One a couple occasions I’ve started a thread just to rant. I appreciate Admin letting me do that. It is that time, again.

A couple weeks ago we order a floor from Home Depot. They send the measuring guy. Fine. They want to charge $80 to transport 10 boxes about 3 miles. I enlist Ms Freuds son and we get it ourselves.

Today the installer comes. He lets us know that if we install the floor the fridge will never fit back in the cubby hole as there isn’t enough clearance for the overhead cabinets. Also, we’ll never be able to remove the stove or dishwasher as the “lip” will prevent it. Also, the wrong padding and wrong trim were ordered. Fuckin A !!!

So, I make two trips to haul everything back. No argument with the material return. We order a new floor. This process took two hours.

I haul all the shit home. Once the boxes are in the house I decide to open one box so I can lay it on the floor to see what it looks like next to the cabinets. IT’S THE WRONG COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!! We ordered light maple. They gave us dark walnut. Fucked in the ass once more.

At 9:30PM we call Home Depot. They fucked up … so I want them to pick up the wrong shit and deliver the new shit at no charge. NO ONE ANSWERS THE PHONE!! We had two phones calling. The land line we used to call the customer disservice desk. The cell phone we used to call the flooring dept. They close at 10PM. For 30 minutes no one picked up either phone. Of course, the phone message said over and over “Your phone call is important to us …”. Bull fucking shit you LIARS.

They open at 6AM. Guess where Stucky will be at 6AM? I feel sorry for the Store Manager (not really). There will be HELL to pay. I’m not joking. I might need George Zimmerman’s lawyer.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 17, 2013 1:16 am

Well, when you get into the lower levels of corporate retail and restaurants this is the case. There are a lot of people that are liars and cheaters. I see people that come into where I work, find something to complain about that is not justified, just so they can cheat us. Yes, it has made me quite jaded. Thankfully my employers don’t always side with the customers. There are many people that come in and as soon as something goes wrong (even if it is something as small) the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “Am I going to get my meal free? I didn’t get good service, I think it should be free” Or the wait until their server is gone after saying everything is alright, try to flag down another server, and complain to get free food.

These are the types of people I have to deal on a daily basis, so yes, I would prefer them to get pissed and not come back.

July 17, 2013 1:30 am

Fix, replace, apologize, etc. but not free. Free is not part of the equation unless goods are returned.

July 17, 2013 1:37 am

Nope, that is not the case. It is always people complaining with the intention to get things free.

July 17, 2013 2:13 am

Another Calamity, Llpoh shitfest. Sweet. BTW …..

“Where in the fuck did Calamity come from? Free spirits are just not tolerated on this site. I’m proposing a “BAN CALAMITY NOW” movement. Who’s with me?”
—-SSS, above

“I am not for banning anyone.”

Either I need to work on my sarcasm skills, or Choctaw Indians need to get a higher sense of humor threshold. If I could only figure out how to make that little Onion thingy. Wait. I think I figured it out. Here.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 17, 2013 2:28 am

“by the way, do you have any english tips for SSS?”
—-FBS @ Calamity

What’s that mean, shitbag? I’ve two English tips for you, fuckwad. Start your sentences with a capital letter, and capitalize the word English. It’s a proper noun. Capiche, dickweed?

July 17, 2013 2:32 am

Sometime the only thing you can do is hold up a sarcasm sign…

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 17, 2013 3:21 am

“Nope not nursing. I went for graphic design and I am already out of school. I don’t know what comment you read, but they weren’t from me.”

I know you went into graphic design. Prior to making that decision you made mention of taking or wanting to take nursing classes but finances were an issue. I stand by that…..I remember thinking when I read it that it’s too bad you weren’t able to follow it through because nurses make decent wages. Having been a nurse for almost 30 years I become alert whenever I hear or see the word ‘nursing’.

Then again, if you had gone down that road would you have your own blog?…would you be posting on TBP?…would your outlook on life be vastly different? Guess everything that happens in each of our lives happen for a reason huh?

