13,000 – 46,500,000 – 22,500,000 – 8,750,000

Four charts that tell you everything you need to know about the American Empire of Dirt are below. While the 1% who run the rigged financial system of this country utilize their high frquency trading super computers to ramp the Dow Jones back up to 13,000 (still 8% below the level of 2007) in an effort to gorge themselves on the carcasses of the middle class, the true picture of our collapsing empire is there to see for anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain. There are 117 million households in this country and 22.3 million of them are on foodstamps. There are only 75 million owner occupied houses in the country and 30% of them have a mortgage loan greater than the home value. That’s 22.5 million households underwater. There are 243 million working age Americans and only 142 million of them working, with 35 million of those only working part-time. At the same time we have 48 million people collecting Social Security retirement and another 8.7 million people collecting Social Security Disability.

We have re-entered recession. Gas and food prices are rising. Europe is about to collapse. China’s fraud of an economy is coming to a halt. Retail sales have imploded. Consumer confidence is in the toilet. New and existing home sales are falling. But CNBC and the Wall Street shills are telling you its the best time to buy.

Are we living in bizarro world?  

Notify of
July 29, 2012 3:36 am

I have missed your posts, Colma. Don’t be a stranger.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 3:47 am

You neither, bossman!

Change is in the wind. I can smell it.

July 29, 2012 11:34 am

I’ve been engaged in heavy battle in the “I did no more ….” thread.

Regarding Colma, he makes no sense to me, and hasn’t for the past month or so that I’ve been observing. Who the hell is ‘Her Stuch’? Her what?? Is ‘Stuch’ some kind of code word for ‘snatch’? Her Snatch? Is he calling me a pussy in a roundabout way? And how does he know I’m into Austrian economics? Or, considering the reference to “Mustachio”, is he calling me a Hitler? I don’t know if he’s insulting me, or not. Until that becomes clearer, he gets a pass.

Regarding llpoh, he gets no pass! I will deal with him shortly.

July 29, 2012 11:42 am

llpoh when he reads a post from FBD
[imgcomment image[/img]

FBD’s advice: Relax you big baby!! It’s just internet bullshit!
[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2012 11:52 am


You accuse me of flinging shit. That’s rich. I have seen you rip folks a new asshole here. I have seen you scare of newbies. I have seen your own use of profanity laced tirades. This is all well and good.

You can dish it out. You’re not so good at taking it. You run to Admin over some bullshit internet tough talk?? bwaaahahahaha! Would you agree that you are a pussy? Aren’t you the one with all kinds of firearms and munitions? Haven’t you said you’re stocking up on even more and that you’ll blow the shit out of anyone who fucks with you?? And yet, you’re afraid of some random bullshit talk from some random internet poster who is OBVIOUSLY — (too most) — merely trying to yank your chain?? Well, consider your chain yanked, punk. I’m done with you.

Oh … it’s weird that you have so much interest in me. My life experience, accomplishments, etc. What? You got a man-crush on me now?? Bite me.

Have a nice and wonderful day.

July 29, 2012 11:56 am

“FBD shows up in one thread as a fire and brimestone sectarian, then turns around in other multiple threads as a profanity laden commentator.”

So, SSS, what exactly is the problem with that? I can be a Christian and swear at the same time. Show me where there is a command not to swear. The bible is full of swearing … often by god .. but the English translations always sanitize it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It’s just a word with four letters. What’s the big fucking deal?

July 29, 2012 12:05 pm

Help me. I’m in a prison cell being held without charges. I’ve managed to steal a cell phone and type this message. My location is

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 12:17 pm

I make perfect sense, FBD: Unless you’re a cum-guzzling knee-jerk hack.

In which case, don the knee-pads, kneel in the shadow of my big dick with hopefull eyes await a milk wash.

Until further notice you WILL refer to me as “Jefe”…. though if in casual conversation you can occasionally use “Pappa C” or “Daddy”.

July 29, 2012 2:27 pm

Not me Colmes. Not Stuck. Definitely not Smokey.

