I watched this segment last night on 60 Minutes. The NYC police department has 50,000 people working for it. They can shoot down a plane. They purposely intimidate the population through displays of force that have nothing to do with any threat. The entire city is under camera surveillance. Where did they get the money to implement this kind of Big Brother city?

I believe that 60 Minutes meant this to be a positive story about the NYC police department. I had a very uneasy feeling after watching this story. The technology implemented reminds me of Orwell’s 1984. Will it be used to foil terrorists or will it be used against the citizens who disagree with the authorities?

What do you think?;storyMediaBox

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Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
September 26, 2011 3:18 pm

Bloomberg is the mayor of that cesspool known as The Big Apple. ‘Nuff said.

September 26, 2011 3:24 pm

The party started to wind down in 1913. Fucking them in the dark is your only hope.

September 26, 2011 4:39 pm

Can anyone name for me any technology which has been used strictly for the good of humanity? I doubt it. ‘Nuff said.

September 26, 2011 4:44 pm

Admin asked an easy question, “Will it be used to foil terrorists or will it be used against the citizens who disagree with the authorities?”


September 26, 2011 4:45 pm

Another state-sanctioned police oligarchy, searching, spying, and intruding on average people. Just what we need. The terrorists have won.

Now I can watch T.V. shows on the internet? Damn, more ways to waste time.

September 26, 2011 4:55 pm

I think we’re fucked!

The masses will yearn for the supposed “safety” that cameras everywhere in public will bring. Until of course it is so pervasive that none dare speak out against it aloud for fear that some bureaucratically created authority will come knockin’ on their door. Those of us who already see the bigger picture, with the inevitable abuse of power that comes along with such advanced tracking technology and pervasive advertising “data mining” programs along with super mainframes that continue to be able to hold more and more information in smaller and smaller spaces, the end does not justify the means.
The apologists for these abuses of power that will and are taking place will inevitably call them “unintended consequences” or “human nature” to explain away the negative, imho more severe, effects of this big-brother styled surveillance society where everyone is a possible terrorist and everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Bye bye maritime law and common law and Hello military law.

A syncrhonization of laws and policies and for the past many years, economies, of many of the governments of the world is transpiring. Laws are being written and judicially interpreted tin order to systematically and “legally” place the U.S., along with many other nations, in compliance with the U.N. Declaration of Rights. Picture the U.N. as the umbrella and the nations of the world being moved closer and closer to the center of the umbrella which provides the most “protection” from the harsh elements (aka manufactured crises)

So for those of us who do not like our “daily routine” choreographed and recorded for no other reason than “my personal safety and security” the fear mongered public will perceive are dissent as radical….then maybe radical fundamentalists? then who knows! Jihadists?? As you can tell my 30-something cynicism has kicked in; but you get my point. Not only do my destinations tell “advertisers” or “government” something about me…so do my non-destinations; where I don’t go or frequent. No thanks! I guess I’ll be one of those radical “thinkers” then….I’m sure after “truther” this is the next logical term that will be created to divide and conquer.

I don’t mean to be so negative…but IBM will get its “Smart World” whether we average folks want it or not. This might seem like a defeatist attitude I have but I’d like to think it was more of a realist perspective. I can think of a few quick ways to get rid of cameras if it came down to it…satellites now, that is a different ballgame and way out of most of our leagues….well maybe except for the NYPD!

September 26, 2011 4:55 pm

Gee, I’d love to comment, but I can’t find the right words for what I want to say in New(york)speak.

Pepper-spraying lasses on Wall Street for… peaceably assembling?

How about the M4 rifles on the security cadres at Grand Central? What do they need a .223 battlefield round for in a crowded train station? Especially on full-auto?

We are an occupied country now. It surprises me every year the local paper… what is it? Pravda na Hudsonu? The NYT, that’s it, publishes the Declaration of Independence. Does no one in their one-world government editorial department notice that the complaints against the occupiers still and even more egregiously obtain? We are under occupation by armor-wearing “dynamic-entry” enthusiasts. And they are backed by a massive occupation army of career bureaucrats and regulators monitoring every last bit of your life from unsaturated fats to… I’m sure… your emails. They’re sitting or standing guard all around us. Feeling safer?

