Military Industrial Complex Explained in 7 Minutes

Guest Post by Kevin at Eco Explained


The Military Industrial Complex Explained in 7 Minutes

In 2014 the US defense budget was over half a trillion dollars, which was more than the next 8 countries combined. The top 5 contractor budgets were:

Lockheed Martin which raked in $15 billion, Boeing $12 billion, General Dynamics $9 billion, Raytheon $6 billion, and Northrup Grumman $5 billion.


When we compare this vast sum of technological, military investment to the greatest threat to western society in the history of the world, ISIS, as implied by Chuck Hagel, one should question why we should be scared at all?

It is estimated that ISIS has an annual military budget of just $25-30 million.

So if we make the impossible assumption (sarcasm) that money buys you weapons, an army, and a military threat, realistically we don’t have to fear China, or Russia, let alone ISIS.

Are you fucking kidding me Hagel!?!?!?! ISIS


Please America Wake TFU!

Politicians and the media have an insatiable fetish for pushing photos of black garbed, desert Rambos doing flips in an outdated jungle gym with AK 47’s slung around their backs, while we have gun ships loaded with laser guided, gps guided, heat-seaking hellfire fuck missiles just miles off shore in the Persian Gulf.


You can sleep easier at night than any human being in the history of the planet, because your country has spent more money on a military budget than was ever necessary for a society for the next 1,000 years.

The only thing Americans should be fearing is hyper-inflation due to a financial collapse of the US dollar from so much irrational, unproductive spending.

The economy is wasting away while the crony capitalists in Washington are most concerned about how to keep the public in a constant state of fear so that they can provide the solution and the spending. Of course every penny will be contracted out to a trusted insider who is then expected to give them a kick back in the next election so that the circle jerk can continue forever.

Well guess what, I’m done.

I don’t fear shit, except unconstitutional abuses of power. Keep babbling about the next Armageddon Washington. I’ll be on my back deck smoking a cigar, mindlessly watching the birds enjoy the seeds from the bird feeder.

Just stop spending hard earned tax payer money on horseshit we don’t need. Your like a poor diabetic child waiting on the corner for the ice-cream man with a credit card.


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