Pictorial Essay: China stinks. No … really, China STINKS!!

Easy essay, basically a copy and paste from this site — http://www.boredpanda.com/pollution-china/

I have stated several times here that China’s ultimate undoing will be one of Environmental Disaster.  They are this century’s Easter Island … just a matter of time, as they may very well have passed the point of recovery.

China is very close in size to the USA.  Yet, their population is the size of the ENTIRE Western Hemisphere, plus Japan, Germany, and France.  The land can not support this mass of humanity without very dire consequences.

As you look at these pics, keep in mind Oreo, Libtards, and Enviro-Nazis are pushing for a Carbon Tax. Yeah, bitchezz … that will cure much!!!

 Let’s get started.


Boy Swims In Algae-Filled Water, Qingdao, Shandong


Journalist takes a sample of red polluted water in the Jianhe River in Luoyang

Heavily Polluted River


Pollution from a factory in Yutian, 100km east of Beijing


Fishermen row a boat in the algae-filled Chaohu Lake in Hefei, Anhui province


Fishermen clean up oil at an oil spill site near Dalian Port, Liaoning province


Smog In Beijing


Fisherman Covered In Algae, Chaohu Lake


Heavily Polluted River


Smog In Beijing


Child Swims In A Polluted Reservoir, Pingba


Worker cleans away dead fish at a lake in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei province



Workers clean up floating garbage on the Yangtze Rive


Heavily Polluted River In Jiaxing, Zhejiang


child is reflected in a drainage ditch as he jumps over trash at a village which will soon be demolished


Buildings In Beijing Surrounded By Smog
Factory Polluting The Air


Fisherman fills his cupped palms with water from the algae-filled Chaohu Lake


Fishermen Collecting Fish In A Polluted Canal, Beijing


A woman collects plastic bottles near a river where water is polluted with a reddish dye in Dongxiang


Workers collect dead fish at a park in Shenzhen, Guangdong province,


Child drinks water near a stream in Fuyuan county, Yunnan province


Flies Gather On Railings Because Of Polluted Water, East Lake, Wuhan
Girl collects water from a puddle at a dried-up reservoir as her father stands beside her in Baofeng county


Boy tries to avoid scattered rubbish floating on a flooded street in Shantou, Guangdong province

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 25, 2015 9:03 am

What is the ultimate cost for cheap chinese shit at walmart? At least unemployed Americans can look at this sort of stuff and feel joy that all their pain is not for naught.

It really makes me sad to think that indeed the noble Chinese civilization has selected out over the millenia for docile acquiescence to _anything_. What other logical conclusion can one draw from this imagery?

January 25, 2015 9:07 am

Too many people and depleted resources equals an environmental disaster. China does not have the resources to clean up its messes and has too many people creating too much pollution, with no means to mitigate the problem. China passed the population “tipping point” in the 18th century, with a population of about 300 million in that era.

I think of places like that when people howl about the “demographic disaster” of contracting population in Japan (just in time!) and the baby bust among our younger generations here. The United States would seem to be in much better shape, and we are…. for the time being.

But there is mounting evidence that the U.S. is in resource overshoot, when you consider that a significant part of our land would be uninhabitable were it not for massive federal intervention in the form of thousands of pharoanic water projects, namely thousands of dams and aquaducts in the arid west, where we now have about 50, 000,000 people living in intractably arid places where we can’t keep them supplied adequately with water for either irrigation (80% of water use) or the normal daily needs of the population. Worse, given that even the water-rich areas of the country like the Great Lakes states and Mississippi Valley states, are not only using the water available to them but are also slightly overdrawing their fossil water supplies, we can see that even if a substantial portion of the western population were to relocate to wetter areas, that they would soon be seriously overtapped as well.

Then, of course, there is fuel, and the massive systems that we have built that require copious amounts of fuel just to run. Massive waste is built into a system or “armature for living” as JHK puts it, that requires most people who live in it to make several car trips a day just to fulfill basic functions. People are being gulled by current cheap fuel prices (can you say Demand Destruction) into continued dependence on and investment in things that simply will not work without massive resource imputs. A mass transition to “alternative” fuels would result in steep and rapid depletion of the resources used. For example, throughout the 19th century, when our population of less than 100 million people was dependent on wood for most of its energy, we managed to tear through about 25% of our forests. As of 1900, we still only had a population of 76 million, and 50 years previously, 23 million. Therefore, one trembles to think how fast we would burn through our remaining 3,000,000 acres of forest if, say, half of our 320,000,000 souls were to resort to heating their homes with wood. Never mind the pollution from burning either wood or coal.

