My parents would have been thrown in jail for life. I could roam anywhere within a few miles of my house at that age. We had ball fields and playground a quarter mile away and I had to walk across the creek and through a cemetery to get to Collingdale Park where we would play baseball, football, hockey and tennis. We would also crawl through sewer pipes and sled down steep hills. The horror!!! We live in a pussified police state.

Notify of
July 30, 2014 4:21 pm

I can’t count how many bicycle tires I wore out. As long as you were around when my Dad was ready to eat, you were safe. That kid’s probably safer going to the park than to a catholic church.

July 30, 2014 4:28 pm

So The Gestapo State is considering FELONY charges???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That will pretty much ruin significant area of her life; credit, getting a job, getting loans, owning firearms, etc.

For the bazzilionth time … YOU committed THREE FELONIES somehow today. You can prepare and prepare for surviving Doomsday all you want. But, if the governments wants to imprison you, they have thousands of laws they can nail you on.

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I hope I live long enough to see the day when sending a copfuk to The Great Beyond is considered a badge of honor.

July 30, 2014 4:29 pm

On the bright side, at least the copfuk didn’t taze the Little Wandering Fucker or his Skank Mom.

July 30, 2014 4:37 pm

No law=no problem! We’ll just make one up. WTF are child molesters doing out of prison?

July 30, 2014 4:55 pm

My grandfather figured out early on, back when I was seven years old, that the best way to get me out from under his feet was to hand me his .22 rifle and a half-a-box of shorts and point to the back woods and pasture. Instruction? “Don’t walk where you can’t see your feet (rattlesnakes) and don’t shoot a cow.”

We both would have been aghast at the idiocy of considering this at all hazardous.

July 30, 2014 5:47 pm

How’s this for some child neglect?

Schools, hospitals, Red Cross shelters, and now crowded street markets.

Ain’t dem Joos wonderful?!
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Oh wait …. da Joos have a RIGHT to defend themselves from all those missiles the Mooslems lob into Israel which have killed …… no one. How silly of me! Shalom!


July 30, 2014 6:24 pm

It’s all part of instilling fear into the sheep. When/if the sheople ever wake up I predict the backlash against our low level owners/controllers is going to be epic!***

*** As long as owners/controllers don’t shove some new, even shinier piece of iCrap in their faces right away. Making it “FREE” would do the trick.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 30, 2014 6:29 pm


One of my kids favorite stories about my childhood was that coming inside the house before dinner was something you’d only do if you broke your collar bone and both halves were sticking through your T-shirt. I remember playing outside in the dead of Winter and pretending I was an astronaut marooned on Pluto. Dark, ten below and wearing a 1960’s style kids coat that looked like something they wore on Mad Men. We didn’t even have legitimate boots, they were galloshes with Wonder Bread bags tucked inside to keep your PF Flyers dry. I don’t think I even had gloves.

Kids today are being turned into lifetime babies.

July 30, 2014 6:32 pm

LOL HSF! Sounds exactly like my experience as well! Damn those were good times! Us kids LIVED outside. We even slept outside as often as mom would allow. How old are you HSF?

July 30, 2014 6:49 pm

I S ,this is off topic but I thought about what you said about saving all your one and five dollar bills.Just keep them as a way to put back money.Guess what ? It works. I and little bb have saved over hundred dollars in ones and fives. Just this week!!!We are excited. I thought I would give it a try after I cashed inmy pennies , nickels , dimes and quarters. We had over 1300 hundred dollars in coins.
So IS in front of all the TBP ers ,thank you for a simple but good way to save money.

July 30, 2014 7:28 pm

Stuck – If someone fired a rifle at you, your wife, and your children from a couple thousand yards away, I suppose that would be ok, since they are not likely to hit you, and you would just let it happen because they did it from a schoolyard. Maybe you would just move out of your house and let them have your house because, well, you cannot fight back because they are hiding among children. (It used to be their house, but because they were shooting at you in your old house from it, you took it away from them. If you give it back to them, they will shoot at your new house from your current house, after filling it up with children.)

Keep supporting those mooslims by posting those pics. It is what they want you to do. They are the ones sacrificing their children. They are HAPPY to do it. It is their modus operandi – check out the Irag/Iran war for how they do it when they really get going – they killed tens of thousands of their own kids and elderly by having them walk through minefields and attack machine gun emplacements unarmed.

