Daddy Joe’s Laws of Stupid

(I saw this in the comment stream and couldn’t help submitting it for wider audience.  MGhost)

For the benefit of all the wonderful TBP’ers out there I present them again.

These gems have helped me pierce many layers of darkness in this world, providing understanding and rationality to the many irrational mysteries.

The Laws of Stupid :

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Official STUPID F*****G AMURIKANS thread

Yesterday I posted about my Obama-luvin libtard seester who cares more about chicken liberties than those of human beings. It is an epidemic.

Below vid shows her libfuk comrades actually signing a petition to repeal the Bill Of Rights!!

One thing I love about TBP is reading personal stories. So, if you have any first-hand “Stoopid Amurikan” stories, please share them.

If you don’t have any (how could that be??) then please tell us you you hate.  Remember, hate makes the world go ’round.