Could 2012 = 1860?

I pray God the Oathkeepers are for real.

Do I scent a bit of Milosevic in the call to “Put on your marching shoes”? A little revanchism a la Kosovo?

September 26, 2011 4:58 pm

AWD says, “…Now I can watch T.V. shows on the internet? Damn, more ways to waste time.’

All the better to distract you with, my dear.

Yes, police state, yes, against citizens.

Local cops pull out their “Disaster Response Units” to issue mobilize and issue warrants.

The Homegrown Terrorism Act (thanks Pelosi, Frank & Bush), states exactly the myriad ways we citizens can be deemed terrorists.

Including, “fostering public dissent against the government,” “Constitutionalism” and the like.

So, of course it is to be used against “us.” The laws are already in place, it is just now a matter of turning up the heat.

Us frogs are too enthralled with our bread and circuses to feel the water change en masse.

September 26, 2011 5:32 pm

As far as cameras on the street, they are generally provided and maintained by the camera manufacturer and the profits they generate are split with the city.

September 26, 2011 5:46 pm

remember they still have imbecilic people running the show you only need a little training to use this against them we will figure it out and the lazy cannot be helped

September 26, 2011 5:47 pm

All that shit didn’t prevent the Twin Towers from falling or any other travesty.

Fucking Lady Gaga morons who think it is their fucking job to nanny us, as if being nannied is a God given American right. It ain’t. It ain’t the road to freedom either.

Muck About
Muck About
September 26, 2011 5:56 pm

Watch the 60 minutes segment. Do not watch the “action” or centers of interest. Watch the faces and body language of the people in the background and on the peripheries of the subject matter.

There is fear broadcast everywhere. Desensitization of the citizens so they won’t notice the hulking black guys toting grenade launchers or an effort to cow the citizens so they won’t dare take a negative position to the city wide surveillance and swat teams?

Watch the people in the background..

Note to self: Never ever go to New York City again..


September 26, 2011 6:16 pm

I was just “Obamacized” from my job. I will go ANYWHERE, North Dakota, Saudi Arabia, whatever. But I’m not going to that socialist hellhole of NY.

Ooops. I better be careful. Now that Bernanke’s monitoring eveyone’s website for “negative comments,” I’d better be careful.

September 26, 2011 6:17 pm

It would all be less imtimidating if the police had to obey laws as we do. At this stage, it would be easy to fear the police more than the “real” terrorists.

September 26, 2011 6:27 pm

I saw the segment. The potential for abuses is clearly there … and horrible. But …

… you folks with Onstar or EasyPass, all your movements are tracked
… you folks with cell phones, your whereabouts are tracked
… you folks with debit/credit cards, your lifestyle is being tracked
… you folks who pay by check, leave a paper trail that can be followed forever
… you folks who order stuff off the internet, are being watched
… you folks who don’t “clean and shred” your computer files could some day be in deep shit

YOU are providing the feds with tons of info about you.

I have none of these things. I am practically off the grid. Hell, the Chatham police couldn’t even find me, and the only reason they did is because my parents blabbed out my phone number. Traitors!

September 26, 2011 7:41 pm

Great points Stucky! I would add that those who use “cloud” based programs to store shit are monitored too. All that is saved on someone’s server even after you discontinue using the service. Same with FACEBOOK…. This is why every store is creating those nuisances called “rewards cards”….for those like Stucky who are off the grid, these cards that often times you need in order to get the “special price” track everything that you buy along with how frequent you buy them regardless of your means of payment. Yes, some of these cards don’t require you to register with personal unique information, but many do and the trend would be for all to require this info at some point; probably through incentives of some sort.

September 26, 2011 8:10 pm

Administrator, Stucky et al : “Big Brother is watching you. The government is after you. The Patriot Act was created strictly to infringe on private citizens. Protect yourself against the government. Hide your assets. Bad times ahead. 1984 on the way.”

