
Generating Racial Awareness in Generation Meme

While I’ve lamented about millennials aplenty, I’m not about to throw in the towel on them. Rather, like a good marketer, I feel we must simply change our game to meet the idiosyncrasies of our youngest generation.

These are kids raised on ubiquitous advertising, DVRs, and social media, with its constant flow of ephemeral and pithy (and often mindless) 160-character-maximum posts.

They’re also the “meme generation”—constantly communicating in, and relating moments of their lives to, not scenes from Seinfeld or skits from SNL, but to little odd, crudely illustrated and often humorous images with some text slapped on them.

And, lastly, they have been brainwashed from birth to believe that multiculturalism and “diversity” are both good and inevitable, and that therefore resistance is not only futile, but also thoroughly evil.

Given the lack of attention span, combined with a reflexive dismissal of anything smacking of healthy racial self-interest, the meme’s delivery of meaning in bite-sized bursts of image and text might be one of the more effective way of planting heretical thoughts into the heads of these youngsters.

With that, I give you my first draft of ideas for such memes. Any ideas of your own, please feel free to submit. Also, I think it would be good to have a URL on the images that people can go to to get further information that helps combat the endless anti-white propaganda being continually pumped out by the Liberal Establishment. I was thinking something like “” (a play on Thoughts?








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July 18, 2014 7:27 am

Excellent! Let’s see: China is for the Chinese, Japan for the Japanese, Israel for the Yids, Africa for da Africans, OK so far? However, the countries of Europe, the USofA, Canada, Australia, &tc AKA the White countries must open their borders and wallets to take in all of the third worlders that want to escape the shitholes where they live. A White person that opposes this is branded a racist or a misanthrope and is sentenced to diversity training almost certainly conducted by a 300# Negress. Said White person will be instructed in the evils associated wif being White and will be told in the strongest possible language that they are the problem in this world. They will be told that “White Privilege” has enabled them to become successful, at the expense, of course, of the “People of Color” That is what our young folks have been told from birth. No wonder they are so screwed up!

July 18, 2014 8:24 am

This is all about power over and control of whites who are the only ones blocking the elites and their new world order .It goes back to the Frankfurt School of Higher Criticism which was established by radical Jews with the main goal of figuring out ways to subvert and undermine western civilization . One way is Critical Theory or constantly tear down everything that is dear to white Christians. Another is multiculturalism or diversity used to dilute the white population until they are no longer a majority then use the powerof government to impoverish the whites that are left. It has worked but behind all the academic subversion has been wealthy families both Jewish and White Protestants.(Rothschilds, Rockefellers).

July 18, 2014 8:29 am

AWD ,I am white and you are white . If we are suppose to love our race does this mean you love me ?Remember the title of your post is Love your race .

July 18, 2014 8:41 am

How about: “Anti-racist” is code for “Anti-white”.


“I’m a proud black man” said the black man.
“I’m a proud Mexican woman” said the Mexican woman.
“I’m a proud Asian man” said the Asian man.
“I’m a proud gay man” said the gay man.
“I’m a proud transgender” said the transgender person.
“I’m a proud Native American” said the Native American.
“I’m a proud white man” said the racist.

[imgcomment image[/img]

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July 18, 2014 8:54 am

Hey AWD,

You remember Lootie?

This guy:

[imgcomment image?t=X4Nulb2dnp0IGeV6VhbEiA&f=1405915200[/img]

I remember reading some bullshit called “The racism of Lootie”.. something like that.

It’s a real piece of work. Written by some law-school female. I can’t decide if she’s a libtarded genocidal self-hating diversity cunt, or is trolling the professor so artfully and subtly, it is a work of pure trollish genius…

Either way, I ended up laughing my ass off at the commentary in the paper she wrote… absolutely priceless. Worth your time to read… dude, seriously… still funny, even after all this time…

July 18, 2014 9:02 am

Billy ,I don’t get it.How many girls are in this picture ?If you said 5 you’re a racist.Pls explain to dumb us white dudes.

July 18, 2014 9:12 am

We don’t call bb our Village Idiot for nothing.