Most of the time those reasons have some kind of lesson attached to them…..the rest of the time….shit just happens.

July 17, 2013 4:25 am

Ditto Llpoh at 1:07 AM. I couldn’t have said it all better.

Our company motto was “Don’t piss off the customers”. We needed each and every one of our customers to return because we made a profit on each and every one of them. Also, our industry was such that many of our customers knew each other — piss off one, we could lose others.

As for the Clam — Attitudes like yours would always be the first one out. Those that wanted to work and performed their best got to stay. One of the ways I found new employees was to observe those that were doing good work somewhere else and offer them a better job. Over the years, I hired more than a few waiters/waitresses from restaurants that I frequented.

Generally speaking (and yes there were exceptions), I found Boomers had a far better work ethic than the Mills. Mills thought they were doing me a favor just to show up for work. I did them a favor and closed the business (by retiring) so they wouldn’t have to make the effort any longer.

If something should ever happen that I had to go back to work I would always do my best even for minimum wage. It is the right thing to do.

July 17, 2013 7:44 am

Llpoh said “she somehow comes to realize that it is in her best interests to work every job as if it is her own company, no matter what the pay is. It is actually just as easy to do a good job as a bad one – it is all in the perspective of the employee.”

Well said — when you decide to go that route, bad habits are formed that you will carry long after your employment has ended. What will be the net out (positive vs. negative lessons) when you either actively work against, or passively undermine, your employers and customers? You only betray yourself and fail to learn from the experience*.

*(unless you dream of running your own business where the older version of you will suddenly just know how to deal with those difficult customers as if your paycheck relied on their happiness, which it will)

July 17, 2013 8:53 am

SSS says:

“Either I need to work on my sarcasm skills, or Choctaw Indians need to get a higher sense of humor threshold.”

i think calamity answered for me with that sign. but so did you.

July 17, 2013 10:31 am

Wow, starts out to be another “stay away from” Home Depot and ends up becoming separate indictments on the status of both our citizens/customers and menial labor/millennial. Sweet.

Home Depot was originally conceived as a place for contractors, that would also sell to the public – which was a new concept at the time – so smaller selection (and based on what contractors want, not consumers, not always the same thing) Lowe’s was created to be the alternative for the home/retail DIY’ers.

I love HD because I only go there when I know EXACTLY what I want, and fewer choices with less high end appeals to me.

Sorry your floor project is being a pain in the ass Stuck. I’ve been helping my kid, as his money allows, to fix up a house they bought and try to get moved in before my grandbaby crawls. Tick tock. Everything with home improvement seems to take four times as long as you would think, with two times (minimum) the cost. Boooo. Hiss. Wish I could just cut a check and let someone else worry about it.

Calamity and Llpoh, you two crack me up. Neither one can walk in the others’ shoes and see that you are both partially right.

Calamity is right about some customers being bad business. Just like some employees are bad business. When I first started helping my hub’s business, the first thing I noticed was that two customers used the majority of our time, assets and money (legacy customers from the bad deal of buying a biz, that is a whole ‘nother rant). Then I ran the numbers and found all business was sold AT A LOSS to try and entice “volume.”

So these two customers were costing the business HUGE. Firing them was a big part in being able to keep the doors open, the moment a customer costs your entire profit margin is the moment the customer becomes a vendor. I’m not in the business of paying people to pretend to be customers.

BUT, Llpoh is 100% correct about the pay = job.

My dad always preached that when you agree to do a job, and take the pay, that you agree even if you later determine the arrangement unfair. At that point you either give notice, or look for a better gig, then give notice. It is NOT the boss’s fault that you have changed the terms of the contract by not fully doing your job.

Having worked years in retail and food, I can say that the vast majority of owners, especially big box type managers, do NOT understand that the things they think are making money for them (paying shit workers shit wages) cost them in a million small ways that equate to big black holes of expenses.

