Only 50 people killed in bomb blasts in Iraq yesterday. Only 900 killed this month. How many people were killed at the Boston Marathon and the MSM spends days doing human interest stories and tributes to the brave policemen who didn’t stop the attack? How many Iraqis were blown up on a daily basis before we invaded their country under false pretenses? I bet there are hundreds of other countries around the world who can’t wait for good old American democracy to be inflicted upon them. How many Ukrainians were dying on a daily basis before the U.S. and EU instigated a coup upon the democratically elected government?

A series of blasts in Iraq on Monday killed at least 50 people. More than 9 hundred civilians have been killed in the country this month alone – making it the deadliest April in 6 years. The carnage comes as the country prepares to vote in its first general election since the 2011 pullout of US troops. RT’s Lucy Kafanov shares her experience of covering elections in Iraq.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
April 29, 2014 3:02 pm

What do ya expect. Look at the history. A despot will come to power with the help of the USA Russia and the process begins anew. Governments do not care about people unless you can help them. Then you are tossed aside.

April 29, 2014 3:08 pm

Great rant Admin. I wonder how many Iraqis have died in total since our invasion….

Every country we touch turns to shit. Emperor Midas Obama, everything he touches turns to shit. We are the evil empire, the axis of evil. And China and Russia announced war games today. Bathhouse Barry and Ketchup Boy Kerry alienating and destroying the rest of the world, not just the USSA.

The Filipino’s have found a good use for Bathhouse Barry……

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Filipino Protesters Burn Effigy of Barack Obama to Protest New Defense Deal

“No-bama, no bases, no war,” chanted an angry crowd of protesters in Manila Monday, infuriated by a ten-year defense deal in which the United States promised support for the Filipino army in the event of any dispute with the country’s neighbors growing violent.

According to NBC News, the crowd paraded through the streets with several figurines that appeared constructed with the full detail of a parade float. The centerpiece of the protest, however, was a large dog with the face of the President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III. The dog pulled a chariot controlled by a figurine of President Barack Obama, which was burned in effigy while floating through the streets.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
April 29, 2014 11:46 pm

Mission accomplished!