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July 1, 2014 9:00 am

The Pigs need to have control, since they have such small dicks.

As long as they are following ‘standard procedures’ (ala the Nazi war criminal excuse) then they are given a pass to kill what ever they want.

I got a good idea. Let’s send these Pigs over to Iraq – and let them shoot all the ISIS people they can find.

July 1, 2014 9:02 am

Cop leaning back in his cop car, ” We did a great job today gunning down that mad cow.”

I know cows are big, and can be scary to some, but they are largely docile animals. I am sure chasing it with lights and sirens made for a much calmer and safer situation, especially when they are running around shooting the shit out of the poor bovine. What a bunch of testosterone hyped dangerously armed bags of shit.

July 1, 2014 9:03 am

Stucky , Harry ,…I agree , this was just cruel .Cop needs to be fired.

July 1, 2014 10:02 am

lets turn on our lights as if the cow understands what the fuck that means. that was sad and disturbing.

July 1, 2014 10:26 am

WTF? Really stupid. All that required was one or two people with large animal experience. The cow (not even full grown) didn’t look flighty or dangerous at all. I’ve coaxed larger (uh, about twice as big – 1500lbs+) and crazier steers into a trailer without even thinking about using a gun.

July 1, 2014 10:33 am

I know cows are big, and can be scary to some, but they are largely docile animals. —Boston Bob

That’s an understatement. Cows are mindless eating machines who eat/”harm” only grass. If they would have left this cow alone she would have found some tall grass and stood there harmlessly eating it until she could be rounded up. The only danger would be if she wandered onto the roadway. Traffic control would have been better solution, but then the cops wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to light off their fireworks. Or maybe they had a BBQ planned for later.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 1, 2014 11:00 am

A couple of months ago I got a call from another farmer who had a loose heifer off the side of a US interstate not far from me. I hooked up the stock trailer and my son and I headed over. A State Trooper was parked on the side of the interstate, he saw us coming, smiled and directed us to the side of the road where she was grazing. We roped her, got her into the trailer and took her back to my neighbors place. That was it.

I asked the cop if they had received training for such events and he said no. I thought that was a weak spot in training, but the guy was at least professional and didn’t go off like the yahoos in the video above. There wasn’t much that they did right in their handling, from the whooping sirens and flashing lights to the yelling and bolting about before the multiple shots to the body.

Once more an indication of why being alienated from Nature is not only stupid, but often fatal.

harry p.
harry p.
July 1, 2014 11:02 am

bb agrees with a comment me and stucky havent made…

I actually think the copfuk should be forced to spend 30 mins with a “breeding” steer.

July 1, 2014 11:14 am

NO animals are safe from copfuks.

Deer won’t move. What to do? Oh, yeah … walk up to it and shoot it in the head.

July 1, 2014 11:24 am

Wait until Mona Lisa Vito gets a hold of that copfuk

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
July 1, 2014 12:54 pm

If it moves, or not, SHOOT IT!!!

July 1, 2014 2:25 pm

The funniest part is that these are Quebec cops!

July 1, 2014 4:57 pm

Another reason I’m getting out of this insane damn country.

July 1, 2014 5:45 pm

I got kicked off another forum because I was pointing out how fucked up cops are when it comes to animal cruelty. Moderator must of had a cop in the family.

When I was a kid I use to round up cows on my grandpa farms and head them into my own little corral I would make with fence posts and wire. Cows won’t bother you but some bulls like to show their ass. Watched my dad chase many out of the barn as they tried to sneak in.

Whenever I find out it is a cop that is asking for a price on having some work done I always give an outrageous bid. Many point out to me that they are a cop. No shit dumb fuck, I saw the car in the driveway, reason for the high price. Fuck em, I just be polite and say “Sorry we can’t do business together”.

Every cop I ever did work for in the past wanted something for free. I don’t need anything from a cop, I have my own gun so I will protect myself and family, plus I know what to shoot and what not to.