BUT, I strived to be the “go to” employee anyway, the person that took it upon herself to learn as much as possible about EVERYTHING. The person that would stick a smile on her face and take shit from some moron whom was screaming and cussing at her. The person that fully understood higher profits equals better personal pay.

I didn’t do it because I felt I was well compensated (I made less than $3 an hour, my rent was $350, my phone $20 – no long distance – and my child care ran me $100 a month, you do the math), I did it because of two things:

1. The only people to get promoted (and sadly Calamity, you are missing the boat there, there are LOTS of managers in their 20’s earning experience and higher wages, I know quite a few personally.) but in order to get promoted you HAVE TO DO MORE than what is expected of your position. If you want a better job you need to get better skills. Better skills mean diving into your job and being the best you can possibly be – PLUS some. It is not often a person is promoted in retail/food without being a line-worker that busts his/her ass. Way of the world. I NEVER wanted to stay in my original job, moving up was my only option, even though I knew I was leaving the industry eventually.

2. I do NOTHING where I do not try to learn something. I am not happy unless I am strengthening that muscle between my ears and increasing my skill set.

Once I figured out that college was a rip-off and the modern version of the old boy’s clubs, I knew the only way I could break free from the poverty rut was to increase my skills.

Every single job I have ever done – with the exception of those I very quickly moved on from – was to increase my value to future employers, and my own paychecks. Every single college course I have ever taken was to make myself more marketable, smarter and with skills of higher marketable value.

Reality is there will come a day when you may be in a supervisory position where YOUR pay relies on your most low-level employee. Then you may become frustrated by their lack of helping you with your bottom line.

Then you may see the naivete’ of your mindset today.

There are ALWAYS opportunities for people with real skills, including the ability to make an asshole feel charmed. And, if once you up your skill level your boss doesn’t recognize your value, find a new boss that will.

Liked your story llpoh. Similar thing happened to me years ago and as the outcome of the “argument” (she was screaming, I was calm, losers yell), was a boost in our profits, so I got a raise.

July 17, 2013 10:55 am

Jane sez: “Many young people only show up to get enough money to pay their bills, that is it. There is no moving up in a company.”

Miss Calamity is almost right with this statement. It is possible to move up in a contemporary American company, you just have to get over the taste of old-man-balls and taint sweat on your chin all day. After that, it’s a cakewalk. For those that enjoy flossing with short & curlies, a long and illustrious career in government or high finance may await.

For the rest of us, keep punching that clock and wasting your life for somebody else’s boat or summer home. Tongue juggle the testes just right, you might get invited to help clean the boat after the next party.

July 17, 2013 11:06 am

Stucky sez: “MAKE YOURSELF INVALUABLE TO YOUR EMPLOYER. That’s virtually a sure fire way to get ahead.”

He who blows best, blows longest. And, it’s a sure fire way to get a head, not get ahead. Merit in the workplace means nothing if you’re not in The Club – typically, it’s detrimental to be really good at your job while some suckass who doesn’t know which end of the screwdriver to hold on to gets promoted to management. All of the rhetoric around here about why Calamity is naive or stupid or lazy or inexperienced… bullshit. Flawless logic from a manager’s perspective, but still astounding bullshit.

Management only thinks they network with their peers. Mills really do. Once word gets out (like it does frequently on social media and craigslist) that an employer is a shitheel, good luck to you fuckers on getting anybody in there worth a shit at all. No company, however fabulously managed by the best the boomers have to offer, is going to last long with nothing but fuckups and nutsuckers running the floor. Keep promoting the nutsuckers at the expense of the competent and you end up with a GE, or HP, or JC Penney, or the entirety of the US fucking government.

July 17, 2013 11:50 am

I see what you’re saying. My point is that not only is it virtually impossible to just ‘quit and find a better place’, but the ratio of shitty companies to viable opportunities is about the same as the ratio of people whose health insurance will get cheaper in the next five years to those for whom it won’t. Companies have figured out that it’s far more efficient to run employees to death then just go get some more from a temp agency – no insurance, no benefits, no retirement plans, no security, no opportunity to advance, no nothing. Just a few paychecks and a pink SMSlip. It isn’t that I’ve worked for a few shitty companies, it’s that I worked for about 3 dozen companies during my time contracting. They’re ALL THE SAME. Big, small, military, civilian, corporate monstrosity to small shop. NO, it wasn’t always like that, but it is now – and now is really all I’m concerned with since “later” isn’t going to look anthing remotely like “now”.