Then, there is the matter of arable land, of which we have far less than we seem to think. Now, mind you, we could manage what we have much more intelligently. For example, how does it make sense to spend $2,000 an acre to irrigate land that barely has a crop value of $400 an acre, made possible only by massively subsidized water projects, while we pay people to NOT grow crops in places where they could easily be grown without major irrigation projects? However, there remains the fact that our agricultural productivity is due largely to fossil-fuel dependent industrial farming, and come the time when these fuels are expensive and scarce, we would have to resort to methods of farming that require much more land and labor, on land that has been steeply degraded by the mechanized agriculture of the past century.

So we have to hope for a reduction in the population through much lower birth rate and natural attrition, though population contraction will of course mean disaster for the pyramid-scheme retirement systems of developed countries such as Japan and ourselves. But any plan that relies on an ever-expanding “base” of people paying to support the retirees at the top is doomed from its inception in any case. It is always only a matter of time before you hit a wall, because it just is not possible for anything to expand indefinitely.

January 25, 2015 9:09 am

And no I do not feel Schadenfreud at all looking at this. This is _our_ shared planet. Toxins are no respecters of political borders.

It kills me every time i read some corporate bullshit about “green” recycling practices for crap carefully shepherded to China. For example, decades ago I worked at an East Coast port and I was curious about the fate of some old tramp steamers that used to call regularly whose names I still recall. A google search led me to the site of a scandinavian steamship line that read m/v such-and-such had been recently delivered to china for “green recycling”. Mm-hmm. Like that poor little chap in water wings in the first image is awash in some recycled greenage…

January 25, 2015 9:16 am

I have been in their country, on a privileged visa with all the upgraded foreigner perks. We were supposed to be there working for two years – we lasted ONE MONTH. I like to fondly refer to China as Hell On Earth. It is.

That which cannot go on, will not go on. I have read that 60% of the Chinese water supply, both surface fresh water and underground water supplies, are too polluted for human consumption. You can’t boil your noodles or brush your teeth with petro chemical products.

Unfortunately the Chinese people are so numerous and so disposable, there is no telling how long this environmental disaster will be allowed to continue before real steps are taken to remedy this uninhabitable catastrophe.

It could be quite some time. Chairman Mao directly murdered 65 million of his own people. Nobody even bothers mentioning that anymore. 65 million? Pffft.

There are so fucking many Chinese people, the mind boggles at the seemingly endless supply. China is the environmental catastrophe to end all environmental catastrophes.

Would you like another plastic salad spinner with those fries?

January 25, 2015 9:19 am

Well done Stucky,

You have gone to a website and found the absolute worst of a country and stated that the entire country “stinks”.

There is no question that there is some disgusting shit in China but your generalization is equivalent to stating that all Catholic priests like little boys.

January 25, 2015 10:39 am

exactly the reason why the foreign controlled corporate lobbyists we like to thinks of as the US Congress refuses to force import from China to be labeled as such…might hurt their master’s sales.

A nation of imbeciles , indeed.
Thanks for ruining my appetite Stuck….great subject though.

January 25, 2015 10:52 am


Your title says “China stinks” implying that the whole country stinks. It does not say some parts of China are polluted.

“The land can not support 1.3 Billion people.” — It has been over 1.3b for the last 10 years and it has been over a billion for more than 30 years. It doesn’t appear to me that there is an immediate problem.


And no Stucky you don’t have to post pics of pretty China.

Suppose I found pictures of the very worst of Newark or Camden and said that NJ is a shithole, would you agree with it?

January 25, 2015 11:16 am

Ok, I don’t want to hear anymore stories about China buying up the worlds Gold supply and the Yuan replacing the dollar. I’ve always believed that story line to be bullshit. China also has ghost cities they have built without inhabitants. China’s a fucked up mess and will dominate nothing, well, nothing except a cesspool.

John A
John A
January 25, 2015 11:18 am

“Suppose I found pictures of the very worst of Newark or Camden and said that NJ is a shithole, would you agree with it?”