Smokey: “You know, terrorists hit us once, maybe they’ll try again.”

Administrator, Stucky et al: “Smokey, you fool, you’re PARANOID.You’re worried about nothing. Worried about a sovereign people on the other side of the world who only want to mind their own business. You’re worried about a bunch of terrorists with suitcase nukes out to hit all our major cities.”

September 26, 2011 9:36 pm

Americans just haven’t smartened up yet. They’ll get there.

I’ve lived in two communist countries where the government [attempts to] squelch all public events and totally controls the media. They made every effort to monitor the private thoughts and acts and conversations of the people.

But the people got smart pretty quick. They convened a thousand ways to get around the government observations and control. Everybody was in on the game: The People vs. Government. The People developed an enormous underground.

Americans are still trusting that government represents their best interests–but that is rapidly declining. As that trust continues to deteriorate, underhanded subterfuge will spread, effectively knitting together all kinds of disparate Americans into a more collectively dissonant whole very willing to hide anything and everything from prying government sources.

It will happen, I promise. It just takes time. We’re new at this. The Russians and the Chinese are old hands.

September 26, 2011 9:40 pm

Marissa returns after a long sabbatical, no doubt studying and lurking about. Then comes up with a decent post. But what does the future hold? We will soon see….

September 26, 2011 10:09 pm

Well, I finished watching it.

35,000 uniformed pigs spraying mace into protesting girls eyes (nice job champs, guess you don’t have little girls), billions in technology and a fucking hotdog-vendor is what stopped a car bomb.

Do the math, hire more hotdog venders.

September 26, 2011 10:58 pm

If you haven’t heard of these, “fusion centers” you are missing the bigger picture. Here is a local news station report on the one in Austin. Cold-centralized just like Stalin did! The scary thing about these fusion centers is that they act independently of one another and are governed internally. In essence they are autonomous entities that store, monitor, filter and disseminate information along with “working” with local law enforcement entitites.

The “vampire squid” metaphor that explains Goldman Sachs and the like’s control over Wall St. and subsequently America can be used to illustrate what will happen if these fusion centers are not reigned in at the very least, disbanded if all possible.

September 26, 2011 11:02 pm

AWD, that was just the brief overview.

But with that convened subterfuge comes something, a word~~corruption~~that Americans are very afraid of. Because they understand just one component of how corruption works. To Amcits (a government idiom) corruption is a one way street: Big Business buys everyone. But that is inaccurate.

Corruption also has a very bright side. As the economy worsens, government becomes more repressive, and everyone is hurting, the good side of corruption begins to emerge. The side where everyone realizes what a clusterfuck is going on the system and rule of law no longer works. That’s where corruption moves in to grease the wheels.

Traffic violation that will cost you thousands in insurance and attorney’s fees? Erased on the spot with some $$ crossing the right palms.

Need to get your kids into a out-of-zone school? Corruption can make it happen for a price.

Need that job? Some bucks to the right hiring personnel and a recommendation from brother-in-law can shoo you in.

Need a new [idiot] document a la express? Corruption will facilitate the issuance.

Corruption is part and parcel of the People’s Underground. Learn it, decipher the nuances, know who your friends are and who needs be bought off. Your options for getting things done are multiplied. Gut perceptions and kindred connections are of the utmost value. When the rule of law breaks down and people are left to their own informal devices, instincts and contacts are the highway to survival.

September 26, 2011 11:14 pm

@ALEXISTAN – “I pray God the Oathkeepers are for real.”

They are very real. They’re compromised, but they expected it and are fully aware of it. Yes, I know some of them – believe me, they are serious …deadly serious. When the time comes, you will know they are there. I wish there were more of them, but you’ve got to go with what you’ve got sometimes.

You’ll know the impact they are having when you see them labeled as terrorists, etc., by the media – including Fox. In fact, maybe especially Fox.

September 26, 2011 11:20 pm


Ah, you had to go and ask me tough questions. Ok, here goes, with your questions in quotes.

