Oh, I forgot. It’s climate change now. Nothing like tons of snow before Thanksgiving to prove that global warming is here. I just wish global warming wasn’t so cold. How will the seas ever rise if it stays this cold? I’m sure I just don’t get it. Computer models that can’t accurately predict how much snow I’ll get today are surely accurate in predicting global climate change. Right?

It looks like I’m in the 4 to 6 inches zone for today’s global warming snowstorm. The adorable weather authorities have named it Cato. Luckily, I don’t have to travel today. Just headed to my sister-in-laws house tomorrow for turkey, beer, insults, and watching the Eagles kick some Cowboy ass.

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November 26, 2014 9:13 am

Have a great turkey day. I am 1 of only 3 at the office out of 13. Picked up the kids from UMass last night, 60 mile backup on the Mass Pike. Good thing I know the back roads. Looks like rain in Boston, so we will get off easy. To everyone at TBP have a great Thanksgiving.

November 26, 2014 9:40 am

Sure glad I live way out in the middle of nowhere in Texas, John

November 26, 2014 9:51 am

Good luck to those traveling through the snow.

Happy Thanksgiving to All.

I’m still thinking the shifting of the earth’s axis is just moving our climate a bit. Seems that winter is coming ever earlier.

But, let us all face facts, it doesn’t freaking matter. The EPA runs around shutting down business for bs regulatory – and not enacted – rules, The Great and Powerful Oz uses the powers granted to him by the rich and clueless Bush, and whether it is cooling, or warming, is of little consequence to these Elitists’ pawns.

They get rich beyond our wildest dreams, we get to turn down our thermostats and try and figure out where an additional mandated rule that touts to be good for us, but ends up hurting bad, is going to be paid for from.

In short, the heat on our boiling frog pot ever increases, but for the next couple days I strive to be thankful for all that I have today.

Snow tires, a snow blower, gas at the gas station to make them work, family, and looking forward to breaking bread with my nieces, nephews, dad and sister. A business still in the black, a house still with a roof and food in my pantry.

And always I’m most thankful for my children and my wee grandgift. I am thankful everyday, not just the government mandated one, for them.

Of course friends and extended family too, love to all, especially here.

November 26, 2014 10:04 am

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26, 2014 10:36 am

“I just wish global warming wasn’t so cold.”

Good line. Happy Thanksgiving to all here on TBP.

Hey Admin, while you’re watching the Beagles kick some Cowboy butt, how about them Brownies? Their victory over the Falcons last Sunday was special. Not often will you see a quarterback throw 2 interceptions in the last 4 minutes of a very close game and still walk away with a victory. All pro wide receiver Josh Gordon came back from his 10-game suspension with a vengeance.

November 26, 2014 10:59 am

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends in these shit hole cities: Allentown, Philly, Erie, Lockport, and Buffalo.

November 26, 2014 11:07 am

I’ve been outside in a tee shirt this morning a bit cool but not bad expecting high of 60 today.
[imgcomment image[/img]

November 26, 2014 11:21 am

It’s looking like the Northeast will have a long tough winter.

November 26, 2014 11:35 am

A mix of rain and snow here in Burlington but I’m not worried, 4WD is but a dial away. Winterized the mower and fired up the snow blower last weekend just in case/time. I traveled east on the Mass Turnpike last night at about 8:00pm and from Palmer to 495, about 50 miles, the traffic going west was at either a slow crawl or a standstill all 50 miles. My wife had planned on going that route to pick up the kids, fortunately I talked her out of it and went back roads. I love those 2 plus hour commutes, the are so energizing. BTW the Pats look pretty good, and we have released all of the murderers that were on the team, I think.

November 26, 2014 11:39 am

“What did good citizen Josh (Gordon) do to get a 10 game suspension?”
—-Admin @ SSS

Violate the NFL’s substance abuse policies. Not sure whether it was illegal drugs or something like performance-enhancing steroids. Must have been pretty bad to get 10 games.

November 26, 2014 11:48 am

“The adorable weather authorities have named (the snowstorm) Cato.”

There is only ONE genuine Cato. This guy.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 27, 2014 12:03 pm

Best Cato-Clouseau scene ever in the Pink Panther series ………

Near the end of the movie, Clouseau is undressing and getting ready to climb into bed with a pretty woman. The knot on his necktie gets stuck, and no matter how hard Clouseau yanks and tugs it won’t budge. He finally rips off his shirt and gets into bed bare-chested with the tie STILL around his neck.

You can hear some rustling under the sheets, and the camera pans to Cato crawling on his hands and knees toward the bed and getting ready to attack. Clouseau hears him and shouts, “Cato, not now, you fool!” Cato gives an attack scream, and the camera fades to black.

Now that’s some really funny stuff.

November 27, 2014 1:50 pm

well, were I am, temperatures are something like 10°c or more above normal.
never seen in a century…
a bit like if we were already in March. last year the situation was reversed. dunno what’s wrong with the weater, but it’s seriously fucked up.