In case you hadn’t noticed, Oprah and her black agenda movie Selma, are a complete flop. There was a massive advertising campaign for weeks before its release. On Rotten Tomatoes, the ultra-liberal film critics gave it a 99% rating. Of course, they were afraid of being called racist if they admitted the movie sucked. How courageous of these faux journalists. The hype was off the charts. They released it the week before MLK day. There are re-enactments of the Selma march tied to the movie.

And after all of that it did a measly $11.3 million in its opening weekend. Taken 3, which got a 10% rating from the courageous critics took in $39 million. In it’s second weekend (MLK weekend) receipts collapsed by 27% to a pitiful $8.3 million. American Sniper opened at $90 million during the same weekend. Selma will be out of theaters in a matter of weeks. It barely even got any Oscar consideration.

And it gets even better. The black leaders of urban ghetto kill zones across the country have been using your tax dollars to buy tickets for little black kids to see the movie for “free”. Checkout the website and see for yourself:


The liberal MSM says black leaders have raised $2.1 million to send kids to the movie for free. I call bullshit. The non-profits who raised the money are entirely supported by local, state and federal government funding. Therefore, you are paying. So, this movie has taken in less than $20 million and $2 million was paid for by you.

These movies depend upon white guilt in order to be successful. Blacks make up only 12% of the population, with half not able to afford to go to the movies and many more not giving a crap about MLK and his message. The average black school kid has no idea who MLK was or did. They don’t even know the name of the current Vice President.

Whites are getting sick and tired of having this diversity bullshit jammed down their throats. They are tired of being blamed for the failure of blacks to succeed. They are tired of being blamed because 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock. They are tired of being blamed because blacks commit the majority of crime in the country. They are tired of getting blamed for 50% of blacks dropping out of high school.

Most whites are too cowed by the politically correct police who rule our world to openly question the diversity agenda of Obama, black politicians, Hollywood liberals, and the liberal MSM. So they are dong the next best thing – voting with their wallets. They aren’t going to be intimidated into spending money to see a crappy black agenda movie. They also weren’t shamed into going to see Black Annie, because the original Annie was too white.

Next up we have Black History Month.

Whites are fed up. They aren’t going to take it anymore.


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January 19, 2015 1:43 pm

I grew up during the first “civil-rights” era and have a decidedly different “take” on this whole “civil-rights movement” era. In fact, I saw for myself, what went on during those turbulent times.
Despite the lies and fabrications by the so-called “mainstream media” the “civil-rights marches” in the South were not peaceful “gatherings” that were met with dogs and fire hoses, but were violent black confrontations that actually set back the “cause” of TRUE “civil-rights”. .
The so-called “civil-rights” demonstrations were waves of lawlessness that disrupted the lives of peaceful citizens. There were many black citizens in these areas that were against these “outsiders” coming there to cause trouble. These “civil-rights” marchers committed crimes, rapes, robberies and other crimes, and trashed the areas they were protesting in. I WAS THERE . . . Of course, the cameras were turned off during the episodes of violence. . .then just as now, the news media could not “let a crisis go to waste” . . .
It was mostly ACLU and ADL types that riled things up. . .and then later on “melted into the woodwork” only to become “civil-rights” attorneys, race hustlers and poverty pimps.
One incident comes to mind–the tragic death of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo–Mrs. Liuzzo was a Detroit housewife who traveled to the “deep south” leaving her family to run around with “freedom riders” at night–this was a recipe that was asking for trouble. What business did she have running around with blacks at night in the South while she had a family in Detroit?? Why did she put herself “in harms way”??
I WAS THERE during the “civil-rights” disturbances and witnessed the misbehavior of these “civil-rights” groups (that never got reported). . .
Of course, the “victors” write the history. To the victors–how does it feel now that those you pushed and supported are now turning on you??

January 19, 2015 1:52 pm

The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

That being said . . .
True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” does not connote either inferiority or superiority of any racial group, but merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what these “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Eric holder about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

Larry Jones
Larry Jones
September 13, 2017 5:23 pm

No truer words were ever spoken. Especially that liberal epithet “diversity” which lefties are using very successfully to destroy America. However. should the whites every decide to gang up on blacks, look out diversity and everyone who has ever advocated these f’n “set asides”, etc.

September 13, 2017 8:14 pm

Don’t worry, it gets worse.

I believe the race thing works like a pendulum.
It used to be race wasn’t such a big thing in this country. For instance, did you know the US Navy was one of the earliest, most inclusive institutions in the US? Blacks could serve with whites in the 19th century and did so, earning respect in the War of 1812, for instance. Briefly, after the War of Northern Aggression, the US forced inclusion, and the pendulum, to the extreme tolerant side, and for a while there were a lot of black Repubes in office before the Federales went back north.

About that time, race was pushed far to the racist opposite extreme by the dems after the War. They’re the ones who thought being night riders and killing blacks was a great way to spend their time. Along the way, they constructed Jim Crowe.

Later again, the pendulum swung the other way, with Federal force and a whole lot of mainstream propaganda. For a while, it actually worked, and people actually tried to mend the past and offer a fair shot to the blacks, only to get shit on by them and their poverty pimp accessories on the left.

