

Uh-oh and oopsie! After you read and watch what happened in Chicago a few days back…see if you think Eric ‘My People’ Holder will call them racists too! I mean really, what excuse will he use for their views about Barack Hussein Obama…hmm?

If any of you didn’t catch what Holder had to say Sunday…check this out below via this short summary:

While recognizing the historic breakthrough represented by Barack Obama’s presidency, Holder added, “I don’t think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some there’s a racial animus.”

Really? When Americans complain about ObamaCare, worry about the high numbers of Americans who have given up looking for a job or express themselves about a foreign policy going up in flames all over the world, is racial animus behind any of that?

Likewise, when Holder himself was held in contempt for refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas on the Fast & Furious gun-running program, or was attacked for wiretapping journalists, was this motivated by race? Or were people judging Holder by the content of his character?

Yet for a man quick to find racism in criticism of his performance, Holder has been remarkably silent over some truly ugly — and deliberate — outbursts.

Where, for example, was Holder when Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) slandered Clarence Thomas as an “Uncle Tom”? Or when a syndicated liberal cartoonist portrayed Condoleezza Rice as a servile “Gone With The Wind” slave? And another called her a “house [N-word]”?

Or when liberal interest groups demanded Democratic senators squelch Bush judicial nominee Miguel Estrada precisely “because … he is Latino.”

Strikes us Holder wants it both ways: to play the race card against legitimate criticisms of the administration’s policies — while standing by when his liberal allies hurl ugly, undeniable racial invective against conservative blacks or Latinos.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/hatin-obama/#wKvJ1jZxduoAe6gY.99

Barack Obama passed himself off to be the ‘great healer,’ the ‘community organizer’ who knew how to get down and dirty to get the job done. He would supposedly use his skills as a community organizer to bring the nation together. In fact, he even assembled his own 501c4, whose tax exempt status was approved rather quickly by the IRS, called Organizing for Action. This group would work to push forward Obama’s agenda to fundamentally transform America using his Marxist-based platform. Although he grew up in Indonesia and in an affluent area of Hawaii, he would pass himself off as having ‘street cred’ due to his time as a community organizer in the inner city area of Chicago. If only America had paid attention to the legacy left behind by Obama in the Windy City.

Black residents of the south side of Chicago recently spoke with the blog Rebel Pundit about Obama’s horrendous legacy in Chicago, how he ultimately failed the black community there just as he is failing America. Children can’t play outside in their own neighborhoods. Areas are still run down. The black community was left without hope or any change after Obama was done with it. In fact, it’s gotten worse. They are still unemployed, under skilled, and in danger.

Fed up over Obama’s focus on and commitment of taxpayer dollars to assist those who have entered this country illegally, while simultaneously acting like black people don’t exist, residents of the south side of Chicago have spoken up. In addition, the massive influx of illegal aliens in the country due to the invasion condoned by the Obama administration will be detrimental to the employment opportunities for blacks.

In July alone, 120 people have been shot and 26 killed. Those are staggering numbers for a month only half way over. Paul McKinley, former black Republican candidate for the seat previously occupied by Jesse Jackson, Jr, says in the video, “Do something for our children. Have the same love for these young people like you have for the ones [illegals] who cross the border and you want to save them.”

Amidst the violence striking Chicago recently, black residents are voicing their opinions about Obama’s lack of compassion towards Chicago.


“Barack will go down as the worst president ever elected,” one man told Rebel Pundit. “Bill Clinton was the African-American President.”

Another resident compared the current state of black American life to that during slavery, saying, “Today, if you look at the time that we were brought here as slaves 400 years ago, we got the same results today.”

Another said that “We look like we live in Beirut somewhere, ambulance, fire department, and police running up and down the street, all inside our community.”

All these residents are asking, where is the president? We’re sorry, Chicago; he must be getting in a quick 18 holes somewhere.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/hatin-obama/#pBwgAAatrxmtv8yf.99


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July 15, 2014 8:59 pm

Jimmy Carter where are you when us Democrats need you.

July 15, 2014 8:59 pm


Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
July 16, 2014 2:05 am

You get what they paid for.

July 16, 2014 7:49 am

White guilt got obama elected.
Progressives would have voted for any black, just like in 2016 they will vote for any woman the dems can throw up.
Critical thinking or vetting is not an option with progressives, to them it was past time to have any black man as president and to them it is past time to have a woman president.

I say who cares? Let them have a porn star for president, the pres is not elected by popular vote anyway, if people would just vote in a better congress. HaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!

As if voting really mattered and as if people will turn away from celebrity news!
It is humorous to see the very people who voted for hope and change now eat crow. It’s always too little, too late.