PROJECT PORNOGRAPHY 2023: A Cultural Marxist Psyop Carried Out To Further Pervert The Democrat Party And Normalize The Hyper-Sexualization Of Politics

Via State of the Nation


A Very Stealthy Black Operation Designed To
Irreparably Tear The Fabric Of American Society

If it’s not clear already from reading the article posted below in its entirety, it will be now.  The Democrat Party has been transformed by its communist masters into the political party of extreme moral depravity and ethical debasement.  In point of fact, hardcore cultural marxists have been aggressively recruited into all of the key leadership positions in all 50 states.  Their explicit mission is to corrupt the Democrat Party to it core and normalize criminal conduct in all facets of it devastating operations nationwide.  In essence, the party now operates as a full-blown, RICO-level, international crime syndicate.

Toward that end, Democrat candidates are now being selected who simply have no conscience, who will do or say anything necessary to advance the odious New World Order agenda, and who will commit any crime when called upon to do so.  The methodical psychological use of pornography goes a long way in this process of compromising the most strategically positioned Democrats in the key states. (It’s also an integral technique employed in the ongoing collapse the American Republic on both a micro and macro level.)  The well concealed Uniparty decision-makers and countless Deep State perpetrators alike have all been mind-controlled through various pornographic techniques which make them completely malleable to executing the various nefarious agendas.

What’s the key point?

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