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In my TBP shrinkage post the other day I noted a positive development in being reinstated by Twitter and gaining 2,000 followers in a short period of time. I said Twitter would be my only avenue to increase page views. Well that optimistic trend is gone. I got this email this morning.

I’m permanently suspended and they already turned down my appeal. Below is the tweet that got me suspended for life. It appears Twitter doesn’t appreciate my view of justice regarding the murder of millions by Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma and their co-conspirators. So be it. Poor Avalon will now have me back on her Twitter account as I scan it for good things to post. I guess Elon didn’t get rid of all the leftist pricks at Twitter.

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I just received this email from Twitter. They are apologizing for my 8 month ban . It was all an innocent mistake on their part. It had nothing to do with my posts about the Covid hoax, ivermectin working, election fraud, or the US starting the Ukraine war. It was just their automated spam detector accidentally banning TBP for life. You should have seen what I wrote in their appeal page. I told them I hoped Elon fired all their asses among other choice words. I do have over 3,000 followers, so tweeting TBP posts will get us a few more daily views. 

Twitter is purging accounts that were trying to evade prior suspensions |  TechCrunch


We’re writing to let you know that we’ve unsuspended your account. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you back on Twitter soon. 

A little background: we have systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk, and yours was flagged as spam by mistake. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal.




I know a bunch of you crotchety old bastards want nothing to do with Twitter, but it has been a useful tool for TBP. I usually get a few posts per day by following the right people. TBP had also accumulated over 3,200 followers, so we could post links to our articles and increase traffic on TBP. Yesterday I received this message. It is a nonsensical reason for suspending TBP.

I posted nothing controversial. I have one account. I have no reason to evade anything. I have no idea if the suspension is permanent or temporary, but Twitter wiped out all my followers and if you try to find me, it’s like I never existed on Twitter. Looks like they are emboldened to crush the truth tellers now that Musk says he isn’t buying them. So, fuck the Twitter fascists. It won’t keep TBP from continuing to tell the truth.