The kids coming up these days are learning that ass kissing and politics is the only way to achieve anything. Hard work just makes you a dupe for the lazier and more connected. College doesn’t lead to a better chance at improving one’s lot anymore, it just is the quickest path to unmanageable debt and your parents’ basement apartment. Remember what the economy looked like when your first roommate and your first sexual experience were only a few years apart? Now they’re fucking at 14 and still have roomies at 40. There’s nothing else to do and nowhere to go but the abyss of endless corporatist indenture.

Home Depot Customer Care
Home Depot Customer Care
July 17, 2013 11:57 am

Hello Stucky,

I am extremely sorry to hear of this and would like to help. Please email your Customer Agreement Number to me at [email protected] so that we may work with our business partners and correct this for you.

Thanks kindly,

Robert G

July 17, 2013 11:59 am

Clarification on the shitty companies vs. viable opportunities statement above:

I don’t believe that there is a majority of management in these companies who have set out to be assholes, liars, and thieves when they entered the world of business. That inclination is the pervue of bankers and politicians. The business owners and management are doing what they have to do to survive the economic climate they have been presented with, nothing more. That’s why I say the logic of managerial operations is flawless – IN CONTEXT. It makes perfect sense for them to act the way they do. It doesn’t change the simple facts that this arrangement is untenable and unsustainable, and in the view of an increasing demographic, evil.

July 17, 2013 12:24 pm

Wait. Are you telling me that Home Depot patrols the internet, looking for stories about themselves? Well, fuck me! I’ve got a fifty-dollar bitch. I was just going to eat the loss and chalk it up to Lessons Learned.

July 17, 2013 12:34 pm

Yep. There is no loyalty. Profits or Death. And there is most certainly a place custom designed for people that do their best because it’s the right thing to do – it’s called going into business for yourself. This country, this government, and the corporatists that own it all have destroyed the paths and benefits to starting a small business, as I think we’d all agree. So, what’s left? Check your dignity at the door and suck shweddy balls for minimum (and declining) wage, that’s what. That’s my problem. You can’t get in unless you’re vastly overqualified and willing to accept substandard wages, you can’t stay in or move up unless you “play ball” which regularly and necessarily involves illegal or unethical conduct, and you can no longer just opt out by working for yourself. The available options for maintaining one’s moral and ethical direction while making a living wage are almost extinct. Once this country crosses the final line where no Good man is welcome anywhere… then what?

harry p.
harry p.
July 17, 2013 12:44 pm

this post turned from HD sucks donkey balls (which is and bLowes do) to a tennis match of who sucks more Boomers/Millenials to some great professional advise from TeresaE (awesome comment), Stucky and ecliptix. Bravo.
this is why admin has to update the site to keep up with the traffic, the ideas and perspective are fucking great, even though we are leading up to and living thru a grandiose shitstorm the discussions are enlightening. thanks admin and all big dogs, little dogs, STM’s and even the dip shit cocksuckers like mad king george. the sharing of ideas and perspective coupled wtih confrontation and debate is like no other place i visit online or in person.

calamity & ecliptix are right but so is llpoh, teresa and stucky. don’t suck balls and toss salad but you do need to do more than “asked” if you want to get ahead. sometimes the raise or promotion isn’t with the company you are currently with. but if you bust your ass on good projects you gain the knowledge. example, i have used solidworks exclusively throughout my engineering career, my current company wants to transition to inventor, guess who is on the startup team, this guy. i want to know how to use both, makes me more valuable and marketable.

companies do beat the shit out of their employees and run them into the ground which is why my best pay increases have not come from in-house promotions. they’re goal is to make money and that equates to getting the most out of you while paying you the least. your goal is to make money so you need to keep finding new “buyers” to up the price. while the workplace trends to more and more “temp” contract workers, the ones that are versatile and multi-skilled with prosper while the lazy complainers will float down the river blaming other people. sometimes it is the same company, sometimes same company but different dept, other times it is on teh open market.