Them crazy mooslims are willing to sacrifice anything to get rid of Israel. Anything. Beheadings, crucifixions, sacrificing their children, suicide bombings, et al – they are willing to do anything in the name of getting rid of Israel, getting rid of Sunnis, getting rid of Shiites, getting rid of Yankees, defeating Iraq, defeating Iran, defeating insurgents in Syria, defeating the govt of Syria, overthrowing the Russian govt, etc etc etc.

Again I say – everyone needs to stay out of that place. Those fuckers are batshit crazy. It is insane.

But it is the Joos who are the evil satans. Un-fucking-believable.

July 30, 2014 7:36 pm

Oh, I forgot to mention that those bat-shit crazy mooslims also love flying planes into buildings, killing themselves and thousands of innocents, hijacking ships, and kidnapping innocents, stoning women for adultery when they get raped, marrying off 6 year olds to 45 year old men who rape them to death on their “wedding” nights, etc.

Seriously, I cannot understand how so many folks are blind. It is the mooslims that are causing this shit – world-fucking-wide (and the US govt of course). Those fuckers are stoneage assholes of the highest order.

But it is the joos fault. Unbelievable.

July 30, 2014 8:07 pm

Nope. 7 is too young to be alone.
Here in Oz the recommended age is 10, below which kids should be accompanied by an adult.
The “good old days” if they ever really existed when your neighbourhood was NOT a sprawling house filled 4 lane highway jungle but rather a quiet leafy suburb with one car every 10 minutes is long gone.
Yes I remember those days of billycarting down a bush track for hours, now a concrete jungle…
Out all day playing, come home covered in shit. Great stuff. A phone held out in front of you 15 hours a day like the modern kids (zombies) is no comparison !
The “modern” world full of idiots, drunk drivers, child molesters, nomophobes, drug addicts, zombies, helicopter parents and politicians makes the situation way different.
The average 7yo these days is braindead compared to a 7yo when I was growing up and so need to be looked after more. is a start but the whole world is so screwed up I really don’t see a future for the next generation at all, supervised or not.

July 30, 2014 8:07 pm

IIpoh is a classic Hasbara troll, defending the indefensible with the usual talking points.

July 30, 2014 8:15 pm

When I was nine, I was responsible for getting dinner on the table for my family, all six of us – thankfully, mom was capable of (mostly) caring for my youngest brother and I didn’t have to prepare his bottle too. My repertoire of dinners wasn’t very varied, and until my dad freaked out about eating tuna casserole three nights in a week, he didn’t even know I was the one cooking.

Regularly, I would be left home to watch the wee ones so mom & dad could go do “parents only” things, groceries, taxes, parent-teacher conferences. Plus, with the birth of the youngest (five kids), my mom had a complete breakdown and spent nearly every waking hour in her bedroom with the baby. Leaving me to take care of a 6 y.o., 4 y.o., and 1 y.o.

By 11 I was watching other people’s kids (I needed $$$$, mom & dad couldn’t pay me for the work I did there), including a schedule of overnights for a lady with a 2 yo and a job in a “home” where she worked odd 1 day on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off, shifts and had to sleep at the “home.”

At nine I was also walking close to a mile from my school, to downtown, to wait for an hour and a half for ballet lessons (last time my dad had money for stuff like that until long after I left home).

From the age of 7ish, I would routinely pack a lunch, grab my best friend and take off into the woods and fields for hours at a time. Once I was actually lost – all day – and my parents didn’t even realize it until I didn’t show for dinner. I left at 8 a.m.

My son was allowed to take his pellet gun and go into the back 40/woods around 8 y.o. Riding his bike 5 miles to his friend’s house around 9ish.

Now, if I let my 9 y.o. daughter play in our own yard, with a 100 pound black lab at her side, I am told by neighbors “that might be dangerous.”

WTF, ‘murica, wtf?

Ah well, someday soon, this shit will no longer stand, the little illegals are going to overwhelm the foster system in nearly every state, thus forcing the state to stop prosecuting and taking our kids away.