Yes. Yes with no pictures needed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 25, 2015 11:30 am

Maybe we can send them that pollution commercial they played here in the US with the Indian on horseback with the tear coming from his eye. I remember that commercial as the start of the ” save the environment era”. I think that was somewhere in the later 60’s.

The Chinese lost my compassion for them when they embraced communism and called me a capitalist dog as they waved their little red Mao books in the air. But who are the capitalists now??

You can point the finger at the Chinese people and call them stupid and imbeciles, which they are, but I blame the pollution 100 % on the multinational corporations. One and a half billion screaming Chinese could accomplish almost anything but I doubt they could win a fight against the government and the corporations short of burning everything to the ground.

I’m starting to sound like SSS, I better go lay down for a while and take a rest.

January 25, 2015 11:35 am

It’s not so bad .If the communist ever decide to clean it up they can easily round up a couple 100 million peasants to do the job.Maybe some of the do-good liberals here will volunteer to help.

Leobeer, what the hell is wrong with you ?*Your in Thailand chasing young girls. What do you care if China kills its self with pollution.

January 25, 2015 11:37 am

The fact that much of China’s water is not potable is a major concern for them. For the sake of their citizens, I hope they can remedy their water problems. Is it any wonder why they are purchasing US land (and water beneath it) as fast as they can?

I have mentioned this before in another post several months ago: A family friend of mine traveled to China on business for a week or two (years ago) and she came home VERY sick. I believe it took weeks for her to fully recover. I suspect it was the air pollution that affected her the most.

China has been able to generate massive annual revenues as a nation via cheap labor and very lax pollution laws for decades now. Nothing is free and you don’t cheat mother nature. Ever. Everything has a price.

Intriguing comment thread and post.

January 25, 2015 12:07 pm

Stucky, I have been to NJ ( Clinton, Lebanon, Whitehouse Station) and thought it was very nice and peaceful. I did not think it was a shithole. The point being a tourist really doesn’t get the full picture — anywhere.

So please add up 1 + 1 for me. If the population was a billion 30 years ago and has increased by 35% since then, when do you expect this Environmental Disaster to happen?

bb. Where did I say that I care about China’s pollution? I am in Thailand chasing so many young girls that I don’t have time for much else. You are only jealous that all you have to sleep with is your mommy and your cat.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 25, 2015 12:14 pm

The above photo of Beijing buildings with only the tops sticking out of that yellow goo they call air reminds me of a photo I saw. Remember about a year ago ZH posted a story with pictures that showed a 100 foot long tv the government had placed in a large open plaza in Beijing that displayed a sunrise. It was reported that the workers in the city had not seen a sunrise or the sun for many weeks so they installed a simulation.

Of coarse we watch crackling fireplace simulations on our teevees, so who is really the biggest morons???

January 25, 2015 12:22 pm

Sensetti- “Ok, I don’t want to hear anymore stories about China buying up the worlds Gold supply and the Yuan replacing the dollar. I’ve always believed that story line to be bullshit”
China(and others) are obviously buying the worlds gold supply, either directing the West to lower the Price or they ARE the Fed, using their new position to lower the price to acquire massive tonnage.
It will get worse.
They now control the global oil market. The Petro Dollar is dead, over. The price depression will not hurt Eurasia it will decimate the west. When the smoke clears(shale derivative mess) they will swoop in and buy all the shale plays for pennies on the dollar.
It gets worse(for the west).
Current Sanctions on Russia are backfiring spectacularly, the failure of Europe to deliver the 14′ food crop will result in distress across Euro land, especially the south. Watch China scoop up farm land there for pennies on the dollar, in Euro land very soon and increasingly right in your back yard.
Watch Neo-Colinization happen. Who do you think is going to revive Detroit?
Debt matters.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2015 1:09 pm

I can’t tell how much of their problem is overpopulation (if any) versus an authoritarian government that doesn’t much care about pollution. China’s population density is less than half that of Japan. It’s also much lower than states like Massachussets or New Jersey. Even Maryland is almost twice the density of China and Maryland has a lot of cornfields. China’s density is about 50% higher than that of California. California has a lot of big population centers, but also a lot of empty. China has a lot of empty, too (Gobi Desert). Of course, nobody’s got more nothing than Russia.

January 25, 2015 1:10 pm

Looking at those pictures kinda makes me appreciate the EPA.

