TSA Follies & Myths of Transportation Security

Off the Microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on June 2, 2014


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…If you happen to be among the roughly 5% of the Global Population that ever flies on an Airplane, you know all about the security Kabuki Theater ongoing since some Towel Heads ostensibly hijacked some Jumbo Jets to knock down the World Trade Center and Punch a Hole in the Pentagon back on that fateful day of 9-11 in 2001. This method of terrorist attack was so successful they even managed to knock down buildings they didn’t fly planes into.

In order to combat the ever present threat of Jets being Hijacked to knock down skyscrapers, a War on Terror was launched, part of which was the establishment of the now infamous TSA, or Transportation Safety Administration here in the FsoA. The highly qualified and highly trained staff of the TSA recruited from the ranks of ex Baggage Handlers, trailer drop lot security guards and JC Penney Store Detectives has been enormously successful, effectively preventing any further Skyscapers from collapsing on their own footprint since 2001…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!


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