For years now, they’ve pushed the pendulum as far to the left as they could, to the point where racial sensitivity has been taken to insane extremes. And now, predictably, white people are tired of being shit on. A lot of them honestly tried to be fair and open-minded and suffered for their magnanimity.

Now, I think the pendulum will start to swing in the other direction and whites are going to start feeling justified in hating blacks again, eventually leading back to the extremes of 50 years ago. I believe the Henry Louse Gates arrest in 2008 or 2009 was the tipping point. Remember when that cop refused to apologize for responding to a potential break-in and arresting a belligerent black man on his own porch? The cop was doing his job and was accused of being a racist for not knowing who the angry black dude was when he confronted him. Barry, himself, accused the cop of behaving “stupidly” on national TV, despite not knowing what actually happened. Barry ended up looking stupid (and rayciss) on national TV and had to cover for it with the notorious “beer summit.” I wouldn’t have gone, but that’s just me. Refusing an invitation from the resident(I leave the P off for Barry, he presided over nothing) of the United States says would be worth it. The cop and his department refused to apologize, which to me is exactly where the pendulum stopped butt-cold.

Also, do you think there’s any correlation between the economic crisis in 2008 and the sudden sea change in US race relations? Did the sudden collapse of cheap, easy credit foretell the collapse of race relations in the US? I’m tempted to think the sudden tightening of resources prompted people to start thinking twice about throwing freebies at the hand-out class. After decades of freebies and generosity, perhaps people aren’t feeling so generous now that their own livelihoods are threatened.

I don’t think we’re far from real bloodshed over this issue. Blacks are used to getting their way every time they complain. Whites are tired of being shit on and being silenced with “RACIST!” every time they even mutter about the extremes of this situation. And the poverty pimps and the media are trying to push things to a head every chance they get. Blacks haven’t missed a trick, either, taking advantage of liberals’ refusal to even admit there’s an issue to loot and rape and beat whites whenever possible. “Yo! White Girl Bleed Alot!”

Oh, BTW- my spouse is from Eastern Europe. They pointed something surprising out to me one day, “You Americans always talk about how open-minded you are and you always say you’re colorblind. So why is it you’re so obsessed with race? Every time I apply for a job or a loan or to go to school or fill out my taxes, I’m constantly being asked what my race is? And they always tell me it’s not important and they don’t use the data, but they still ask for it at every turn?” I never thought of it that way. My open-minded foreign-born spouse also learned about the issue the hard way, dealing with selfish, corrupt blacks in the workplace who refuse to work, then end-run upset supervisors by going to HR with claims of descrimination before they can start the punishment process.

When the blood does start to flow, I think their defenders on the left are going to get mighty quiet.

September 13, 2017 8:47 pm

“For instance, did you know the US Navy was one of the earliest, most inclusive institutions in the US?”
—– GilbertS

Yes. It is the origin of the term ‘cannon fodder’.

September 20, 2017 11:14 pm

Um, no it’s not.

January 19, 2015 2:01 pm


Couple things –

This –> “Blacks make up only 12% of the population, with half not able to afford to go to the movies and many more not giving a crap about MLK and his message.”

Oh, they can afford to go to the movies if they want… Have you seen the whale-assed Shaniquas and Bonequeeshas down at NigMart? Got “they haar-dids” and “they nail-dids”, shitloads of bling and an ass wider than two axe handles… they’re not suffering for want. It’s what they choose to spend their GibsMuhDats stolen loot on… and that message is clear to anyone who has eyes – Dey haar-dids and weaves and dey nails-dids and shiny shit and iCrap and mountains of food… not to mention selling their Gibs for cash so they can go buy drugs or whatever…

And that’s just the females. How many of you have seen some nigged-out ghetto Cadillac Escalade parked in front of some Section 8 paradise?

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Don’t have the money? Heh… these useless primates have more than enough cash to go see one crappy movie… even on the weekends when the prices go way up. When we go see a crappy movie, it’s usually a matinee, so if it does turn out to suck dick, we’re not out that much cash…

The other part? About not giving a crap about Mike King and his shitty message? Yeah, I can buy that… they don’t give a rat’s ass…

By the way… did Okra Windbag accurately portray Mike King? Did she show him and his cronies and Jewish Communist handlers all boozed up and kicking the shit out of hookers, drunk on the public dime? No? Then it’s not accurate. Just once, I would like to see someone make an ACCURATE movie about that black bastard… far as I’m concerned, James Earl Ray did the world a favor.

“Whites are fed up. They aren’t going to take it anymore.”

Fuckin’ A right…

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Midnight Black
Midnight Black
February 4, 2018 4:08 am

Yeah, being a Liberal vote farm seems to pay well for negros and immigrants. Its really pretty shameful and disgusting. Especially when you see them trashing malls in mobs, or ride down a once Beautiful middle class neighborhood that has so many crowd of loitering blacks in the streets it look like you went through a wormhole and came out in Somalia.