I suspect Flash, who changes monikers as many times as he changes personalities, FBD’s posts are irrational and inconsistent, jumps topics, cut and paste, and Flash disappears and this guy shows up, acting like he’s been here for awhile. Just a hunch..

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 2:36 pm

FBD is far too liberal with his use of profanity.

There is no need for profanity.

July 29, 2012 3:01 pm

AWD, you booger eating, bed wetting, piece of lip wrested, cum swilling, demented white trash.
I only post as flash….don’t need no cover like the closet dwelling neo-con jelly baby you are.

BTW, caught you on Tosh Friday.You were awesome……..
ly stupid.

July 29, 2012 3:08 pm

Flash is out of the state mental hospital again. Flash, you’re so fucking crazy it’s amazing, and one of these days they’re not going to let you out. And how many shock treatments can you get before your brain in turned into oatmeal? Based on what you post, and cut and paste, and link, link, link, it’s pretty much oatmeal now. Go fuck off back to your straight jacket you schizophrenic fuck.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2012 3:13 pm

AWD, you palm humping spaz,,how would you even be able to post without Google?

July 29, 2012 3:16 pm

Colma Rising says, “I think it’s the Austrian.”

I think you’re right.

July 29, 2012 3:23 pm

In another manic phase of his bipolar schizoaffective disorder, Flash flails uselessly, wildly, trying to clear his head, trying to get the memory of his last electroconvulsive treatment out of his stir-fried brain. Good thing they you’re accepted at the bath houses you frequent to pick up some spending cash.

Flash headin’ back to the padded wagon and padded room

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July 29, 2012 3:23 pm

Flash says, “AWD, you booger eating……….”

Hey, what’s going on here, flash? I thought you reserved the epithet “booger eating” just for me, as in the first time way back when you called me a “booger eating spook.” Is nothing sacred on this site?

July 29, 2012 3:38 pm

SSS, OK.I cheated , but just this once,honestly. i won’t let it happen again.

AWD, a serious question ,so think hard, you answer could land you a new gig with one of the hundred of new national security agencies springing from Bennie’s magic printing press.

Were you a lecherous piece of greased palmed shit before or after you went into medical practice and do parents really trust you to examine their prepubescent daughters?
Well that was two questions , but how you answer will determine your fit with the national security agency of your choice or not.

I eagerly await your witless reply.

July 29, 2012 3:53 pm

flash says:

“Anyone have any idea how we the US are going to feed , clothe and house 100 million poor people outside of entitlements?”

The govt will not continue to support the FSA once the fiat system collapses. I suspect many of them will perish while waiting for da gubmint to help. Many more will perish attempting to take things from others. More will perish by their own hand. The majority of them will, with a lot of teaching and coaxing, eventually learn to stand on their own two feet. I for one would be glad to help any former FSA member cross over to the side of reality.

The above applies only if we manage to avoid civil war. If that cannot be avoided, then the majority of the FSA will likely die of lead poisoning.

July 29, 2012 4:13 pm

I/S ,In the event of total economic collaspe , I lean toward the uncivil war scenario.

Ever region is different , but in my area , there are very few people with any useful collapse scenario skills worthy of mention.

That said, I fully expect a major bloodbath over food , housing and natural resources with strongholds being carved out by the most aggressive and brutal majority.

I think Thomas Chittum pretty much nailed it in his book Civil War II.

Whites populations in many areas of the south are pretty much cowed down and dominated by an equally powerful and extremely aggressive black population.
I can easily see the cotton belt being a slaughter house for the FSA.
Many say that don’t have the administration skills to manage an independent state, but that never stopped them in Rhodesia did it?
Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia , Florida and South Carolina are roiling kettles one entitlement check away from boiling over.
Read it and see if you agree with Chittum’s analysis of the democgraphics..

July 29, 2012 5:38 pm

SSS “I think it’s the Austrian”

I been around quite awhile and I never heard of no Austrian, do tell….

