Question of the Day, Oct 27

For the curmudgeon’s out there. Is there ANY reason at this point not to vote for Donald J. Trump?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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October 27, 2016 9:01 am

He had me at Pussy grabbing.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 27, 2016 9:41 pm

One of the guys here said that most folks that name-call are merely projecting. I offer this: when he told the locker room story about grabbing the wooly, I suspect he was fantasizing that his hands were actually big enough to grab the hole enchilada.

My buddy told of a cop who had little hands like this, he said he had to hold his beer can with both hands. My buddy’s question was, how do you hold a gun?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 27, 2016 9:05 am

Sure. There’s lots of reasons. He’s crude, thin-skinned,etc. They just don’t add up to enough to let her win and let the globalist neocons keep importing Muslims into the West, changing the US into Atzlan and toppling governments in the Middle East while helping radical Sunnis take over.

MN Steel
MN Steel
  Iska Waran
October 27, 2016 6:01 pm

I’d say a good reason I’m not voting for him, or anybody else, is that voting in this day and age is just a consent for these assholes to keep pissing on our heads and telling us it’s Evian, or whatever those fuckers drink at fundraising dinners.

That, and I’m totally fed up with these whacked-out fuckers telling everybody we need to support “our only friends in the middle east” that are sucking all the wealth from this nation, pulling false flags on us, running every illegitimate bureaucratic department including immigration which is dumping non-assimilating foreigners in our towns, and lying even about their own non-semitic lineage, when the only people they should give a half-a-shit about are those that are living legally in this country.

I withdraw my consent.

October 27, 2016 9:06 am

He’s not pure, he’s on record as having used some bad language about women.

October 27, 2016 9:22 am

Interesting you should ask that –

We don’t have a car and I took a taxi ride about a week ago, I got the usual African driver. They’re always really nice, no complaints.

So I asked the driver if he had citizenship and was going to vote, he said yes. I asked him if he didn’t mind the conversation, who he might be voting for? He said Hillary Clinton. I inquired why Clinton? He said because she was a Democrat and a woman. (Alrightey then)

So there you have it folks.

Now multiply that by millions of immigrants with a bare grasp of English and no knowledge of how American corruption works (this ain’t Ethiopia).

It appears that their strategy to bring in scads of illiterate low wage foreigners and give them plumbing and a green card is working splendidly according to plan.

October 27, 2016 9:39 am
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 27, 2016 10:16 am

If this African is a Muslim, it makes sense that he’d oppose Trump, who will slow the Hijra. If he’s not a Muslim and knew that Hillary is a lesbian, he’d oppose her. Next time tell him that Trump has more goats and yams, has three wives and is not a sodomite.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 27, 2016 9:37 am

Why to not vote for Trump? Obvious! Because vagina. He doesn’t have one. Even worse, he doesn’t have one and thinks that they are nice.

On a more serious tone…

Why not to vote for Trump? Because he is running as a Republican and the Republican party has a long history of running candidates who give great speeches and then turn out to be RINOs.

Before I get a lot of flames, let me say that I do, in fact, plan on voting for him, mostly because he does not have a proven track record of being a murderous sociopath who would giggle while starting a war with Russia. Still, the fact remains that Trump has a lot of negatives. I would love to have a viable candidate that actually supported and was willing to follow the Constitution. Sadly, most American people don’t want a Ron Paul. The fact also remains that if you are on a burning boat full of munitions, even that busted up hatch cover floating by starts to look like a pretty good life boat.

  Jason Calley
October 27, 2016 9:43 am

Trump isn’t really a Republican in the current political sense, maybe in the traditional sense but not in the current one.

And the Republicans -the ruling ones at the top- absolutely don’t want him and are doing everything they can to defeat him all the way to some of them outright supporting Hillary.

He’s more like a third party populist that somehow managed to get the Republican nomination. He’s not a politician and he’s not the Elite Establishment.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 27, 2016 9:50 am

Hey anonymous! “Trump isn’t really a Republican in the current political sense”

Personally, I agree with you — but until (and if) he is elected and actually served as President, “Trump isn’t really a Republican” is just an opinion. To paraphrase Pelosi, “We have to elect the man so we can know what is in him.”