Blacks are INCOMPATIBLE with Western civilization. Like everything else the Liberals claim, “The white man is keeping the black man held back” is backwards. Prior to 1965, America was 90% white. We had just finished a golden age of progress and innovation the likes of which the world has never seen. Many of the greatest advancements of all time came during the 90% white era. Murders were so rare, when one happened it was national news for weeks. And even then, it was often blacks who were the murderers. Every town needed only one or two peace officers to keep peace and law. Cities, maybe three or four. Now, a veritable ARMY of cops barely hold it together. Murders are so common, most go unknown outside of local news. Families rarely take outing with each other or friends like they used to because lets face it, not only is the economy garbage from all the corruption, the Jewish central banks, and paying negroes their vote farm bribe…Er, welfare, white families either don’t have the money to do much of anything because they are paycheck to paycheck, or both parents are working so much they rarely have time just to make ends meet, or they just don’t feel as safe being out with their loved ones…Negroes have cancerously spread corruption and decadence, and more and more places like Chicago , Baltimore, or New Orleans look like third world shitholes like Haiti, Somalia, or Nigeria.

A recent poll asked various races their opinion on freedom of speech, and an overwhelming majority of blacks, Arabs, and Hispanics agreed that freedom of speech should be abolished in a lot of situations. But that’s what they aren’t capable of understanding I guess. Nice speech wouldn’t NEEd a law to protect it, but then again, all of these races only produce third world hellholes. There are no absolutes of course, there are exceptional people who CAN assimilate, but they are just that…Exceptional.

The ONLY way to make America great again, is to make it mostly white again. Period. EVERYTHING ELSE has already been tried and will fail. Just as you cant fit a square peg into a round hole, neither can you have a 1st world country with third world people. THAT is what democrats and Liberals are terrified of people figuring out, because when enough do so, the party is over for these elites.

April 7, 2018 10:29 am

Oh my God,,,this is the funniest,,,but oh so, so on target comment I have ever read and exactly what we are all thinking. Freeking fed up to here with everything,,,,you couldn’t have put it any better. And, as we constantly say, in our daily conversations with friends, regarding the god damned “diversity” and black issue…it’s at the boiling point and the PENDULUM IS DUE….DUE TO TURN AS IS THE ONLY NATURAL RESPONSE….just wait … the shit will hit the fan and it won’t be pretty…it’s not just BLACKS but every god damned third world piece of filth that has taken over not only the USA but stupid,,,COMMIE,,,ULTRA LEFT…”GEORGE, the JEW, SOROs” and his agenda. Do you ever notice the Jews never participate in anything that hey force into society,, they are always on the side…controlling/destroying/ but never participating…..always to themselves,,,a CARTEL like no other and that is why they have always been and will always be….the SOURCE !!!

January 19, 2015 2:15 pm

February may be black history month – but after that it’s back to white history year!

January 19, 2015 2:16 pm

Amen jim. Amen

July 1, 2017 1:38 pm

Why don’t some of you look up the conditions in Africa today, in modern times? Violent tapes are common where it’s written about in investment details for female health company. Don’t forget Rwanda in 94, Hutu & tutsi. AIDS is a terrible epidemic in Africa. Where why not look back at the time of the slave trade? There were free Africans that had these other Africans as slaves, who presented a commodity that others bought. A lot that went to the U.K. were house servants. I’m the U.S. south, without automation, an agriculture base was very low profits. Which Liberia as I understand it was set up under U.S. conditions for free blacks. Which like Years of the Sun, with Bruce Willis, in Africa one African points out to the American african, if it weren’t for slavery in America, blacks in America would be living under the violent way conditions of Africa are today. Which look at Muslims, they owned plenty of slaves, but blacks flock to them believing it’s freedom.
Which I won’t say anything bad about Muslims as in the U.S., the injustices done under greed and alcohol, many have been killed in wrecks as well as domestic violence which the media never addresses, which these passions have caused more death through time than most anything else. But Muslims are known to be contradictory to their faith the more money they have.
But there’s been abused shared by the white man because of conditions that are never acknowledged. The modern industry we have today resulted from the results of WWI & WWII, where millions of white people died in war, which if hadn’t been, I doubt we’d have the prosperity today. Then it was white men who fought in a domestic war for union representation to escapethe harsh and dangerous conditions and abuses once existed. Which blacks want part of that.
Which it’s pretty bad when I have met blacks from the Carribeans and Africa, elsewhere, where they know they’re black, but they also know they’re human, where they’ll flat out tell you, I’m black, but I am not an American Black. Where blacks from other countries don’t want to be associated with blacks in the United States. Where they feel disgraced. Where they have their dignity and look at American Blacks with shame.
Same way with good crazy country blacks who work hard most the time, they’re shamed by behaviors of American blacks, knowing they work for what they have.
But I’m America, there’s riggens, the opposite of niggers, who’re white, where they try to use a person as much as they can, not caring about anyone but themselves and their gain and benefit. With their negro constituents too, where they’re hard cases, where they don’t care about anothers suffering a or hardships, typical of southern whites, especially those wearing a cross, I guess because their nature is so contrary to Gods’ will, they need to wear a cross to tell others they believe in Jesus, just like demons and the devil, where they’re going to hell with them.
As there’s also the whites who slurp down booze just like the negroes, where if they actually had health ailments, alcohol would have already finished them off. Where like my issues, I can’t drink. Which of it weren’t for a brain washing excursion and other criminal acts, I wouldn’t be in this condition, especially if physicians would have treated my physical ailments before getting so extreme as they are now.
But I tried to leave, but messing me up was one way of keeping me captive as well as smearing my name and screwing up my finances. A casualty of america corporation. But some attributed to corrupt police and what they can do behind a veil, yet I’m left holding the bag.
The southern mentality really does suck.