Or, when the money is no longer worth much, the scores of these POS “child protectors” will decide to quit coming in, or do absolutely nothing if they do, it is the union mentality and the unionists are the ones that will stop working first when paychecks no longer cover expenses. Seems I read about that in “When Money Dies” about Weimar.

Yet another time where the US law is going to destroy a child, in the name of protecting him.

Unless we think a working mom that allows her kid to play outside is actually guilty of a crime.
Or that having your entire future trashed for smoking a plant, is the best way to keep drugs from “ruining” lives.

We are the US government and we are here to kill you to keep you safe.

I always feel better after these stories. So safe, so loved, so protected. Our benevolent gubment is only looking out for the children.


July 30, 2014 8:25 pm

It depends on how far you go back in History, check out the Belfour Resolution. The country was Palestine until the UN created the country of Israel in 1947 out of part of Palestine. Truman recognized Israel as a country 15 minutes after it was established by UN Mandate. The Palestinians believe their lands were stolen from them and want them back.

The Turks and I am assuming all Arabs believe in predestination, Allah wills it and they have no control over anything. The basic problem universally is what Ayn Rand called “mysticism”, beliefs in supernatural miracles and a better afterlife. Why else would people dig their own graves, walk into gas chambers, suicide bombers, launch nine Crusades etc. ? We should emulate the Confederation of Helvetian States and have nothing to do with other peoples disagreements.

July 30, 2014 8:29 pm

Paul is the classic moron who drops in, takes a dump, and pisses off.

Indefensible? Bullshit. Israel is being fired on. Keep ignoring that little fact – keep justifying it by saying “but no one is getting hurt”. Keep ignoring who and what the radical Muslims are.

There are great atrocities being committed in the world. It is horrible that anyone dies in war. And the major atrocities in the world are being committed by radical Muslims, and are being de facto supported by the majority of Muslims world-wide.

Nonetheless, it is not my problem. How it got here is now no longer relevant – huge mistakes were made. In hindsight, the Allies made huge mistakes in supporting the founding of Israel. The Muslims made huge mistakes in attacking the new Israel time and again, especially by not winning. Israel made huge mistakes in allowing Israel to expand into the land won in the wars. It is now what it is. If Israel can hold the land – it is theirs. If not it is not. I could care less.

There will be no peace in the Middle East. Not now, and not ever. That is a shame, but it is what it is.

July 30, 2014 8:35 pm

Stucky those fucking ragheads are shooting rockets from among the civilians.

UNRWA Finds Another Rocket Stockpile in Gaza School

UNRWA finds another rocket stockpile at one of its schools in Gaza, the third time since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) announced on Tuesday that another rocket stockpile has been found at one of its schools in Gaza, Breitbart reported.

This instance marks the third time since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge that a weapons arsenal has been found at an UNRWA school in Gaza.

UNRWA has yet to place blame on any individuals or organizations for placing the weapons stockpile within a children’s school. The UN body refused to do so on the past two previous occasions as well.

UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness condemned those responsible for placing civilians in harm’s way by storing the rockets at the school.

“We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school. This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property,” Gunness said in a statement quoted by the Reuters news agency.

After the first finding of rockets at an UNRWA school, it was reported that rather than destroying the rockets, UNRWA workers called Hamas to come remove them.

While UNRWA confirmed the existence of rockets in one of its schools last week, the organization refused an Israeli request to provide a picture of the weapons. A picture could have helped Israel show that Hamas uses civilian institutions to store weapons and launch attacks.

Hamas has openly used human shields in its latest conflict with Israel. The terrorist group has also issued a statement urging Gaza residents to ignore IDF warnings to evacuate their homes.

July 30, 2014 8:38 pm

I bet if Hamas would stop firing missiles at Israel the dead bodies would cease.

July 30, 2014 9:02 pm

Sensetti – what a simple solution! Stop firing rockets and top putting rocket emplacements in schools, hospitals, etc.

Hamas wants the kids to be killed. How generally smart folks do not understand that is beyond me.

Sensetti – you and I will collect thumbs down by the gross. Hamas is winning the propaganda war.

July 30, 2014 9:11 pm

LLPOH I was thinking the same thing. Hamas only strategy is to parade dead children in front of the TV cameras. If they stop firing the fucking rockets it’s over. Israel won that land in the 67 war. If the ragheads want it back form up and fucking take it. The pussies would rather have dead children do their bidding. Israel will never go back to pre 67 borders, never, nukes will fly first.