July 1, 2014 7:16 pm


Anyway, re cows/cattle – a friend of the family was hospitalized/almost killed last year by a baby cow (shows how much I know about cows – I think I remember someone calling them calves). Little bastard slapped him up against a rail fence and almost killed him. And when I say little I mean a fraction the size of the one in the vid. Apparently docile does not mean safe – the guy later told me it is not the first time one of the little bastards almost killed him. He says they just get excitable/frisky at times, and reminded me the old saying “strong as an ox” has basis in fact. This guy runs a couple thousand head, and has been doing it for decades, so I guess it stands to reason that the law of averages works against him. Cows are docile, but they are big and strong, and that combination can be dangerous.

harry p.
harry p.
July 1, 2014 7:34 pm

when i first read teh title of this post, I thought it was going to be some pigfuks shooting some fatasses coming out of mcshits or walmart.

harry p.
harry p.
July 1, 2014 7:43 pm

here’s another “hero” that only wanted to be a cannibal, cook his wife alive and eat her. good thing he has been released, i wonder how long until he gets another job as a public servant…?
if you look at his picture, i am not even surprised he is a cannibal, that’s how creepy he looks.

the govt tells us we don’t need guns for our safety or that they must regulate them damn near out of existence, all while someone like this is employed by the state. this is why i am against all gun laws 100%. people that don’t see the absurdity of govt keeping you safe literally have a lump of shit where their brain should be.

Cannibal-plot case tossed; ex-cop gets out of jail
Former New York City police officer Gilberto Valle. right, dubbed by local media as the “Cannibal Cop,” and his mother Elizabeth Valle leave the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Lower Manhattan July 1, 2014.: Former New York City police officer Gilberto Valle. right, dubbed by local media as the "Cannibal Cop," and his mother Elizabeth Valle leave the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Lower Manhattan July 1, 2014. Reuters: Carlo Allegri

Former New York City police officer Gilberto Valle. right, dubbed by local media as the “Cannibal Cop,” and his mother Elizabeth Valle leave the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Lower Manhattan July 1, 2014.
AP 4 hr ago By TOM HAYS of Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — A former New York Police Department officer left jail on Tuesday after a judge overturned his conviction in a bizarre case accusing him of plotting to kidnap, kill and eat young women.

Judge Paul Gardephe ruled late Monday that there was insufficient evidence to support a jury’s guilty verdict in the kidnapping conspiracy conviction of Gilberto Valle. His lawyers had argued that the alleged plots were really fantasy online role play that never put anyone in harm’s way.

He offered a public apology outside court “to anyone who was hurt, shocked or offended by my infantile actions.”

Valle — dubbed by the tabloids as the “Cannibal Cop” — smiled at his family and hugged his lawyers in court. The judge set bail at $100,000 and ordered home detention for the defendant after prosecutors told him they intended to appeal his ruling.

“The government believes the jury got it right,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Hadassa Waxman.

Valle was convicted in March 2013 on the conspiracy charge — which carries a possible life term — and a misdemeanor count of illegally accessing a law enforcement database.

Valle, 40, “is guilty of nothing more than very unconventional thoughts,” one of his attorneys, Julia Gatto, said outside court. “We don’t put people in jail for their thoughts. We are not the thought police.”

A jury had concluded he wasn’t just fantasizing when he conversed online with others he had never met about killing and cooking his wife and others in a cannibalism plot.

In his 118-page opinion, Gardephe said: “The evidentiary record is such that it is more likely than not the case that all of Valle’s Internet communications about kidnapping are fantasy role-play.”

Prosecutors had argued that Valle took steps to carry out his plot, including looking up potential targets on a restricted law enforcement database; searching the Internet for how to knock someone out with chloroform and where to get torture devices and other tools.

In one of the numerous online conversations shown to the jury during the trial, Valle told a man he met in a fetish chat room, “I want her to experience being cooked alive. She’ll be trussed up like a turkey. … She’ll be terrified, screaming and crying.”

In another exchange, Valle suggested a woman he knew would be easy prey because she lived alone. The men discussed cooking her, basted in olive oil, over an open fire and using her severed head as a centerpiece for a sit-down meal.