January 19, 2015 2:20 pm

Then after that, it’ll be beaner month or some shit. The racism rocket is out of jet fuel, I can’t wait to hear that the movie not doing well in and of itself is racist.

January 19, 2015 3:02 pm

Here in AZ we had Governor Evan Mecham, who wanted MLK day to be on a weekend so it wouldn’t cost the state to give everyone a paid day off.Of course the media crucified the man as some kind of evil racist. So i wonder how much this Monday is costing AZ?
I also think of all the really bad places i have been to with MLK street signs.They were usually in a bad neighborhood and i was glad to be leaving.

January 19, 2015 3:15 pm

The white population in general has done everything reasonable and more to assimilate the blacks. Perhaps because the blacks inherently knew they could never keep up, this has been met with a tightly structured black community that has turned this largess into a free for all of entitlements and a culture of irresponsibility.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2015 3:31 pm

Spare Parts was called a sappy movie that falls short of its potential. The reviewer compares it to Stand and Deliver, as if that were the standard. I consider it to be an addition to the Hispanic high school movie. It wasn’t a movie about the making of Stinky it was a movie about the guys who took on MIT and won. That they happen to be Hispanic is probably what makes it unpalatable for the white reviewers. Sure, there is the immigration message embedded in the story, that is the reality of these kids. Otherwise, it is a story whose main characters could have been 4 teens of any color.
The movie builds up to the competition, the mechanics of constructing a robot can get pretty boring for a general audience; documentaries tend to fail in commercial venues. Parts is formulaic, a group comes together after a few bonding issues, the project is almost completed when a crisis occurs. In this case, several crises happen. One kid’s father threatens to pull the plug, another is hunted by an immigration agent, the movie takes on the tone of ‘the Fugitive’.
The movie is especially appealing to conservative Hispanics because it is a movie about winning. Hispanics tout education above all else to get ahead. There is not the well-worn line featured in black movies about getting over a problem with deceit, lies and bullshit. George Lopez plays it straight, he cares about the project but does not do it for them, he is a mentor, not a facilitator which would ruin the premise of this David vs. Goliath story.
The kids have goals common to Hispanics, to get out of the ghetto through education, the military or starting a business. There is no glorification of welfare, section 8 or baby-making. If it had had these elements, it might have earned a better review with the NYT.

  El Coyote
April 7, 2018 11:11 am

Fortunately for the Hispanics, the attempts to convince them they are victims of white culture have yet to take hold, and maybe never will. Their status as opportunists is not ready-made for the victimization card applied to former slaves.

The black community showed much less pathology before it was the target of massive government “assistance.” Teach an individual or a group that they are helpless victims who can’t cope with life unless someone gives them stuff, and that’s what you get. All those baby daddies and breeding moms must never be held accountable because they just can’t help themselves. It is bullshit like this that has destroyed a big chunk of the black community.

I kept waiting for Obama to urge irresponsible young black men to a higher level of ambition and responsibility. I was sure that one day Michelle could turn from her concern for school lunches to remind young women it is much better to get married before having babies. Am I naive, or what?

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2015 3:36 pm

Tommy says:

Then after that, it’ll be beaner month or some shit.

I think that is in September, then October is Redskin month and so on, asshole.

January 19, 2015 4:03 pm

@El Coyote……..in the words of Durden, “you are not special….you are not a unique snowflake”. See, so a day/week/month of celebration focused on a trait, race, or group/etc. is simply and utterly stupid and childish. Its like as some point when you’re growing up your birthday has to stop being a big deal. Go wallow in your uniqueness and see where that gets you.

January 19, 2015 4:07 pm

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January 19, 2015 4:11 pm

Diversity is just another way of wanting someone else to give you something you don’t deserve – in this case by the color of your skin you are entitled.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2015 4:53 pm

Tommy, I still have no idea what diversity is, it isn’t the old affirmative action, it is something designed to amplify the democratic base by including all ‘minorities’ black, bown, glad, and so forth.
I don’t care for being lumped I with the gays and I want mine, not yours. When you lay claim on what I have by virtue of your traits, then I think that is bullshit.

I should not have called you an asshole since you haven’t earned it, sorry.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2015 5:01 pm

Hey, Billy, I have enjoyed your post these last couple of days, please understand if I mess with you it is because of your statements and not you since I have no idea who you are. I find myself agreeing with you on a lot of stuff anyway, if not on your choice of words.

January 19, 2015 5:21 pm

i actually lived in Selma for a year beginning in 1970. USAF pilot training at Craig AFB. We lived in a trailer park. Never had the first problem wif anyone. I do remember that there was a club outta town that was private. The only requirement to join was…..to be White! Neat place. We drove through SEM about 15yrs ago and Craig was closed. The mayor was black as were most local politicians. My, how things change!