“How do we know when we’ve gone too far?” When we get crippled people out of their wheelchairs and start making little girls cry at airport security checkpoints. Ooops, we’ve already gone too far.

“I know we need to be vigilant in protecting the country from terrorists, but when does vigilance cross the line?” Again, we have already crossed the line. Here’s some practical solutions to both maintaining public safety and liberty in this country.

1. Except for international travel and commerce, disband the TSA.

2. Turn INTRAnational airport, bus, rail, port, and subway terminal security over to state and local authorities. Let them decide what is or is not necessary for safe travel or safe commerce within this country.

The federal appoach of “one size fits all” is stupid and expensive. State and local authorities know better than the feds what’s going on in their backyards. If NYC, as in the 60 Minutes segment, wants to establish a lockdown, surveillance policy on their city, it’s their call. But NYC or the state of New York pays for most of it, not the federal taxpayers.

I am well aware that my views butt up against legal precedent on interstate commerce law, where the federal government CAN legally stick its fat snoot into everything, but you have to remember one key point. The federal government doesn’t HAVE to get involved. It can, as the saying goes, “sit this one out.”

September 26, 2011 11:42 pm

Unless you live here you cannot understnad what the city is dealing with. Kelly has done an exceptional job in handling the isues that confront us on a daily basis. As the largest city in the country and a metro area approaching 13 million people the police force as a percentage of the populaiton is quite small. Large cities bring large crime…as was the case befoir he became police chief. Ask Seattle what is was like in terms of street crime during the G-8 meeting several years ago when supposed “peaceful demonstrations” turned into riots and mass destruction. .NY City under Kelly has seen crime go down and neighborhoods taken back from drug gangs so local people can live their lives in peace.

We stil have armed national guard soldiers in major public places and yes we do step up the level of alert as warrented by international events. Terror cells operate here and thankfully hhey have been stopped to date. Ray Kelly is first class and has built a very profesional organization.

September 26, 2011 11:58 pm

Smokey says, “…Administrator, Stucky et al: “Smokey, you fool, you’re PARANOID.You’re worried about nothing. Worried about a sovereign people on the other side of the world who only want to mind their own business. You’re worried about a bunch of terrorists with suitcase nukes out to hit all our major cities…”

Ok, I disagree with your “neo-con” stance when it comes to military might. I mainly disagree with it because I believe(d) in our founders and many of them warned us against foreign dalliances.

But, you won’t catch me slamming you because I understand fear, and the need to feel like you are doing something to stop the horror. I believed the same freaking thing too, once upon a time.

What I finally realized was that we can completely close our borders and put up gulag lights, we can imprison everyone that says the secret word, or uncovers government secrets, or smokes pot, we can bomb the living shit out of the Mideast, detain and terrorize innocent passengers/citizens and shoot to kill old men whittling with a fucking knife….

but we will NEVER, and I mean NEVER be able to stop crazy. Thousands of years of societal laws, up to and including death, hasn’t stopped crazy. Amazing we think that we will magically win against the mental by spending more, killing more, or violating the law-abiding’s civil and property rights.

Ben Franklin was one smart mofo and he spelled it out for us. Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither. Nor shall they have them.

With great benefits come great costs. And I, for one, fully accept the cost of NOT destroying the Constitution.

We were once the greatest country on earth (greatest of a whole shitload of flawed, including us) because of our Constitution.

What most have forgotten was the Constitution was written FOR times like these. What good are a set of guiding principles if we throw them out the minute the going gets tough, or not to TPTB’s liking? Especially when we have chosen to ignore the ‘keeping our ass home’ principle and have been killing Muslims in their own homes for decades, if not centuries.

You are such a bright guy. I’m already a huge chunk into “I am That” and your depth and knowledge levels about tons of different shit continuously astound and amaze me. Recently I’ve been reading Vonnegut and N. Marajah must have been an influence for his Tralmafadorians(sp?), how cool is that? and thank you for the heads up.

You know I find myself agreeing with you a ton more than I disagree and then *bam* out of your keys comes this shit.

Ah well. So it goes.

