‘White boy’ Biden calls tea party ‘crazy’

This nutjob is one heartbeat away. He’s Obama’s best defense against impeachment.


Washington (CNN) — Vice President Joe Biden, in a closed-door meeting with black clergy in South Carolina on Tuesday, referred to himself as “the only white boy on the east side of Wilmington” as he recalled his days as a Delaware public defender and pressed faith leaders to elect Democrats this year.

He offered a candid critique of Republicans, calling the tea party “crazy,” according to a detailed readout of Biden’s remarks provided to CNN by a person in the room.

“This is not your father’s Republican Party,” he said, according to the source. “This is a different breed of cat, man. I am not making a moral judgment, but I will tell you that they have no judgment.”

Biden was in South Carolina for the day to support local Democrats in competitive races. But South Carolina’s role as an early presidential primary state added another layer of political intrigue to his trip, one of several to the state this year.

His office declined to comment on his remarks at the private meeting.

Biden predicted dire consequences for Democrats if Republicans win full control of Congress in November.

“If they win again, we are going to get no consensus on anything for the next two, four, six years,” Biden told the gathering of more than 100 ministers. “But if we beat some of these folks, it’s going to give some spine to the Republicans who know better.”

He added, “If we win, will turn things around. There will begin to be consensus.”

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The day’s public event was a rally at Allen University, a historically black university in Columbia. Before a crowd of roughly 1,000 people, Biden took sharp aim at Republicans in Congress and in the South Carolina state house, including Gov. Nikki Haley, accusing them of putting ideology over compromise.

Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the Civil Society Forum at the US-Africa Leader Summit in Washington in August 4.
Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the Civil Society Forum at the US-Africa Leader Summit in Washington in August 4.

“Your governor is denying 200,000 South Carolinians additional Medicaid because she opposes expansion,” Biden said.

But he was more blunt in the gathering with ministers. He said Americans side with Democrats on issues from minimum wage, “tax fairness,” combating climate change and making climate change affordable. Pointing to the enactment of strict voter ID laws in GOP-dominated states, Biden said Republicans have been successful in discouraging Democrats, especially African-Americans, from voting.

‘I’m Joe Biden and I don’t like Twitter’

“What the other team has done so skillfully over the last 15 years is convince our folks that it’s not worth voting,” he said. “Rich guys never get fooled that it’s not worth voting. They always show up and vote. But they tell our folks it doesn’t matter, that government doesn’t work anyway.”

At one point referring to himself as “Joe Biden, progressive Democrat,” Biden pointed to gains in manufacturing jobs under President Barack Obama, but said the middle class still “has not come back yet.”

“You can see it in the eyes of your parishioners,” he said. “It’s not just in black America, it’s white America as well. People are wondering, when is it going to be OK?”

“Corporate profits have soared,” Biden said, criticizing “these guys running hedge funds in New York.” He noted that the top 1% of earners in the United States make almost a quarter of all the money earned in the country. “How can that possibly be fair?” he asked.

“The biggest problem is income inequality,” he said, echoing populist-themed remarks he made at a South Carolina fundraiser earlier this year. “Because when income inequality spreads, economies shrink because folks don’t have money to spend.”

Six times Joe Biden aimed for the truth and caused a headache

Sitting next to South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, Biden talked up his political background and told the assembled audience that he “got 98% of the African-American vote every time I ran” in Delaware.

Black voters routinely make up a majority of the Democratic primary electorate in South Carolina.

Biden pointed out that his career began as a young public defender in Delaware, representing low-income clients. That’s when he called himself “the only white boy on the east side of Wilmington.”

Later in the day, Biden echoed his remarks at a fundraiser for the South Carolina Democratic Party at the home of Dick Harpootlian, a prominent local attorney and former state party chairman. About 40 people attended, including Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, the sister of comedian Stephen Colbert, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress last year.

“He gave a great speech,” Harpootlian said. “He said Republicans are being stymied by the extremists John Boehner that doesn’t want to go against. He said that hopefully some moderates can prevail this November.”

Harpootlian, who has been publicly critical of Hillary Clinton, said Biden will have a head start in South Carolina if he decides to run for president because of his previous campaigns and his longtime friendship with former Sen. Fritz Hollings.

