitamin D deficiency, considerable unnecessary suffering and death, manufacturers of vitamin D dare not reference this research.

Fortunately, UC San Diego’s School of Medicine is spearheading an attempt to educate the public about vitamin D. It is cooperating with many other major universities in an effort called Grassroots Health to get the word out about epidemic vitamin D deficiencies. UCSD TV has compiled a really useful series of videos on the subject here. By the way, here is more recent and compelling evidence that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Oxaloacetate in Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

The University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute has already completed the safety and pharmacokinetics phase of Alzheimer’s disease trials. UK is also engaged in trials of oxaloacetate for Parkinson’s disease.

You’ll notice if you dig deeper that all three of the substances I’ve mentioned so far seem to significantly ameliorate Alzheimer’s. This is because AD is an inordinately complicated disease that is brought on by the aging of a number of critical biological systems. Anatabine citrate acts on the immune system. Vitamin D is an essential hormonal regulator of other nutrients. Oxaloacetate works by improving efficiency of the mitochondrial energy grid.

The growing burden of AD is the single biggest medical threat to our aging society. So all three of these therapies should be understood and adopted, but even they are probably not the end of the story. It will probably require other solutions to completely cure Alzheimer’s. The upside, however, is that all of the factors that lead to AD are general conditions of aging. If we can slow or reverse these factors, the pace of aging itself will also be changed.

Moreover, I’ve experienced many of those changes personally, as have quite a few others. I should be quite clear, by the way, that neither I nor anyone else at Mauldin Economics have any financial arrangement with the company that owns rights to oxaloacetate, trade named benaGene. The same is true of anatabine citrate, which was until recently sold as Anatabloc, or any producer of vitamin D, including the sun, which is the primary source of ultraviolet B (UVB), which is converted in the skin to vitamin D.

The company that owns the rights to a heat-stabilized version of oxaloacetate, benaGene, is also involved in clinical studies. This is why you will find almost none of the scientific research about the molecule on the company’s website. Heat stabilization, incidentally, is the breakthrough that makes it possible to store OAA for easy clinical as well as over-the-counter uses.

For those who would like to study independently, here are a few links. This study shows that OAA prevents organophosphate pesticide brain damage.

This study shows that mice with brain cancer that were treated with OAA had dramatically improved recovery and survival rates.

This study showed OAA assisting in liver repair by promoting DNA synthesis.

Similarly, this PDF of a Japanese study discusses OAA-induced pancreatic repair.

Though this study took place using worms, it showed that OAA increases life span through a pathway similar to calorie restriction. At the very least, it is promising given everything else we know about oxaloacetate.

Do we need more research? Of course we do. Fortunately, it’s happening. Perhaps I should be quiet and let that research go forward without the risk of attracting regulatory attention. Perhaps, but—for good or ill—it’s not my nature.

Patrick Cox

From the TransTech Digest research team:

To learn more about Patrick’s research at Transformational Technology Alert, click here to begin receiving it at the lowest rate ever offered.

TransTech Digest: Ebola, Stalin, Disease Cycles, and Capitalism

TransTech Digest: Ebola, Stalin, Disease Cycles, and Capitalism

By Patrick Cox


Ebola, Stalin, Disease Cycles, and Capitalism

The current Ebola epidemic has already claimed more victims than any prior outbreak of this particularly gruesome disease. Properly called Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), the virus damages the cells it hijacks so badly that victims often bleed from every opening of the body. From half to 90% of those who contract the virus die and, given that some countries are underreporting infections, there are probably over a thousand deaths this year.

As the virus spreads across national borders, media coverage has begun to resemble trailers for horror movies. Tom Frieden, head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told a House Subcommittee that it was inevitable that Ebola would make it to America. American border patrol agents, already stressed by unprecedented levels of tuberculosis and other diseases coming in from Mexico, are now worried about the arrival of Ebola from Africa. In the United Kingdom, border agents have threatened to strike if flights continue from infected regions.

Predictably, a lot of people are demanding that somebody “do something” to help Ebola victims. In Africa, reactions often run more toward anger than concern because two American missionaries were given access to ZMapp, a monoclonal antibody drug under development by Mapp Biopharmaceutical of San Diego. Dr. Tolbert Nyenswah, Liberia’s assistant health minister, told the Wall Street Journal: “The population here is asking: ‘You said there was no cure for Ebola, but the Americans are curing it?’”