July 30, 2014 9:19 pm

LLPOH who fucking hides missiles in schools and who would be ignorant enough to defend the low life bastard that would do such a thing. I wish the Hamas sympathizers would explain that action it defines who Hamas is.

July 30, 2014 9:24 pm

Hey guys?

You do know this is the child neglect story about the mother letting her kid play in the park? Aren’t there other more appropriate places to post that?

Just saying, and I have to tell you, I am sick to freaking death of the whole Israel/Palestine situation and everyone’s opinion on it.

July 30, 2014 9:25 pm

Israel is dropping fliers begging civilians to get out of harms way. Hamas is telling them to stand and face your enemy. Israel profits nothing from the photo of a dead child. Hamas uses the dead child as a means to an end, an end with no chance of ever coming to pass.

July 30, 2014 9:26 pm

TE run back up the thread and see who started it and post your finding

July 30, 2014 9:26 pm

Sensetti – Hamas and their ilk are sub-human. It really is that simple. And their ilk spreads far and wide in the Muslim world. They may be a minority, but the majority tacitly supports them via inaction, via their screams that they are being discriminated against, etc. How often do you hear Muslim leaders condemning the atrocities commit ed in the name of Islam? Virtually never.

July 30, 2014 9:30 pm

70% of Americans support Israel and that will not change any time soon. The southern states would post a much higher percentage than that.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
July 30, 2014 9:34 pm

the topic was child neglect, the argument was that letting a child walk half a mile down the street to the park armed with nothing but a cell phone is negligence. the article mentioned that the law did not specify an age but would be handled on a case by case basis:

if the child is white, it’s neglect, if black, get back.

my mom’s policy was boys outdoors unless it was dinnertime which was whenever my dad made it home from the bar. back then, every truckdriver in town went to the bar after work. along with my brothers and friends, we covered the town from one end to the other. we learned about life on the streets and never brought any of it home, my mom would have died a thousand times over to hear of our near scrapes. my brother daniel fell into a piling hole when they were constructing the freeway. he broke his arm in one incident and got his foot broken by a driver who turned the corner to close to the curb another time. he was a sight to see, an 8 yo with an arm and a foot in a cast. the old ladies would sk my mom, what happened to him? she just said, he’s back from vietnam.

July 30, 2014 9:35 pm

TE – I never thought you would be the hall monitor. Don’t you have a husband to chastise or something? ( 🙂 ) (Just kidding – you are still one of the shining stars around here. But trying to guillotine debate is not going to work – it will just stir the flames even higher). You don’t look like this do you?


Rise Up
Rise Up
July 30, 2014 9:42 pm

And back to the original thread…here in Fairfax County, Virginia these are the “guidelines” (I’m not aware of any criminal statutes for any of these):

“The following represent minimally acceptable standards for the supervision of children. These guidelines have been developed by social work professionals in collaboration with the community. REMEMBER, they are guidelines only.

Age Guidelines …

7 years and under:
Should not be left alone for any period of time. This may include leaving children unattended in cars, playgrounds, and backyards. The determining consideration would be the dangers in the environment and the ability of the caretaker to intervene.

8 to 10 years:
Should not be left alone for more than 1½ hours and only during daylight and early evening hours.

11 to 12 years:
May be left alone for up to 3 hours but not late at night or in circumstances requiring inappropriate responsibility.

13 to 15 years:
May be left unsupervised, but not overnight.

16 to 17 years:
May be left unsupervised (in some cases, for up to two consecutive overnight periods).

July 30, 2014 9:43 pm

Chen – this is TBP. Staying on topic is entirely optional.


July 30, 2014 9:44 pm

I didn’t mention anybody by name, Mr. Senseti, because I truly love you and Llpoh, and the other, not named cause he didn’t come and pick on me…

And actually Llpoh, I do have something to do, I’m at work, which is why I’m able to be on the computer during these hours. My hub FREAKS if I am on my computer while he flips channels, and I never, well almost never, chastise him. He is a grown up (allegedly, but that is another tale), and I promised myself I wouldn’t nag. Which is why I haven’t had use of my shower for over a year, to name but one thing…lol

So, in the perfect passive-aggressive irony that is my life, I come into to do the books and end up spending a couple hours here instead of working on his books.