Valle was fired after his conviction.


July 1, 2014 9:20 pm

That is the most discussing display of total ignorance in how to deal with that type of animal I have ever seen. Both cows and horses are very good at reading the body language of humans. Those cops were displaying both fear and aggression. That’s the exact wrong thing to do. If you want the cow to relax and calm down you display relaxed and calm behavior. Seeing fear and aggression the cow is going to react according to its instincts and run. That exactly what it did, it just wanted to get away from what it was sensing—danger.

What Idiots. None of them were country boys that’s for sure.

July 2, 2014 10:58 am

@harry, so you are supporting the thought-police state that jails us for our imaginations/thoughts?


Look, that bastard obviously has screws loose. But what would you call Stephen King? Have you read his work? Based on his writings, I guess we should lock his ass up too.

My understanding is that the man had actually done NOTHING but post online.

Today they prosecute an obvious nutjob, instead of prosecuting him, maybe just fire his ass as being unstable and do it publicly so we are forewarned. Then keep an eye on him, but he was jailed for his THOUGHTS.

Tomorrow it will be US that are the “nutjobs” and “dangers to society” and thrown in jail.

Cripes. We humans sure do let our emotions overrule our logic and judgement. That pretty much explains how we find ourselves in this messed up country today.

July 2, 2014 11:21 am

How TE would have handled the situation
[imgcomment image[/img]

July 2, 2014 11:36 am

@Stuck, nope, that is how you end being thrown into something.

Get a long, flexible, branch, or bunch of weed/stems. Put in one hand. Grab a handful of sweet smelling grass, if you had some oats it might even work better.

Approach, slowly, calmly, talking softly and whispering sweet nothings.

Do NOT stand behind their asses.

Attempt to allow them to eat your offered snack, and lead them away using the switch to motivate them to keep moving.

Yes, cows can kill you, but so could a 400-lb man if he kicked you just right or fell on you. No excuse to kill the poor thing. Blocking traffic until someone with a brain got there would seem to be the most logical choice.

But, just whom am I kidding. Shoot first, declare justified for our safety later. Why should cows be treated any better than us citizens?

And @bb, you are the most hypocritical shit-head ever. You cry over a fucking cow while screaming “they are heros!” at every cop-shoots-human story you read. Just wow. I really need to be done with you.

July 2, 2014 11:51 am


I just LUV a gal who knows shit about cows!!

bb is a major league shit-stirrer. I’ve said this before ….. I do NOT for one fuckin New York minute think that he actually believes the shit he posts. That being said, it IS perfectly OK to despise his slimy ass.

harry p.
harry p.
July 2, 2014 12:43 pm

Never said he should have been jailed for his thoughts, let me know if you find where i said that…

Just used as glimpse at the type of people govt employs and arms while trying to keep us from defending ourselves.

July 2, 2014 1:03 pm

Only a psychopath would chase a lost cow in a squad car with lights and sirens…

We’re currently running cows… Swiss. Big ole’ gentle dumbasses that they are… The thought process is something like:

“Eat, eat, eat, eat, poop, drink, drink, poop, eat, eat, eat, eat, poop more, eat eat eat, poop – what’s that? Is it food? No? Eat eat eat eat. Scratch myself, eat eat eat eat… ”

Fuckers acted like Godzirra was rampaging…

You don’t even need a stick and a handful of grass. Secret: Cows LOVE potato chips. Really. Who knew, right? And green seedless grapes.

Give a cow a half bag of Ruffles or some old green grapes and it will follow you around for weeks. Easy enough to give the poor thing some chips, then put some in a livestock trailer…

One of our cattle – Athos – still follows me around because I gave him some grapes about a month ago – he’s a big ole’ dumbshit and wouldn’t hurt anyone… only a psychopath would torture an animal like that copfuk and then backshoot it…

Copfuk should be sodomized with a rake…

harry p.
harry p.
July 2, 2014 1:42 pm

I agree, and not handle first.