Putting the Terrorist Threat in Perspective

Guest Post by

Steve Rhodes/Flickr

Over the weekend CNN breathlessly reported as “Breaking News”—it breathlessly reports everything as “Breaking News”—a new poll indicating that people are increasingly frightened about terrorism. The accompanying web story stated, “Terrorism has eclipsed the economy as voters’ top pick for the biggest issue facing America, a New York Times/CBS News poll has found. Last month only [4 percent] of Americans said terrorism was the most important problem, according to The New York Times. Now nearly one in five … believe it is.”

The story goes on:

Following terrorist attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, California, the poll said Americans are more fearful about the likelihood of another terrorist attack than at any other time since the weeks after Sept. 11, 2001. …

More than four in 10 Americans—44%—believe an attack is “very” likely to happen in the next few months. And 70% say that ISIS is a major threat to America’s security.

Nearly 60% of people are “very” concerned about the threat of terrorism against Americans committed by elements entering the U.S. from other countries. And 63% are “very” concerned about the threat of terrorism against Americans committed by people currently living in the U.S. who are inspired by foreign extremists.”

How likely is an American to be a victim? Curiously, CNN never bothers to say.

In fact, the likelihood is so low that the saturation coverage—which is better described as fear-mongering—looks ridiculous. Commonplace things are far more likely to kill Americans than terrorism—from any source—yet you won’t learn that by watching TV or reading the daily newspaper.

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The San Bernardino Massacre: Perceptions, Propaganda, And Blowback

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via AntiWar.com,

The reaction to the San Bernardino shooting in which 14 people were killed and several more wounded is a textbook case of confirmation bias. The first reactions came from the liberal wing of the Twittersphere, heavily represented by “mainstream” journalists, who immediately took the incident to be a classic “mass shooting” of the Sandy Hook-Columbine variety, and it didn’t take long for the finger-wagging to begin. At once pro-gun control and anti-religious, the meme went out into cyberspace: “thoughts and prayers” aren’t enough, we need to crack down on gun ownership in this country. The front page of the New York Daily News expressed the left-liberal party line: “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS: As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”

As it turned out, however, the guns used by Syed Farook and Tashveen Malik, the two perpetrators, were bought legally – and their weaponry consisted of a lot more than mere guns. The editors of the Daily News didn’t wait for the facts because they didn’t care about the facts. They just wanted to make a point – one which turned out to be not only wrong but also completely beside the point.

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Security Theater: Customary Federal Pointlessness

A few cheering thoughts on terrorism. This column specializes in cheering thoughts.

Terrorism by Moslems in America and Europe cannot be stopped. If attacks do not occur, it will be because nobody tried very hard. Stopping them would require excluding Moslems, deporting them, or controlling them by totalitarian methods. Or, improbably, minding our own business in the Middle East.

What you think of the foregoing approaches doesn’t matter, since none of them will be used. In France the result would be a civil war. America is too divided to do anything about anything.

The notion that the government can prevent terrorism suggests studied inattention to the obvious.  To begin, the intelligence agencies have proved useless. NSA did not prevent the first attack on the Twin Towers in 1993, nor the successful one. French intelligence did not prevent the recent attacks in Paris, nor Russian intelligence the downing of the airliner over Syria. On and on.

Continue reading “Security Theater: Customary Federal Pointlessness”

German Intelligence Warns – Saudi Arabia to Play “Destabilizing Role” in the Middle East

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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Saudi Arabia is at risk of becoming a major destabilizing influence in the Arab world, German intelligence has warned. 

Internal power struggles and the desire to emerge as the leading Arab power threaten to make the key Western ally a source of instability, according to the BND intelligence service. 

“The current cautious diplomatic stance of senior members of the Saudi royal family will be replaced by an impulsive intervention policy,” a BND memo widely distributed to the German press reads. 

Saudi Arabia has previously been accused of supplying arms and funding to jihadist groups fighting in Syria, including Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

– From the Telegraph article: Saudi Arabia ‘Destabilizing Arab World’, German Intelligence Warns

To understand the enormously dangerous wildcard that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represents in modern geopolitics, you must understand what is going on behind the scenes.

While the Saudis were a shady monarchy well before King Abdullah passed away, the disaster that has succeeded him will make the prior rulers look like philosopher kings by comparison. Of course, this is always the risk when it comes to hereditary rule, you never know what kind of psychopath is lurking next in line. In the case of the Saudis, although the current King is Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the guy who really wields power, and who appears to be a ticking time bomb, is his son, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also known as “Reckless.”

