Best article from Fred in quite a while. He is 100% accurate in his assessment of our government. It cannot be fixed.

Guest post by Fred Reed


Infinite Arrogance, Infinite Incompetence

Miss Ammerica, Miss Universe, Miss Governnment

February 21, 2014

Oh lord. Oh lord. Can the government do anything right? There is no evidence for it. None. Everything it touches turns to grotesque failure. It hurts me to contemplate the federal reigning monstrosity in the Yankee Capital. I may have to send out for a bottle of Padre Kino red to get me through it. The Great Purple Father is the worst wine known to man, thirty-nine cents a trainload. Never mind. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Nothing works, government-wise. Ponder health care, if you can stand it. One approach to keeping people alive and healthy is national health care, which many countries, such as France, have and it works. It’s because grown-ups run it. Or you can have private health care, which the US had and, though it was way overpriced and unwieldy, strangled by paperwork and corruption, more or less worked, sort of.
So the gummint comes up with Obamacare, that doesn’t work at all. The feds can’t even write the freaking computer program. Yes, here in the world’s greatest technological power. We ought to contract the software to Guatemala, which couldn’t do it either but would cost less.

The War on Drugs, another disaster. A half century, billions of dollars, countless stupid laws, Mexico a war zone. Result? Every drug known to man, woman, or hermaphrodite is for sale at great prices in every high school in America. Another triumph of private enterprise over governmental regulartion. If Washington tried to provide free drugs, it couldn’t come close. No one would be able to get so much as an aspirin.

Race relations. Another charred ruin. Better than a half century into the Great Society, huge numbers of blacks live trapped in urban Bantustans, Newark, Detroit, Birmingham, Philadelphia, barely literate if at all, unemployed and unemployable, bastardy almost universal, utterly dependent on federal charity, without the slightest hope that any of this will change. If Washington had deliberately tried to make a greater mess, it couldn’t have.

Open borders. Another train wreck started, stage-managed, and supported by Washington. The merest glance at the outside world would show that mixing immiscible peoples regularly results in strife, division, decline and, often, civil war. Coming to a theater near you. Merry Christmas.

The military. A trillion withering green ones a year and we get forces that can’t beat a few pissed-off goat-herds with AKs. Which actually is a good thing since they shouldn’t be trying. A chronicle of unmitigated failure, and always for the same reason: trying to use shiny toys to whip whole countries that don’t want us there. Hey, if it doesn’t work, let’s do it again.

And now Washington wants wars with Iran and China, when it can’t beat Yemen. You have to concede a certain logic here: if you can’t defeat Afghanistan, a billion Han Chinese will be a cakewalk.

Economic policy. If any. Washington drives the country bankrupt, colludes with Wall Street, to the extent that there is a distinction between Washington and Wall Street, and brings on the sub-prime crash. The swine tell us that we are the greatest economic powerhouse known to creation, while unemployment is ghastly, college grads have to live with their parents, food stamps spread, and the middle class lives paycheck to paycheck. Oh thank you, thank you.

Constitutional government. Gone. Some of us remember it, as a trembling octogenarian remembers ardor in the back seat of his ’53 Chevy. The young will know it only as an exotic idea. Bush II began the serious bleeding. Obama, the first African-American president and much more African than American, opens the larger veins.

Unfettered surveillance of absolutely everything, militarized police, the military as private presidential army, searches without probable or indeed any cause, photo ID required to buy train tickets, on and on.

Perhaps worse, the endless regulation by Washington, either directly or by federal pressure, of everything anybody ever does. The country was founded on the idea that most things were none of the government’s damned business. Today, everything is the government’s business. There is virtually nothing that cannot be controlled by some level of government.

Why is the use of steroids by baseball players of concern to Washington? Are bulked-up hitters a threat to the commonweal?

Why should smoking in bars be the concern of government? People who don’t like smoke can find other bars, or bars which decide to have no-smoking areas. Personally I don’t like being around people who talk loudly. Should law require no talking above a whisper in public establishments? Enforce it with audiometers built into tables?

