County Refuses to Pay Medical Bills

These dirtbags throw a flash grenade into this kids crib while executing a no knock raid, (scratch that lets call it what it is) violent home invasion and now they refuse to pay for the medical bills for the harm they caused directly.  And politicians/people bemoan the lack of trust displayed by the community to LEO’s???  They shouldn’t be trusted, at least some people are finally catching on.

Get rid of the military hardware, outlaw no-knock raids, end drug war, mind your own business; solutions so simple a brain dead govt drone could understand.

County refuses to pay medical bills for toddler injured by flash bang during police raid (VIDEO)

The toddler spent weeks in the burn unit, with his face ripped open and a large cut on his chest, after the flash bang landed on his pillow while he was sleeping. (Photo: WSB-TV)

The family of a toddler who was severely injured after a flash bang landed in his crib during the execution of a no-knock warrant in Atlanta is frustrated and disheartened that the county now refuses to help pay for the child’s medical bills.

“Everyone’s sleeping. There’s a loud bang and a bright light,” said the boy’s mother following the incident in May. “The cops threw that grenade in the door without looking first, and it landed right in the playpen and exploded on his pillow right in his face.”

Bounkham Phonesavah was just 19-months-old at the time and has since spent weeks in two separate hospitals recovering after initially being put into a medically-induced coma.

The boy has since come home, but now the medical bills are piling up – to the tune of $500,000 – and the boy’s parents are asking the county to help fit the bill, with no such luck.

The county issued a statement, saying: “The question before the board was whether it is legally permitted to pay these expenses. After consideration of this question following advice of counsel, the board of commissioners has concluded that it would be in violation of the law for it to do so.”

Muwali Davis, the family’s attorney, told reporters, “The family reaction is utter disappointment and shock.”

According to Davis, an investigation revealed that authorities used questionable information to obtain the warrant. An informant told authorities he had bought methamphetamine from Wanis Thometheva at the house. Thometheva was not home at the time of the raid, but was later arrested at a nearby house.

Authorities claim they had no way of knowing that a child was in the home at the time of the raid.

“There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we’d have done something different,” said Cornelia Police Chief Rick Darby right after the incident.

Apparently the Phonesavah family had just come to stay in the home after their house in Wisconsin burned down.

The family also has no medical insurance to help cover the costs.

Nonetheless, Darby said, “You’re trying to minimize anything that could go wrong and in this case the greatest thing went wrong. Is it going to make us be more careful in the next one? Yes ma’am, it is. It’s gonna make us double question.”

Davis said the family is not finished fighting.

Original HERE.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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August 19, 2014 8:43 pm

Pottery Barn rules, you break it-you bought it. I hope this lawyer successfully sues the shit out of this county. By the way, the baby’s nickname is “Boo Boo”. Another example of overzealous cop-fucks.

August 19, 2014 9:03 pm

Harry this is a God Damn outrage. Keep up the good work.

August 19, 2014 9:10 pm

@ harry p: Your response to the following question, please. Any extenuating circumstances?

“The baby’s family had moved into the Cornelia residence after their Wisconsin home burned, Terrell told CNN affiliate WXIA, and while the family members were aware of drug activity in the home, “they kept the children out of sight in a different room while any of these going-ons were happening.”

Thonetheva was arrested at another Cornelia residence, along with three other people, shortly after the raid, Terrell said. He is charged with distribution of methamphetamine. Habersham County Chief Assistant District Attorney J. Edward Staples said Thonetheva could also be charged in connection with the baby’s injuries.

Thonetheva was already out on bond for an October 2013 charge of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony — the felony being distribution of methamphetamine.”

August 19, 2014 9:20 pm

Harry you love reporting on police abuse so I was wondering would you or could you provide my redneck ass with some stats? . How many traffic stops, and arrest warrants are served everyday day in this country? And how many would you consider unnecessary or improperly executed. This would give me a little perspective on the overall situation.

August 19, 2014 9:38 pm

Harry let sensetti give you a little something to think about. More people are killed every fucking day by incompetent nurses and Doctors by many multiples than rogue cops kill, hands fucking down.