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The War on Terror is Creating More Terror


The interventionists will do anything to prevent Americans from seeing that their foreign policies are perpetuating terrorism and inspiring others to seek to harm us. The neocons know that when it is understood that blowback is real – that people seek to attack us not because we are good and free but because we bomb and occupy their countries – their stranglehold over foreign policy will begin to slip.

That is why each time there is an event like the killings in Paris earlier this month, they rush to the television stations to terrify Americans into agreeing to even more bombing, more occupation, more surveillance at home, and more curtailment of our civil liberties. They tell us we have to do it in order to fight terrorism, but their policies actually increase terrorism.

If that sounds harsh, consider the recently-released 2015 Global Terrorism Index report. The report shows that deaths from terrorism have increased dramatically over the last 15 years – a period coinciding with the “war on terrorism” that was supposed to end terrorism.

Continue reading “The War on Terror is Creating More Terror”

Grinch that stole Christmas



The usual holiday cheer that underpins the throngs of shoppers may be missing this season. Political pundits are eager to blame potential terrorist risks as a compelling reason to avoid the crowds at malls, but knowing the sentiments of the consumer culture, it is difficult to accept that retail businesses will be empty. Nevertheless, will the economy incentivize the bargain hunters to brave the added security obstacles to storm the doors for the reward of super discount pricing?

The expected immediate shock in France is understandable. Xmas sales plummet, Champs-Elysees empty in edgy post-attack Paris, indicates that upscale customers respond predictably.

“Department stores half-empty when they should be packed and a Christmas market on the prestigious Champs-Elysees avenue where vendors outnumber the visitors — the attacks on Paris are having a profound effect on retail business.”

Notwithstanding, Forbes makes an obvious point in the column, The Paris Attacks And The Economic Impact Of Terrorism.

“Consider the fragility of both European economies and the institutions underpinning the European Union. The euro zone grew by a meager 0.3% in the third quarter, well below expectations. And last week’s attacks may do some real damage to current spending, keeping shoppers away from crowded retail parks in the lead-up to the busiest month of the year.”

Continue reading “Grinch that stole Christmas”


In fairness to both parties, I give you your potential future presidents in all their glory.

Via The Hill

Trump doubles down: Thousands in NJ cheered on 9/11

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is doubling down on comments that thousands of people in parts of New Jersey with large Arab populations cheered on 9/11.

Trump said at a rally on Saturday in Birmingham, Ala., that he watched as the World Trade Center “came tumbling down.”

“And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down,” he added. “Thousands of people were cheering.”

ABC “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump on Sunday if he misspoke, noting that “police say that didn’t happen and all those rumors have been on the Internet for some time.”

“It did happen. I saw it, “ Trump said. “It was on television. I saw it.”

“George, it did happen,” Trump persisted.

“There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations,” he said. “They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.

“I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering … as those buildings came down,” Trump added. “And that tells you something.

“There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.”

“It is unfortunate that Donald Trump is giving new life to long-debunked conspiracy theories about 9/11,” the Anti-Defamation League said in statement to Buzzfeed.

“His comments are irresponsible — not to mention factually challenged.”


Sanders doubles down: Climate change causes terrorism

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday reiterated his claim that climate change will lead to terrorism by destabilizing regions affected by droughts, floods, and other natural disasters.

Continue reading “DOUBLING DOWN”


Guest Post by Ben Garrison

Our president is a terrorist. At least, he seems to be allowing it into the country via the import of thousands of Syrian ‘refugees.’ Most of them are young men of military age. Many are radical muslims who are intolerant of any other culture or religion. Many seem to enjoy cutting off heads and blowing stuff up.

We should have listened to Ron Paul and stayed out of Middle East turmoils. Instead Obama has decided to aid and support Syrian rebels, a group that spun off ISIS. So we are supporting a group from which ISIS came from and then we’re battling that same group in Iraq and elsewhere. Obama is also battling ISIS along with Russia because they are supporting Hassad and also battling ISIS while at the same time Obama wants to depose Hassad and risk WWIII with Russia and…well, it gets confusing, doesn’t it?

It may all be intentional. By flooding Europe and the West with radical Muslims, division and conflict are created. We just saw the results in Paris. Now Obama wants to bring that hullabaloo to America. He’s of like-mind with the terrorists. America has neither the need nor obligation to import people from war-torn countries. There’s plenty of room in Saudi Arabia for them to go—but of course the Saudis say ‘No!’ In the Middle East, there is contstant strife. Shiites vs. Sunnis. Hezbollah vs. ISIS and Israel vs. Iraq and Palestinians vs. Israel and Russia and Assad vs. al Qaeda and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia…and then throw in the Kurds…well it goes on and on, doesn’t it? Obama wants to bring it here. Perhaps his masters want that to happen in order to break up countries, thus helping them to usher in globalism and a one-world religion—probably Islam. No thanks, Obama. Obama is most likely a Muslim himself. So, Obama…if you want to ‘welcome’ in people who want to blow us up, why not invite them to your place? Let them camp out on the White House lawn. YOU pay for their well-being.