September 27, 2011 12:55 am

I can’t wait to see the Ray Kelly Story on the big screen. Harvey Keitel will play the lead, natch. I must say, I respect Kelly’s “git ‘er done” and “I’m in charge” attitude. I just what he was getting done was Constitutional.

September 27, 2011 8:55 am

Army to cut nearly 50,000 soldiers over 5 years

… leaving the service with 520,400 active-duty soldiers on Sept. 30, 2016.

Not long ago, Stratfor stated there were about one million military in the U.S. and around half that in foreign postings. Obviously combined service personnel.

Maybe Big Brother will have his work cut out if martial law descends — 310 million population, may with more firepower than Mayberry PD. Still, they have various technotoys, like the following link speaks of, that the Israelis used, tax dollars in action, yeh?

And there’s the Active Denial System, aka portable big ‘microwave oven’ and likely other Secret things we know not of. The good news is, there are a lot of propeller heads out there, guerilla geeks, as it were.

T John Avatarici
T John Avatarici
September 27, 2011 9:32 am

Buy stock in surveillance cameras as many more will be needed.

September 27, 2011 11:23 am


I’m not sure you or I know exactly what was in the Founding Fathers minds when they wrote the Constitution. In fact, had they seen this far ahead, into today’s world, I’m not sure a single line in the Constitution would be as it is.

You would probably agree that they did not contemplate the world getting “smaller” because, two hundred years after their death, tens of thousands of people every single day would fly through the air, inside metal tubes, to thousands of civilized cities across the globe. Hell, the Constitution was written before automobiles and telephones were invented.

And you will likely concede that the founding fathers probably did not anticipate the extent to which global trade would evolve due to technology and travel.

Do you actually believe they would have “warned us against global dalliances” if they had even the vaguest notion of the eventual interrelatedness of the planet, due to communication and travel ?

Here is what you and many others choose to ignore. Global alliances are a fact. They will be a fact of life for the next fifty millenia. The alliances were established for good reasons, trade being primary. And don’t kid yourself, without global trade, the US would immediately go straight to it’s knees and stay there for at least a century.

It is SO FUCKING EASY to say, as many do, to close all the bases and bring the troops home and quit policing the world.

In the first place, the US is not POLICING THE WORLD. Are we in Australia? Central America? South America? Europe ? Greenland? China? No. We are in the most unstable region of the world, which also happens to have the most important natural resource in the world.

If we bust our alliance with Saudi Arabia tomorrow and bring our troops home, how long do you think it takes for that country and its oil to fall into unfriendly hands? You could count the time on a fucking egg timer.

We yank our troops out of the entire region, how long before Iran closes the Straits of Hormuz ? Not years, MONTHS.

I am not saying we are in the region to take some other nation’s oil. I AM saying we are in countries abroad to maintain and protect our strategic alliances, which include trade.

People whine because we whacked Hussein. Perhaps we should have left him alone. Perhaps when he massed troops on Kuwait’s border we should have ignored him and let him take Kuwait and their oil. And then, when he went after Saudi Arabia, which was most definitely next on his agenda, we could have watched that too. After all, the mass murderer wasn’t bothering us.

Teresa, since we can never stop crazy, why not abandon all laws? What’s the point? Crazy is going to happen anyway. I mean, according to you, preventing or discouraging crazy is an UTTER IMPOSSIBILITY. Fuck, why have ANY police?

“but we will NEVER and I mean NEVER be able to stop crazy.” Your words.

See. that’s the thing where all this shit always breaks down. The MEANS necessary to deal with crazy. I happen to believe crazy CAN and HAS been discouraged countless times by our military and by our police. Many, perhaps most of the times, we are never made aware of. The very act of discouraging crazy is what keeps us a democracy instead of an anarchy.

I believe that in today’s world there is ALWAYS a trade off between the free will of the citizens of a country and the sovereignty of that same country. I mean, a case could be made that stopping at a stoplight is an infringement of individual rights. And a damn good case could be made that being forced to wear a seatbelt is a violation of individual rights.

But I accept those infringements because I know that we have elected people to deal with those things. I am always aware of many things I disagree with, but again, for me, it ALWAYS involves a trade off.