I could make the case we should outlaw surgeons because they kill one hell of a lot more people than cops do.
But you my friend will rage against law enforcement and walk in a hospital and let a stranger cut on you or a family member without a fucking clue.

The chance of you getting killed my medical personnel is exponentially greater than a cop kicking your door down and dropping a flash bang grenade on your ass.

Get a fucking clue dude, your rage against the machine gets old. If you want to come back at sensetti come back with the stats I asked you for. If not sit down and shut the fuck up.

August 19, 2014 9:45 pm

I agree Harry ,your rage at the machine is getting . Shut the fuck up you peace loving ,Reagan conservative piece of dog do do.

August 19, 2014 9:47 pm

Harry that was not the real bb.

August 19, 2014 9:51 pm

T4C there are thousands of arrest warrants and traffic stops in this country everyday. As there are thousands of surgical procedures done everyday. I am simply putting forth many times more people are killed in the surgical suite than cops serving warrants. But Harry has no fucking concept of that so he rages against what he knows, what he can see or read about.. When what will kill him or a family member he is oblivious too. Fucking sad

August 19, 2014 9:54 pm

T4C you ever see an ICU nurse hang Vecuronium when it should have been Vanc.

August 19, 2014 10:05 pm

T4C you ever see an incompetent surgeon have one bad outcome after another. For you lay folk, that means the mutha fukashima gonna kill your ass. One after another. And you gonna worry about a cop kicking in your door.
Get in a motor vehicle accident, your chance of survival depends who’s on call. If your not in to drugs or citing crazy the chance of a cop at your door is all most zero.

Your chance of getting a celestial discharge in a hospital is much greater than it is on the street by a cop.
Just sayin” a word to the wise is sufficient. Now let’s get back to our regular programming

Fuck cops

August 19, 2014 10:16 pm

Hey Harry answer this question honestly. What are the chances of the cops raiding your house?
Mine it’s fucking zero.

August 19, 2014 10:19 pm

Harry there are fucking neighborhoods in Little Rock the Cops won’t even enter unless a dead body needs picked up.

August 19, 2014 10:22 pm

Harry you make a trip to Pine Bluff Arkansas and walk around that town on a Friday night and come back and tell me what kind of equipment law enforcement needs.

August 19, 2014 10:27 pm

Harry what about Detroit where the chief of police made the statement if you come here we can’t protect you.

If you were a cop in Detroit how the fuck would you want serve a warrant? I would want a SWAT TEAM and a fucking Abrahams tank.

August 19, 2014 10:35 pm

harry p. says: I’m happy for you, glad you live in a non-police state region. keep on worrying about the doctors and nurses, they are out to get you, watch your back.

Harry you miss the God Damn point. I don’t worry about Doctors and Nurses. I know the difference, you don’t, you walk in blind.

Harry just friendly advise, worry about what might kill you or a family member. It’s not a cop kicking down your door.

August 19, 2014 10:38 pm

My sweet T4C sensetti is doing his best to refocus Harry p. He see’s death behind every cop. And that’s not what’s gonna kill Harry.

August 19, 2014 10:52 pm

Harry says: get that sand out of your vagina.

Harry, I promise you if you were standing in front of me you would refer to me as Sir. Unless your a 6’4 inch 240 lb crazy fucking Irish Southern Redneck that Bench Presses 400 Lbs .

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 19, 2014 11:00 pm

Whether or not the parents dealt drugs is not the issue. That child did not. Now, if the parents are going to prison who takes care of that child? One way or another the state, taxpayer, willl pay, they may as well pony up now and sell some more bonds because throwing flashbangs in this manner is dangerous to innocent minors and children.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 19, 2014 11:02 pm

BTW we have officials saying there was no evidence of children in the house. Yes, there is, that evidence spent a drug induced coma in hospice.

August 19, 2014 11:03 pm

@ harry p

You still haven’t answered my question above at 9:10 pm. Any extenuating circumstances?

I gave you plenty of additional information to chew on, but not ALL of the information available in this tragic flash-bang case. Be careful with your answer.