January 19, 2015 8:28 pm

I think you’re right admin, and please let me add we Heterosexuals are losing patience with the “gay priders” sticking their sexuality in our faces. Even Billy Crystal agrees:

January 19, 2015 11:13 pm

500 neegroes on dirt bikes and ATVs took over the streets and highways of miami today to celebrate MLK day. Riding wheelies, outrunning news choppers, and reaching speeds in excess of 80mph. Police chose (were ordered) to do nothing. In related news, north miami beach cops in hot water for using mug shots of neegroes as targets at the gun range

January 20, 2015 10:28 am

One needs to ask themselves, if this movie, “Selma” is soooooooooooo important a movie, why didn’t MLK’s family allow his speeches to be used?

Yep, if you plunk down your fiat, you will NOT be exposed to any of his truly moving speeches.

That alone told me all I needed to know about it.

I’m sick of paying primo dollars for my propaganda. For today (though is being voted out of existence, ’cause WDC cares about families) I get it for free over broadcast tv.

Why pay, when I get can get all my lies free and delivered to my living room.

Speaking of bullshit and propaganda, why hasn’t Sony told us how much their International Incident Movie has grossed?

And did anyone else catch the bullshit FBI press conference on N Korea/Sony? As someone with more than a thumbnail sketch of governments and IT, I call BULLSHIT.

We are being led by our noses, the more aware amongst us are already questioning, “why?”
The rest never will, even as loaded into cars and eventually shuffled off to Solyent plants.

January 20, 2015 12:10 pm

I’m sick of paying primo dollars for my propaganda. For today (though is being voted out of existence, ’cause WDC cares about families) I get it for free over broadcast tv. – TE

Voted out of existence? Remember, TE…

It’s spooks like this that negate your vote…

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January 20, 2015 12:34 pm


September 13, 2017 8:15 pm


January 21, 2019 12:45 am

I was friends with a black co- worker for 11 years. He was my Father’s age, was a WW2 Vet and was an all-around great guy. We become close friends over the years, I really liked and respected him and had him and his wife over my house for summer back yard parties many times.
He was active in an all-black lodge and he invited me and my wife and another white co-worker and his wife to spend an evening at the lodge, he was bringing in the food and we would hang out, shoot some pool and drink. He was a prodigious scotch drinker.
This is in the early 80’s and I was in my early 30’s he was in his mid-fifties.
We showed up at the lodge and he met us in the parking lot. It was in an all-black neighborhood and he escorted us in as whites there could have problems unescortered. He had also warned me some of the younger lodge members were not happy hearing two white couples were coming in on a Saturday night but he overruled them and just gave me a heads up that a couple of them were “racial” troublemakers.
I was in the tail end of my brawling era and remembered smiling to myself.
After hours of eating, drinking, and kicking ass on the pool table…me and my buddy both can run a table …we were undefeated. Some of the younger members were not happy that:
A. Two white guys were even in the place
B. Two white guys hadn’t lost an 8 ball game all evening and were drinking for free as every game was for a drink
My black friend had three of his buddies there, all WW2 Vets, and me and my buddy are both Nam Vets. We were getting along fantastic, telling stores, laughing and having a great time. Four of the younger members were taking turs getting asses kicked on the table and were getting sulky and broody after every round they had to buy us, finally they gave up.
Now, it’s getting late and everyone is sitting around a few tables and one of the younger guys starts talking race shit. My friend who invited us started to cut him off when I stopped him and said in a loud voice (I was feeling no pain):
“Sometimes the races don’t mix well.”
One of the young guys said challengingly: “What do you mean by that.”
I said: “I had a buddy in the Marines who was half black and half Japanese and two races didn’t mix well and he was all screwed up…I mean that race combination totally messed this guy up!”
All the young guys stiffened up looking angry and one said: “What the hell is wrong with being half black and half Japanese???”
I said: Well every time this guy got drunk he got mad and wanted to bomb Pearl Baily!
The WW2 black guys all roared with laughter, I mean they had shocked looks for a second then were convulsion with belly laughs. The young Shaft wanna bes looked shocked, then confused, then got even more broody and sullen.
All the WW2 including my friend soon escorted us to our cars. It was late, most were a little drunk and they wanted to stay in-between us and the now muttering and getting ready to ambush me Shaft wanna bes.

January 21, 2019 1:10 am

I was friends with a black co-worker for 11 years. He was my Father’s age, was a WW2 Vet and was an all-around great guy. We became close friends over the years, I really liked and respected him and had him and his wife over my house for summer back yard parties many times.

He was active in an all-black lodge and he invited me and my wife and another white co-worker and his wife to spend an evening at the lodge, he was bringing in the food and we would hang out, shoot some pool and drink. He was a prodigious scotch drinker.

This is in the early 80’s and I was in my early 30’s he was in his mid-fifties.

We showed up at the lodge and he met us in the parking lot. It was in an all-black neighborhood and he escorted us in as whites there could have problems un-escorted. He had also warned me some of the younger lodge members were not happy hearing two white couples were coming in on a Saturday night, but he overruled them and just gave me a heads up that some of them were “racial” troublemakers.

I was in the tail end of my brawling era…heavy into Martial Arts and remembered smiling to myself.

After hours of eating, drinking, and kicking ass on the pool table (me and my white buddy both can run a table) we were undefeated. Some of the younger members were not happy that:

A. Two white guys were even in the place.

B. Two white guys hadn’t lost an 8 ball game all evening and were drinking for free as every game was for a drink.

My black friend had three of his buddies there, all WW2 Vets. Me and my buddy are both Nam Vets. We were getting along fantastic, telling stores, laughing and having a great time. Four of the younger members were taking turns getting their asses kicked on the table, buying us drinks and were getting sulky and broody after losing every single game, finally they gave up.