Why is it the government’s business to decide that insisting on academic standards in schools is racist or that mentioning Creationism violates an imaginary separation of church and state? Why are the schools in Oklahoma not the concern of Oklahoma?

Why is it Washington’s business to insist that hiring and promotion in fire departments be based on race and sex rather than competence?

When a central government has unlimited powers, as Washington for practical purposes now does, the effect is to disenfranchise the rest of the country. Today the doctrines of States’ Rights and the Tenth Amendment are often regarded as quaint, obsolete, retrograde, or even conservative. It is none of these, except conservative. People in Montana, Mississippi, Massachusetts, and Washington have very different ideas about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When Washington imposes its one-size-fits-all laws, it imposes an alien culture on most. Never mind the hypocrisy—liberal whites in Washington avoid blacks like leprosy—but they truly regard themselves as divinely authorized to dictate to the rest of us.

Having power over every aspect of everybody’s life centralized in Washington means that any lobby, meaning self-interested predatory wallets, can pay Congress, venal by disposition, to enact any law the lobby chooses. Worse, an anonymous federal bureaucracy can make a politically-correct regulation forcing you to do things that you regard as morally and otherwise repulsive. For example, you have to be genitally groped by TSA. You have no recourse, no voice. Did you vote for this? Do you have any idea who to blame? If you write your ongressman, you will get a form letter expressing his deep gratitude for etc, and nothing else. Constituents are regarded by Congress as a pain in the ass. Will you call TSA to protest? Try calling a brick wall instead. Brick walls are not manipulatively dismissive.

I can’t stand it. Yes, I know, I am weak and lack moral character. It is shameful. But as I reflect on the stupid, corrupt, lunatic, and evil mass of brainless, half-assed dirtballs that run us, my only thought is to call for an air-drop of Padre Kino and an intravenous line. Drugs will get you through times of no government better than government will get your through times of no drugs. That’s just common sense.

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January 29, 2014 9:39 am

Fred is, as usual, spot on.

However, now that the Leviathan has hooked >50% of the population on the free shit drug, I don’t it will impossible to scale it back without a country wide cold turkey event – and the MSM will scream from the rafters about “the poor children” blah blah blah.

Embrace the Doom. In the (FU) USA under the Obongo Regime, facts don’t matter, reality doesn’t matter, consequences to actions don’t matter, voting doesn’t matter, truth doesn’t matter and the Constitution is DOA.

Big Government seemingly has the power to bend reality to whatever it wants – WTF?

Where we go from here, I have no idea, but historically it has ended in war, poverty and mass death.

January 29, 2014 10:00 am

Fred must have written this before yesterday’s SOTU. Had he waited, he would have realized that the USofA is the best country on earth and that all our problems are behind us.

Also, the article is dated February 21, 2014. This flipped me out momentarily because it means I missed my mom’s birthday by three days.

January 29, 2014 10:07 am

Embrace the doom, as HZK says because, despite all the magical thinking, Entropy Rules. Second law of thermodynamics, can be a bitch and it fits social constructs just as well as physical ones. It will take more and more energy to keep this highly complex (wouldn’t call it ordered) system from falling into chaos–or at least into a level of less complexity at which point less energy will be required to sustain it. In chemistry, such a change can release energy explosively. I wonder what the social equivalent of this would be.

January 29, 2014 10:15 am


Don’t miss Mums BD, and by the way, how is the old gal doing?

January 29, 2014 10:30 am

U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan said in a statement that authorities arrested Charlie Schrem, chief executive officer of the exchange, on Sunday and Robert Faiella, who ran an underground Bitcoin exchange called BTCKing, on Monday. The two were charged with conspiring to commit money laundering and operating an unlicensed money transmitting business. Schrem is also vice president of the main Bitcoin-focused trade group, the Bitcoin Foundation, according to the foundation’s website and Schrem’s LinkedIn profile.

Some details from the charge against the defendants:

Federal prosecutors charged Faiella, 52, and Shrem, 24, with engaging in a scheme to sell more than $1 million of Bitcoins to users of Silk Road. Each defendant was charged with conspiring to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. They are additionally charged with operating an unlicensed money transmitting business, which has a max sentence of five years in prison.