January 25, 2015 1:19 pm

If current trends continue, the U.S. will, in a couple hundred years, be exactly what China is today- a grossly-overpopulated sump under the thumb of an oppressive government, with water, air, and land utterly unfit for human use, and a grossly swollen population of sickly people who work for scraps of food in brutal conditions, and die young.

Every human society is destined to end up the same way unless, of course, it collapses so rapidly and completely, that 100 years later, you can scarcely tell it was even there… though our traces will probably last a lot longer than the monuments the Mayans and other vanished civilizations left behind. Unfortunately, what future historians will have to know us by will be all the plastic and electronic trash in landfills, which will outlast all of the of our most beautiful artifacts by which we’d rather be remembered

Don’t have kids.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2015 1:41 pm

The only reason the US population is growing at all is because of immigation.

January 25, 2015 3:44 pm

Ancient medicine or pure fucking didactic torture of a gentle specifies of bear? Obviously China is not ready for prime time civilization. …just like US the dizzy left- tards mewled .SHEESH!

According to the Chinese media, a mother bear killed her cub before eventually killing herself, apparently in an attempt to save her baby from a life of pain and suffering on a bile farm in China.

Reports claim the mother bear heard her cub’s cries while workers attempted to puncture the stomach of the creature to harvest bile, which is believed to have healing properties.

The enraged mother bear broke free from her cage causing the workers to scatter in fear. She then made her way to her frightened cub and proceeded to make a futile attempt to free the scared animal.

After efforts to free her offspring failed, she hugged her cub before strangling it to death. Witnesses allege the mother bear dropped her dead cub before killing herself by running into a wall head first.

In Chinese traditional medicine, a bear’s bile, extracted from the gallbladder, is thought to have healing powers. “Bear farmers” keep the animals in tiny cages where they are literally crushed as they grow larger and larger. Meanwhile, a small hole is cut in their abdomens, permanently, where bile can be drained from the gallbladder.


The practice has led to people observing some rather unusual bear behavior, like bears that attempt to kill themselves by hitting their chests, gnawing off their paws or beating their heads against their cage as if they’d gone insane.

To learn more about cruel practice of bile farming, where bears are kept in tiny cages and endure years of physiological and psychological trauma, visit the WSPA.

January 25, 2015 3:46 pm

China needs their own version of the crying Indian. Hey, it worked for us!
[imgcomment image[/img]

January 25, 2015 3:49 pm

Leobeer , you leave little bb alone.You are right about us sleeping together. He usually curls up right beside me.

January 25, 2015 3:49 pm

How can anyone have respect for any nation that will allow this kind of animal abuse to continue?

As many as 10,000 Asiatic black bears in China are locked in cages the size of their own bodies, and their bile is drained through an excruciatingly painful procedure and sold for use in traditional medicine. So they can approach the bears without fear of injury, the farmers often mutilate the bears by breaking their teeth and pulling out their claws, sometimes brutally removing whole digits.

[imgcomment image[/img]

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 25, 2015 4:04 pm


I beat you to the crying Indian comment in my 11:30am post. But thanks for putting up the picture. Bea

January 25, 2015 4:05 pm

ottomatik says: debt matters

At what point does debt matter? If debt matters why are the Japs still standing? And they don’t print the world reserve currency like we do.

January 25, 2015 4:07 pm

Twas I

January 25, 2015 4:19 pm

IndenturedServant says: China needs their own version of the crying Indian. Hey, it worked for us!

When you say “us” are you referring to TBP and our resident injun?

January 25, 2015 4:38 pm

flash, those pictures and the unimaginable cruelty that humans inflict on animals is what gives me so much more respect and compassion for animals than most humans. I’m telling you………humans are a fucking malignant plague on this planet and Earth would be far better off without us.

January 25, 2015 4:40 pm

Sorry Bea, I read the article and about half way through I thought of the crying Indian. I had not read any comments before posting.

January 25, 2015 4:43 pm

Sensetti, I don’t know how you could come up with that. Re-read my comment in the context of the article posted by Stucky and the Crying Indian commercial of the 70’s and add a touch of sarcasm.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 25, 2015 4:45 pm

The only time Llpoh would shed a tear would be if he lost and argument with Admin, lost money in his business or spilled his drink. Last time he went to Vegas, he didn’t even put a quarter in the one armed bandit for fear of losing it. OK he did put the quarter in but as soon as the cocktail waitress brought him his free drink, he cashed out.