Plus I’ve really weaned myself off this shiny box, and since my fingers were on the keyboard, and I just had my network at work upgraded, I really couldn’t help myself.

Carry on. The whole thing sucks. I can’t believe any of their gods condone this shit.

But, that’s just me. Hugs Llpoh, you are always sweet to me. And, I don’t think I look like Nurse Ratchett (that was her name, no?), but more of a Hot Lips Houlihan. But who the heck knows, the older I get the less I recognize myself in the ole mirror

July 30, 2014 9:47 pm

@Rise up, my parents would have been in jail.

And that was a mere, crap, more years than I want to admit ago. Let’s just say it was the days of Peanuts and Gas Lines.

We are a nation of pansies and scaredy-cats raising a nation of non-thinking pussies.

Founders must be so proud.

July 30, 2014 9:48 pm

Plus we are getting older, some of us (you out there, Muck?).

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July 30, 2014 9:50 pm

TE 🙂

July 30, 2014 9:51 pm

Sensetti, Lloph,
Didnt you guys get the memo? Jews out, Islamasits in. I heard they were bad Jews and made deal with the Putin for the gas at Tamir. No bueno, must be bitch slapped. Or maybe more than bitch slapped, maybe the boyz are backin the new sherrif ISIS and going after the whole enchilada after they light the whole place on fire. Lots of upside in destruction of the status quo. They have definitely sold out the house of Saud, what do the jews have that they need? Maybe its been decided to feed them to the lions and clean up after.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 30, 2014 9:53 pm


My dad grew up in Arlington County, Virginia near Fort Myers, which at the time was a horse cavalry unit. He had a pony and would sometimes follow them when they practiced maneuvers. One day he followed them and they kept going, and going, and going. Before long it was several hours and they had rode all the way out to Winchester, some 60 miles away, with my then 9-year old dad behind.
Don’t know why they didn’t turn him away sooner, but the troop leader had to call my grandma on a field phone to let her know he was spending the night with them and would be back the next day.

The 1932 article in the paper about this story is a family heirloom.

July 30, 2014 9:55 pm

TE – it is a hoot around here. Hot lips you say? Your wish is my command!

[imgcomment image[/img]

Or the original:

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July 30, 2014 10:01 pm

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July 30, 2014 10:02 pm

Wow, I kinda do look like her at about the same age. I used to look more like Diana Rigg, and actually went once to a halloween party as Mrs. Peel, my ex went as Mr. Steed, what a hoot!

Nearly as much fun as this place, and what do you know, since he’s the ex, the doom is the same too!

July 30, 2014 10:05 pm

Ottomatik I am good if the ragheads want to go to war with the Joos, let it rip, winner take all. But this poor fucking me, oh look at the dead child warfare is bullshit. The ragheads have Israel surround what on earth is hold them back? Let me tell you what’s holding them back. Israel will kick the shit out of the whole lot in short order.

July 30, 2014 10:06 pm

You are gonna have all the guys dreaming about you now – not that Muck needs any encouragement. I remember being quite smitten by the original hot lips.

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July 30, 2014 10:08 pm

“It depends on how far you go back in History, check out the Belfour Resolution. The country was Palestine until the UN created the country of Israel in 1947 out of part of Palestine.” —Roy

You’re absolutely right Roy, it depends on how far you go back. So why did you only go back seventy years? Instead of checking out the Balfour Resolution, check out TransJordan. The country that is now Jordan was supposed to be the home for Palestinians, but their Arab brethren betrayed them. There never has been a country called Palestine with defined borders and a functioning government. It’s always been a generalized area with nomadic peoples of various identities. Look at Wikipedia: State of Palestine. It was declared a state in 1988 by, get this, The Palestine Liberation Organization! This feud goes way back. Israel goes back lots farther than 1947. Ever heard of Moses? Abraham? King David?

July 30, 2014 10:13 pm

TE back in the day. Smokin hot
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July 30, 2014 10:17 pm

Agreed, but they have always enjoyed the support of the boyz and it appears they have fallen out of favor. Listen to the presstitutes. Ahh the sands shift, i think they have been traded for a decidedly more barbaric lot in a big gamble in the Great Game. Look for them to trade their F-16 and M-1’s for migs and T80’s in the future. I think the boyz are going to burn it down and manage the caliphate to build it back up.