Now, it’s getting late and everyone is sitting around a few tables and one of the younger guys starts talking race shit. My friend who invited us started to cut him off when I stopped him and said in a loud voice (I was feeling no pain):

“Sometimes the races don’t mix well.”

One of the young guys said in a pissed off tone: “What do you mean by that.”

I said: “I had a buddy in the Marines who was half black and half Japanese and those two races didn’t mix well and he was all screwed up…I mean that race combination totally messed this guy up!”

All the young guys stiffened up looking angry and one said standing: “What the hell is wrong with being half black and half Japanese???”

I said: Well every time this guy got drunk he got mad…and then all he wanted to do was BOMB PEARL BAILY!

The WW2 black guys all roared with laughter, I mean they had shocked looks for a second…then it sunk in…they went into convulsions with sustained knee slapping belly laughs. The young Shaft wanna bes looked shocked, then confused, then once thy finally figured it out (one had to told) they got even more broody and sullen.

All the WW2 members including my friend soon escorted us to our cars. It was late, most everyone was a little drunk and they wanted to stay in-between me and the now muttering and getting ready to ambush me Shaft wanna bes.

It was a gamble…I thought the joke would go over with the WW2 guys and piss off the sullen young guys and I was right.

January 20, 2015 3:01 pm

Fuck race, fuck equality, fuck belief system. Show me your character and your values. What you stand for. Responsibility above entitlement. It’s bullshit that anyone gets subhuman or preferential treatment. Judge my appearance, fuck you. Judge my actions, not looks. I firmly believe anyone with normal or near normal intelligence can understand that, unless, of course, they have been “brainwashed” for someone else’s benefit (perhaps even worse). Of course, that is not a problem bc there is no such thing as propaganda and there is no one to benefit from it. Ok, moving along…

January 21, 2015 5:52 pm

Someone much closer to the matter agrees with you:

Voters Have “Racial Fatigue”

January 21, 2015 5:57 pm

@Billy, I am speaking of CONgress voting, not Jamal.

CONgress is being pushed – hard – by the FCC (with a cable company executive now as the head of FCC) to totally dismantle broadcast tv.

The switch to digital didn’t fuck over the poor and rural quite enough apparently.

I’ve written my CONgress critters, but I doubt they care.

January 21, 2015 6:20 pm

Spinolator – is it ok to judge your culture or community?

I do not think folks are judging individual black, for instance. I certainly try not to.

But the black culture/community? I judge the ever loving shit out of that. It is a disgrace. As a demographic, blacks are behaving appallingly. No family structure, rampant crime, no value of life, no value of education, a language most Americans have difficulty understanding (ebonics? WTF?), no work ethic, addicted to welfare, etc ad infinitum.

Yep, I judge the shit out of that demographic.

August 28, 2015 10:34 am

It is very clear. Jews started all these problems so that they could hide and conduct business as usual and destroy our nation while it falls apart due to racism and diversity. Something they do to all other nations because they have no culture, no art, no anything except to breed 7-10 kids for what purpose I don’t know ( except world domination maybe) , make all your food Kosher for them (U, K, or Star symbols on your food), put patents on these symbols, thus exploiting everyone for their gain, not surprising, and lastly, to look like innocent victims but in actuality we ARE THE VICTIMS! SIC TEMPER TYRANNIS! Look around, who owns the media, real estate, strip malls, journals, have the high academic positions AT EVERY UNIVERSITY, Synagogues every where, women with shaved heads breeding like crazy, Jews forming communities everywhere that EXCLUDE EVERYONE! Have their own schools, religious organizations as police, ADL, etc. Sounds like Nazis to me.

August 28, 2015 10:44 am

Look at the Universities and look at the names of the high positions: Stein, Steinberg, Bloomberg, Bloom, and name with berg or stein, or even -man, Goodman, etc. All journals and large print academic books are written by Jews. Textbooks that are suppose to set the precedent. This means they are in control to change what ever they want. Lawyers, and Judges are mostly Jewish. Look at building names- lots of buildings are being named for Jews, by Jews, which incites indignity in everyone who is not Jewish. Look at the food labels. Deception is best when done slowly. No one notices. Like the corn growing in the field. Soon it is fully grown. Look around, don’t ever believe what we have to say. NEVER believe anyone but your own eyes. When you totally trust others you deceive yourself and do wrong. Don’t trust me. Go and look yourself. Look at the organizations. Who runs them? The Media. Look at the Jews in the media, on TV, who runs the food network for instance? A Jew. Why do they always say Kosher salt for a meal? Who the F needs Kosher salt.

So that we are accustomed to hearing it and become desensitized!!!!! Are CHILDREN ARE BECOMING DESENSITIZED to STUPID JEWISH COMMENTS ON TV<like Passover, mazutuv, shalom, kosher. WE DON't NEED THEIR language ON OUR TV. NEVER! Christmas is now a bad word. Do you know that they advocate not having holidays in schools now? You know why, because we will all be ashamed of our culture and heritage. But they keep going on! They will have their holidays and push it in our faces.DONE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. DONE. But do not trust me. Look around, look at the media, the tv, the shows, especially children's shows. YOU WILL SEE it.