As you say, based on how the Republican leaders are fighting him, I think you (and I) are correct… but we could be wrong. I hope we are not, but I can understand how a reasonable person could NOT vote for him. What I cannot understand is how any reasonable person could vote FOR Hillary.

October 27, 2016 11:58 am

It is unfotunate that Trump did not run on a third party ticket. If the Republicans had run Jeb, he would get those who have decided to support Hitlery and those who will sit it out. Most of the primary voters who supported Trump would still vote for him and some of the Ted Cruz supporters would go with Trump over Jeb.
Bush would get the Republican voters who oppose Trump. There would be independents supporting Trump because he would be even more of an outsider than he is now. Furtheremore, he could count on the same cross over of blue collar Democrats that is now a strong part of his base. In addition, he would be able to appeal to the Bernie crowd as a maverick who is bucking the system that stabbed Bernie in back.
The DNC would have to divide its’ slime and shame attack between two targets. In 1o92 neither party took Ross Perot serious, yet he garnered about 19 percent of the votes, most of which would have gone to Bush I, but a sizeable quantity was otherwise Clinton support. That says nothing about the usually innocent
stay at homes attracted to the polls by a fresh brand.
Trump carries the cost of his campaign personally and from small doners. He is being denied the full appartus of funding and logistics of the party. With that support going to Jeb he would be where he is now. On his own. No Jeb voters would be Ilarpy voters as many are now. Most Trump voters would remain and only a few would go back to Jeb.

October 27, 2016 9:41 am

I was talking to an old friend who is one of my few unconditional friends. The women, more than men, will know what I mean here:

We have not had to purchase crap from school sales from our respective children. We have not had to attend Mary Kay gatherings or change our shade of mascara if we use it just because either of us got interested in someone who thought we should or might want to. I have not had to lavish praise upon anyone’s teenage kid just because she was my old friend’s sister’s neighbor’s daughter nor have I had to change my opinion about anything just because she sees things differently.

Could Donald Trump become our Unconditional President, Gray Champion of this 4T?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 27, 2016 9:43 am

I believe in redemption and in the truth. What he has said in the past was the truth and that’s why it is so offensive to so many people.

The thing that has stood out in the wikileaks emails wasn’t all the illegal and nefarious crap, that was a given, it was the complete and absolute absence of any goodness, anything that lifted up, spoke of ideals, offered any solutions, sought any avenue that wasn’t rife with calumny and pernicious malignancy. The authors of those emails have made a pact with the Devil, they embrace their villainy and seek it in every interaction. The whole purpose of their existence is to fool, to deceive, to wheedle and to hide their actions from scrutiny of any kind. They have no concern for other human beings beyond their utility, believe that anyone who hampers their ascent to power is either stupid or an obstacle. There is quite literally nothing that I would put past them in their efforts to grasp and hold on to their power. Vote rigging? How quaint. They are mass murderers, torturers and culture wreckers. They seek their own hegemony at the expense of every good thing, every pure and decent intent, even their own species. I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton would strangle a newborn infant to death without so much as a thought if that was the requirement for her to become President. She is evil personified.

Trump said that women would allow their genitals to be touched by powerful or well-known men and that, in my experience, is simply the truth.

Do I like him? Not particularly. Is he a good role model for being a family man? Not so much. Has he redeemed himself from his past? It seems obvious to me.

If this is theater, it is worthy of mythology. It looks, however, more like a modern day fable.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 27, 2016 10:33 am

Calumny. Had to look that one up. Thanks, HSF.

October 27, 2016 9:59 am

Cuz he’s a psychopath ….. IF it’s true that only psychopaths seek political power. (A truism many have said here often.)

Also, he absolutely loves copfuks. Wants to give them even more weapons and power. Donald could be an authoritarian fascist like that Austrian dude (who shall not be named) from a while back.

October 27, 2016 10:06 am

While I am still undecided, my biggest problem with Trump are the energy and global warming issues. These are long term, slow motion disasters that are going to severely impact the ability of our species to survive, let alone thrive on this planet. I know the corporate propaganda machine has done a good job of sowing doubt in many (look at the job they did on the link between smoking and cancer for several decades), but there is no denying that impacts are already being felt by nature.