July 18, 2014 9:08 am


Dude, really?

Okay… see the girl in the black dress on the far left? Look over her shoulder very carefully, on the far left…

See it now?

July 18, 2014 9:13 am

AWD ,if you love me then give Admin 10,000 dollars on my behalf. I’m sure that would make him happy.

July 18, 2014 9:13 am

I’m sorry, but I spent the last few minutes laughing my ass off to Lootie photoshops…

Some of this shit truly hilarious..

July 18, 2014 9:16 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 18, 2014 9:17 am

First of all, to Billy, those are some of the BEST pics you’ve ever posted. +100

I hate a LOT of stuff. You all know that. But, while there are lots of white people I hate — like Libtards, although I exempt my seester — hating the White Race NEVER enters the equation. People who hate their own race … whatever race that might be … are self-loathing cockfuk traitors and should be eliminated from their particular gene pool.

I have often said that I don’t want to live near black people. It really doesn’t have anything to do DIRECTLY with the color of their skin. It has to do with their culture, life style, and something Germans call “Weltanschauung”, a particular philosophy or worldview of an individual or group.

And that black “Weltanschauung” is quite different from mine.

Last week I was weeding my parent’s extensive rows of flower beds and shrubbery. About ten years ago a black family moved in about 7 houses away. They have been an anathema to all their neighbors ever since. So, I’m weeding, and Mr. Black Man is washing his car …. an Escalade, of course. He’s also playing some rap-music-horseshit FULL BLAST, enough so that from 7 houses away I can hear every ‘fuck-dat-cunt” lyrics, and I swear I could feel the beat in the very dirt I was spading (pun intended, heh heh). I had enough after a while and asked him to please turn it down. He turned it even higher. Really. Such is life when living near Neeeegrows.

So, fuck that. I don’t want to live near them EVER. Yeah, I want neighbors who are mostly like me! And if that makes me Rayciss, so be it. (And I can thank Billy for helping me be proud of it.)

July 18, 2014 9:25 am

Dude really , I saw that black gal.I just wanted to see how you would respond to the question . My conclusion,you need sensitivity training.

July 18, 2014 10:09 am


Exactly. Nothing is more insipid and infuriating than the “Oh, you don’t like them because they’re black” canard..

It has absolutely nothing to do with their skin color. It has everything to do with their ‘culcha’ – or lack thereof. Weltanschauung is an excellent descriptor. I choose to live amongst my own kind, because that’s where I feel most comfortable. In “The Before Time”, we used to live amongst The Diversity. Couldn’t stand it. Ghetto sleds thumping up and down the street at all hours, blasting that depraved noise known as “rap”. Screaming arguments in the street at 3am. Drug deals, shootings, home invasions. Groidles of “yoofs” hanging out on the corner, giving everyone that “hard nigga” stare…

True shit – I came home one day to find a groidle of ‘yoofs’ hanging out on the corner opposite our little house. Parked the truck and started for the front door and made it a point to ignore the shit out of them. They HATE that – being ignored. It’s always “LOOKSIT MEEE!”. Ignoring them is the one sure-fire way to piss them off.

I “forgot” my .45 in the console of the truck and halfway to the front door, “remembered” it. Went back, still ignoring the groidle, and fetched my .45… and I let them see me do it. Just casually took it and went inside the house.

That was the last time I saw that groidle of ‘yoofs’ hang out on that particular corner… apparently, they found a more “tolerant” corner to hang out on.

Making eye contact with them would have initiated “The Monkey Dance”… their method of determining the social pecking order. Much like making direct eye contact with a dangerous primate at the zoo.

The “hard nigga” stare is met with an equal stare. Then comes “WHATCHOO LOOKIN’ AT BITCH?!”, followed by wild arm gyrations, shit talking, perhaps some chest bumping, etc. Once someone pokes or pushes the other, then punches are thrown. It’s even worse when females are present. Their friends immediately jump in to separate the two, and face is saved on both sides – as well as boundaries established. If there are no friends to separate them, then the fight goes until one or the other is victorious. Social pecking order established.