You made the post, and you own it. So, I’m waiting. And I’m guessing Sensetti is, too.

August 19, 2014 11:12 pm

Harry don’t fear the cops. You are correct, around here they are family and friends. When my Son-in-law serves a warrant that’s not his call. His only goal is to come home to his wife and kids.

Hell man it’s gonna go bad once in awhile. The objective for him is don’t take a chance and make it home every night.
They walk into some real bad shit.

August 19, 2014 11:20 pm

KB what’s up. How Dallas treating your ass.

August 19, 2014 11:39 pm

Triple S

Here’s the bottom line. Harry knows that thousands upon thousand of warrants are served everyday in this country and a very few make it to the OH My GOD I can’t believe they shot the baby stage”

Harry wants to rail against the cops but sadly has no answers for Chicago, Detroit, or Pine Bluff Arkansas.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 19, 2014 11:39 pm

Hey Sens, actually I am in Rockwall county. Dallas sucks. But we all knew that. =)

How are you?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 19, 2014 11:40 pm

Yanno, a easy way to identify if an infant is in the house is to look in the garbage.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 19, 2014 11:47 pm

Here, Rockwall, the politicians found a loophole to build a 12 million [dont know about cost overruns, but sure they are there] the taxpayers voted down TWICE.

This is the smallest county in Texas. So the elected hired a bunch of cronies and sold bonds to investors. Well, lah de dah, crime does pay. My point is that this case, above, Georgia, I think, doesn’t want to pay. But those people in that state will not pay, perhaps, for the police ineptitude, but WILL pay elsewhere for some other crap they didn’t want.

August 20, 2014 12:08 am

KB, thanks for asking
Sensetti is awesomely Fine. I’ve got this fucking ball we are all riding on spinning my way. I’m not afraid of the cops, not afraid of the blacks, not afraid of TPTB.

Why? Glad you axed me. Us Fucking Irish are like cock roaches. You can nuke the fucking place and we will walk out the other side. GOD Loves us like that.

August 20, 2014 12:12 am

Harry , I told you that wasn’t me you idiot .I will say your cop bashing is getting old .Maybe Sensetti is right .You probably do have more risk dying from some infection then being hurt by a cop.Wake up.

August 20, 2014 12:14 am

Well Holy Shit , Harry fell off the Grid. Poor Mutha Fucker mustta got attacked by a bunch of rouge cops.

August 20, 2014 12:16 am

God Damn bb don’t help me. I got this

August 20, 2014 12:21 am

Smokey talks to sensetti

August 20, 2014 7:36 am

Sensitti, speaking of incompetent MD’s out to get ya’, whatever happened to the TBP champion of all Repug-nant , AWD….did he get a libertarian bur in his breeches and move on permanently?

August 20, 2014 7:42 am

Sensitti. FWIW , referring to oneself in the third person has long been considered by the mental health profession as a sign that one is… ugh…shall we say. “loosely wrapped”..but don’t take my word for it…look it up.

August 20, 2014 8:43 am

flash says:
“Sensitti. FWIW , referring to oneself in the third person has long been considered by the mental health profession as a sign that one is… ugh…shall we say. “loosely wrapped”..but don’t take my word for it…look it up. ”

No flash, Sensetti is just Southern. (by the grace of God I suspect) Being loosely wrapped is just high falutin’ words equivalent of keepin’ yer options open!

August 20, 2014 8:52 am

No , IS Sensitti is not Southern, but a mere transplant.What we Southrons refer to as a snowbird.

And, for what it the fuck it”s worth…Southern culture is dead because of motherfuckiing snowbirds bringing their liberal i.e Republican bullshit south and forcing it literally at the barrel of a gun down real Southerners throat..GOT IT? ..glad I could clear that up for you.

August 20, 2014 8:54 am

BTW, ISsy, I don;t know any Southrons who speak of themselves in the third person..must be a goddam Yankee thing?

August 20, 2014 12:04 pm

The problem isn’t necessarily overzealous LEOs, the problem is no accountability.