Reasonable people can and probably always will disagree about this stuff.

September 27, 2011 11:46 am

Jesus Christ: The US occupies or has troops in 156 out of 198 countries. That IS a fucking EMPIRE. We ARE the world’s police force – and we do it for “free”.

There are 535 fucking morons (save for a few Ron Pauls) who don’t know what the Constitution says. Don’t make it harder on yourself than it is.

September 27, 2011 11:56 am

” … since we can never stop crazy, why not abandon all laws?” — Smokey

Wow. Talk about taking a point to the extreme.

On the other hand, you seem to believe that we can stop crazy. So, why don’t we pass 1,362,587 more laws? Yeah. That’ll do the trick.

.44 mag
.44 mag
September 27, 2011 11:57 am

MUST READ: “The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Resistance” by Vin Suprynowicz

This book is fabulous. It’s about the oppressed people of NYC in the late 2020’s and the resistance movement that has developed. Most folks on this site will love it.

September 27, 2011 11:58 am

“In the first place, the US is not POLICING THE WORLD. Are we in Australia? Central America? South America? Europe ?” — Smokey

I’m fairly certain we have troops and bases in Germany, England, Italy.

September 27, 2011 12:34 pm

DavosSherman and Stuck,

Try to get your minds around this. Struggle with it. Perhaps spend a few months on it.

With much effort and a lot of help, you may come to realize that having embassies abroad does not equal POLICING the world. BTW, have we been POLICING the world since WWI, since we’ve had troops abroad that long?

I’ve only heard whining about POLICING the world for the past few years.

September 27, 2011 12:40 pm

You people keep grasping for Savior Ron Paul. You might as well hope for Peter Rabbit to come forth and save the world.

Ron Paul is a nonstarter. Make peace with that.

September 27, 2011 12:47 pm


Quit trying to help Teresa. You just look like a fool. The Ron Paul supporters on this site can barely hold their own with me. With you intervening on their behalf, it automatically throws the debate to me.

Tell you what. Take a seat on the sidelines and copy every word fro every post I make for the next year and memorize it. Learn it. THEN come back and have another go at me.

September 27, 2011 12:50 pm

Since we have troops in Germany, England and Italy then it logically follows that we are POLICING those countries. (according to the RP disciples)

September 27, 2011 12:57 pm

@ Smokey

“Since we have troops in Germany, England and Italy then it logically follows that we are POLICING those countries. (according to the RP disciples)”

Nope, just creating “spheres of influence” in those regions. All part of empire building and maintenance.

September 27, 2011 1:04 pm


Quit trying to be relevant. You will always fall far short.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 27, 2011 1:09 pm

When I’m saggin’ in New York, I like to grab my balls and wave at the cameras with a hand glistening with fromunda….

September 27, 2011 1:09 pm


1) I kinda love Teresa. So fuck off.

2) I intervene for no one. I make my own decisions. Once in a while I suck up to Admin in a most unbecoming manner. THAT pays big dividends. Try it sometime.

3) I have been a RP supporter for a decade. There is no guile with this man.

4) You lost significant credibility on this issue when you said there were no troops in Europe.

5) You don’t wanna fuck with ME … a soon-to-be lean mean fighting machine.

6) You are still a Big Dog here. I respect that.

September 27, 2011 1:11 pm

@ Smokey,

But…but…I am relevant Smokey! I am! Perhaps not to you, but most assuredly I am relevant. Don’t get your tighty whities with a picture of Dick Cheney on the hiney in a bunch! and stop trying to justify our Empire’s incessant nose butting in other’s affairs. It has nothing to do with the governments of the world and everything to do with the mega corporations using the governments for their own agenda; be it oil, copper, opium, whatever.

September 27, 2011 1:13 pm

Smokey — Read this … and cry me a river.


