Roving Ronamaniacs

Guest Post by Eric Peters

By now, everyone who is willing to assume the risks – and they are serious and several – of the cure for what doesn’t ail them has done so. The rest aren’t “hesitant,” as it is oilily styled. They aren’t interested. Chiefly on account of the increasing awareness – among the thinking – of the serious and several risks. As opposed to the non-rewards attending the assuming thereof.

This thinking is, of course, unacceptable – to those interested in making sure everyone is forced to assume the risks of the cure for what doesn’t ail them.

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‘Rona Resistance is Growing

Guest Post by Eric Peters

‘Rona Resistance is building.

Not to the virus, which has never been a serious threat to most people anyhow – but to the terrorism practiced in its name, including that enforced by the sickness psychosis equivalent of the German Sturmabteilung – the storm troops – sent out to harass, intimidate, threaten and close restaurants and so on that dared to open their doors to people who were never forced to walk through them – and dared to not force those who did to wear a Diaper.

Just as the SA would bully those who didn’t wear an armband – or perform the required Kabuki of that era, which was to raise their right arm and give the “German” greeting.

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