August 28, 2015 10:48 am

Tone it down Cicero.

The Administrator of this site is Jewish.


January 21, 2019 12:52 am

Don’t you have some harmless raccoons to slaughter, you heartless cocksucker?

August 28, 2015 11:41 am

Yup, a genuine Irish Rabbi.

September 2, 2015 6:19 pm

See how Jews influence our nation. READ THIS ARTICLE: Washington post Sept 3rd, 2015, front page. Personal religious and racial beliefs influencing our policies. He has to go now!

Even as his colleague from Maryland on Wednesday provided the final vote needed for President Obama’s Iran deal to survive, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) continues to wrestle with whether to support the deal — a decision that has pitted him against his rabbi, riled his constituents and consumed him for much of the last month.

“When Senator Cardin goes to synagogue, he hears about this. When he goes out to dinner, he hears about it. When he sees his grandchildren, he hears about it,” said Ron Halber, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington. “It’s not that he gets a chance to escape.”

Both supporters and opponents who have lobbied Cardin say they have no real idea where the senator stands.

“Cardin is in a tough situation,” said one Democratic staffer on Capitol Hill. “I think he sort of feels like the responsible thing to do as the ranking member on Foreign Relations and a member of the U.S. Senate is to support the deal, but as a strong supporter of Israel and a leader in a Jewish community, the right thing to do is to vote against it.”

September 2, 2015 6:21 pm

I am not surprised. You are in everything, everything. But you know what I am taking about, and you know it is true.

September 2, 2015 6:22 pm

BEN CARDIN is not American first but JEWISH FIRST and ISRAEL FIRST THEN HIMSELF then the RABBI then maybe AMERICA.

Not a Cracker
Not a Cracker
September 29, 2015 5:38 pm

All white people know how to do is take and lie assholes

blacks lie non stop
blacks lie non stop
  Not a Cracker
December 23, 2016 9:25 pm

not your problem. youre not even supposed to know any whites or live in a country with any whites… especially since you don’t like any. we can take you back to a zero English existence. problem solved. (then go back to killing each other in Africa) but at least you wont set eyes on white skin…as it was before.. so glorious for us whites. you are truly not supposed to nor are allowed to even have so much as an opinion on any white person. that’s a trespass.you are here by grace alone since black africans sold you to us. we simply want a refund for faulty equipment and to give you back to your slave traders in Africa who are black.get your reparations from the black Africans who sold you. we overpaid you already out of pity that is now run out. Africa is in the blood. don’t think for one second you wont come face to face with the black who sold you. its not white’s problem. its white’s misfortune to have stumbled upon the black practice of slavery and we ended it and blacks still do it. so go back to your roots. breeding less did NOT improve your character. youre still bitter and hurt by your own and everyone is tired of hearing about it. its a form of abuse to make other races know of blacks strange ills. we are all happier without knowing. so have some grace! and keep it to yourself.

Sven Gally
Sven Gally
April 5, 2017 6:09 pm

A free market would consist of informed consumers making rational decisions.
Today we have false diversity and political correctness which has resulted in false advertising. The blacks are such a small percentage of the population yet most ads have blacks inter mixed with whites. It’s just not as common as they make it appear. This results in uninformed consumers making irrational decisions. Best answer > quit watching TV and boycott the companies that promote this BS!

Roderick Goggenheimer
Roderick Goggenheimer
May 11, 2017 10:43 pm

What the left cannot bring themselves to admit is, all of the entitlements, all the efforts to assimilate these savages have failed. They know that they will never assimilate because they are simply not intelligent enough. Poor impulse control, difficulty with logic and rationality and low IQ afflicts these barbarians, it is in their DNA. More and more whites are waking up to what is going on. They are no longer going to pretend that these morons are their equal.

August 22, 2018 8:30 pm

Thank Christ articles like this are being written because the MSM and neoliberal pussies are quite literally trying to destroy society. Death worshiping psychopaths.

January 20, 2019 10:47 pm

King was a complete fraud. Its sad, that people don’t know the truth about him, or have even bothered t ask why his files are sealed with the FBI database and wont be released through the freedom of information act until around 2040. Many don’t know this, but he was busted hosting Orgies (when he was supposed to be a reverend) and was your typical black “victim” who no only called for reparations quite often, but also started calling for mass scale violence against whites on talk radio, which was when the real enemy of the west, his international Jewry handlers (whom also wrote his speech’s btw) had him martyred figuring he would work better for them that way.

It is also sad, that people haven’t yet figured out another big secret…That the mainstream media didn’t JUST start lying and manipulating peoples preconceived notions and opinions…They are only now being exposed…but they have been at it for a long time now. If you find facts offensive, no matter what those facts are, then they have gotten to you to some degree or another. Its nothing to be ashamed of. They had me, and every other America twisted up in our thinking as well at some point. And even now I am still learning shocking and surprising revelations and THAT is actively my searching, and cross referencing sources to be sure. So there is no telling how much each individual has been compromised, but its important to note that we have.