“Run, Chris, run? … Will he or won’t he? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, that is, who suddenly finds himself under pressure from across the Republican Party to enter the presidential race. That’s a prospect Christie himself has been exceedingly reluctant to embrace. So far. But some of the party’s top leaders and most influential figures — clearly troubled by the failure of anyone in the current field to stir broad, enthusiastic support — are pressing Christie, whom they believe can successfully lead the party against an increasingly vulnerable President Obama. We agree.”
——– NY Post

Dominant Social Theme: The current field of Republican candidates is unelectable. Ron Paul, especially so. We need a real candidate. A heavyweight. Chris Christie is our man.

Free-Market Analysis: As we expected, Republican front-runner and Texas Governor Rick Perry is starting to see his campaign implode. That’s what happens when you spend most of your political career as a big-spending globalist and then try to run as a small-government conservative. Once upon a time, you could get away with that sort of thing because the mainstream media would cover you – if you were someone the elites had an interest in backing.

But even with apparent support of American “king-makers,” Rick Perry’s campaign is fast-diminishing into also-ran status. The Internet remembers or, in many cases, doesn’t forget. Between what’s on the ‘Net and stinging comments from others in the race for the presidential nomination, Perry is looking considerably battered and bruised.

Which is giving the Anglosphere power elite fits. It seems that they are just as opposed to libertarian Congressman Ron Paul as they were last time round. Then, Ron Paul didn’t have much of a chance, BUT TODAY HE CERTAINLY DOES. IN FACT, RIGHT NOW THERE’S ALMOST NO ONE ELSE. Paul runs well against Barack Obama and the party faithful are as unenthused with “front runner” Mitt Romney as they are with Rick Perry.

Ineluctably, Ron Paul is emerging as the candidate to beat, the front-runner if you will. And that has sent the top Republican brass scurrying all the way to New Jersey where they have prostrated themselves in front of tart-tongued conservative Chris Christie. The governor of New Jersey has made a name for himself as a no-nonsense, grown-up conservative. He can’t see Russia from his house (like Sarah Palin) and he’s not born again (like Michele Bachmann). He doesn’t have a liberal record to run against and, unlike Mitt Romney, he never passed a kinda/sorta version of Obamacare.

But the trouble is Chris Christie doesn’t seem very happy about running for president, though the nomination might be his for the taking. This only means one thing: He’s got something in his background that he’s worried about, something that might be revealed on the national stage. He’s been saying “no” now for a number of months.

If he does say “yes,” there will be an audible sigh of relief from Republican bigwigs. But if he doesn’t run, Ron Paul becomes a logical front-runner. This is a terrible possibility for Republicans who like to pretend they are small-government minded and cost conscious but never saw a military item – or even a war – that they couldn’t find something in the budget for.

With Perry’s self-immolation (his debate appearances are worse and worse), Ron Paul takes another step toward a nomination that has been declared off-limits to him countless times. In fact, even though polls show Ron Paul neck-and-neck with Obama, or even beating him, the top Republican brass would likely forego winning the presidency rather than acquiesce to Ron Paul as the Republican candidate for president. That’s how it looks now, anyway.

Let’s see what Chris Christie says. The race is heating up, not predictably but in the most peculiar ways …


DB Briefs: Economist Mag Makes Up New China Term / Avoiding Ron Paul, Desperate Republicans Turn to Chris Christie / Indian Gov Says Poor Can Live on Half Dollar a Day

September 27, 2011 1:17 pm

I expect 100+ Thumbs up for the above post from you RP fans.

And one Thumbs Down from Smokey.

So be it.

September 27, 2011 1:23 pm

Smokey’s definition of a fucking “embassy”.

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 27, 2011 1:24 pm

Jesus Christ Smokey, I thought you were a cool fucking dude, I’m beginning to believe you’re a government plant.

Embassies. Let me print that out and go wipe my ass with that.

September 27, 2011 1:27 pm

Encouraging words, Terry! I thank, and salute, you.

September 27, 2011 1:29 pm

FACTS !!! DATA !!! LOGIC !!! PROOF !!!

With one fell swoop, Davos hits it out of the ballpark.
[imgcomment image[/img]

This reducing Smokey to a heaping pile of tears.
[imgcomment image[/img]

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