July 30, 2014 10:18 pm

dirtscratcher – you are indeed correct. Prior to 1947, there was no Palestine as a nation. It was described on maps, but there was no government. They were tribal, and there were many, many tribes. The Israelis formed a government, but there was no other at the time.

July 30, 2014 10:24 pm

Ottomatik America will spend blood and treasure to defend Israel. Check this out

Democrats and Republicans in Congress vowed urgent support Tuesday for a $225 million missile defense package for Israel, boosting the likelihood that legislation will clear Congress before lawmakers begin a monthlong vacation at week’s end.

July 30, 2014 10:26 pm

The piece everyone forgets is the Jews control the central banks of the world. The Jews own the politicians.

July 30, 2014 10:31 pm

“Stuck – If someone fired a rifle at you, your wife, and your children from a couple thousand yards away, I suppose that would be ok, since they are not likely to hit you, and you would just let it happen because they did it from a schoolyard. Maybe you would just move out of your house and let them have your house because, well, you cannot fight back because they are hiding among children. (It used to be their house, but because they were shooting at you in your old house from it, you took it away from them. If you give it back to them, they will shoot at your new house from your current house, after filling it up with children.)” —- Loopy Lou

That is THE most fucking dumb-ass illogical brain-dead bullshit you’ve ever written.

First, let’s be clear. I am NOT a mooslim/Hamas sympathizer. You’ve been here long enough to know that I just don’t like the mooslim religion even one iota … nor do I like the RELIGIOUS mooslim fuckwads who worship Allah. (I’m OK with secular Mooslims for the most part.).

Regarding your retarded comment. OF COURSE I would want to kill anyone who fucks with my family. But, here’s the thing Einstein; one does NOT make a national policy based on personal emotions. One does NOT judge the Joo Boy Murderers based on personal emotions.

Second, go back and take another look at that dead child. What … maybe 5 years old? Now, please do tell me …. How many rockets did THAT CHILD fire into Israel? What did he do to deserve death. Maybe I should post pictures of the other several HUNDRED innocents that were MURDERED … not killed … murdered.

Israel bombs schools. WTF is wrong with you?
Israel bombs hospitals. WTF is wrong with you?
Israel bombs Red Cross shelters. WTF is wrong with you?
Israel bombs marketplaces. WTF is wrong with you?

You’re too goddamned stoopid to understand the concept of PROPORTIONAL RESPONSE. You’ve got your head up your ass so far you don’t see that murdering hundreds of innocents is a MORALLY WRONG and INDEFENSIBLE response when your side suffered ZERO casualties from the mooslim rocket attacks. I guess the Joo Army – the most powerful in the region by far — is too fucking stoopid to figure out how to close those tunnels without killing and targeting civilians. They commit murder using USA! USA! USA! tax money, bullets, bombs, tanks, and other weapons. You don’t give a fuck about that either, regardless of what you claim.

You are Bush, Cheney, Kristol and all other war-mongers wrapped in one nice little package. Your sicko attitude simply SCREAMS …. COLLATERAL DAMAGE, tough shit baby! Oh, yes, that is exactly what you believe. You’re viewpoint is sort of disgusting, really.

I’m done for the evening. I gotta get up very early tomorrow. However, in closing, let me say this. BLOW ME!!!!!!!!!

July 30, 2014 10:33 pm

@Sensetti, (ok, now I’m joining, what crap!), I read today that Russia is supporting Israel too.

How f#’d up is that?

So we are fighting them over the Ukraine, but on the same page in Israel?

Never, to my knowledge, has the reality of a Jewish led, or at least Zionist led, cabal is running the entire world.

Just like during WWII, they really don’t give a flying shit whom “wins.” They make money, and retain the ultimate power, no matter what. As history continues to show us.

Jesus tried to warn us about these men, hell, he gave his life showing us what he thought about them.

And we learned NOTHING. Not a damned thing.

How many children have died thanks to this shadow government that always wins and never loses?

Ignorance was bliss, even if forewarned is forearmed.

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