July 17, 2013 1:09 pm

TeresaE is dead-on right. Just doing the bare minimum or crapping on customers, no matter how annoying, is no way to get ahead. I’ve worked some real crappy jobs. No one is going to give you a medal for doing the bare minimum. You get attention, kudos, consideration, and maybe promotions, bonuses, etc for doing more than expected.

Just because big businesses think they can survive without the customer or employees doesn’t make it so. Good customer service is what keeps people coming back. It’s also why I’m not bashful about leaving a massive tip for a really good waiter or going the extra mile to ask for the manager to give a good review, or even send a message to HQ about an associate doing more than 110%.

Hard work and attention to detail also lead to great letters of recommendation and references when you do move on to that better job and some folks will put in the extra effort to hook you up when you’re getting your feelers out for a new position. You can’t put a price tag on those useful connections.

July 17, 2013 1:14 pm

Ok, fine. I missed the sarcasm in FBS’ remarks after chastising Llpoh for missing the sarcastic intent of my remarks. Just my way of keeping everyone here off balance on where I’m coming from and pissing people off. So …. sorry, FBS. Don’t let it happen again. Heh.

July 17, 2013 1:23 pm

I graciously accept the title of Master of Doom and Gloom. I’ll do my best to execute the office of MD&G in the finest traditions and values of TBP. As my first official act, I shall hereby declare that 7 MILLION WILL DIE, at some point, somewhere, and for reasons involving SSS-Unapproved drug use, general pestilence, and ravenous hellfire.

July 17, 2013 2:40 pm

I think so as well. I’m still waiting for llpoh to release the hounds on me for the hamster comment, though.

July 17, 2013 4:39 pm

T4C- I know what you are talking about now. It was in my drop out article. No I didn’t want to be a nurse. I took those classes in community college, so that I could skip freshman science requirements my first year at my University. I was fine with nursing, blood and trauma doesn’t phase. However I never want to deal with HMO, regulations, and Obamacare. Quite glad I never showed much interest in it.

July 17, 2013 6:33 pm

Just out of curiosity, how come the people that post saying they agree with me get more thumbs up than, well, me, the original poster?

July 17, 2013 6:42 pm

Llpoh- By simply having tact.

July 17, 2013 7:44 pm

Tact is over-rated. Brutal honesty has proven far better for me over time. At least in business. My employees or customers want to know what the story is, all they have to do is ask.

In a down- turn, where jobs are at stake, employees ask me where they stand. I am always brutally honest with them. It would be a dick thing to do to beat around the bush with someone if I knew they were in serious jeopardy of losing their jobs. If they have the guts to ask, I need to have the guts to answer. They may not like the answer, but better they get the truth.

July 17, 2013 8:51 pm

Tacked ???? I can’t even spell the word.

July 17, 2013 8:59 pm

SSS says:

“Ok, fine. I missed the sarcasm in FBS’ remarks after chastising Llpoh for missing the sarcastic intent of my remarks. Just my way of keeping everyone here off balance on where I’m coming from and pissing people off. So …. sorry, FBS. Don’t let it happen again. Heh.”

that sarcasm post was the highlight of my day, thank you. whoever can actually get one over SSS?
and when I ever have to apologize to anyone, i’ll be sure to add, don’t let it happen again.

July 17, 2013 9:06 pm

Llpoh- Really?

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 17, 2013 11:13 pm

“The Home Depot invoice number is — 0906-287806.”
—-Stucky @ Home Depot Customer Service Center

Stucky bought his icky light maple flooring at the Home Depot located at 1515 Route 2, Watchung NJ 07069, phone 908-222-2217.