Oh—and you won’t be confiscating our guns before the end of your term, either.

The Onion Predicted All Of This Back in 2003

Guest Post by Carey Wedler


(ANTIMEDIA) George W. Bush may think that a war against Iraq is the solution to our problems, but the reality is, it will only serve to create far more,” read a 2003 article on The Onion a week after then-President George Bush launched the Iraq War. While a wide variety of organizations and individuals also rebuked that invasion, the satirical newspaper offered one of the most accurate assessments to date. So accurate, in fact, it all but predicted the rise of the Islamic State.

In the mock-debate piece, entitled, “This War Will Destabilize The Entire Mideast Region And Set Off A Global Shockwave Of Anti-Americanism vs. No It Won’t,” The Onion highlighted the very real risks of war.

As fictional debater Nathan Eckert warned:

This war will not put an end to anti-Americanism; it will fan the flames of hatred even higher. It will not end the threat of weapons of mass destruction; it will make possible their further proliferation. And it will not lay the groundwork for the flourishing of democracy throughout the Mideast; it will harden the resolve of Arab states to drive out all Western (i.e. U.S.) influence.”

He continued:

If you thought Osama bin Laden was bad, just wait until the countless children who become orphaned by U.S. bombs in the coming weeks are all grown up. Do you think they will forget what country dropped the bombs that killed their parents? In 10 or 15 years, we will look back fondly on the days when there were only a few thousand Middle Easterners dedicated to destroying the U.S. and willing to die for the fundamentalist cause. From this war, a million bin Ladens will bloom.

Continue reading “The Onion Predicted All Of This Back in 2003”

Donald Trump: Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi Made the World Safer

Guest Post by Jake Anderson


(ANTIMEDIA) In perhaps an accidental moment of lucid foreign policy insight over the weekend, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump stated the Middle East would be better off today if Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. The statement came during an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press and was reiterated during a rally in Franklin, Tennessee, where 1,500 people listened to Trump sound off on the United States’ strategy of arming rebels in Libya prior to the overthrow of its dictator in 2011.

Trump likened the scenario to what is currently happening in Syria, where he says the terror group ISIS emerged from a power vacuum left after Saddam Hussein was deposed in Iraq. This is a refrain from his statements during the second GOP debate, during which he said the world would be safer if the long-time dictator had remained in power.

Trump thinks the same of President Bashar Assad of Syria. Though he is “probably a bad guy,” the Middle East is safer with him, Trump apparently believes.

“You can make the case, if you look at Libya, look at what we did there — it’s a mess — if you look at Saddam Hussein with Iraq, look what we did there — it’s a mess — it’s [Syria] going to be same thing,” he said.

During the Franklin rally, Trump pointed out the relative lack of terrorist activity in Iraq during Hussein’s reign.

“You know what he used to do to terrorists?” Trump asked the crowd. “A one day trial and shoot him…and the one day trial usually lasted five minutes, right? There was no terrorism then.”

Continue reading “Donald Trump: Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi Made the World Safer”


It should be obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain that Israel is the #1 sponsor of state terrorism in the world.  It’s crimes occur with such frequency that it is impossible to keep up with them all.  This of course is the real reason the AIPAC-owned GoP is so rabid about the #Iran deal, because with Iran off the media radar, attention would be refocused on their brutal occupations of Gaza and the West Bank, where atrocities occur on a daily basis.

Israeli general likens attack on Gaza towers to 9/11 attack, as ‘symbol’


on July 27, 2015 11 Comments

“I need symbols, I’m talking about symbols. It is no simple matter. Because if I destroyed three towers in Gaza towards the end of Operation Protective Edge, and inflicted not only pain in the economic sense but also a symbol, and like the Twin Towers in New York were a symbol, what is significant is not only the physics but the significance of the matter.”


Study Shows U.S. Police Far More Concerned About “Anti-Government” Domestic Extremists than Al-Qaeda

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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U.S. law enforcement agencies rank the threat of violence from anti-government  extremists higher than the threat from radicalized Muslims, according to a report released Thursday by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security (TCTHS).

The report, “Law Enforcement Assessment of the Violent Extremism Threat,” was based on survey research by Charles Kurzman, professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and David Schanzer, director of TCTHS and associate professor of the practice at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.