The U.S. also charged Shrem with violating the Bank Secrecy Act by “willfully failing” to file suspicious activity reports on Faiella’s questionable transactions. This charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

In addition to the Manhattan U.S. Attorney, the charges were announced by the Drug Enforcement Agency and the criminal investigation division of the Internal Revenue Service.

January 29, 2014 11:21 am


Remarkably, in some ways she’s doing BETTER now than before the fall. Prior to the fall she could not stand up straight and now she can, and can even walk with a walker. Thanks for asking.

January 29, 2014 12:05 pm

“The gates of hell have been opened, and all the devils are here”

Evil is running the show in the U.S., and the chief devil Obama is holding all the cards. The savage blacks killing whites, shooting white children in the face, as many dead whites at the hands of blacks as casualties of the Vietnam war. Christians and conservative persecuted, just like in Roman times.

Obama, like Hitler, uses government agencies to prosecute and terrorize everyone from the Supreme court to Tea Party members and conservatives. Hitler had the brown shirts, Obama has the DHS and TSA. Hitler had the SS, Obama has the IRS and NSA. Hitler had the Gestapo, Obama has the DOJ. These agencies are not accountable, like in Nazi Germany, to anyone except Obama/the fuhrer.

Obama and the liberal progressives have bought a voting majority by providing welfare, disability, and unemployment benefits. We joke about the “free shit army”, but in fact, they are an army, paid by the state, to vote and reproduce (creating more liberal progressive democrat voters). The FSA is paid by borrowing money and by taxing the productive to death and redistribution to the FSA. The FSA is the largest standing army in history, and will get their marching orders (stopping the free shit) when the liberals run out of other options. In the meantime, this voting majority will see to it that nobody except liberal democrats will hold public office forever and ever.

The liberal progressive fascists took over our education system 30-40 years ago. Overpaid unionized teachers have taken their marching orders from liberal progressive socialists and communists via curriculum emphasizing communist and socialist ideals of fairness, equality, everyone’s the same, affirmative action, gender and racial leveling, and the destruction of independent thought. They’ve taught kids that big government is good, socialism and communism are great, and that the white men that started this country are terrorists. And they have succeeded marvelously, as brainless millennials support liberal progressives and big government despite the fact it has wiped out the economy and their futures.

The government is beyond corrupt. They let non-elected lobbyists write laws for cash that they rubber stamp without even reading the legislation. Their approval ratings are below 10%, but they don’t care, and only 1/3 third of the population supports the fascist dictator president that got elected by millennials, Mexicans and the FSA twice by running on “hope”, and “change” and the communist manifesto of “forward”. Who is going to restore this country? Millenials? They are deeply in debt and support the current regime and many support overt communism. Are you going to go to war against your kids? Good luck with that. We’re finished.

January 29, 2014 12:34 pm

“If you write your congressman, you will get a form letter expressing his deep gratitude for etc, and nothing else.”

When I wrote to Sen. Cruz, I didn’t even get that. Monumental prick, he is. My old democratic rep. in Oregon not only responded to my occasional letters, but he did so personally. That impressed me.

January 29, 2014 12:44 pm

HZK, I want the next revolution to be of the French variety. There are enough culprits to keep the guillotines busy for years, plus it will take a dictator to make things right out of this mess; that’s a job I’d love to have.

January 29, 2014 1:16 pm

“The gates of hell have been opened, and all the devils are here” ——- Balzytch

+100 on that comment and post.

I’m not just saying that. Dead nuts nailed every bit of it.

We are, indeed, “finished”. It’s Game Over. The USA reminds of the “Heisenberg Song” in Breaking bad … “But that homie’s dead, he just doesn’t know it yet.”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2014 2:25 pm

90% of Bitcoin is owned by speculators.

Not really shocked that Shrem scam flim flammed.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2014 2:27 pm

And now Washington wants wars with Iran and China, when it can’t beat Yemen. You have to concede a certain logic here: if you can’t defeat Afghanistan, a billion Han Chinese will be a cakewalk. -Fred Reed

Government never lets go of a bad idea…just pursues news ways to ‘spin’ its need for initiation of it.