Any law enforcement agency could run that invoice number to ground and get his name, address, phone number, and a SHITLOAD of additional information if they wanted. And they could do it with some pretty good confidentiality through a trusted, vetted corporate contact or the store manager (less reliable, but faster). Just in case anyone is interested.

Mad King George
Mad King George
July 18, 2013 7:18 am

@harry p: you beat me to it (well, except for that dreadful slur about me being a dip shit cocksucker).

@Mr Quinn, I love this site and the cut and thrust debates. I don’t always agree with everything said on it, but I respect the fact that everyone has an opinion and is willing to state it. Good luck with the site update.

@Calamity and Ecliptix: I sympathise. I see a lot of low-paid workers getting a lot of hassle from people expecting something for nothing. I think it is unethical that businesses pay workers less than a “living wage” and leave the tax-payer to pick up the slack and subsidise those businesses by providing benefits to the low-paid, allowing the business to rake in extra profit. That said, the reality of the situation is pretty much as per llpoh, TeresaE and Stucky: giving bad service loses your employer customers and (if it happens enough) loses you your job (however shitty that job might be). I know it’s hard, but even when dealing with those awkward customers, do your job as well as you can and try to learn something from each encounter – the goal needs to be to learn to improve yourself and improve your chances later on.

Regards to all.


July 18, 2013 8:13 am

Stucky don’t fall for it. HD Customer care is going to send you a band aid to place over the hole they tore in your ass with a note of apology and a coupon for 10% off on your next $1000.00 purchase.

[imgcomment image[/img]
[imgcomment image[/img]

July 18, 2013 9:10 am


SSS also knows what porn sites you visited last night.

July 18, 2013 9:38 am

“1. The only people to get promoted (and sadly Calamity, you are missing the boat there, there are LOTS of managers in their 20′s earning experience and higher wages, I know quite a few personally.) but in order to get promoted you HAVE TO DO MORE than what is expected of your position. If you want a better job you need to get better skills. Better skills mean diving into your job and being the best you can possibly be – PLUS some. It is not often a person is promoted in retail/food without being a line-worker that busts his/her ass. Way of the world. I NEVER wanted to stay in my original job, moving up was my only option, even though I knew I was leaving the industry eventually.

2. I do NOTHING where I do not try to learn something. I am not happy unless I am strengthening that muscle between my ears and increasing my skill set.

Once I figured out that college was a rip-off and the modern version of the old boy’s clubs, I knew the only way I could break free from the poverty rut was to increase my skills.

Every single job I have ever done – with the exception of those I very quickly moved on from – was to increase my value to future employers, and my own paychecks. Every single college course I have ever taken was to make myself more marketable, smarter and with skills of higher marketable value.”

I cannot stress this enough. Truly. It boggles my friend’s minds why I continue to request additional training, buy textbooks and stay up at night reading primary articles.

My CV is growing in leaps and bounds.
“there are LOTS of managers in their 20′s earning experience and higher wages”

*raises hand*

Its ok though, since damn near all my friends from high school/college aren’t in that crowd. Still, there are a few of us taking off like rockets.

July 18, 2013 6:36 pm

“How in the hell did you get that info off a goddamn invoice number? …… The only thing I can surmise is that the first 4 digits, “0906″ must be a store identifier.”
Stucky @ SSS

Bingo. Ain’t Google great?

