Here’s a place where supply chain problems don’t exist

Via Sovereign Man

In the late 1960s, the central planners in the Soviet Union decided that they needed to do something to boost their winter food supplies.

So they decided to build a massive greenhouse complex where they could grow year-round food.

You’d think they would have picked a better location, perhaps in one of the Soviet Union’s warmer, sunnier spots like Sochi or Batumi.

But instead they chose to locate their greenhouse in the bitterly cold climate of Lithuania.

At the same time, these central planners realized that their giant greenhouse would require an army of workers.

So they built an entire village next to the greenhouse project, complete with houses and apartment buildings. Typical of soulless Soviet architecture, the apartment buildings all looked like concrete boxes devoid of any life or happiness. Continue reading “Here’s a place where supply chain problems don’t exist”

Strategies to cope with an insane world

Via Sovereign Man

On the 26th of August in the year 1346, English and French armies faced each other across the battlefield near the town of Crecy-en-Ponthieu in northern France in what would be among the first major battles of the Hundred Years War.

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One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard

Via Sovereign Man

Thursday, November 29, 2001 felt like any other day in Argentina. People woke up, went to work, and lived their lives. There was nothing really unusual about that day, everything seemed fine.

Sure, Argentina’s economy had been in a severe recession for three years, so life was difficult. But it was still normal.

By the end of the day, however, a major bank run had started in the country, and life changed forever.

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Here’s what happened when another idiot provoked a war 800 years ago

Via Sovereign Man

In the year 1218 AD, Genghis Khan was knee-deep in a bloody war with the Jin Dynasty of northern China– a conflict that would last for more than two decades.

The Khan knew that China was a powerful enemy, so he took careful steps to make peace with his neighbors so that he could concentrate on winning the war against the Jin.

As part of that peace mission, the Khan sent a caravan of several hundred men to the city of Utrar in modern day Kazakhstan; at the time it was a prominent trade hub in the Khwarazmian Empire, just west of Mongolia.

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Yeah, we “expect you”. That’s why we have a Plan B

Guest Post by Simon Black

Last Monday during ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’, formerly known as Columbus Day, the statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington DC’s Lafayette Park was vandalized by activists with a warning message for everyone:

“Expect Us”

This is fascinating to me, considering that Lafayette Park is situated directly north of the White House, which is currently occupied by the ‘wokest’, most culturally progressive administration in history.

The federal government has stood on the sidelines cheering cancel culture, the de-gendering of our vocabulary, and ‘mostly peaceful’ protests. They’ve taken every opportunity to bend the knee and subordinate itself to the whims of the Twitter mob.

And yet apparently all of that is still not enough. So activists left this warning message, right in the White House’s backyard: Expect Us.

Continue reading “Yeah, we “expect you”. That’s why we have a Plan B”

This simple Plan B option can make an enormous difference

Guest Post by Simon Black

One of the most important lessons that a lot of people learned the hard way last year was how important it is to have OPTIONS.

Nearly everyone on the planet suddenly experienced, almost in unison, an astonishing loss of freedom, practically overnight.

Local public health officials went from being little-known bureaucrats to being totalitarian warlords with the full power of an entire police state at their disposal.

Before Covid hit, they about as much authority as the local dog catcher. Then all of a sudden they were forcing us to shut our businesses, close our schools, and remain at home, afraid.

Their edicts have been truly ridiculous. They instruct young people how to properly copulate in the Age of Covid. They tell people we must isolate ourselves from loved ones, because we should all be “alone… together.”

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It should be obvious by now– it really makes sense to have a Plan B

Guest Post by Simon Black

There are undoubtedly countless people right now who can hardly believe what they’ve been seeing over the past few months.

Global pandemic, total economic shutdown, tens of millions of jobs lost, trillions of dollars of debt and money printing, and now, social unrest, including riots and looting, brought on by yet another harrowing murder at the hands of the police.

A poll conducted by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal last week showed 80% of respondents believe the United States is spiralling out of control.

And it all happened so quickly.

Continue reading “It should be obvious by now– it really makes sense to have a Plan B”