Then again, the fascist corptocracy that the beast will continue and strengthen, the ridiculous BS regarding guns, and the neocon agenda she supports are just as likely to kill us all dead much quicker.

It may be a wasted vote, but Johnson may be the lesser of the evils and if enough vote for a 3rd party, we just might move the needle on having more than just 2 choices every 4 years in this country.

October 27, 2016 10:13 am

Globull Warming douchebag.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 27, 2016 10:34 am

Hey peaknik! “global warming issues… but there is no denying that impacts are already being felt by nature.”

Are there some specific impacts that you are thinking of? What would those be?


  Jason Calley
October 27, 2016 1:51 pm

The fact that 11 of the past 12 months broke the global recorded temperature records might be an indication…

October 27, 2016 3:45 pm

You did not answer the question

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 28, 2016 7:54 am

Hey peaknic! “11 of the past 12 months broke the global recorded temperature records”

Thanks for the reply! Past experience has shown me that the issue of global warming (and by “global warming” I assume we are talking about man made, primarily CO2 caused, planetary sized, warming of a damaging nature) often brings a lot of name calling with it. Thanks for being polite.

It will probably not shock you to know that I do not find that NASA graph convincing. The NASA GIStemp software is not, in my opinion, trustworthy.


Also, the satellite data does not match the GIStemp surface based output (and the satellite were put into orbit because they give more reliable coverage).comment image

Even if the GIStemp NASA output were reliable, our current thermometer record is tiny compared to geological times, and best guess of past climate shows that current temps are not unusual even within the tiny (10,000 year) window of the current interglacial Holocene.comment image

I don’t expect it is likely that either of us will convince the other, but I try to understand people who disagree with me — and sometimes I do actually get a little smarter by doing so! Thanks for your response!

October 27, 2016 4:25 pm

Trump or Hillary will be out next President, and the difference is so obvious no one can say they don’t clearly see it.

Hillary is pure, unadulterated evil and her entire life as well as here campaign is based on lies and the outcome she has achieved by them. Good things do not come from lies.

Trump is not perfect and I’m sure he will never be nominated for sainthood but he is not evil. I’m looking for a President, not a messiah so I’m not asking for perfection.

They say that the only thing nescesary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Voting for Trump is doing something, he stands against her in a very realistic way.

Failing to vote for him is doing nothing to oppose the evil that is Hillary and will let it win and take over our country to destroy it and all that it has ever stood for.

Get off the fence and make a choice, one way or the other, at least be among the hot or the cold and not one of the lukewarm that try to hide from the truth of it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 27, 2016 5:01 pm

If your biggest problem is global warming, you need to find a bigger problem.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 27, 2016 10:09 am

We are a load of consumer slaves on a Bankster ship (flying New Age, NWO, Cultural Communist, NeoCon, RINO, Rainbow Flags) and Trump is a pocket of air on this Ship of America that they are purposefully sinking.

October 27, 2016 10:33 am

I’m voting Trump as a last ditch attempt to save the Republic, but the only reason I could see not to vote for him (i.e. resulting in Hillary getting into office) would be to accelerate the destruction of the nation so that the rebuilding could get started sooner rather than later. Odds are good that it’s all going to shit either way. But there’s no fucking doubt that the system will collapse if we get 8 years of Hillary.

October 27, 2016 4:28 pm

I doubt there will be a rebuilding of America after it falls any more than there was a rebuilding of the Roman Empire after it fell from its own corruption.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 10:33 am

This is a clash of the 2 biggest entitled narcissists this country has ever witnessed. First I am not voting for Clinton for all of the obvious reasons (corruption, fraud, grandiosity, anti 2nd amendment, pro mass immigration, pro globalist agenda and trade, welfare mentality, support of obamacare, etc., etc…). However I am not going to vote for Trump either and it is not because the man likes grabbing himself some pussy by the handfuls. He is a thin skinned psychopath and I’m convinced he has an IQ of somewhere between 70 – 80. There is no command or knowledge of the issues outside of sound bites. For someone that wants to make america great again all he does is complain and attack. Speaking of prosperity and peace I have to wonder how a Trump presidency would look, who doesn’t he attack?

I can’t stand Clinton or Trump and neither are worthy of my vote.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
  Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 1:04 pm

Go watch his Gettysburg speech, he’s different when not fending off constant media attacks. He also wants to end war, not start them.