December 10, 2013 2:26 pm

Dear Whiny member of general public,
There are two sides to every story. I work at Home Depot and trust me there are lots of reasons to hate the place but many times the public is at least 50% of the problem. Let start with the delivery charge…Home Depot doesn’t own the trucks any more (hasn’t for over 10 years). They have to pay a company to come down, pick up the shit, and deliver it. Do you think that a company is going to do all that…pay drivers, buy trucks with lifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, buy all the fuel, insurance etc all for $20 bucks? Home Depot subsidizes the cost,,,yeah they lose money on every delivery charge, they have to make it up on the merchandise. If its not worth it to you then HAUL IT HOME YOURSELF YOU CHEAP LAZY BASTARD. Did they fuck up on the order, very possible. There are a lot of opportunities where mistakes can happen…sales person, vendor, etc. Is it frustrating? sure but no one died – simple frustrations are part of life. I just got a neon sign in the mail – broken. I have to send it back and wait, that’s life. You consumers want everything to go PERFECTLY BUT USUALLY HAVE NO MEASUREMENTS, HAVE RESEARCHED NOTHING, AND WANT YOUR FUCKING HANDS HELD THE WHOLE TIME WHILE ASKING FOR DISCOUNTS! You can give me the temperature on Mars with your expensive phone but you never thought to google or youtube your problem. FUCKING LAZY. As for the 9;30 thing. I laughed that they didn’t answer the phone, good for them. They were open from 6:00 am to then (over 15 hours) but you had to wait to the last half hour to swoop in and expect them to solve all your problems. RETAIL WORKERS FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU WHO SHOW UP 15 MINUTES BEFORE WE CLOSE. We have fucked schedules, hours, have to work almost all weekends and holidays so you can disrespectfully show up at the last minute and make us get home even later. We never see our fucking families for days most of the time. You have one legitimate issue. You have to reorder and wait a few days. Reorder it, and STOP FUCKING WHINING ABOUT A LESS THAN REAL PROBLEM.

P.s. – All you vets always whining about military discounts…FUCK YOU TOO!

The other side of the coin

February 11, 2014 3:14 pm

My Home Depot story: A Chronicle of Poor Customer Service by the Home Depot:

They say word of mouth is the best advertising when it comes to home improvement, I say go to Lowes or Menards or an independent contractor over Home Depot. Please share my story as your status.

On July 3, 2013 I ordered and paid for my (RSI) Hampton Bay Kitchen Cabinets and trim [a special order in stock item which basically means it’s not carried in the store], granite counter tops, stainless steel sink, etc. Home Depot owns the Hampton Bay brand.