January 25, 2015 4:54 pm

I/S .It’s well documented that people who systematically inflict cruelty on animals will also not hesitate to do the same to the fellow humans.I could never trust or trade with any individual ( or nation , if I where in a position to make that call) who allowed such cruelty to animals to fester unpunished. …but then the Asians aren’t known for any great compassion towards their own much less an animal.

January 25, 2015 5:09 pm

El coyote – I spend lots of cash. I just do not tend to waste it.

I have told this before:

A business associate went to see a zinc injection molding plant. The equipment was in such disrepair that high pressure molten zinc squirted out of the molds, and would on occasion slice through a worker. Another place he went, workers worked in chemical vats without any protection whatsoever. Their skins were bleached white like that of an albino as a result. Workers died daily in the plant, and their bodies were dumped out the back door for anyone who wanted to collect, and new a new worker was brought in from the long line of hopefuls out front.

January 25, 2015 5:12 pm

Thanks for carrying the torch Stuck.

January 25, 2015 6:06 pm

The legally and socially sanctioned cruelty to animals in that country is one of things that makes me wish desperately that we could undo every trade treaty or agreement we ever made with that country.

But, of course, the principal reason I wish we could do that, is because we literally committed suicide so that SOME large companies and wealthy people could make more money. Not only did we hollow out our industrial sector for the sake of cheap gizmos, we did the worst thing possible.

What we have done, exactly, is given the ruthless, totalitarian regime in Bejing the means to destroy us not just economically, but physically. Namely, we have allowed to be sold some of our most sensitive technologies….. and topped it off by indebting ourselves to that country in order to pretend that we could continue the post ww2 party forever, even though it was glaringly obvious that it was over by 1975, as witness the rapid offshoring of our industry in the 70s, and the loss of our markets to Japan then.

We should worry like hell and maybe we should start building bomb shelters again, except that they would be no good in a rainstorm of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs.

We’ve really painted ourselves into a corner.

January 25, 2015 6:13 pm

Ilpoh, I have many Chinese friends in town, and they tell me the same stories of treatment of the workers you do. Friends of mine have relatives who are poor Chinese peasants, and whose daughter went to one of the inland cities there to work in a factory, where she was housed in a dormitory where the young women live 5 to a tiny room and where the dormitory was locked to prevent their escape.

Long story short, they worked her for three months and did not pay her. Pure theft of services. But there as here, it’s OK for some people to steal from others, just depends on who you are. Her grandmother said, if they’re not paying you, what’s the use of working there, because the girl was induced to hang around by promises that the back pay would be coming any day now. She finally left, with not a single week’s pay to show.

I would beseech everyone here who thinks that procreation is the end all and be all of existence, and who is contemplating birthing a large brood of kids, to keep this simple truth in mind:


January 25, 2015 6:25 pm

Chicago – the US mistreats animals horribly. Chickens, pigs, cattle, etc. are terribly mistreated at times. Americans are in no position to cast stones in that area, for sure and certain.

Americans have exported their waste to China. The EPA is for sure one reason companies have gone offshore. The dost of compliance is enormous.

Americans by and large are too stupid to buy American made. A product made in China and sld for a penny less will be bought by the average American with no hesitation.

This s not the fault f big business – offshoring could have been stopped by people simply buying American made. It is that simple. Bur the ship has sailed.

January 25, 2015 6:35 pm

Japs and chnks will eat damn near anything. And they especially like it if it the last specimen of the thing on earth.

January 25, 2015 6:54 pm

Not to worry about animal cruelty since all cultures are of equal value. Right?

January 25, 2015 7:08 pm

When things go south faster in the coming years the Chinese will have plenty of manpower to throw at the rest of the world along with the production/tech capability to use them effectively.
The only prayer the rest of have is a virulent disease arises from the living conditions and culls the population before that happens.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 25, 2015 7:25 pm

leobeer: “It doesn’t appear to me that there is an immediate problem.” You are a dolt.

Anybody watch the documentary about Japan’s slaughter of dolphins called “The Cove”?


January 25, 2015 7:27 pm

Almost 60% of their groundwater is contaminated. We should sell them bottled water in exchange for gold, 1:1 by weight – I mean if the frackers haven’t fucked us out of our drinkable water yet.