Booger jokes make his fellow paranoid schizophrenics in the day room at the state mental hospital laugh every time. We have our share of nutjobs with 2nd grade intelligence and humor levels, but schizo flash is in a class all by himself.

July 29, 2012 5:42 pm

Please, dear God, let me cut and paste, and link, link, and rant my crazy fucking rants that make no sense, my brain is burning up, I gotta get to a computer and google. Please let me out of here,

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2012 5:53 pm

FBD – as I said I was civil to you, within my normal parameters. Now show yourself, as Admin has outed you as someone we know.

Admin – by failing to out this low life bottom feeder, you have incurred my wrath and have burned up all of your brownie points and then some. By stirring shit, you further have dug into a pile of poo, and i have no option but to obliterate you at the earliest opportunity. Quiver in fear, and await my vengeance. Just what kind of site are you running here – no rules at all it seems. Just the way I like it.

FBD – I let you off easy at first as you showed a spark of promise. Unfortunately that was just you lighting a fart in the dark.

July 29, 2012 6:06 pm

AWD says:

SSS “I think it’s the Austrian”

I been around quite awhile and I never heard of no Austrian, do tell….

Slowest mofo on the board.Is anyone surprised?

July 29, 2012 6:23 pm

AWD, llpoh

“The Austrian” is indeed a native of Austria, stands 6′ 8″ tall, and used to be a regular on this site. Oh, he’s also extremely knowledgeable of the Bible and has been known to frequently dopplegang and use a bunch of alias sceen names.

Colma said it first, not me. But I agree with him. It’s the Austrian.

July 29, 2012 6:24 pm

better watch yourself…

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July 29, 2012 6:25 pm

The Austrian is Stucky, but it’s not Stucky, so you are pissing up the wrong tree…

AWD's True confessions
AWD's True confessions
July 29, 2012 6:25 pm

My parents think my rectal discharge is a major problem , but I tell them to STFU.
I have a life , you know.

July 29, 2012 6:27 pm

Flash trying to dopple again. Stucky was only about 100,000 times more cogent, relevant, intelligent, funny, amusing, and sane.

July 29, 2012 6:28 pm

And The Austrian may have doppleganged llpoh, AWD. Unlike me, he’s a big troublemaker. I deserve my image as a sea of serenity, peace maker, and all around good guy.

AWD's True confessions
AWD's True confessions
July 29, 2012 6:30 pm

I once had a hamster my friends called the Austrian, but he died after having to be extracted from a an extremely stressful situation. I felt his pain.

July 29, 2012 6:31 pm

The Austrian had 42 DDD’s also

[imgcomment image[/img]

AKA “Tits McGhee”

July 29, 2012 6:36 pm

AWD, why do you disgust people ?
FYI, this question will get you points which may lead to employment with the FBI and possibly a job alongside child raper apologist Graham Spanier turned adviser on rational security.

July 29, 2012 6:38 pm

no booger eaters here.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2012 6:40 pm

I vote we slap shit out of the only person who knows ( other than the dirty imposter himself) – the Admin,- until he squeals and tells us who it is. Aiding and abetting a no good imposter is high treason. I appreciate a good doppler now and then, but hiding your identity just to stir shit is, well, it is just WRONG.

When we find out who it is, then we make his life a living hell. Sounds like fun.

July 29, 2012 6:42 pm

I disgust you, Flash, and that is a good thing. I don’t read the insane drivel you post. Your paranoia is showing again, better double up your meds and get a few more electroshock treatments you crazy fuck.


July 29, 2012 6:45 pm

Admin has a sacred duty to protect the anonymity of all who post here. I do not believe he should be coerced to reveal the identity of posters. If the yellow-belly chicken shit has to hide behind a dopple, or simply enjoys doppling, it is admin’s sworn duty to protect them. All hail admin!

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 6:53 pm

The FBD mystery…

The clues say our old wily Austrian gigantor….

Yet they have an A-Dubya tone, though that is replicable with gross monkey pics.