About July 27, 2013 the cabinets arrive to the store. My kitchen wasn’t ready so I ended up renting a U-Haul to pick up the cabinets to install on August 19, 2013.
August 23, 2013: After opening up 4 of the cabinets [1 base and 3 upper] (not all of the cabinets and none of the trim), it is apparent that all of them are damaged (scratched, gouged, not glued together properly) so I contact my kitchen designer. She tells me to take pictures of all of the cabinets and to come show them to her the next day. I proceed to open up all of the cabinets and take pictures of the damaged cabinets and trim (all were damaged from RSI with scratches, indentations, incorrectly glued together, bad finish from being put in the box wet, or being packed only in a cardboard box with nothing wrapped around them for protection). The special order fridge panel and trim from Thomasville had no damage since it was packaged correctly.
August 24, 2013: After showing the pictures to the designer, she told me the store would send out someone to inspect the cabinets and to take pictures.
August 30, 2013: Cabinet inspection takes place and half way through it is recommended that I switch to another better brand of cabinet. He takes many pictures and documents his findings. Told they will have to talk to the sales manager from RSI/Hampton Bay.
Week of September 3rd: Told they got the okay to swap out the cabinets from Hampton Bay.
Labor Day Weekend get together at my house: cancelled no kitchen
September 9, 2013: Appointment with the store designer to order American Woodmark Cabinets and trim. I decide to pay for installation in order to get my kitchen completed quicker (the 2nd estimate was double the original estimate from June 2013).
October 16, 2013: Notified by shipping company about cabinet delivery – scheduled for October 18, 2013. Cabinets delivered and inspected by Home Depot’s subcontractor. 2 pieces of trim and 2 cabinets are reordered.
October 19, 2013: Noticed the sides of the furniture finished cabinets have scratches and need to be reordered. 3 additional cabinets are reordered.
Halloween Party/Get together: cancelled since I have no kitchen
November 5, 2013: 5 Cabinets and 2 pieces of trim are delivered.
November 8, 2013: Cabinets and trim are inspected by Home Depot’s subcontractor – 2 additional cabinets are ordered.
November 25 – 26, 2013: 2 cabinets are brought by the installers (subcontractor of Home Depot’s subcontractor) from the store (now they are sending all of them to the store) who begin installation at the house. They arrive without any plans of what they are supposed to do, just to install the cabinets and trim. They accidentally install a furniture end cabinet in a middle of a run that causes it to be needed to be reordered. Another cabinet and some trim is noticed to have damage and is also reordered at the same time.
November 27, 2013: Granite counter tops templates created by Granite fabricator. [If blind base wasn’t installed with warped sides this would have delayed the template creation and fabrication of the counter tops].
Thanksgiving and/or OSU-UM game at my house: cancelled due to no kitchen
December 3, 2013: Cancelled granite order with Home Depot since it was double the company I had fabricate it with me using the same Granite stone.
December 6, 2013: Ordered trim arrives at house
December 10 – 12, 2013: Subcontractors of Home Depots Subcontractors bring cabinets that were ordered (now they are sending all of them to the store). Blind base cabinet is warped on the side and has to be reordered and wasn’t noticed until they were trying to put baseboard on cabinet, and another 24″ furniture end upper cabinet has to be ordered along with some trim since enough wasn’t ordered originally. Base drawer front ordered due to scratches on inside from installation.
December 14, 2013: Stainless steel appliances delivered by Best Buy. I would have ordered from Home Depot, but was tired of their involvement in the project by now.
December 20, 2013: Granite counter tops installed by Granite fabricator.
Baking Christmas cookies at my house: cancelled no kitchen
December 21 – 23, 2013: Installed dishwasher, sink, disposal, microwave-hood range, and stove.
Christmas or New Year’s Party(ies) at my house: cancelled incomplete kitchen.
January 14 – 15, 2014: Remainder of cabinets delivered and installed by subcontractor of Home Depot’s subcontractor. Expediter at store inspects cabinets before sending them out and orders me another 24″ cabinet door due to finish imperfections. [As if 2/11/2014 it hasn’t arrived yet, to be installed by American Woodmark].

I also had to clean out my cabinets (saw dust, etc) and discard the card board from the cabinets two of the three times after installation. Not to mention the fact I had to eat out every meal I was home waiting for my cabinet installation to be completed.

So I ask the management at the Troy Home Depot store if they can do anything for me since the job took so long, and was told since they took back the original cabinets (all of which were damaged) without charging me the 40% restocking fee that there is nothing they will do for me.

This was also reaffirmed on 3 different calls to the Home Depot corporate office and one with the manager of the Troy Home Depot.

I have a friend who works at another local Home Depot and stated they should never charge a restocking fee on damaged goods who also said the most the store would be liable for would be a 25% restocking fee if I didn’t like the undamaged goods when they arrived.

They say word of mouth is the best advertising when it comes to home improvement, I say go to Lowes or Menards or an independent contractor over Home Depot.

I created a FaceBook page for them: https://www.facebook.com/homedepotstinks

Tyronne Pitts
Tyronne Pitts
August 12, 2014 6:53 pm

Home depot is the worst place that I ever worked for… They work u for minimum wage and expects the maximum work. They has lost their dam minds!!!!! Minimum pay, minimum work dam idiots! There should be a class action law suite against these animals! There is no way that they should be getting away with this. It”s called modern day slavery!!!! I c y they do not want u to talk to no union rep, because they would have to pay what the job is worth. And they say that they take care of there employees. Thats bull shit!!! They sure do so they think. If anyone would consider a class action law suite against these nazis , please notify me…. They give u 25cents a year, r they serious!!!! And those idiots thats brown nosing them are very stupid. LET”S DO A CLASS ACTION LAW SUITE, I GARRANTEE U , WE WILL HAVE A MILLION SIGNATURES AND PEOPLE THAT WILL FOLLOW. THOSE SNAKES IN THE GRASS…….