The civil rights movement was NEVER about freedom or Liberation. Blacks had these things from the time of the proclamation of emancipation. Something needs to be made clear. Segregation is NOT “oppression”. Nations have always been segregated by nations. People are segregated by property lines. When the blacks were free, many were sent to Liberia, but after hearing from returning sailors that the colony had devolved into “cannibal wars” with neighboring tribes, groups of blacks pleaded with congress to be granted territories and permanent “guest” residency in the US. Now you have been taught that this is “evil racism” but look at the world, and I mean really look at every nation that has ever existed, and ask yourselves…Is it really? Would China let 1000s of white people start choosing their policies, leaders, ect? Would Mexico let the Japanese move in and start running the country? Of course not. They may extend a guest status and kindly let foreigners live within their nations, but they would NOT let them run things, vote, or set their policies. That is just how the world has ALWAYS worked out.

Propaganda would have you believe, that white people “oppressed” blacks, but they were Liberated due to the civil rights movement. But is that true? And answer this…If the government was so systemically racist back then, why did they side with the black students against the wishes of the white students when they forced themselves into these schools? Maybe a BIGGER question to open peoples eyes to what I am getting at, would be this…Would they even WANT to be in a school full of people who were supposedly running around and lynching their people for fun?

Don’t oppressed people generally and historically seek liberation AWAY from their oppressors, rather then flock TOO them? Could it be that the entire narrative is full of lies and propaganda?

Of course it is.

The so called civil rights movement was nothing more then one free group using false victimhood status, and slander, and guilt, to push themselves on another free group, in violation of the compassion they had already been given as guests, and have since milked it for all it is worth in hand outs, welfare, ect. And the numbers….Do you think the nation is better from this farce, or worse off?

Here are some numbers to help with that answer.

Blacks make up only 13% of the US population, yet commit 52% of all murder and 63% of rape, and a whopping 77% of robbery. Hispanic numbers are almost as bad, but are hard to pin down, seeing as how outlets often combine them with non Hispanic white numbers, to “fluff up” these stats and keep themselves from “looking racist”.

Economically its pretty bad as well, and these numbers are actually putting the free west in great danger.

JUST AMONG CITIZENS, averaged annual per=capita by race (because of course some pull their weight, others don’t).

Blacks cost $10,016.00 US dollars more per person then they pay into the system for an annual national debt of $306.53 Billion

Hispanics cost $7,298.00 US dollars more per person then they pay into the system, for an annual national debt addition of $291.3 Billion

Non Hispanic whites create a net gain of 2,795 per person for a national debt payoff of 249.52 Billion annually.

This isn’t even adding in the damage to these numbers that illegals are doing. These figures are from 2014 (because if you show the 2017 figures which have slightly improved due to Trump (but is still not enough to reverse it) people just brush it off as Trump is at fault, EVEN THOUGH this decline can be traced back to 1966!

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It will only exist until people realize they can vote themselves monies from the treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the one that promises the most benefits from the public treasury, and will result in a collapse, followed always by dictatorships-Alexander Fraser Tytler

*We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause* – Israel Cohen, Jewish Zionist, 1912

“Some have said that diversity is about getting rid of white people. Well, they are right. And that’s a GOOD thing”– Emily Goldstein, Jewish Journalist, 2015

“If your trying to say we have been plotting to replace the white population in America with immigrants, your absolutely right. And it doesn’t matter if you know or not. We have been at this for some time now. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing.”- Mark Potok,Jewish attorney, SPLC, 2011

“There has been a rise in anti-Semitism because at this time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multi-cultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were. They are now going into a multi-cultural role, and jews will be resented because we are at the center of this and leading it. But without us, Europe will not survive.- Barbara Specter, Jewish Zionist 2016

:We will continue to bash all the dead white males, and the live ones. And their women too. We wont stop until the construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not dismantled. Destroyed.” Noel Ignatiev, Jewish author of race traitor magazine and professor at Harvard-1994.

” We will continue to promote multiculturalism, until the white Christian people are no more, and because they are a weak in thier flaws of benevolence, our task should not be to difficult. And only then we will stop identifying as white. And thus, our turn will come where we (jews) will rule the world. Who, then, can stand against us?”Oskar Schmitz in Der Jude, 1926,

*”The European of tomorrow will be a hybrid of Negro and Asians blended with the so called white race. We (Jews) are going to make this happen, one race ruled over by the pure blooded Jew*- Coudenhove Kalergi, “Godfather” and mastermind behind the creation of the European Union, 1914

An unrelenting flow of immigration, its not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. For the first time ever in America, white Caucasians of European descent like myself will be an absolute minority in America. And this is what we want. THIS is the source of our strength!”- Creepy Joe Biden, jewish Zionist (who pretends he is white) 2014.(++NOTE++ There are several videos where he boasts about being a Zionist, and he has typical features of them, not of Caucasians. He is PRETENDING to be a European!A typical ploy they use often.)

It has surprised some people to find out that the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People {NAACP} is NOT a Negro BUT the JEW ARTHUR SPINGARN. It is the Jews who are behind desegregation, while they keep the strictest of segregation laws in Israel which shows, with no doubts, their intent with pushing multiculturalism in every, and ONLY in every white majority nation on Earth.

European global population-
1900 30%
1990 16%
2018 8%
Projected for 2040 4%

Some things to think about, for Martin Luther King day, for all white Europeans and white Americans.

God bless.