A-dubs adamantly and matter-of-factly states “It is not Her StuchenSearchin”…. casting more suspicion on A-dubs.

I still lean towards the gigantor.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 6:56 pm

In these times of underhanded deceit, I will log in. 6:53 is the Real Colma Rising

July 29, 2012 6:58 pm

I’m hoping it’s Stuckenfritters. Maybe he’s got a new squeeze with a computer and a mi-fi, or he’s hanging out at McShit’s again for the free internet. He usually de-dopples fairly quickly, and I don’t remember him having a grudge against Lipoh.

straight dope
straight dope
July 29, 2012 6:59 pm

Hi, AWD here.
As most of you know I used to be a fat pig of a young man , and as result I was heinously unappealing to the opposite sex , so to indugle my enormous sexual appetite , I would seek out and indulge in allley-way sex with the most hideous of man -infestations of deviant sex.

But,now that I’ve weened myself from my nighty indulgence in my high sperm count diet , I’ve lost over 200 pounds and suddenly find myself strangely attracted to the opposite sex.
My question to the board is how can I convince someone of the opposite sex that a tryst with me won’t end in their bodies being discovered in a landfill some 14 day later?
And please ,don’t think of me as weird , just different.

July 29, 2012 7:02 pm

Yeah, it’s the Austrian.

July 29, 2012 7:06 pm

I do not know who to slap on this thread. Flash is always a good target, I really do not want to address FBD as he is an illusion, AWD tells doppel LLPOH to blow him, but he is mostly forgiven (even calling out a doppel LLPOH can generate a reply, as I do have a reputation to protect), Admin is stirring shit, and contrary to AWD, hiding an imposter must be a crime (hiding dopplers is ok, tho), and Colma is Colma, and must NEVER be trusted in these matters.

I is confused.

Herr Stuckenboomer
Herr Stuckenboomer
July 29, 2012 7:10 pm

Herr Stuckenboomer sayz:

Yo Yea, ah been traveling all ova. gots me another beotch off da mail order bride service. muh motha fuckin diet ain’t going so well know. ah wear uh sports bra, eases da pain in muh motha fuckin back. ah sho gots missed TBP. brothas out dere is uh bunch o’ ignorant baboons. ah just thought ah’d drop by ta watch da fireworks as da world implodes. Maybe we’s can all hunker down in Smokey’s bunker. awww yea, ah mah fuckin hate Smokey an’ he hates me. Well, dere’s always FEMA camps what the fuck sup now?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 7:11 pm

Administrator is enjoying the disturbance…. What an asshole.

A wily wily asshole.

July 29, 2012 7:14 pm

“Chatham Police says:


We’ve had previous reports of violent threats on this anarchistic blog. Some douchebag named Stuck was disappeared. We can do the same to you. We’re watching.”

Nice try, Stucky. Wasn’t “Chatham Police” on the list of screen aliases you used and you yourself posted once upon a time? At least you didn’t trip yourself up when Colma thought it might be “Her Stuch” and you responded “Who’s Her Stuch?” It’s not “Her,” is it Stucky? It’s Herr.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 7:15 pm

[imgcomment image?width=480[/img]

Stuchenboomer cannot hide forever.

July 29, 2012 7:16 pm


That Flash and AWD are really going at it. All that vulgar name calling! This is a most uncivil forum. What I can not yet tell, is whether or nor people here are REALLY serious when they go at it. Whatever, it’s pretty funny.

I am going to do something I have never done on the Internet. Apologize. Apparently, I really freaked you out. My only intent was to rattle your chain … not to scare you. I am a middle aged man with a family. I don’t have time nor the inclination to ever actually beat somebody up. Nevertheless, we do live in fucked up times so, how can anyone ever know for sure. So, please accept my apologies. And whoever the Chatham Police are, they can go fuck themselves.

July 29, 2012 7:17 pm

Herr Stuckenboomer comes out of the woodwork, with Herr spelled correctly.

I win.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2012 7:18 pm

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SSS and Colma closing in on a confession….