October 27, 2016 10:47 am

Ticky Toc

If you think Trump’s IQ is “between 70 – 80”, then I can only guess that yours is below that.

You MIGHT be right about some of the other stuff you wrote, but the IQ comment is pure nonsense. Why pollute an otherwise reasonable comment with utter made-up horseshit?

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 11:08 am

I say that based on the fact I have never heard him stay on message for more than a minute before going off on some tangent. When he has no actual command of the subject his go to is to attack the person asking the questions or to attack Clinton and the e-mails, etc.. There is no reason what so ever that Trump should not be winning decisively at this point, the reason he is not is his demeanor, his lack of knowledge of issues, and lack of discipline. He is like a small child that gets easily distracted.

In short he has made it an art form of making the petty into the central theme of his campaign. His central tenets were good and resonated with a YUUUUGE swath of people (republicans and right leaning democrats alike), fighting illgal immigration, reducing regulations, improving relations with Russia, etc.. Instead of educating himself further on these issues to defend them and actually be ready to do something about it if / when elected he chooses to take the bait that his enemies lay in front of him and stay in the trap constantly. This does not speak intelligence to me. It certainly speaks lack of discipline and the inability to heed good advice (I have to imagine his best advisers are telling him to quit bringing negative attention to himself and instead focus on issues at this point).

But as you say I’m just a dumbass and we are going to have to agree to disagree.

  Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 11:23 am

70 is George Bush territory …. in other words, retardation.

You listed some of Trump’s weaknesses … NONE of which indicate retardation. Your characterization of Trump as retarded says more about you than it does about him.

Don’t you believe in Globull Warming? Did you know 90% of GW people have IQs below 75??!!

October 27, 2016 10:53 am

There is only one reason why anyone would not vote for trump and would instead prefer hilldabeast.

A total embrace of the doom and a need to get it done. Start the frikn war crash the economy start the 2nd civil war. Trump will not stop this from happening only delay it. Delay means more pain but more time to prepare. Of course for some that means older and less able to survive.

October 27, 2016 10:53 am

According to Sorros….
Trump wins the popular vote in a landslide.
Hillary wins the electoral, which has already been purchased.

October 27, 2016 4:34 pm

IF that happens I hope the bribes the electors get are quite large since they and their families will have to move somewhere else instead of going home and live the rest of their lives in hiding in obscurity (that’s going to cost a lot).

October 27, 2016 11:05 am

Ticky Toc- ” There is no command or knowledge of the issues outside of sound bites”
Just like your anorexic post eh? Specifics? How about NAFTA? Do you think Trump has a good handle on the cost benefit ratio of this trade deal? I could go on through a litany of substantive positions but it will not matter will it? Your CogDiss is showing.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 11:26 am


Just as I responded to Stucky above, no he does not have command of the issues. I agreed Trump’s stances are popular ones (popular with those of us that still work and pay taxes) however instead of asking me the specifics where is Trump on the specifics.

I have posted links here before for Trump’s tax policies and therefore how we’ll deal with debt and future deficits (you know specifics and shit) and since the “specifics” didn’t jive with the unbridled adulation of a man that most here want elected it didn’t go over very well.

I’m not advocating for anyone to vote for Trump or not to vote for him – I’m not and I explained why – I was answering PA Mike’s question.

One thing my cognitive dissonance will show is a non-vote for both clinton and trump.

October 27, 2016 11:26 am

I would be interested in knowing what specific policy or plan Trump has put forward that Trump-haters don’t like. Is it the lower tax rates? The constitutional amendment for term limits? School choice? The prohibition on lobbying for 5 years after a government employee leaves office? The prohibition of foreign lobbying?Commitment to revitalize inner cities? The enforcement of immigration law? The ending of sanctuary cities? The renegotiation of bad trade deals? The destruction of Obamacare? Getting out of stupid and wasteful ME wars?

Then I would be interested to hear what policies Ms. Clinton has proposed that you find interesting or productive.

You can argue that they both have disgusting personalities. I would remind you that many fresh-faced politicians who never say anything wrong have screwed you over royally.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 27, 2016 11:46 am

That’s a great comment, Gayle. But the same people you hope might try to answer are giddy about finally getting to use the bathroom they always wanted to, and are more likely to make up dumb shit about Trump’s IQ.

