Here’s a place where supply chain problems don’t exist

Via Sovereign Man

In the late 1960s, the central planners in the Soviet Union decided that they needed to do something to boost their winter food supplies.

So they decided to build a massive greenhouse complex where they could grow year-round food.

You’d think they would have picked a better location, perhaps in one of the Soviet Union’s warmer, sunnier spots like Sochi or Batumi.

But instead they chose to locate their greenhouse in the bitterly cold climate of Lithuania.

At the same time, these central planners realized that their giant greenhouse would require an army of workers.

So they built an entire village next to the greenhouse project, complete with houses and apartment buildings. Typical of soulless Soviet architecture, the apartment buildings all looked like concrete boxes devoid of any life or happiness. Continue reading “Here’s a place where supply chain problems don’t exist”


I did my weekly grocery shopping this morning. I was able to buy everything I needed. But I certainly noticed some supply issues with particular products. The chicken section was depleted, with no packages of chicken breasts, cutlets or tenders. There were signs saying the limit was 3 packages of chicken. Meanwhile, the beef and pork section were fully stocked.

For the second week in a row, the canned cat food section shelves were completely empty. This is the only section at my local Wal-Mart which was bare.

When covid first entered the picture in March 2020, the demand for cleaning products and toilet paper skyrocketed, causing shortages. There currently is not a demand problem causing these shortages. This is strictly a supply issue.

Question #1 – Have you noticed shortages at your local retailers and are they widespread or sporatic?

Question #2 – Do you think these shortages will grow or be rectified shortly?

Question #3 – Are those in power purposely trying to create havoc and chaos in the supply chain as part of their Great Reset agenda?

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