And as long as the honest, “law abiding” (we are all criminals now, just yet to be caught), do not feel the pain – through their hard earned cash – of dealing with the destruction we are mandating, nothing is going to change.

I love all you all truly believe that because you are not “breaking the law,” it somehow keeps you safe from 2 a.m. no knock raids.

Time, after time, after time, that has been proven to be a complete lie. AND the Supremes rule that cops “accidentally” coming to the wrong house (yours) and KILLING YOU, is “protected.”

Wake the fuck up Dreamers. As long as we allow this shit to continue – and get worse – we ALL are at risk.


August 20, 2014 12:46 pm

@harry, “faulty” warrant.

The bulk of drug warrants stem from criminals that have “made friends” with the cops. In order for said criminals to continue selling drugs and pimping out young girls, they have to give their LEOs continuous evidence against others. Others whom are doing the SAME things as the CIs. (confidential informants)

Time after time it seems homes, and lives, are destroyed, and the best the cops come up with is a few pounds of weeds, some guns, some cash.

Is it worth it to continue being the morality police?

The smart criminals turn informant, then ply their trade with legal protection. This is what we pretend is justice and “fighting the war” in ‘murica.

Sickening. Simply, completely, sickening.

August 20, 2014 5:33 pm

@ Harry p, who said,

“Lately I have posted only sparingly on TBP but I am assuming there is some penned-up animosity due to my opinion and criticism of cops” ….. Wrong. I have no animosity toward you or your opinions. Disagreement sometimes, yes. Animosity, no. I simply don’t use the same paintbrush for all cops.

“If you are getting tired of my criticism of cops, then don’t read posts that have my name at the top or petition Admin to block me.” Wrong again. Keep posting, and I’ll keep reading. As for asking Admin to block you, that would be silly and juvenile of me. I may be a lot of different things to visitors here. Hopefully, silly and juvenile aren’t two of them.

Specific comments on your post follow.

August 20, 2014 6:15 pm

flash says:

“No , IS Sensitti is not Southern, but a mere transplant.”


“BTW, ISsy, I don;t know any Southrons who speak of themselves in the third person..must be a goddam Yankee thing? ”

Sorry flasharooni, I must have Sensetti confused with another monkey. My sincere apologies to Sensetti as well.

In my 8 years of living south of the Mason-Dixon I met plenty of good ‘ol inbred, knuckle draggin’ southern boys referring to themselves in third person. They were mostly named Cletus, Maynard, BillyBob, JoeBob, Otis or Spivey. They used to say things like: “Cletus is gonna go git him sum mo beer!” or “Maynards balls itch!” or Spivey needs him ‘nuther set of double hump heads!”. Bless their hearts.

Saying you’ve never heard these kinds of statements is disingenuous because a yank can hear them just passing through the south stopping only at gas stations.

Strange thing was that they all seemed to be missing the exact same tooth! Coincidence? Probably not.

August 20, 2014 6:35 pm

flash said:
“And, for what it the fuck it”s worth…Southern culture is dead because of motherfuckiing snowbirds bringing their liberal i.e Republican bullshit south and forcing it literally at the barrel of a gun down real Southerners throat..GOT IT? ..glad I could clear that up for you. ”

Well I guess that Cletus, Spivey and the rest of ya’ll must not have found that your treasured southern culture was worth protecting from the republicrat bullshit!. Except for the missing teeth and sister lovin’, ya’ll fit right in with the rest of us now. Welcome to ‘murica!

Duped by a bunch of non-southern “snowbirds” (in effect, yanks). Oh the shame!

August 20, 2014 7:26 pm

harry p. says:
“I am not ranting about cops because I feel I am immediately threatened by them, I read about the actions of some of them and passing on the info regarding the injustice. you are seriously missing the point and overanalyzing.”

GONG! Sorry Harry but on TBP you either believe all cops are copfuks and deserve our scorn and hate or you are a retard. There is no middle ground!

It’s a lot like the issue of black people on TBP. You either believe they are all white chick raping niggers or you are a retarded white apologist or possibly a nigger yourself.

Both are sort of like the no nipple rule. There can be no coloring outside the lines on certain topics but thanks for playing.