Just as predictably, and I did predict it, regulators are responding to the perceived crisis by reducing the burdens placed on new Ebola drug candidates. The FDA lifted the hold it had placed, only weeks before, on clinical testing of a drug by the Canadian biotech Tekmira Pharmaceuticals, which was awarded $140 million by the Department of Defense to develop a small interfering RNA drug. The FDA’s change of heart helped push up the company’s stock price.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals of North Carolina, also developing an Ebola drug, has also benefited from investor interest due to the FDA’s recently cooperative attitude. MAPP Biopharmaceutical, the company that produced the experimental drug taken by the two missionaries, has been awarded additional funds by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Its stock has also surged.

Just as the FDA has adapted to public sentiment, the World Health Organization, which exercises control over the transfer of experimental drugs across national borders, is also becoming less combative toward Ebola drug developers. Before the outbreak, Western pharmaceutical companies were often accused of wanting to use third-world patients as guinea pigs. Now we’re hearing that Western drug makers are greedy hoarders for not making experimental drugs available to the developing world. This may happen.

I wrote in a recent commentary here that the regulatory regime is antagonistic to new drugs. Extreme caution is enforced via guidelines and requirements that impose enormous costs on innovators. In theory, it may be good to apply the highest safety and efficacy standards to new drug candidates. In practice, however, considerable scholarship shows that the obstacle course harms more people than it saves.

The FDA admits implicitly that this is the case when it changes policy in the face of public pressure. The reversal of the hold on Tekmira’s TKM-Ebola drug candidate is just a recent example.

I have no desire or intention to demonize the people at the FDA. Corruption exists in every large government agency, but most regulators are simply responding to the institutional incentives created by legislators. Nevertheless, it’s useful to ask why it made sense, one week, to halt an Ebola drug’s progression because of marginal safety concerns. Then, weeks later, it made sense to ease the regulatory burdens keeping the drug from Ebola victims, who have more than a fifty/fifty chance of dying painfully after oozing blood from their eyes and other orifices.

In fact, nothing changed except public attitudes. Regulators can’t even honestly say they were surprised by the current outbreak. We knew this was coming, though not exactly when. Anybody with a glancing familiarity with Ebola knows the cyclical nature of virus-borne disease epidemics.

Currently, Ebola does not pose as much of a threat as many believe. This is because, so far, airborne infection isn’t taking place. The virus is difficult to contract, spread primarily by direct contact with victims who exude the virus due to hemorrhaging. Those who catch the disease are probably transferring the virus to some mucous membrane, typically by touching the eyes.

Ironically, the lethality of the disease also acts to reduce contagion. Ebola victims can spread the disease for a relatively short time before debilitating symptoms demand attention and quarantine, at least in the West.

An Even More Lethal Virus

The big worry, however, is that Ebola could mutate and become much more communicable. The virus already exists in at least four forms and it happens routinely with other viruses, including influenzas. You don’t need a bioterrorist lab when birds, fruit bats, sea lions, and pigs are sharing pathogens in real time.

The World Health Organization knows all this, as does the FDA and other national drug regulatory agencies. If the risk/reward calculation justifies easing of regulatory hurdles now, the same has been true for years.

If you’re reading this from the relative security of a Western country, you might think that this regulatory schizophrenia doesn’t threaten you. If so, I’d like to walk you through a thought experiment.

Let’s imagine that Ebola undergoes a mutation that increases its ability to spread, probably via interaction between bird and pig populations. Pretend that it then kills, on average, 40,000 to 50,000 Americans and at least a quarter million people globally every year.

Do you assume that politicians and regulators would then recognize the need to reduce the cost (typically hundreds of millions of dollars) and the time frame (generally a decade or longer) of drug approval? Would the paradigm then shift from avoiding risk to rewarding regulators who can find effective treatments?

Now let’s up the ante. Let’s suppose that virologists say this new disease is likely to undergo further mutations and periodically kill many millions of people in pandemics comparable to the Black Death.

This is a trick question, of course. The disease I just described is the flu, a far greater threat to mankind and you personally than Ebola. So why are Ebola drug candidates being given better treatment than influenza drugs? Perhaps it is because, as Stalin reportedly said, one death is a tragedy but a million deaths is a statistic.

Influenza has, in fact, already killed millions. Moreover, every virologist and epidemiologist knows that a truly terrifying mutation of a flu virus is evolving right now in the wild. It will not only put millions of people in the grave, hitting medical professionals hardest, it will knock global GDP down by three to five points. It’s coming. There’s nothing we can do about it.

