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November 12, 2014 7:06 pm

There is just to many stupid fucking people in this country. I am beginning to believe we deserve to lose our rights. GOD help us all.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
November 12, 2014 9:13 pm

You can bet this crew of wizards are all voting Democratic.

The folks who gave us Obama.

November 12, 2014 9:18 pm

“Deserving’s got nothing to do with it.”

bb, you know and I know that the normal condition of men is slavery.

If a plantation didn’t already exist, the common man (chattel) would insist it be created.

I’m neither a Malthusian nor some sort of idiot greenie, but it is clear to me that humans in really large numbers (definitely any number of people starting in the “b’s” but possibly even below the hundreds of “m’s”) amplify what makes Mankind collectively self-destructive.

Absent an unnatural 180 degree about face, I believe the odds of there still being over a billion people on the planet 100 years from now are 1000 to 1 against. The scale of human institutions, too, amplifies what we as a species do most poorly. I don’t think it’s possible to have a peaceful world organized by nation-states encompassing citizens by the hundreds of millions.

Like time passing between earthquakes, a great die-off is coming. Whether it comes a year or a century from now, and whether it is entirely natural, entirely man-made or a combination does not matter.

It will happen. We’re too collectively self-destructive to avoid it.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 13, 2014 10:38 am

At least the 2 young girls didn’t play along!