October 27, 2016 12:17 pm

Ticky Toc- There is an outside chance that our overlords will let us choose our fate. At least from their vetted products. By abstaining you are leaving your fate and the fate of your countrymen in the hands of those less than capable of making an informed decision.
There are only two choices in our Hegelian dystopia, not choosing is still choosing, unfortunately it is letting some real dumbshits chose for you.
Armed insurrection is the only other viable political recourse.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 12:48 pm


I have stopped voting with my last vote going for GW Bush in 2000. Was he better than what Gore would have been? I don’t know, I think we would have stayed out of Iraq at least and likely the rest of the national screwing would have been the same.

I fail to see Trump as a savior. I acknowledge the allure of many is to use him as the proverbial moltov cocktail to be thrown at the cesspool of federal governance. It should be noted that every single one of us has “representatives” from our home districts and states as part of that federal governance. None of us here have been represented or have had our voices heard. Its always the R and D choice and the monsters keep taking and taking. The take is coming to an end. Trump is not the one that is going to stop it and Clinton most certainly won’t. It is cracking under it’s own weight and the agreement is that it needs to burn.

Let me ask you a question (everyone) :
If we agree the system needs to collapse and be rebuilt do you think a Trump presidency would allow the collapse or fight it tooth and nail (which would mean fighting all of us here that feels that TSHTF needs to happen)?

My thoughts or guesses is that he’d allow it to some extent if that meant a consolidation of more power for himself (presidency) however, as people see the makings of a more authoritarian / dictatorsisque central power they will inevitably attack it as well. I don’t see the malevolence to cede power and he is the “law and order candidate” afterall. My math is that he will be subject to your last sentence as well.

  Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 4:48 pm

Allowing only one choice, collapse and be rebuilt, ignores the most probable outcome of a collapse: Collapse and total destruction of a unified nation with some parts falling under the control of one of our enemies, other parts falling under the control of another of our enemies, with part of it becoming Mexico with part of it becoming Canada.

There will be no rebuilding of America if there is a collapse, and at least a third of the population will end up dead as it takes place.

Trump is the only chance to avoid that happening, maybe he won’t be able to but at least he and those of us who support him can try instead of just aiding it happening by doing nothing to avoid it.

October 27, 2016 1:12 pm

ANY reason one comes up with to not vote for Trump will ring mighty fucking hollow in the not-too-distant future, when your little ‘burg turns into Detroit with the added feature of deputized Sharia Patrol.

Imagine if Sheila Jackson Lee had a baby with the Georgia Dem who thought Guam might “tip over”. That is who I hope gets charge of your Sector if you find ANY reason to not vote for Trump.

October 27, 2016 1:31 pm

TT-“If we agree the system needs to collapse and be rebuilt do you think a Trump presidency would allow the collapse or fight it tooth and nail”
I concur, with your lead in to this question, aside from the moral collapse we are witnessing in real time, the coming financial collapse is where the rubber meets the road, for reals.
Trump will not be able to fight the “collapse” tooth and nail anymore than he could avoid his four bankruptcies in the ‘private’ sector. My hope and it is only hope, for whatever the fuck that is worth, is that Trump will Shepard the Republic through the process (4th Turning), and we will emerge intact, versus collapse into Globalist paradise (Clintonian Dream).
It seems to be what he is selling, if not, the backlash against him will be severe.

October 27, 2016 2:01 pm

and how many bankruptcys have the current policies that be caused?
trump obviously learned from his bankrupts because he didn’t completely collapse.

October 27, 2016 4:50 pm

Bankruptcy is when you stop throwing good money after bad, something our nation seriously needs to start doing.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
October 27, 2016 2:12 pm

Thanks for the response. That is about as good of an answer one could give. I have the same “hope” as well but my views remain that the for “reals” is coming. In fact I believe it is already here but the final avalanche is yet to arrive.

I am at the point where I no longer desire nor ask for a shepard to dictate what grass I can stand on and eat. Every shepard I’ve had the misfortune of looking out for me has turned out to be a wolf so this sheep is leaving the plantation.

I up voted you btw. I’m not against Trump support the only thing I ask especially from the informed is to do it with eyes open.