“If he runs, there is no candidate who will have been to South Carolina as many times as he has,” Harpootlian said. “He has a built-in infrastructure.”

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October 15, 2014 9:23 am

Wait, what?

You mean the same Joe Biden who’s son was given a management job in the energy company in the Ukraine?

Yeah, that guy is “one of us” and “has our backs.”

If the preachers, professors and their followers continue to believe this crap with so much evidence to the contrary, well then, they deserve the ass-pounding (sorry Houston, not a reference to homosexuality!) coming their way.

What’s sad is that they deserve it, but we will pay.

And dammit the whole voter ID thing pisses me off. You HAVE to have an ID on you at ALL times in the state of Michigan, yet you want me to believe that asking for an ID to vote is “racist?”

Fuk you Biden, and the limo you rode in on.

October 15, 2014 9:52 am

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October 15, 2014 12:56 pm

I believe Charles Barkley said it best, “We’ve been voting Democratic for 50 years and we’re still poor ” .

Joe ” Xerox” Biden has never had an original thought.

Consensus…would that be the consensus that Harry “Inch Man” Reid tries to build in the Senate ?

October 15, 2014 8:02 pm

“Biden told the gathering of more than 100 ministers.”

Whoa! What about dat “freedom from religion thing” enshrined by the first violinist or somthin.

Do you think this ministers get the audit, hmmm?

Now chilin’, repeat after me:

Gov = Criminal gang of Murderers, Thieves, and Thugs.

And we trust them to teach our children, provide for our retirement, run our once excellent medical delivery system, determine the “legal” of life saving drugs, and on and on an fucking on…

This shit is fucked up and bullshit.

October 15, 2014 8:39 pm


Paul Joseph Watson

City demands religious leaders reveal communications on transgender bill

Houston Demand to See Pastors’ Sermons a Chilling Attempt to Silence Free Speech
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The city of Houston’s attempt to subpoena pastors in order to determine whether they discriminated against transgender individuals continues to cause outrage amongst conservatives, with former Harris County GOP chairman Jared Woodfill labeling the move an ominous attempt to silence free speech.

The controversy is centered around Houston’s so-called “bathroom bill,” a law passed in June that allows members of the opposite sex to use each other’s restrooms. Houston residents responded by collecting 50,000 signatures to get the measure repealed, three times the amount required to put the issue on the ballot.

However, lesbian Mayor Annise Parker and City Attorney David Feldman rejected the petition, prompting its supporters and the Alliance Defending Freedom to file a lawsuit, Woodfill v. Parker.

The city shot back by demanding that pastors opposed to the law hand over “communications with church members” to determine which pastors have “opposed or criticized the city.”

According to former Harris County GOP chairman Jared Woodfill, the city’s actions represent a brazen attack on the First Amendment.

“The goal here is to get them to sit down and shut up, to harass them so when issues like this come up in the future, these pastors and others will see what’s happened here and will remain silent,” said Woodfill.

As Reason’s Scott Shackford explains, the city’s actions are indicative of the fact they they have no confidence in their electorate supporting the “bathroom bill.”

“Such a broad demand for communications appears a bit absurd. All sermons related to homosexuality from conservative preachers?” writes Shackford. “Much of that could have nothing to do with any sort of activism against the ordinance. And did nobody think about how it was going to look to demand any communications by a religious leader that mentioned the city’s openly gay mayor?”

The attempt to intimidate pastors by obtaining their sermons and communications regarding transgender individuals is clearly an onerous violation of the First Amendment and a full frontal assault on religious freedom.

Christians are increasingly being targeted for peacefully voicing their views on homosexuality, abortion and alternative lifestyles. When it comes to political correctness, leftists aren’t satisfied with “tolerance” alone, such ideas must be embraced and adopted – by force if necessary – with a zero tolerance policy for the free speech rights of anyone who disagrees.

Back in July we featured a video of peaceful pro-life demonstrators being attacked by a crazed abortion advocate in Columbus, Ohio for simply holding anti-abortion signs.

Earlier this year, a preacher in England was arrested for quoting from the bible after a group of gay teens told police they were upset.

An American preacher was also arrested in Scotland in January for calling homosexuality a sin.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.