I truly loathe them. I cannot find one single positive thing or advantage to living anywhere near them, so I don’t. A crappy race of pathetic failures.. if they acted like civilized goddamn human beings, got fucking jobs, married their females, were husbands and fathers, stopped breaking the law, stopped treating females so badly, stopped glorifying senseless violence, stopped making excuses for their failure, stopped bitching about “reparations”, stopped raping, murdering, assaulting, robbing, agitating, etc… shit… just stopped being niggers – I’d be totally okay with that.

Stucky, you want to see a real self-hating piece of shit libfuck? Go look up Tim Wise. I’m ashamed that motherfucker is white… what a fucking douche. The negroes are bad enough, but there’s a >small< amount of slack I cut them because they are acting out their nature. The traitorous pieces of genocidal shit like Wise are their enablers… which makes them doubly worse…

Check this piece of dogshit out…

July 18, 2014 10:11 am

The “Strength through Diversity” meme is a crock of shit conjured up by bureaucrats who are full of shit.

noun \ˈkräk\
Definition of CROCK

1 : a thick, earthenware pot or jar

2 [from its formation on cooking pots] dial : soot, smut

3 : coloring matter that rubs off from cloth or dyed leather

4 : bunkum —usually used with a

July 18, 2014 10:46 am

Hey Billy,

I had never heard of that Tim Wise guy. I could only listen to about two minutes. Then I thought, “What the hell, lemme do some quick searches on this self-loathing white boy.

The video you posted was uploaded in 2008. It seems Herr White has made some significant adjustments to his views since then. Partial quotes from a 2013 article below, followed by the link.


In a move that has stunned progressives across America, anti-racist activist Tim Wise has embraced racism and intolerance. Now styling himself a so-called “Race-Realist”, Wise held a press conference in Washington DC at the National Press Club earlier today. Announcing his new reactionary and extreme views Wise began:

“I am no longer an anti-racist activist. Although, in a sense I am, for the very first time in my life. I am now opposed to a pervasive racism and sexism which targets white males. This bigotry permeates our entire society and culture. I know, because I used to be one of its advocates. I used to promote hatred and intolerance toward whites, I used to attack and malign western civilization. I used to accuse men of almost universally oppressing women. I was guilty of making sweeping generalizations and attacks concerning an entire race of people, namely white people. For this, I was not condemned, but strangely enough, rewarded by our society and our academic and media elites.”

To the sound of shrieks and boos from the audience, largely composed of his own former supporters, shocked and stunned by his unexpected revelation, Wise continued speaking. His voice clearly strained by emotion. ……. ” I recognize that white men are not uniquely evil. Indeed, I believe that when we examine history objectively, we recognize that whites are the foremost champions of, and even the very authors of the concept of human rights. The very idea of what we call human rights, is a product of the European enlightenment, in other words, dead white men!”


Prominent Anti-Racist Activist Tim Wise Embraces Racism and Sexism, Stunning Progressives

July 18, 2014 11:17 am

You may want to read the whole article, I found this note at the bottom:


Tim Wise contacted this web site and expressed the concern that some who read this article might not appreciate its humorous or satirical nature. So that there is not any confusion among followers or fans of Mr. Wise and his work, or by anyone else, this article was written as satire. I apologize if anyone’s feelings were hurt by the above article.


July 18, 2014 11:26 am

Tim Wise’s latest posting from his website:

“White Noise: Immigration, Antiracism and the Spreading of a Neo-Nazi Meme
July 12, 2014

Nazis like shortcuts. Maybe it’s because of their aversion to work, which is mighty difficult to do when you spend all day on the Stormfront web board, talking about your favorite Norse God, or newest tattoo, or how the reason you can’t find a job is because the blacks and Mexicans took them all; the same blacks and Mexicans who you think all live on welfare because they’re lazy. Because, ya know, lazy people are often known to take all the jobs.”

It goes on but I wont bore you. I do find these self loathing whites endlessly fascinating. It is like an internalized version of the people from the earlier thread who disfigured their bodies. So much internal loathing that he has to convince himself that his race is evil in order to gain some form of acceptance.

July 18, 2014 11:52 am

It gets harder to love the human race everyday.