October 27, 2016 2:32 pm

There are close to 100 million obese women in this country. Each and every one of them clearly doesnt give a fuck about anything nor can reason their way out of a paper bag. 80% of them will either vote for hillary or stay home and eat.

October 27, 2016 2:46 pm

“I would be interested in knowing what specific policy or plan Trump has put forward that Trump-haters don’t like.” ——– Gayle

You then listed all the truly wonderful things Donald wants to do.

And, there, girlfriend, is another possible reason to not like him.

His plan is to do a whole bunch of shit … including a new trillion dollar military (over time) …. and ….. and ……… and ……. LOWER TAXES. Woohoo!!! I’m surprised he didn’t say “read my lips”. Lots and lotsa goodies with paying more for them. Groovy. Except, haven’t you (we) heard that fucken bullshit a gazillion times before? In this regard, Trump is absolutely no different than any other Pie (in the sky) Maker. How many more times can the sheep be fooled?

October 27, 2016 7:13 pm

Yeah I know, every last one of them promises lower taxes. I guess my little flicker of hope resides in the fact nobody owns him, at least not yet.
Also, he likes to build things not destroy things, so maybe even Lucifer doesn’t own him. Unlike her that shall not be named.

October 27, 2016 5:05 pm

Two hundred and forty years of voting have brought us to this point. That would indicate that voting is at least PART of the problem. I have no reason to believe that o n e m o r e v o t e is going to fix anything. The demoncrats in office are against him. The republipukes in office are against him. Regardless of the policies he puts forth, no one is going to work with him. He will accomplish nothing through our supposed democratic republic form of govt or the fraudulent, shadow govt that has taken it’s place. At best we get 4 more years of stagnation. At worst we get even more executive orders. I was against Obuttholes EO’s on both substance and principle. I may agree with more, if not most of tRump’s EO’s on substance but certainly not principle. Rule by EO is unAmerican.

I’m against tRump’s expansion of the military. The ONLY reason to do that is to PUT IT TO SOME USE. The only legitimate use I can see for our military at this point (aside from sincere/honest defense) is to seal and control the borders and the military is already larger than necessary to accomplish that. I believe a smaller US military (really NWO/central banker mafia muscle) is exactly what the world needs right now. If you folks are right that we are on the verge of nuclear Armageddon then we could simply reduce the military 98%, keeping only the US Missile Command. Besides there is no fucking way we are going to commit to a ground war against 300,000,000 Russians or 1,357,000,000 Chinese. The only reason we need ground troops, artillery, fighter jets, smart bombs and small arms is to perpetuate the wars of choice.

NOTHING tRump does will succeed as long as the central bankers control this country. At this point, any and all effort NOT directed at ending the fed is a complete waste of time and guarantees the status quo . tRump will only slow down their efforts at consolidating the entire western world into totalitarian debt slavery.

The only advantage I see to tRump being elected is him being able to bypass the criminal congress and judiciary by instead spending his time educating the enormous masses slobbering at his feet to the true evil of central banking. He could spend the next three years organizing and hosting numerous town hall meetings across the country, “fire side chats” and other televised formats to provide historically accurate, fact based data on how the fed enslaves us all and explain that the people alone have the power to end the fed and that the criminal political scum will never do so. In this way he does not need the criminal congress to do ANYTHING. He can use the mid term elections to encourage change in congress that will restore power to the people and the states. If he does that and nothing else I’d gladly vote for him if he ran again and he could use the next four years overseeing the end of the fed and a series of constitutional amendments. Mostly I just hope tRump is not assasinated. He doesn’t deserve that.

Many of you say that if tRump does not deliver, you will never vote again. I reached that point in 2008. I’m a see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, smell it, taste it kind of a guy. I need to see results to build on. I fresh out of hope, trust and fucks to give. I won’t be voting for Hilligula or tRump. A VERY hard landing lays ahead. tRump will give us a slightly longer glide slope before impact. Hilligula will drive her in like lawn dart. I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be. Let’s fucking get on with it!

October 27, 2016 5:12 pm

Russia’s population is 144 million.

