The Pros & Cons Of Raising Smaller Livestock

Guest Post by Samantha Biggars

A lot of people who are interested in raising farm animals feel daunted by the task, especially if they don’t have a lot of acreage. But there are plenty of livestock options out there for those with limited space.

In this article, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of raising various smaller types of livestock.

Raising livestock is not a decision that should be made without any significant consideration. Animals require regular care and attention. Above all else, you want to be humane in how they are treated and in giving them acceptable quality of life — which takes devoted care and attention. It can be a challenge to find someone to care for your animals the way you do should you have to go away on business or want to take a vacation with your family.

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Renewable Food

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Along with others who see the writing on the wall – and the prices at the store – I’ve been taking steps to make sure I have renewable food on hand.

An excellent form of this being chickens – and ducks, which I just got five more of. Including two male Muscovy and three female Muscovy ducks, which renew themselves without any work needed on my part. The ducks not only renew themselves, they renew my supply of duck eggs – which are superlative for baking and highly desired by others for that purpose.

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