The survey — conducted by the center with the Police Executive Research Forum — found that 74 percent of 382 law enforcement agencies rated anti-government extremism as one of the top three terrorist threats in their jurisdiction. By comparison, 39 percent listed extremism connected with Al Qaeda or like-minded terrorist organizations as a Top 3 terrorist threat.

– From Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy

Since September 11, 2001, the frightened and emotionally pliable American public has gullibly relinquished its civil liberties and free heritage in order to allow the U.S. government to wage unaccountable and unconstitutional war again Al-Qaeda and radical Islamic terrorism across the world.

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Music Trumps Bombs

After A Bomb In Baghdad

A little Monday  morning inspiration. This man isn’t just playing music. He’s saying “FUCK YOU!!” to the terrorists. They can destroy buildings … they can’t destroy the human spirit, at least not this man’s.

In April, a car bomb attack in Al Mansour, Baghdad left a shopping center tattered and dozens dead. Hours later, Karim Wasfi carried his cello to the bombing site, sat down amid the rubble and began playing.

Said one Iraqi man —  “He is playing music for the souls of the people who died just a few hours ago. I can imagine them listening too, and wondering ‘why’?”

When interviewed later, Wasfi had this to say: “The Iraqi people want to live and protect their civilization and heritage. Civilization started in Iraq and will continue and never die.”

The sound quality isn’t that great, but that’s not what matters …


60,000 Spies On US Citizens, Not One Terrorist Plot Stopped

In their continuous efforts to create the impression that the government is doing something to keep Americans safe, politicians in Washington have misled and lied to the public. They have violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution. They have created a false sense of security. And they have dispatched and re-dispatched 60,000 federal agents to intercept the telephone calls, text messages and emails of all Americans all the time.

In the process, while publicly claiming they only acquire identifying metadata – the time, date, location, duration, telephone numbers and email addresses of communications – they have in fact surreptitiously gained access to the content of these communications.

On June 1, one of the three claimed legal authorities for all this, Section 215 of the Patriot Act, expired, as Congress was unable to agree on either its reinstitution or the enactment of a substitute. At the time that Section 215 was about to expire, President Obama, Attorney General Lynch and FBI Director Comey warned that the NSA’s computers would go dark and the American public would be at the mercy of our enemies. Their warnings were nonsense.

The NSA is a military entity that utilizes the services of military computer experts and agents, employs civilians, and hires companies that provide thousands of outside contractors. After nearly 14 years of spying on us – all authorized by a secret court whose judges cannot keep records of what they have ordered or discuss openly what they know – the NSA now has computers and computer personnel physically located in the main switching offices of all telecom and Internet service providers in the United States. It has 24/7 access to the content of everyone’s telephone calls, emails and text messages.

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FBI Confirms No Major Terrorism Cases Cracked via Unconstitutional Patriot Act Phone Spying

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism cases they’ve cracked thanks to the key snooping powers in the Patriot Act, the Justice Department’s inspector general said in a report Thursday that could complicate efforts to keep key parts of the law operating.

Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said that between 2004 and 2009, the FBI tripled its use of bulk collection under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents, and increasingly scooped up records of Americans who had no ties to official terrorism investigations.

– From the Washington Times article: FBI Admits No Major Cases Cracked with Patriot Act Snooping Powers 

Back in 2013, as debate about the Snowden revelations was at its zenith, I published a post titled NSA Chief Admits “Only One or Perhaps Two” Terror Plots Stopped by Spy Program. Here’s an excerpt:

The Obama administration’s credibility on intelligence suffered another blow Wednesday as the chief of the National Security Agency admitted that officials put out numbers that vastly overstated the counterterrorism successes of the government’s warrantless bulk collection of all Americans’ phone records.

Pressed by the Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing, Gen. Keith B. Alexander admitted that the number of terrorist plots foiled by the NSA’s huge database of every phone call made in or to America was only one or perhaps two — far smaller than the 54 originally claimed by the administration.

“One or perhaps two.” Or perhaps zero. The guy has the nerve to say “perhaps.” How do you not know? What a bunch of lying assholes. How the heck does 54 turn into “one or two,” and I’ll tell you something else, I don’t believe the one or two figure for a minute. I mean there’s no way he would say “zero” when he is fighting to keep his petty little Stasi state intact. Furthermore, how about some details here. What was the one plot the NSA foiled? Some teenager throwing firecrackers on the White House lawn? These guys need to get lost already. From the Washington Times:

As time has passed and the years have gone by, it has become increasingly clear that the phone records collection program hasn’t stopped a single terror attack. In fact, a recently published report by the Justice Department’s inspector general admitted as much. This takes on increased significance with parts of the Patriot Act set to automatically sunset on June 1st.

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