October 27, 2016 6:01 pm

My mistake. I was recalling from memory the population of the former USSR. (I rounded up from 291,000,000) Still, I doubt that Putin would have much trouble rustling up a million or more former soviet state citizens to fight the great satan that the USA has become. If not, there is still no way the USA is going to commit to a ground war in Russia which is exactly where it will need to be fought.

October 27, 2016 5:19 pm

You don’t have to vote. I totally respect that decision. Seriously.

HOWEVER …. do you agree with me that at this point it is a GIVEN that either Trump or Hillcunt will be POTUS? If so, then not voting for one of them is indirectly a vote for the other.

If Trump loses by a million votes, and a million people who did not vote, had they voted, would have voted for Trump … then they indirectly allowed Hillcunt to win. A non-vote is a vote for Hillary. I think you understand that, but you don’t care … and that surprises me, somewhat.

October 27, 2016 5:54 pm

If tRump loses by a million votes it will because Creamer and Foval negated the vote of every TBP’er by a hundred times or more. More likely, tRump will lose by very tiny margin of Electoral College votes which are currently under assault by Soros’ checkbook.

I don’t believe our votes matter. There are already big issues in TX where tRump votes are bei ng automatically changed. If true, sixteen states are using voting machines that are not certified for use in our elections. Tens of thousands of dead and illegals if not more are voting and in many cases, more than once.

I have NO faith or trust in the system except for it to become even more corrupt. I live my life based mostly on principle. It goes against my principles to lend my name to the charade. The plantation owners depend on and NEED your vote and participation because no matter how bad it gets they can always claim YOU VOTED FOR IT! Fuck that!

I’ve paid attention to your slow but grudging support for tRump over time. You’ve had one sip too of the kool-aid many if you honestly believe that not voting for tRump is a vote for Hilligula. The system is dishonest and rigged in favor of the plantation owners. That same reality keeps me out of casinos as well.

October 27, 2016 6:47 pm

IS- It is possible we are given this choice, choice is an important protocol in much mythology. Our masters might have to honor protocol.
Its not cool-aid Stucky is drinking, support of Trump has propelled him to these heights. Surely you have to acknowledge the benefits of the Trump candidacy for all of us shit throwing monkeys.
Never have I seen anything like this, tinfoil everywhere, the curtains are literally being thrown open. Painful truth is flowing like the salmon of Cappistrano.
High level Republicans are scurrying, the uniparty’s clothes are popping off.

It’s beautiful.

October 27, 2016 7:11 pm

“flowing like the salmon of Cappistrano.”

That’s quite the Spoonerism there otto!

October 27, 2016 6:51 pm


I agree with pretty much everything you wrote.

My grudging support for Trump is based on only three things … things I believe he can and will change for the better. Failure to address these three things means The End for us.

1. Trump will stop illegal immigration … especially the despicable mooslimfuk hoards. A country without borders is no country at all.

Hillcunt wants open borders. A non-vote is a vote for open borders.

2. Trump wants to be on friendly terms with Russia … you know, the only other nuke superpower on earth, who can send us back to the Stone Age.

Hillcunt wants a war with Russia …now! A non-vote is a vote for Armageddon.

3. Trump will appoint conservative Fed and Supreme judges. You can do everything right, but bad judges can turn the Constitution on its head no matter how “good” a law may be.

Hillcunt’s judges will end America as we know it. A non-vote is a vote for America’s tombstone.

I expect little else from Donald.

C’mom, I_S !!! Save America, vote Trump!!!

October 27, 2016 7:10 pm

I hear you Stucky. I understand why you feel that way and I respect it. I just can’t lend my name or support to any of it except that which I’m threatened with at the point of a gun and I’m rapidly approaching no fucks given in that regard too.

I can’t vote now even if I wanted to. I cancelled my voter registration and only my wife’s ballot arrived in the mail. Besides, a lengthy discussion defining “America” would have to take place before I could vote in favor of saving or tossing it.

October 27, 2016 7:28 pm

Dumb and Dummer I believe.

October 28, 2016 12:50 am

Sorry otto, I can’t bring myself to watch that sort of hollywood tripe so I would have missed that little gem.

October 28, 2016 3:19 am

This may be the last time people get to vote for someone who may actually make difference. May.

Get off your asses and vote for Trump. If nothing else it is a big middle finger to the rest of the assholes.