Want to Understand the World? Read These Books

Guest Post by Tom Woods

Here’s my short list of books I would recommend to someone who is interested in the ideas on this site and wants to learn more. If you read and absorb these books you will never look at the world the same way again.

If you’re like me, you are annoyed by books that teach you three new things. My time is limited. I like books that are full of things I didn’t know, or ideas I’d never thought of.

The books I recommend below belong in that category. They teach you something new and unexpected on every page. And they are a perfect antidote to the propaganda fed to us in the ideological prison camps where most of us spent our formative years. I list them in no particular order.

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An Open Letter To The Person Who Gave Me COVID

Authored by Thomas E. Woods via The Libertarian Institue/Tom Woods.com

To the Person Who Gave Me the Virus:

I have no idea who you are, but our paths almost surely crossed last month in Las Vegas.

Even now I wouldn’t change a thing about that trip, by the way, which was a blast.

The existence of the virus, it’s true, made my life a fraction of one percent more dangerous than it was before.

But since I don’t have any mental disorders, I hadn’t calibrated my risk tolerance so precisely that such a tiny change would make me radically alter my life.

Naturally if you knew you were sick, you should have stayed home.

Of all the advice they’ve given—mask wearing, social distancing, and all the rest—staying home when you’re sick would do by far the most good, yet we hear it urged upon us the least.

At the same time, The Hill reports that you can easily confuse the symptoms of the virus for allergies, so it’s entirely possible not to be aware that you’re contagious. I see no reason to assume bad will on your part.

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‘Lock Them in and Burn it Down!’ Shouts Savage at Jordan Peterson Event

Guest Post by Tom Woods

The Jordan Peterson phenomenon continues — and everywhere he goes, he makes complete fools of the little savages who try to disrupt his presentation.

I just saw footage from a Peterson event at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, earlier this year, where the usual antics went on (students yelling, students holding a sign on stage opposing “bigotry,” etc.) before the protesters finally had to leave.

I must say, it amazes me that Peterson should be controversial at all, since up until quite recently what he’s saying would have been considered simple common sense by pretty much everyone.

As one shouting protester was escorted out, Peterson told the audience matter-of-factly: “That’s pure narcissism at work, by the way.”

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