January 29, 2014 3:54 pm

To all of you weak-dicks that think “we are finished” here’s a little advice: crawl into your man caves, drink your distilled water and eat your tofu! Waste away to nothing while the real patriots, the 3%, prepare for the epic battle to come.

January 29, 2014 4:18 pm

China now haz hypersonic bombs. How well do you think one of our Supercarriers would fare against it?

If war breaks out, I predict the entire US fleet (well all of the major capital ships) would last about a half hour. How’s that for an investment? Subs a bit longer, of course.

January 29, 2014 6:34 pm

The very fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams, and the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is beginning to disappear. As a nation, we are more divided than we have been in decades, as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.

65 percent of Americans are dissatisfied “with the U.S. system of government and it’s effectiveness”. Americans are so controlled by their government, at all levels, they can’t move sideways without bumping into it, sometimes with disastrous consequences. From taxes, to permits and licenses for everything and to never-ending laws and ordinances that regulate your money, your land, your food, your water, your air, your energy, your guns, your children, your children’s education and now your health care.

Each American is being shoved, pushed, cajoled, herded, manipulated, indoctrinated and brainwashed by their government, along with the social, environmental and international organizations that use and lobby the government to implement their radical agendas. A huge percentage of the population is clueless.

The acronyms of government bureaucracies roll off the tongues of politicians like the staccato of a machine gun in mostly capitalized three-letter combinations of the alphabet. The ESA, EPA, HHS, DHS, DOE, DOD, DOJ, FCC, FTC, IRS, DoEd, USDA, BLM, NEA, NSA, CIA and USWF are just a few of those acronyms and represents the length the government has gone to control the people in a web of laws and lies.

Each time the Congress is in session, they create another three-letter department, or pass some ludicrous law or laws to further erode what little is left of an individual American’s freedom. The government is infected with the seemingly incurable disease of waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, massive social programs that don’t work and two political parties that champion their differences but in the end, they are all the same when it comes to bending to the will of the giant, incessant lobbyists.

The fact is, the American people exit under the ghostly umbrella of involuntary servitude to their government, but unfortunately, most don’t even know it. Whatever power the governed had under our waning Republic and was intended by the framers, is rapidly slipping away into the dark chasm of ignorance, apathy, greed and dependency.

There is little defense against an unseen enemy. Without the awareness of who the enemy is, what is its agenda, from which direction will it come, or what methods will it use to con you, enslave you, or annihilate you, the enemy will most likely prevail. In the black darkness of ignorance, you go about your life as if the enslavement does not exist but it is there never the less and the noose grows tighter every day in your ignorance and without your knowledge.

Freedom has been hijacked by the elite who know what is best for all of us and openly and without compunction tear our constitution to shreds, and by unaccountable bureaucracies and President Obama who makes law without one iota of constitutional authority. This is not freedom folks, this is involuntary servitude!

Ayesha Younis
Ayesha Younis
May 1, 2016 10:49 am

The US government is evil because it’s run by satan’s advocates (white people). Everything that the white race has, they stole and then make laws to justify it. They came from Europe, stole this country, a whole race of people from Africa and put put them in slavery and stealing everything else in their possession. They talk so much about muslim terrorists but never about the domestic ones right here who have been in existence for about 200 years like the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremist groups who’s killed more people than all of the Islamic terrorists.

May 1, 2016 12:08 pm

Dear Ayoohoo Youskeeznix,

STFU, you fucking troll. KMA, GFYS, and, of course eat a bag of shit; a really big one.

Have a nice day,

P.S. I ain’t even white, I just don’t hate people.

May 11, 2016 10:50 pm

Actually white people are proud of their selfishiness and enslavement to capitalism, which is theoretically the definition of Satanism.

It’s not racism it’s culture.

John Galt
John Galt
July 9, 2016 2:22 am

No one has experienced true capitalism; some places come close, but the united states lost any ounce of capitalism to fascism in 1930, possibly 20-30 years after that IF you want to get technical. The united states has been a fascist economy for at least 30 years, possibly even continuing after WWII.

January 13, 2021 2:58 pm

Dumb fucking niggers