July 18, 2014 11:57 am


Oh. Shit. Thanks for the update. OK, fuck that bastard.

July 18, 2014 2:57 pm

Hey guys,

It’s not enough that we have a cabal of our own Government, the Media, racial groups like La Raza the NAACP, Nation of Jizzlam, and “activists” like that cum-rag Wise all arrayed against us… it’s in our schools and Universities as well.

I present to you a real First Class Motherfucker – “Professor” Noel Ignatiev. This… this… there isn’t a word foul enough in the Languages of Men to describe my feelings towards this guy… but up until recently, this guy was instructing our young at the Massachusetts College of Art as a “History Professor”… before that, this fuck was over at Haah-vahd. And yeah, he “taught” his filth there, too.

I love how those dick suckers over at Wiki describe this walking oily anal discharge… He is, of course, one of Those Who Must Not Be Named…

“Noel Ignatiev (born 1940[1]) is an academician and former American history professor at the Massachusetts College of Art. He is best known for his work on race and social class and for his call to abolish “whiteness” as a sociopolitical category. Ignatiev is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor and the New Abolitionist Society, a journal that promotes the idea that ”treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”


Metapedia is a bit more direct in their description:

“Noel Saul Ignatin✡☭ (born 1940) better known as Noel Ignatiev, is a communist Jew in the United States, involved with the extremist neo-Marxist current of critical race theory, he openly calls for the “destruction of the white race”. Despite being a genocide baiting Europhobe with a history of Communist Party membership, he is employed by the Massachusetts College of Art as a so-called history professor. From the early 1990s through the mid-2000s, he published a journal called “Race Traitor”, whose mission statement[2] calls for “abolishing the white race”.


A few quotes from this infected ball sack:

– ““If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others,”

– “”The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it,”

– “Obviously, all whites need to be destroyed, but why not start with white males? They are behind most of history’s greatest atrocities,” he said, while acknowledging in rather colorful terms that black men like to have sex with white women.

“Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now. If you are a thoughtful person, with a social consciousness who considers himself white, you will consider suicide. It’s the right thing to do,” he added

– “Eventually, I would like to put white males in concentration camps and work them to death just like they’ve done to everyone else. When they are all dead we can throw a party and dance around their corpses,” he said.


Seriously… this ass-crust is and has been calling for the open extermination of whites. Specifically white males. I suppose our females are expected to breed themselves into extinction.

If this would have been you or me or just some Joe Baggadonuts working stiff openly calling for the complete extermination of mestizos or blacks worldwide, we would have the fucking Homeland goons swoop down on us in about 9 seconds… apparently, this dried up shot of jizz gets a pass because he’s Tribe, he’s a Communist piece of dogshit and he’s a “professor”, one of the “intelligentsia”… pretty much untouchable.

And people wonder why I feel the way I do…

July 18, 2014 3:32 pm

He is a Russian communist Jew .Just like the ones that ran Stalin’s killing machine. I have no doubt he means what he says. If he could he would kill all white males because we represent white Anglo Saxon Christian culture in his mind .He hates Christ more then anything .Then western civilization .. Then us .

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 4:52 pm

Zionism relates more to the Talmud.

Many Christians confuse these. The Torah is the Pentateuch.

bb, do not confuse communism with community.

July 18, 2014 5:09 pm


I am delighted you were finally able to work in ….. “oily anal discharge”.

Not bad at all for your first attempt.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 5:47 pm

I am delighted you were finally able to work in ….. “oily anal discharge”. -Stucky

I recall seeing that on some potato chip packages backside about something to do with olestra…

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 5:48 pm

Fords, as well as Kia, sucks.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 18, 2014 5:53 pm

I am delighted you were finally able to work in ….. “oily anal discharge”. -Stucky

You mean Wendys?


Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 18, 2014 10:35 pm

the “is someone a racist?” flowchart is based on another bit of circular logic: if you don’t hate other races, you are a victim of self loathing. I warned some time ago, if you buy into Billy’s hate philosophy, you will soon be filled to the core with loathing of nigger, spics, kikes…oh unhappy spore…