Oh wait. There are things we could do to accelerate remarkable new influenza drugs, currently in development, to market. We’re just not doing them. But we will when the pandemic hits, just as is being done in response to the Ebola outbreak. At which point, unfortunately, it may be too late to avoid needless deaths on the scale of a major war.

We need to reform the drug regulatory system for a variety of reasons, but our species, I’ve noticed, is largely incapable of logical extrapolation. This may be particularly true of the political serotypes. Fortunately, there are some people, scientists and investors, who look to the future with clear eyes. These extraordinary individuals are working on transformational biotechnologies that will, I predict, end influenza’s lethal power in our lifetime.

Why We Should Follow the Money, Not an Ebola Cure

Utterly new biosciences have emerged almost unnoticed in the last decade. Several are being brought to bear by brilliant scientists dedicated to curing virus-borne disease. Though preclinical work by these companies is never mentioned in the mainstream media’s coverage of forthcoming antivirus drugs, they are game changers.

Last week, I talked at length with one of these scientists about Ebola. Having watched his science progress for years, I have little doubt that his team could design a cure, not a vaccine, for any virus-borne disease in the space of a few months. These revolutionary drugs will kill viruses so effectively that symptoms would go away in the course of a few hours, leaving infected individuals with little more than memories and an acquired immunity to future infections.

I won’t identify the scientist or the company here for several reasons. One is that his comments and refusal to turn the company toward an Ebola drug would be misinterpreted as callous and maybe even racist. The truth, however, is that he told me he has no intention of going anywhere near the tar pit of Ebola politics.

From a pure business perspective, the Ebola market is tiny compared to other viral diseases like influenza and herpes. Influenza, in particular, could infect nearly the entire human population, which also defines the market for an effective influenza drug. The customer base for Ebola, on the other hand, is basically governments, which means that the terms of any deal will be perused and criticized by ideologues incapable of doing actually useful work.

Moreover, governments have done a terrible job historically of identifying effective experimental drugs. Too often, large contracts seem to have been awarded to friends of administrations in a pattern of crony capitalism. This means that a company that shifted gears to address Ebola could find that its efforts were wasted.

These are all reasons, by the way, that I’ve never chased an Ebola stock despite the kind of short-term spikes in valuation that we’ve been seeing. I’m much more interested in a company that can prove it has an effective cure for influenza and sell to the global market for many years. Billions in revenues would be generated annually, driving stock prices far above those that could be achieved via rare diseases like Ebola.

Interestingly, this demonstrates the market economist’s dictum that unimpeded money flows to its optimal use. Ebola is a tragedy, but startup biotechs almost never have the resources to pursue multiple drugs, each costing hundreds of millions to get to market over many years.

I’m glad that the most advanced biotechs are targeting influenza rather than Ebola, for humanitarian reasons alone. Granted, an effective flu drug will also make fortunes for a lot of people, but this is how it should be.


Patrick Cox

Editor, Transformational Technology Alert


From the TransTech Digest Research Team:

A special note about what you just read above.

The researcher (and company name) Patrick didn’t mention was out of respect to readers of his Transformational Technology Alert advisory letter.

Patrick has, incidentally, been following the virus eradication story for years. From novel flu strains to dengue fever and even Ebola, Patrick has tracked the progress of the company he refers to above as they move forward with a possible pan-virus inoculation platform that could, in time, prove a solution to nearly any virus type or strain on the planet.

Recently, in fact, this company opened a new facility in the Northeast US, capable of producing vast stores of their in-development virus solutions. While the current Ebola virus outbreak is certainly a pressing current humanitarian crisis, this company’s eventual business plan involves an inoculation against and prophylactic for a host of viruses, which today kill millions worldwide each year.

The science behind this company’s research is a blend of leading biotech and nanotechnology techniques, and could present a compelling opportunity, as more news attention has turned to virus treatment, prevention, and management in recent weeks.

Today, for the first time ever, you can read Patrick’s commentary on this virus-fighting company, as well as receive 3 full months of his Transformational Technology Alert research advisory, for a new, lower price we’ve never offered before.

In our opinion, the global push to contain and control the terrible ongoing Ebola virus outbreak could be just the catalyst needed to bring attention to the best virus-fighting technologies currently in development. Click here to access Patrick’s ongoing research now.