Work harder peasants. Obama needs more of your money to provide “free” healthcare to criminals. If you like your health insurance, tough shit – you get a more expensive plan with less coverage. The rapists, murderers, child molesters, and armed robbers need free Obamacare. I hope they get an Obamaphone too. I love Obama’s Amurika.

Prison inmates get Obamacare benefits under Medicaid provisions

Getty Images
Unidentified inmate receives care at California Medical Facility, part of the state prison system, in Vacaville, Calif.


In case you missed it…..

An interesting tidbit about Obamacare showed up in the pages of The New York Times over the weekend — namely that prison inmates are signing up for the newly minted health insurance program in droves.

The story points out that single and childless inmates who spend more than 24 hours in the prison infirmary are eligible to have major costs covered under Medicaid, thus allowing states to transfer those costs to the federal government.

Then, when those inmates are released from jail, they can maintain that coverage when they are released — particularly useful among a group that has a high rate of disease, mental illness and addictions and often meets the low-income requirements, or 138% of the poverty level.

Roughly 35% of those now eligible for Medicaid under new provisions of the Affordable Care Act are those with a criminal record and have spent time in jail, the story says. That could help reduce recidivism, some experts say, though opponents of the health-care law are likely to use the finding as another reason to be against the initiative.

Follow Russ Britt on Twitter @russbrittmktw.

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March 10, 2014 4:39 pm

States transferring Medicare costs to the Feds, Feds transferring infrastructure spending to the States… it’s only a matter of time before the whole house of cards falls. There just is no money left.

March 10, 2014 4:49 pm


Ink + Paper = Money.

Please remember that formula.

March 10, 2014 4:54 pm

This is called “cost shifting”. The states are shifting medicaid costs onto the Feds, who are bankrupt already. Fucknuts Obama can give $1 billion to Ukraine, and piss away $1.5 billion a year on vacations every weekend, but can’t seem to pay his medicaid bills. The socialist state of Illinois owes billions to hospitals and clinics, and it takes 6-9 months for them to pay, if they ever pay. Illinois diverts medicaid money into paying gold plated union pensions, while hospitals close and doctors go bankrupt. Welcome to Obama’s USSA nightmare.


“My Government, ME, built this for you.
Now it is up to YOU to figure it out.”

March 10, 2014 5:34 pm

Funny, Stucky. Except we all know they can’t keep creating money forever.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
March 10, 2014 5:34 pm

Ink + paper = currency

Currency does not equal money (gold and silver). When the shit hits the fan, people will discover the difference the hard way.

March 10, 2014 6:33 pm

“Prison inmates get Obamacare benefits under Medicaid provisions!”

Accompanied by, of course, a picture of some “unidentified” old white dude that is allegedly in prison… looks like an aging boomer, yeah?

Am I the only one who notices shit like this? Shit like that is done on purpose… like our prisons are REALLY loaded down with old, white, grey-haired boomer dudes…

AWD – spot on.

States shift the debt to the Feds, who turn around and either print up a few hundred billion more in phony baloney fiat toilet paper, or soak the states for taxes… which actually means that Joe Baggadonuts Taxpayer is footing the bill anyways…

It’s a shell game. Keep your eye on the pea and win a prize!

March 10, 2014 8:55 pm

My car insurance sent me a notice this weekend.

Thanks to Obamacare, my small biz insurance policy now will no longer be primary on covering any medical due to car accidents.

So my car insurance will be going up 20-40% to cover their new obligations.

Just WTF?

We, in Michigan, already have some of the highest car insurance rates in the country, and now this.

Funny how it only effects small biz policies, not the unions, not the big guys, not the medicaid, just OUR policies that have already doubled in price.

How much more proof do we need that the federal, state and local governments are INTENTIONALLY forcing small business out of business.

Poverty is going to be AWESOME! Can’t wait to get my radiated rations from the local Wally World.

Can you?

March 11, 2014 7:44 am

Teresa, I feel your pain, the health insurance policies on our employees rose an average of $200 per month, one employee’s insurance went up $400 per month. Infuckingcredible.
Our insurance guy told us to also expect higher vehicle rates as well, hey, according to obama we just make a little less now. No big fucking deal.

The funny thing is most of these guys voted for obama, twice. I told them we can’t afford the increase of $26k a year for insurance, we are under the 50 employee mandate, have fun in the exchanges, have fun on the website, good luck. I feel bad because they are a good group of guys that had the wool pulled over their eyes. People just don’t understand there is nothing free in life.

From what I’ve read the unions are getting fucked over on the ACA as well. They were so stupid to believe what they were told, Obama is a lame duck, he doesn’t give a shit about the unions now, he has his law.
All things combined, going “forward” things are going to get very interesting, and not in a good way.